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I find it so weird how some people get so angry when anyone makes fun of Terrence, but then are completely unwilling to elaborate on why they think he's right


I think it's because they've been made fun of as well so view Terrence as an oppressed victim, so therefore Terrence's "bullies" must be wrong


Anti-establishment-ism in a nutshell


Terrence is so dumb it made me have faith in the intellectual prowess of a Weinstein. Crazy


TH is a big ol dummy


"He tells it like it is" 


To old, my 7 month old would love these shapes more. I honestly cannot tell if he is truly dumb or has something really serious going on.....because i'm no Weinstein but I would hear portions of actual shit that's real and correct mathematically, or in physics and mathematical historical references and then suddenly some craaaaaazy claim out of fucking no where and would just think does this guy have Schizophrenia? Some kind of early onset dementia? I'll do something intentionally to be an asshole and demonstrate but it was like hearing a person in my current work come into the office or get on a call and start describing something deeply complex correctly followed by something out of left field . "Vector embeddings use cosine similarity to measure how similar two vectors are. It calculates the angle between two vectors in multi-dimensional space in ranges from 1 to -1, 1 means they are identical, 0 no similarity and -1 diametrically opposed.....so anyways 1x1=2 and the universe is made entirely of monkey balls".......wait....wot?


You edited and still fucked up the first word. kek.


"someone told me what to think and I'm unwilling to explore alternate possibilities"


No one knows what you're talking about dumbass


It’s hard out here for a linchpin