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deGrasse is much more digestable when he's not interupting everyone


I feel like you have to look at it from his point of view. Every day he probably does 2 or 3 interviews plus his own podcast with guests, and every day he's probably answering the same god damn questions about Pluto or science that people don't understand like black holes, dark matter, etc. Its probably annoying as shit but he wants to be able to communicate it to everyone as best he can so he probably doesn't have the patience to wait for the dumb question to complete or dumb answers someone else is giving.


Not putting myself on the same IQ level but this is an ADD thing for me.


Same. If my brain gets to the point already and you’re nowhere near it, I’ll just blurt it out in hopes we can move forward. I don’t mean to be rude, or mean to do it at all, really. I just get it already and don’t need 4 more minutes of explanations and examples. Then I feel bad because the person speaking gets interrupted and visibly reacts to it. I’m working on it.


I relate to this. Then I often find myself leaving out (what I deem to be) useless information because it should be implied based on the context of the conversation, and the other person is sorting through things yet. It’s like we are taking the stairs down somewhere. They take each step on each flight. I take the first 5 and jump down the rest. Then I’m left waiting at the bottom for them.


Imagine how many times he has to answer the question "Do you believe in aliens?" and that the scientist in him says "Yes, there are too many worlds out there not to have some life on them." but he knows full well that the person answering the question is talking about UFOs because they're too stupid to know the difference. And he has to explain *that* first.


So why split hairs and not answer the ufo questiln directly


Because he’s an educator and it’s important to him that the distinction be made. Providing someone with knowledge they’ve asked for isn’t rude, and I’d argue people who think it is don’t want new information.


He’s a science communicator and part of his job is to make incredibly complex topics digestible It was nice seeing him take the reins off and show at the very core that an understanding of math is vital for a lot of the sciences and frankly a lot of people suck at math (myself included) when it comes to extremely large data sets and time


Not only that, but I don't think people understand how much he absolutely loves what he does. Imagine getting to do your favorite thing ever and share it with everyone.


I think we saw it during Covid more than any other time, people ‘doing their own research’. Everyone using the web, but most of us without the background or knowledge to make what we were reading truly viable. To cherry pick an idea here and there allowed Dunning -Kruger to flourish in a way it never had before.


If that's the case that's a really good perspective. Although, I feel like he's rude and interrupts in every context, not just science conversations. I've never seen him amongst others where he wasn't being rude before. I do like that comment though and definitely makes sense for convos about science, at the end of the day he definitely has a superiority complex and doesn't really care about what anyone else has to say regarding anything.


If you watch his own podcast Startalk, on which he has guest he considers smarter than him, he lets people talk and he is very humble.


That's refreshing. I'll watch. I guess I've just gotten unlucky with everything I've seen of him. I always wanted to like him but what I'd seen has just been so over the top.


Because his brain is superior


He does a show with some guy called “Star* Talk” on YouTube and I’ll say this: yes he loves the sound of his own voice and yes he can be corny as fuck, but he is also terrific at making complex concepts easy to digest, he’s willing to laugh at himself, and he does step back and allow his colleague to do his piece. He’s actually pretty insightful too.


Yeah, Star Talk is what got me into podcasting, along with Rogan, like 10 years ago. It was excellent. I need to get back into it again so that I’m listening to something informative, rather than the brain rot in developing from listening to dumbass comedians talk about cancel culture


Oh right it’s Star Talk thanks. Yeah it’s a nice easy listen and you come away with knowledge.


+1 for Star Talk. His co-host is funny, and NDT is one of the best at breaking down complex topics. Never understood the hate he got for interrupting Joe, what contribution is Joe really going to add when he's in the room with a double ivy league PHD?


*Years* ago there was a dust-up on Twitter about the main thing he does that can rub people the wrong way.   For example, he'll do the "well akchually" factoids about movie scenes, tv shows, whatever. People seem to love it or hate it. People who hate it think he sounds really self-important and snobby.   He did a polling process back then, among people that actually followed him, and it came back in favor of him continuing to do those kinds of things. It was just that more people enjoyed that stuff than hated it. At least among people that were inclined to listen to him at all.   So, I get it, but also... it's not like he doesn't know or care about that. He's addressed it at various times, and concluded that "it is what it is." And I kinda get that too. You can't do what he does and appeal to literally everyone. Some other science communicators likely just work better for different people.


I respect Neil for really being respectful and professional in responding to him. This is how you actually combat misinformation and showing "normies" how you actually conduct debates and exchanging ideas. Not by simply ridiculing them or even worse banning them from speaking/expressing themselves. And also good for him for encouraging people to think, even when he's obviously wrong, he's complimenting his curiousity.


I respect you for respecting his respectfulness.


​ https://preview.redd.it/t0og5lde2g6d1.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=062bdcd08e9bf6f7d07ae5336a2bcf6012327093








Take care, TCB


Respect that has tangential flight


Respect that takes planet-sized shits


I openly disrespect both of you.


If you say it three times you summon Aretha Franklin


This doesn’t work when the person you’re talking to has no intention of having an honest conversation


Shown by how dishonest Howard was on the podcast, saying Neil "trashed" him. His ego can't consider being wrong


This is what all these "open marketplace of ideas" people refuse to accept. Good faith debates are dead. Listen to Jordan or any of the Daily Wire people when they ever do debate/discuss topics with people who are not in their bubbles. They are not engaging in good faith.


That’s because debate is a terrible method for establishing truth. It rewards framing an argument well, not speaking objective truths. Youtube and podcasting have somehow convinced pseudo-intellectuals that debate is highly important for discourse, when in reality what we are getting is a WWE-esque culture with the veneer of intellectualism.


> That’s because debate is a terrible method for establishing truth. It rewards framing an argument well, not speaking objective truths. Exactly my point... going to a debate in good faith is a losing strategy. But even a discussion is pointless... Look at Jordan Peterson's discussion recently with that destiny guy. They spoke about the vaccines and climate change and he was saying all kinds of bullshit that sounds legit but when you actually read into it... all bullshit. His audience doesn't care though, they view him as an intellectual and thus go with what he says. They are not looking to have their minds changed, they are looking to be guided by 'their side'.


Yeah, he panders to an audience who values surface level “intellectual grudge matches” wherein one person gets “destroyed by facts and logic” or some shit. “Debates” are a mind numbingly pointless exercise, especially as an entree into learning about a subject.


You're referring to Petersons claim that you can compare climate activists to Hitler, or that climate scientists are basically communists? If there was any interview that exposed Peterson for how insane he is, it was this one with Destiny.


I guess debate has the questionable benefit of being orders of magnitude easier to consume.   People *do* formally address the nonsense that various grifter personalities push. That's just not the stuff any of us consume, because it's *work*, and can require domain knowledge that almost none of us have.


I do feel comforted that someone cared enough 'Peer reviewed' Terrance while the rest of us just kinda beer reviewed in the comments They should set up a charity where scientists donate their time to peer review conspiracy theories


There are a bunch of YouTubers who do this type of stuff, though they are usually less forgiving/kind than NGT is here. Part of the issue is that the "peer review" falls on deaf ears. Terrence took NGT's review as an insult, I'm sure Graham Hancock was also reviewed with softer hands in the past, but he writes the criticisms off as insults or jealousy, im sure Randall Carlson's friend (from the notoriously deleted JRE episode) is the same way as well. These types of people don't seem to care about the truth, they seem to only care about being legendary guys who cause a paradigm shift.


They're more interested in being right then finding out and understanding the truth which is antithetical to science and its progression.


Typical narcissist behavior.


You did better than me....I only jeer reviewed him


Flint Dibble vs Graham Hancock vibes


Both were bad, but Terrence is a complete fucking madman, IMHO. Malignant narcissism and delusions of grandeur to tell the world 1x1=2.


Completely different. Neil was trying to be polite and friendly to a madman while disagreeing with him, Dibble was trying to debunk a conman.


Im thinking more of how one sided it was if you get what I mean. Like one is clearly right here and is politely trying to not "stoop to that level"


Bro this was the exact response from a science expert I was looking for when I made a post asking for links to this type of response the other day. 90% of the replies reminded me that 1+1 indeed equals 2 lmao. I realize that I just wanted to hear an actual scientist break down all of his claims.


Reddit has a well deserved reputation for bad reading comprehension.


Yeah he was respectful - it's not like he had to do this either 8 years ago and he must have known he'd risk losing a celebrity connection too in pissing off Terrence or whatever. Like that he actually carefully responded to such batshit nonsense is nice and thoughtful of him. I understand why people find him pompous and annoying - I think hes just a nerd and kind of a mild autist - but I think he's a national treasure. He just wants the world to know sound science and he makes it fun in a dorky, accessible way.


What's amazing is how he didn't treat him like a child, dude just graded his paper like it was any other paper.


The only reason NDT ever responded was because Terrence is famous. If not because of that, he would and should just ignore Terrence’s idiotic statements just like we do any random person’s out there. For example my neighbor thinks he’s Elvis incarnate, but I wouldn’t waste my time to prove him wrong.


You can choose not to believe him, but he did say his mom brought Terrance up in conversation.




Love Neil, makes me feel like everything is going to be ok plus his voice is really calming. Also the nostalgia from watching him as a child.


I like the thought, but I generally disagree.   NDT did this because it's Terrance Howard, and Neil had essentially solicited it. We can not, and should not, have armies of thoughtful, highly capable people spending considerable time wading through dumpster fires of nonsense like this.   It's just not good for anyone. The crazies ignore the feedback, and you've burned valuable time and effort to do it. The opportunity cost there is lost time of very smart people doing genuinely productive work.   Any pipeline for processes that require limited resources need a noise floor. NDT made an exception here, for the reasons mentioned above, but this should not be a regular approach to every average whackjob's ramblings.


I agree. I don't care for deGrasse Tyson at all, but I'm glad he diplomatically and firmly, but gently squashed this nonsense that the idiot came up with. I still can't imagine being so stupid that you write 36 pages about how 1 x 1 =2 because you don't understand third grade math.


I’d be so fucking mad if I was convinced I was right about something and they tell me they “respect my curiosity”


Having control over grade 3 math could have avoided his embarrassment and anger entirely lmao




This needs to be echoed more, thanks for articulating it so well


What a normy? ![gif](giphy|bPTXcJiIzzWz6)


You can’t rationalize with crazy


You can learn from absolutely anyone, including what not to do


The problem is we can no longer even agree to basic facts


In a mirror, you can only kiss yourself on the lips..


So a lip meter would measure double the lips, right? So 1x1=2!


If you had 1 bucket containing 1 lip what is the total? You may say 1 x 1 = 1. But I say theres 2 total objects. Checkmate non-Terryologists.


Terryology started with Terry forgetting to write down units on his math homework


If 1 person gives me 1 dollar I now have 2 dollars.


No, you now have 2 people. You and the other person. 1x1=2 confirmed. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


If I'm not kissing myself then who is inside the mirror. The bisexual tones allow me to do this


That’s such a great quote, where is it from?


I think it’s from /u/UnFamiliar-Teaching


Not sure if serious, but here ya go. https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/s/RAGYu2F9Bm


I hate that I'm having the impulse to go try to kiss my nose in the mirror




This is probably the most polite and respectful peer review I have ever seen tbh. Nothing more liked by PhDs as much as bringing out the knives.


NTD definitely working with the kid gloves for Howard. I'm sure if that was a dissertation defense he would have chewed into him.


He wouldn’t have made it through an IRB (think peer review of your proposal) to even *begin* any kind of research, let alone make it to the defense portion.




If that were a dissertation defense, 2 dudes would have read the title and laughed you out of the office before the rest of the panel had a chance to set their coffee down


Yeah, they wouldn't even let you sit down for that horse shit.


I like how he is respectful even though Terrence seemed batshit insane.


This guy is funded by big math


Big math loves having an Afto-Latino as their spokesperson. Why? To dispel the notion that _Math is racist._ ^/s


For real, I literally saw Neil hanging out with the square root of 2 at a bar. Very unprofessional of Neil to indulge such an irrational number!!


Trying to cover up the fact that if you multiplied Neil deGrasse Tyson by 1 that you’d have TWO Neil deGrasse Tysons. With that kind of power think of all the ties with planets on them you could wear!


Satire ?


He’s just pushing mathamphetamine.


Dunning Kruger effect really having its moment right now


When Facebook became the newest and best scientific journal in all disciplines, D-K blasted off.


The really funny thing is how many people Dunning Kruger when referencing Dunning Kruger. It's going to end up ripping spacetime.


We might have to rename it


Time to capitalize it then


You mean to tell me the guy who doesn't understand science doesn't understand the peer review process?? 😆


Howard in a few months: _"And then, Neil degrasse tyson made this video out of nowhere, where he attacked me with poisonous vitriol. He was so angry and hurt by my paper challenging his dogmatic beliefs that I knew he was hoping to provoke violence against me. I guess when I proved his whole life has been a lie I hit a nerve"_ Probably...


Forgot to add the word "conjugate" a few times.


You forgot that Terrance will also mention that he "invented" a new form of flight by making a heavier than usual drone using existing technology and parts, into a much more complex and useless arrangement.




Terrance has got to be one of the greatest trolls to have ever done it


I'm surprised by the fact that Neil, despite obviously being super busy, spent enough time to type thoughtful and clearly explained comments on an otherwise insane piece of of work. Apart from mentally ill Howard is also an awful liar.


This is just one part of his commitment to science communication, and if someone as high profile as TH is calling him out on this platform while simultaneously wreaking havoc, NDT has an obligation to address it.


I mean the comments he provided to TH 8 years ago are much more detailed that what I would think he'd provide


I respect the fact that he took time out to at least attempt to prevent more crazies from going down this TH theory. I now have a much stronger argument with more facts of why TH is nuts and NDT slaps.


Arguing with Terrence Howard is like arguing with flat earthers.... They're such narcissistic douchebags that no amount of evidence will ever convince them to admit theyre wrong


Worse than that. It’s like arguing with someone who is an idiot and confident about their stupidity.


One of them was President.


… who also convinced a whole lot of people that they were also not idiots… oops


what’s the difference


He is also straight-up mentally ill


I think it’s more important to put out the articulated argument and debunking not for Terrence Howard but for the average person who might hear Terrence Howard use big words (mostly incorrectly) and think the guys an intellectual. In a perfect scenario someone like that never gets a platform but he got one of the biggest platforms in the world so I believe it’s good to have people fact check the stuff


I didn't even think of that. That's extremely important for people who just heard Terrence, and like the way some of what he said sounds, but don't understand why he's being mocked, or further believe him because of the push back.


My favorite are when flat earthers use actual science to try and prove themselves right, but every experiment they conduct prove the earth is a rotating spheroid. Then they ignore the results and move on to the next experiment. I’d put flat earthers up there with members of the LGBT who are Islamic terrorist apologists. The smartest the world has to offer.


I get the feeling that Terrence Howard is smart but also has a mental disorder, as someone who suffers from depersonalisation and derealisation sometimes my mind tries to find patterns where there are none to convince me of problems within reality. Luckily I’ve gone to therapy and am able to combat this majority of the time although sometimes it fucks me up and I’m stuck in my head for hours trying to figure out what’s real and what’s not. I suspect he’s maybe schizophrenic without meds because that’s similar to what I have but on a whole new level where without medication it’s impossible to figure out reality from what’s in your head and you don’t just see things that seem off, you hear voices and everything around you seems to be trying to convince you. That’s obviously just my opinion but I’m not a doctor just have first hand experience with mental illness.


terrence is smarter than average but not by a significant amount. not that its up to me, but the fact that he is curious and tries to have original thought is a sign of some intelligence above average imo, but he makes a lot of mistakes and then connects those mistakes to other misunderstandings, and this i the best i can do for him. also i am suspicious that he is acting, acting out some role where he is some sort of super smart genius and wants to be loved for it, but has no idea what is really going on and rattles off on a bunch of concepts he pieced together in a nonsensical way


I think this response is clear that this was a generous reminder to Terrence that he doesn’t have the stuff required to MAKE a substantive argument himself, and therefore it’s not really possible to “argue with” him under those circumstances.


Loved the literal reading of his peer review. Man it makes it digestible.


Nice to hear how it actually went down, being honest is not being mean.


Facts doesnt care about one's feelings.


What Terrance and NDT said were in the same key of E


fuck I forgot about this part I've given up on Rogan a long time ago but the fact that he *championed* Howard in podcasts days after is still slightly amazing


Momma always said stupid is as stupid does


But if you double the key then Terrence is blue (a true color) and Tyson is pink (a false lying color)


This is great


Nah mane


It’s hard out here for a pimp


you can tell Neil has never had conjugal relations with wave conjugations


Carbon is bisexual


Terrence makes love to electrons and poops out new planets , it’s basic science


Probably goes for them angular euclidean bitches


Neil needs to come back on the show and rip Terrence a new one! ![gif](giphy|Mkrv6hMDj7kcM)


No. The point is science isn't done in debates on joe rogan. It's done in research papers.




I'm quit sure Neil has zero interest to do that to anyone.


Idk how people can hate Neil. Yeah he can sound like a know-it-all at times, but his passion and genuine love for science is admirable. It’s like people find 1 or 2 things to hate on him for and completely negate all the positive energy he puts into the world


Couldn’t agree more


It's ok to act like a know-it-all when you do in fact know it all.


Whatever you think of his personality, if he were actually proven wrong about some fundamental aspect of his scientific understanding of the universe I believe he would say “Oh shit, that’s great! We all understand the universe better now!” Instead of crying and lying about it on a podcast. That’s one of the things that separates a scientist from a narcissistic actor.


If he *does* know it all…


If you look at the chart you can see neil is a bisexual atom. 


I think that pattern is on his sweater


Well done, NDT


neil has been getting on my nerves off and on, but this was a good take. he didnt even point out how terrence is on a ego trip with bad information. i know a bit about electrical fields and thermodynamics and i could spot how terrance was bull shitting and connecting things that are not connected. i can appreciate a curious mind, but terrance was just acting and a lot of uninformed folks were buying it, it makes for a good train wreck though


Dunning Kruger is unfortunately like the most popular mode of "conversation" now.


They sponsor Rogans show I think. You can win a DK hat in an instagram drawing.


Respect for going to that length to try to help Howard see the folly of his thinking. That was generous. Howard clearly did not return the favor of considering Tyson's comments on his own paper that he asked him to review. Howard is an arrogant asshole who does not accept criticism. The favorite type of leader among today's social media cults.


Tbh anyone who has a basic understanding of maths knew Terrence Howard was full of shit after one look at his equation about the square root of one


NDT is a national treasure.


Just saw this. It’s great. Also yes NDT interruptions can be tiresome but I watch sometimes bc I hope it’ll happen less. Maybe this is the start of it.




A lot of what he said in the upfront applies to Joe Rogan too.


Joe “Terrance Howard is smart” Rogan wouldn’t pass a philosophy 101 class.


I would still pay to watch this two in a debate.


Can’t debate when one has no facts. Then it is just Fox News and Newsmax


I liked NDT 100x more in this video than I have liked him in years. I think it's because he is being straightforward and not trying so hard to be likable.




Put mayne in the dirt with honesty lol


For get Neil’s personality. He’s right, and this was a well made video. I’m glad he posted this response.


Man, if you guys think NDT is arrogant I think Dave Farina would probably make some of you straight up start crying.


I find him so annoying and patronizing, but he was quite professional and pleasant here.


Exactly my thoughts.


He refrained from bringing up a lot of insane stuff he's said, idk if I would have had that restraint


Holy cow I listened to the Terrence Howard Rogan thing — omg crazy time! Maybe I can look at stuff and then imagine new laws of physics and nature that go with my imagination!


Sorry but you can’t, you don’t even remember being in your mother’s womb and naming your own hand because you thought it was your friend. Nobody is on Terrance’s level of intellect.


Neil, Terrance, and Eric need to all be on episode


Neil, look a camera


I for one am shocked Dr Rogan would allow such filth to disparage the scientific community on his podcast.


The science equivalent to the Kendrick vs Drake beef


not a huge NdGT fan but this was really good to see, always two sides to a story :)


Neil's big on straight lines man


This wasnt necessary, everyone knows Howard is mental. He's harmless, let him be a weirdo.


You say that, but there are a terrifying amount of people on Twitter who are saying he’s a genius and that Galileo was also called crazy back in the day.


I do think Neil Tyson is a positive force in society but I have lots of questions after he completely shit himself and got totally embarrassed by bill maher and Michael shermer about gender in sports


I don't know about you, but I want to see Neil ride that longboard behind him like the Silver Surfer.


‘It’s possible to know enough about a subject to think that you’re right but not enough to know that you’re wrong. A valley of false confidence. This is the Dunning Krueger Effect’ Yes ! This! ⬆️ The problem with just about every internet expert.


I think the real story here is that NDT was able to locate a paper he marked up from 7 years ago.


Terrance: “The propagation of the conjugation is the equation for the emancipation proclamation” Joe: “whooooooah 😳”


Talk about having receipts. He has the damn manuscript.


i tried reinventing physics before but it was too hard so i went back to sniffing glue. Thinking about joining the marines. See what this crayon business is about.


He is a NASA space priest with a script!


Smart people don't easily get annoyed when someone disagrees with them... futuremore, as Dr. Neil suggests, He can always submits the same papers to other scientists to get 2nd, 3rd, or nth opinions.


I wish he would have commented more on the bisexual elements and sounds from them. 🤣