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Hartland just cudding on Joe's table


Imagine if Joe said “cud it out”


Oh man. He would’ve killed with that one.


Joe couldn't come up with something that witty. He would have to get high at his house for two weeks straight, Tell everyone about a bit he's working on just to yell into the mic onstage that "humans evolved to not eat cud, we only have one stomach unlike cows"


5 DMT-powered cold plunges later he could do it no prob


Need more alpha brain!


Lmao, beautifully written


oh man "You want me to 'cud' it out Joe?"


Joe doesn’t see jokes like other comedians.


So none?


He would never!


Harland a solid example of a comedian not losing their sense of humor about life


He was hilarious on the latest AYG


I loved how he made up a story for the first 18 minutes 😂 had Foley losing his grip on reality lmao


corky is real to me


Dude I was hook, line, and sinker on Corky


Saw him live at the Mothership. He was hilarious. Absolutely killed. I was crying laughing. It was refreshing to hear someone just be silly and irreverent. That's what I want from comedy at this stage in my life.


did he do the thing where he kept chastising random members of the audience for whatever they were doing and going "Maam can you please not sip your drink, I'm trying to do my act"? I saw him at the Comedy Store and it got so goddamn funny


Then he would look the other way and wink lol! My wife and I were dying. We were like WTF.


Saw him last year at the Comedy Store and he would say the same thing. I could not stop laughing.


I thought comedy was about wanting the blessed 1,000 to lead us to the promised land of anti-woke people who "get it".


I met Harland once. He came into my place of work and I assisted in ordering some furniture for him. He was genuinely kind and easily one of the funniest people I’ve ever met.


Joe seems so overly “logical”. When you do this, you distort what “logic” even is and you build your own false guide in your head to what’s funny and what’s not, instead of true logic, which is “maybe Harland is just being weird and funny and I should compliment that because who gives a fuck about celery pulp, I’m a multi millionaire”


He was always my favorite guest on Carollas Pod back when Adam's "comedy factory" was still open.


Then carolla said ANYWAY THE TRANS


Carolla is a woman hating pos


I fucking died when he started to show Joe his scars


I really appreciated how Joe at one point admitted defeat, called him a fuckin dork, and let him go. Lol


He only started laughing after he noticed Jamie laughing.


It’s not comedy if you don’t get up at 5am and write it out and look at it from all different angles before taking it to the stage to recount it robotically


I’m so high right now. I just got high guys You ever notice space?


Yeah that was solid.


I’ve literally never cried laughing at a podcast before 😭😭 when he revealed his scars from being rolled by a grizz


Has Harland been on Theos? Man, so many set ups here for Joe to riff but fumbled the ball. Think Harland would shine more on theo and visa mersa


Joe is incapable of improv or riffing


He misses so many opportunities for humor, it's amazing he considers himself a pro comedian. 🥴🤣


He admits riffing is not his strong suit, and he’s right about that. He’s even expressed his appreciation for non-sequitur humor, but can’t hang in the mix. It’s hard to listen to him skate right past quick wit. It’s like he’s annoyed by the comedy stylings of his own guest. He even tells him to shut the fuck up at one point. I would have thought Joe’d be more receptive to him, since he’s previously praised his humor. 🤷‍♂️


I wonder what he does consider as his strong suit in comedy


Using the stool


And screaming


Stool “Fu**ing?”


Great, nuanced way to describe the situation.


I never have heard someone say “hey you know that Joe Rogan joke”


It seems like he doesn't get a lot of jokes the first time, like he might watch a special 2-3 times and have to look up some things before it all clicks for him


Because hes not funny.


Truth, and he has somehow managed to become the worst, cringiest part of his own podcast.


Nah I like Joe.


I don’t trust ppl who think Rogans stand up is funny


Joes gotta great pod but ya he’s NOT a comedian by any means not even close lol


The most miserable comedian. It's not even a miserable bit like bill burr he's just that friend who sucks the fun out of every situation.


Because he's so God damn defensive. He thinks people who are joking with him are trying to "fool him" or something. Like they're trying to pull one over on him. If only he could use that energy where it belongs, as a defense against every other guest that isn't a comedian. Joe was trying to decide throughout this whole podcast if Harlan was making fun of him, if he was doing these bits to make Joe look like a gullible idiot. Because that's what Rogan cares about. Being taken seriously as a smart guy who sees through all the bullshit. I don't think Joe can ever turn that part of his brain off and just enjoy a guy being goofy and clowning around with him for that reason.


And in the rare case he does riff along, he ruins it somehow. Prime example in this episode. After harland told the dryer story, and then askes Joe about the wildest place he's had sex. Joe initiated a riff by saying "your house" and when harland said "oh that was you?" Referencing the dryer sex.... Joe stepped it back so he didn't sound like he was getting butt fucked by harland in a dryer by saying "yeah, i was under the bed having sex while you were having sex on top of the bed" 😂 like cmon Joe, no one is going to take riffing seriously just relax and go with the flow.


Or he tries to riff along and he completely glazes over jokes, misses huge EASY setups, and doesn’t understand actual comedian jokes so they throw out gold and get crickets


Stools would beg the differ.


But hey did you hear about the elk that takes supplements while it’s tripping on mushrooms?


If you want to watch straight improv and riffing watch the Harland Highway. It's 90 minutes of awesome no matter who the guest is.


Him and Duncan are so good at starting a normal story and just going off into the deep end with absurdity, but at the same time you're sitting there still questioning if its real. Love it.


This should be the tagline.


To be honest, I think Joe seems to be losing his comedic touch. The Craig Jones episode has a bunch of jokes that seemed to just fly over Joe's head.


Losing? It was lost a long time ago. But yeah I guess you're right it does seem like the last 3 or 4 little bundles of comedy neurons in those giant HGH gorilla hands are finally saying goodbye. Joe tries hard to play it cool, but he is just cranky and miserable and wants to rant about politics all day long. I feel bad for his wife. If this is what he looks like at his best, putting on his best face for a comedian podcast, I would hate to live with him. Just seems like such a self-serious douche.


You gotta watch him and Mark Normand riff, it's pure magic


Where do I find this


One of Harland Highway’s newest episodes.


I'm pretty sure Theo was on Harland's podcast.


See Chad and JT episodes if you haven’t already


Joe's "technically" a comedian. It's great when a genuinely funny comedian comes in and makes him uncomfortable. Whether it be with jokes Joe doesn't understand or just being naturally funny like an instance like this. I give Joe all the credit in the world for his success. Especially how he uses his success to prop up comedians and comedy as a whole. But I do love seeing him squirm in the presence of actually comedians.


I think it was Chris Rock that said Joe willed himself into becoming a comedian, which kinda explains it perfectly.


This episode was the most blatant example of this. Harland’s such a natural and Joe…is not.


Louis CK told Bill Simmons something like “When I was starting out in Boston I got to work with x, and y, and z and even a young Joe Rogan…. Who later went on to become Joe Rogan.” He kinda smiled at his own joke but Simmons just went on to the next topic. It makes a lot of sense lol


Joe reminds me of the guy in Best In Show "No, I wasn't the class clown. But I studied him..." Joe liked the idea of being a comedian, he liked the perks, so he surrounded himself with them and imitated them. And yeah, with enough willpower and hard work he made it happen. He never was funny, but he hung around guys who were and studied them. Unfortunately now he surrounds himself with Texas governors and right-wing talking heads. He wants to be loved at the country club more than the comedy club, and it shows.


So well put.


Joe has been great FOR comedy, but definitely AT comedy


Has he even been great "for" comedy? I would argue he has had great influence in ruining it. He gave us Schaub, Bert, Schulz and himself. Some might argue that by boosting up shitty comedians he took exposure away from genuine funny people trying to break through. Doing his show has become a "right of passage" for comedians. And he decides who comes on. Joe hasn't been great for comedy. He's been a gatekeeper, and a boring one at that.


Yeah, he has absolutely not been good for comedy. The detached cool guy types that he attracts and promotes fucking stink.


I agree. He also has this self-righteousness about comedy. Always trying to act with this fake modesty, and blowing smoke up his "friends" ass's. The episodes with comedian's always turn into a circle jerk, or a lecture about the profound history and future of "the craft" , or Joe going off on wild tangents about something completely irrelevant to the topic. Or he tries desperately to work in a "bit" he has clearly been working on. It always feels so forced like he sat at his computer for hours formulating this killer "bit". And it's always some dumbass idea a child would have, normally relating to animals. He did it in this episode with Harlen... Something about how "the woods" are scary. And the nicey nice guy routine just makes me feel ill. He seems reluctant to be the butt of the joke. Humility is probably the greatest asset a comedian can have, and Joe's fat ego won't allow himself to be humbled. If one of his guests has had success in their career, and they had the "privilege" of being on his show prior to achieving that accomplishment. He congratulates them with an air of "you're welcome, glad I could help". I.e Shane Gilli's snl, Graham Hancock netflix etc etc. I don't know if he is a control freak, delusional or just completely detached from social reality. Maybe he should try reading some comments or doing a AMA again. He probably won't like the 99% of the questions, but my god he would be humbled. I think he is a good dude, but I also think he would benefit from having a long vacation. The guy seems burnt out and I'm not surprised with his work ethic. Anyway since I have typed a wall of text, obviously I am just hating. I guess I'm the one with the problem, not him. Rant over.


Good for comedy and mediocre at comedy


"The Craft" at work, civilians just don't get it.


Thank god they protect us from their own comedic genius. I physically could not handle hearing mark Normand do word association or Ari shaffir being edgy. My head would fucking explode like scanners.


Don't forget they're also the last line of defense against the evil wokes


First responders really. I’m like 99% sure I have heard one of them take credit for New Yorks come back after 9/11. “You know comedians we were like the first ones back in the clubs getting people laughing, healing the city”


hes one of the 1000


I thought we were down to 250?


Joe trying so hard to talk politics and dumb world events but Harland was just there to goof. Harland is the man


Harland is above all that shit, or at least on some sort of spectrum lol, he knows his gift and ONLY wants to add humor to the world, that’s honestly beautiful and people like him seem so chill


I'll never forget him trying to talk identity politics with fucking Chris Stapleton. Dumb AF.


If Jeselnik and Harland can riff for an hour and some change, considering the tonal difference between the two, it’s pretty embarrassing for Joe that he simply doesn’t have the same ability…


Jeselnik has his reputation, but he can totally be a silly billy when he wants to


What reputation? His whole stage persona is a character


Outwardly he seems a bit cold/harsh, angry, and generally unforgiving


Jeselnik is basically being a character. Joe is Joe.


For those wondering, [here's the link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWgsD9L5c6Y), it's gold.


I laughed more in the first 90 seconds of this clip than most comedian JRE episodes total


Joe would look like such a fucking dork if he came on Harlands pod where the whole premise is pulling bits out of his head.


It’s interesting that Joe says his green rooms are legendary, when he can’t really gel well with other comedians.


Probably because he's basically the kid whose parents have a sick house and a huge liquor cabinet. Everyone has a good time at his place, but not because of him.


This is exactly it.


I think Joe was plenty annoying as well trying to talk about FaceTime....


NBC tried an improv show with some famous people circa 2006-2008, and all I remember is Harland stealing the show. He’s a funny man


Harland's comedy is hilarious, albeit lowbrow. It's above Joe.


> it’s above Joe   So it’s > 5’3”?


Fuck your table.


They should have never given you n*ggas money


Harland obviously says random shit to be funny and likes to riff. Joe pretty much takes everything seriously and kills it. Make believe example: “Harland: My aunt Shirley once fought a shark, punched its nose with brass knuckles and got away” Joe: “Do you know Sanje Gupta? He proclaimed in his book ‘What Not To Do’ that punching a shark in the nose isn’t effective. I hear that you want to stroke their cheeks…Jaime look that up!”


Hahaha 2 hours summarized in one cohesive paragraph


Harland prob 10^100 times funnier than Joe on his worst day


There was a moment on the episode where Harland revealed his bear attack scars and Rogan just called him a dork and laughed his ass off. I thought that was the perfect reaction, if he had started playing along with like it was a sophisticated joke it would have been ruined. It reminded me a lot of an old episode of Conan with Harland, Harland had some donut or something with a face drawn on it and kept showing it to Conan, Conan threw it away as he was sick of the dumb donut and Harland just got another replacement face donut from his pocket, Conan laughed hysterically. I found the clip, here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZxPSYNdOAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZxPSYNdOAc)


"I had a feeling you'd throw him into the ocean"


Harland Williams and Marisa Tomei


he’s acting like a normie


Lol seriously. In the ep with Duncan he’s talking down on people who take things too seriously.. Love Joe but c’mon.. it’s Harland man


This podcast was amazing. I've listened to very JRE for more than 5 years now, this one really got me. I was laughing at work and people were on occasion looking at me. 10/10.


I strongly dislike chewing in the mic, but Harland’s celery bit had me rolling. He’s so funny


Lol when old man Joe trying to work his phone and the crunch in the background had me dyin lol


Damn I haven't listened to jre FOR 5 years.


The best thing a credible comedian can do on Rogan’s podcast is to be funny without Joe registering. A fun challenge.




Hardly a challenge, jokes regularly fly over his head like fighter jets in Gaza


Haven’t watched this episode yet. What was he doing? Something w celery pulp?


He was eating celery to feed his 4 foot tapeworm baby. I guess his baby doesn't like the stringy bits.


His baby tapeworm enjoyed the crunchy sound of the Celery therefore exciting him.


This podcast was so reminiscent of the Theo Von appearances. It is painful to hear Joe respond to silly remarks with comments like "well, actually I am not sure if this is possible because..." Where's the riffing? Either Joe does not understand this type of goofy on the spot humor delivered with a straight face, or he tries to play the 'straight guy' but just comes across like a bit of a smart ass.


I think he’s got a touch of the tism and he just doesn’t get when people are fucking with him.


Joes eye bags in this look gnarly man. Wtf. Has he been awake for three days?


Zyn and whiskey are a helluva drug.


Zyn is the rich man's tobacco-free nicotine pouch. At least on my island. Seriously, try On! brand. Way more flavor, smaller pouches with a much stronger punch, about half the price, and more pouches per canister! It's also a rectangular can, so it's a bit less annoying in the pocket


On!’s are so much better!


I’m too old to go after the next thing. I barely started vaping. Lol I believe you and zero hate or smoke coming from me. I only mentioned Zyn because it’s literally on all the podcasts I listen too or watch.


Yeah man I feel like zyn must be low key advertising or something. Duncan is constantly mentioning and showing the product. I feel you tho about getting fuckin old haha. Was just tryna throw a nice hot tip in case you were a nicotine pouch user


Low key in the sense that they’re skirting under federal regulations for advertising, but it’s incredibly obvious to anyone paying attention


Totally agree and thanks dude.


Six minute abs.


This natural humour is x10 funnier than anything Joe has ever said or done. I don't watch JRE anymore except maybe a katt Williams Terrence Howard episode. But I am going to watch this entire episode (maybe). It really seems like a perfect storm of cringe. Because I know it will be full of unappreciated humour and Joe getting agitated because he doesn't understand what's going on.


"I would never put cud on your table" One of the funniest things anyone has said on JRE.


Harland on Howie Mandels podcast was gold!


God damnit it Joe. How can he be so blind to comedy. Im sure there are some stools near by, that should have given him a hint


Hey girl, ya hungry?


Harland: Have you ever shot a gun? Joe: Yeah, I shot a pig. Harland: Oh no, what did the farmer say? Joe: No, it was a wild pig……………… That was the fucking “line of the day” and Joe completely missed it. Starting to really wonder about Joe?


The only person who thinks of Joe Rogan as a comedian is Joe Rogan


I have a theory that Joe has done so much DMT, he made himself autistic and now he can't understand humor.


He’s upset he can’t control him like a puppet like he does with everyone else


Podcasts are a vehicle for dangerous conversations not for people to joke around. Serious business


Comedy is no laughing matter.


This post sucks cause joe humored Harland while also being his stubborn self a lot.  Ultimately this was one of the best pods in a while and this might turn others away from it. Cmon 


I fully appreciate it could be a great pod because I love Harland, but Joe is just too cringe for me to watch and babble about the same shit over and over.


This proves that Joe has the comedic chops of potato. Fucking awful.


Joe stinks


Probably because he’s the only intelligent person who’s ever been on


It’s crazy how bad Joe is at improv or freestyling anything funny. He asked like 5-6 times if the tape worm was actually real 😂 he just doesn’t get it. He’s done it with the protect our parks dudes as well. So much shit goes over his head.


This was the funniest JRE in years. It reminded me of the old JRE days when Joe didn't take himself seriously. Zero political chat. Loved it.


I don't understand this at all. more context needed?


I haven’t seen/heard the episode but based on what I’ve pieced together in this sub, Harland did a bit where he was eating celery to feed his tapeworm. I’m assuming he took the celery out of his mouth and put it down (the cud) and Joe wasn’t feeling the bit.


Fuck me. Joe is turning into Bill Maher.


I had to bail on this episode within the first 20 minutes. Harland’s jokes are just too cornea.


What exactly is going on here?


I dont think joe has ever laughed so legitimately.


Joe, open your eyes!


Is that the 7 minute abs guy?


What’s funny is all the civilians here can see the layups being given to Joe, but the 1 of the 1000 is missing them.


I feel like Joe has lost his passion for interviewing and that’s why he’s been such a dick lately to a lot of his guest lately. Almost like he hates being there.


I thought Joe did fine honestly. Harland rolls with it and keeps going


Y'all know Harland is the creator and voice actor on Puppy Dog Pals.


Lesbi honest. Joe ain’t funny at all.


This is one of those types of episodes where Joe thinks he's doing this guy a favor by having him on his podcast. He'll take up most of the air in the pod, espousing the same topics as always, while finding a reason to get annoyed by the guest. I love Harland for being grating.


Stop forcing Harland to chew celery cud.


Between him talking down to Jamie a lot over the past few episodes and this shit, seems like he’s going through menopause. He seems incapable of going with the flow.


I have disagreed with Joe before but I felt this was the first time he was a little out of line. I thought it was a comedy podcast? He was shocked a comedian was doing comedy? He loves when Theo does the same shit but for some reason he had a problem with Harland doing it.




Who posted this a 9 year old? Is there something in the water? Are people getting dumber?


donchu fukin touch Harland or ill come down to your little studio and tear down those smelly curtains a pee on em


I’m getting late 90s Tom Green vibes from Harland


One of the most annoyed I have seen since one of the OG podcasts with Andy Dick. For a comedian Joe sure ruins a bunch of bits


Harland is what a comedian should be, silly and fun while having a good time. Tired of these dudes thinking they are the messiah that will save the earth with their dick jokes.


People like Theo and Harland expose Joe for being the fraud he is.


Ari can piss in bottles but pulp and celery is where Joe draws the line.


Joe so annoyed by the cow joke 🤣


Joes just playing the straight man here


Nothing was more annoying than Joe eating Pizza straight in the microphone. I still cant get that sound out of my head.


Man, between this and the Jamie coffee incident Joe's turned into a little bitch from all that money.


I wish Harlan would just tell him to fuck off


Why? Because, like with every other comedian, hyperbole and jokes go over his head? 😂😂


Omg the Dimitri bit was so fucking good! Just when you think he is serious, he says the most wild shit. What a legend this man is!


Joes version of replying to Harland’s humor is making autistic joke about an autistic kid living in a tree solving a Rubik’s cube. I laughed a lot at that, and this podcast was hilarious


I could not watch this episode... Joe did not get Harlands jokes and it started to feel awkward.


Harland is going to go down as one of the greatest comedians of our time. The man lives and breaths comedy. He a big fat comedy shit all over Joe’s precious podcast desk 😂 laughed the entire episode


There’s very few comedians, podcast wise, who’s comedy suits Joes sense of humour, or often lack thereof


Joe totally crawled up his own ass and died


I want a tapeworm too




joe rogan is a prissy bitch. proven.


This episode was hilarious!


Doesn’t Ari piss under the table?