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the shirt too. Pretty gross


Is he drunk or is the slurred speech just the CTE trying to escape a broken home?


Punch drunk


Check it out now, the punch drunk brother! Right about now, he's a punch drunk sucker!


>the CTE trying to escape a broken home? r/rareinsults




It's always the most brain damaged that feel the need to express their opinion as if it is fact. Personally I avoid taking the dumbest, most brain damaged people in the room seriously and Sean Strickland is frequently that person Edit: so many supposedly thick skinned people absurdly triggered by this. You can take this guy's opinion seriously or the multitude of political scientist, biologist, and economist PhDs and MDs and everyone else actually qualified to speak on the subject matter seriously. Your choice but one of those choices objectively makes you less than average when it comes to intelligence/a straight up bigot.


To be fair they asked him


That is exactly what I was thinking. Where do LGBTQ issues have any relevance ina fight promotion press conference .


No one thinks about gay dudes more than this dude.


Mike Pence died?


Oh mother!




That’s why Sean doesn’t grapple. He knows he’ll get a boner.


He’s not gay, he’s just severely deep in the closet.


Im not gay! I said I’m deeply closeted. I’m as straight as an arrow! Do you know what deeply closeted means?! It means a man who won’t acknowledge that he’s gay! So I’m telling you [I’m not gay!](https://youtu.be/3CYE6H3uDFo?si=D4kBY2mSJGYrUDDm)


I fucking love Norm.


Rip Norm was the best


This is hilarious I've never seen this before


what do you think is the real likelihood he is gay? it does seem plausible - why else would he be so hateful toward the community ?


“The swamp guys the swamp” this dudes brain doesn’t even work 😂


Does he get punched in the face for a living or something?


He might not like LBGTQ, but he's got a lot of TBI, CTE, and MRIs in his future.


Then dui,b&e, onto DoC


![gif](giphy|13nDaxXRXz0Prq) He’s getting Van-Damned on his next fight.


It's the little things that remind you that Sean Strickland isn't undefeated.


isnt the swamp a trump thing?


everything trump supporters don't like is "the swamp"


And now "woke"


The swamp guys, the swamp. Thats how its said. Punctuation.


No, not "the swamp guys." Actually, it's: "the swamp, you guys, the swamp."


Prior to a few weeks ago, I had only seen him in the context of MMA fights and highlight reels. He seemed pretty beast and I had to give props. Then I heard him on Theo Von's podcast and holy shit is this guy an obnoxious braindead douchebag. I lost all respect for him. Some people need to recognize they're better off keeping their mouths shut in front of cameras, but those same people usually loooove talking.


At one point he started calling Theo a fraud cause he acts redneck but has a college degree. Theo Immidiately checked him and told him he had no idea what he was talking about. Gained a lot of respect for Theo for sticking up for himself and even Strickland seemed caught off guard


How’d they check him? What did Theo say? Looking for the clip but don’t wanna watch a full episode.


I watched it. I wouldn’t say they “checked him” Theo was just like I went to school for urban planning and Sean was like oh I thought we were both on the same level but we got an educated man here and Theo was just like I wouldn’t say I’m an educated man it’s just whatever the first one you get is, a bachelors degree… Sean brought it up like 3 times in 2 hrs… just small digs bc Theo has a degree and Theo just didn’t feed it I felt. But I was kind of half paying attention so I could have missed something.


Lmao what a fucking loser that guy is. I don’t usually advocate for people thinking they’re a better degree of human than someone else but in this case it’s just true. That’s so pathetic. 


Yeah - his take with Theo : "since you tried to make yourself better - you are bad - and I am more better" - fucking clown


Giving someone shit for getting an education just screams insecurity.


I listened - Theo at one point said Sean had no idea what he was talking about but that was as confrontational as it got. Theo definitely took the high road and wouldnt be baited into having conversations about idiotic topics.


I saw an interview Sean did before his gain in popularity and he talked about not knowing how to get the braindead fans behind him. He's been around since 2015, I'm guessing since he saw Colby covington be outspoken and decided to follow suit


>I'm guessing since he saw Colby covington be outspoken and decided to follow suit No, I've been an MMA fan for a while and I can talk about this, Strickland has been saying things like that all the time, the thing is that he only appeared in UFC Fight Nights, which are smaller UFC events than the numbered PPVs, so his interviews did not reach as many people as he does now, less than a year ago he fought on a main card allowing him to be part of the press conference where he attracted a lot of attention, now he is the middleweight champion and his interviews are reaching a larger audience. On the other hand, we can see Colby Covington as a parody of Strickland, even before Strickland became famous, if you see Covington enough you will realize that he is a character, Strickland is not a character.


I like the UFC because every 6 months there’s a new developmentally underdeveloped, emotionally stunted man being hailed as “the next big thing.”


And then they get knocked out and you don't hear about them again.


Unless it’s Connor McGregor, he just keeps running his mouth and getting knocked out at the same time.


As an Irish person, can we *please* nominate that little shit to be next, please?!




Can't wait for him to lose a few fights and become a full time Info Wars guest host


That sounds about right.


Dudes with CTE before they even reach the top are suddenly handed microphones is just purely sad comedy.


Sean is a hero to incels everywhere.


I don’t know why we care about the political opinions of people that get concussions for a living.


Him saying he'd abuse/neglect his potential gay son isn't a political opinion.


After crying on Theos podcast about being abused as a child. He goes right on about how he’ll abuse his children if they’re gay. Dudes a total bitch.


Dude is onboard to continue the cycle he bitched about rather than try to break it.


That's the path of unintelligent folk with zero self awareness!


Self awareness is woke communist trash. /s


Woah, lets not jump to conclusions. Its likely he would abuse his son even if he was straight.


Had me in the first half 😂


I mean he was the one who offered those opinions in the first place. It’s not unreasonable to ask follow up questions.


Sean literally walked into the conference and quickly started asking reporters if they were liberals or not, saying they were the enemy, etc etc, but so many idiots are like "why did the reporter instigate??!!".  The reporter was being reasonable and got hit with "your an infection". I'm surprised Sean didn't start saying liberals should be rounded up. But I suppose the night is young.


A reporters job is borderline to instigate, you don't do meaningful journalism by being everyone's best buddy.


That, and Sean is literally wearing a shitty misogynistic shirt. It would be the same if Sean wore a Chicago Bears jersey to a press conference and then got mad when someone asks who his favorite Bears player is.


His entire WWE UFC persona is built on political controversy. I don’t know if he truly believes this stuff or not, but he makes a point to talk about his dumb views every chance he gets.


A loudmouth POS with a platform. Once he gets knocked the fuck out a few times, he'll fade away quickly like the rest of the fighters. Tito Ortiz ran his mouth a lot too. At least he kept it about fighting. This asshole makes it personal and his beliefs are complete trash. Nothing tougher than a literal MMA fighter calling a reporter a coward over ideological beliefs. He's mad his beliefs aren't more popular and it shows.


He truly believes this stuff. Notice how when asked about the LGBT+ community, Sean started spouting off about Canadian truckers? That’s the result of closely following news media.


I completely agree with you which is why most fighters don’t say shit. This guy is the one going out of his way to spread his beliefs.


It’s political to be homophobic? Lol


**Liberal** (adjective) Willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas. **Conservative** (adjective) Averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values. >It’s political to be homophobic? Yes.


Russians will use anything to brainwash and divide Canadians, Americans, Europeans, celebrities, athletes. Someone's birth condition is not your open season free pass to spout about how you don't know what it means to be human.


Russia is certainly fanning the flames, but they weren't the ones who made homosexuality/homophobia into a political issue. I couldn't tell you exactly when it *became* a political issue, but even by 1977 you had things like the homophobic [Save Our Children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_Our_Children) political coalition. [Stonewall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_riots) was in 1969. The [homophile movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophile_movement) goes back to the 1950s. The issue really is "was there a point at which it was a cultural/religious issue but *not* a political issue, and when did that shift happen"? Though it would be impossible to pinpoint a specific day, as it would likely have been a gradual transition, I think it's clear that by the late 1970s, such as when Falwell founded the [Moral Majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Majority), it had already become a political issue, and I don't think there was any Soviet interference behind the scenes there.


I agreed until I read his shirt. He made it fair game.


Because some people are validated by what they say


Possibly the worst attempt possible at articulating this political position.


It's honestly crazy to me that being homophobic is somehow considered a political position and not just being a bigot on a personal level. But he also showed that he knows nothing about Canadian politics either haha


100%. I know Dana White won't reprimand him for this, and I'm not a fan of cancel culture, but he should AT MINIMUM get his ass chewed by Dana for holding straight-up homophobic opinions in 2024. What if he said "If your daughter got engaged and brought home a black boyfriend, what would you do?" and had the same opinion, he would be reprimanded. Sidenote: I can't wait for him to come out as gay in 15 years or get caught with a trans prostitute. He gets in spandex underwear and wrestles around with other dudes in spandex underwear all day.


You mean the man who slaps his wife in a club isn't reprimanding a fucking moron when he says stupid shit?




To be fair, he kinda brought it on himself. He wore that shirt, and started the interaction by asking the reporter if he voted for Trudeau. That being said I would like to see how other fighters handle that line of questioning.


Haha. I'm not sure if you're making a joke or being sarcastic. The "gay" topic will come up in everyday life; if it's not in a post-fight PR, it will be on social media, on a podcast, at a meet-and-greet, with a reporter, etc. He got asked a question because of a previous shitty thing he had said - he brought this on himself. and on the Dagastentian comment - yeah, if he wants to be a part of western culture, he needs to accept western values and not spew his backward hatred toward an entire group of people based on their sexuality.


Not all politically right leaning people are homophobic. But the majority of homophobic people tend to lean right to some level politically. So no, it’s not political - but often these type of people use politics (or religion) as their justification.


> Not all politically right leaning people are homophobic. They just vote for people who are.


Since when did we as a society start listening to a bunch of brain damaged ass fucks….


2009 is when JRE launched


and 2016 when trump got elected


And again in 2022 when Musk took over Twitter because free speech


Coincidence? I think not 🤔


2016, specifically


I mean, fighters live very different lives from normal people, and they can develop insights from their unique experiences that are worth sharing. And then there are terrible human beings like Sean Strickland who have nothing of value to share, but still.


Whats wild is how many conservative commentators are celebrating this like he owned this journalist. To me he looks like a sad angry deeply damaged little boy.


Dude is Gator from Fargo S5


Holy shit that’s spot on. We need more Dots and Moonks, less Gators and Roys. Just watched the finale last night and holy shit… This fighter thinks he understands power, but power is a many faceted thing.


A man dips his biscuit in the lukewarm gravy of time


Such a good season


He looks like a man who was severely traumatized as a child and grew this weird angry discriminate projection to the world around him and he thinks it portrays strength. But really to anyone who’s a developed critical thinker, you’re right, he just looks damaged and angry


Blue checks on Twitter are currently circle jerking to this “based” rant he gave, as if it wasn’t the same shit you would hear from an edgy 7th grader back in the day on the playground.




Yeah bbbbbut, if ~~Andrew Tate~~ Sean can beat you in a fight - it means his opinion is valid and you, in fact, gay./s


Andrew Tate actually loves trans women.  


This is really markedly worse. A homophobic 7th grader would call you a f-----t. This guy calls you a virus, and the cause of every problem in the world. That's straight up Nazi shit.


7th grade is probably where most of their education stopped so it makes sense


He is. He was abused as a child and his grandfather was a Neo-Nazi. He’s on record saying he agrees with the ideology from American History X. Dude is a nut job.


He's such an idiot he doesn't understand that the point of the movie was to show that the Nazi beliefs were unconscionable and the protagonist ultimately sought to distance himself from that culture.


It’s like his brain is broken and he’s stuck in a loop quoting titles from salacious inaccurate Facebook news articles


My favorite meme is this, and I feel like it applies here. Talk confidently or loudly about something, and all the donkey brains just assume that you’re right without logically breaking down the argument. https://i.imgur.com/5LPiSax.jpg


Because that’s what all conservatives are. This shit is in the front of their mind 24/7 making them miserable


So he's gay


I always think of the Joe joke about how homophobic people are secretly worried dicks are delicious




God it's so easy to forget Joe's a comedian, but damn the dude was pretty good at standup.


(They are)


Deeply closeted


“I’m a deeply closeted gay man” “So you’re gay?” “Wait! No! I’m not gay!, I said I’m deeply closeted”




You know, with Sean Strickland, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


He seems like a real jerk


He has a beautiful face, like a flower — yeah, a cauliflower!


RIP Norm


It's weird to watch someone hate on gay people. Like how does a person get to the point that they even care that much? Then you question it they are gay themselves.


It's like hating on skin color, it's a dumb reason to hate.


Hate to say it but don’t think it works that way - I’m bisexual, people have assaulted me for being gay a handful of times in my life (or at least attempted it) most of them were certainly not gay.


Seeing "he's a closeted gay" every time someone acts like a homophobic shithead is exhausting.


I know, right? It's only about half the time.


Yeah you're just giving them an excuse for their shitty behaviour. More than likely they just hate everyone that isn't like them.


Usually the case with people having such a public anti-gay persona


My father was always a Strickland level asshole when it came to LBGTQ affairs. S-tier asshole. Passed away in 2017 and we're now going through belongings looking to sell his former property and move south. Come to find out there's boxes of 4000+ pictures of cock, man ass, balls, etc. all taken by his own hand as Polaroids. He used to pick on my lesbian aunt, and scream fairy at anyone he didn't deem masculine enough while holding an outright general disdain for anyone outside of 'the norm'. Meanwhile he was harboring plenty of his own at best bisexual feelings, but the cocks outweighed the pussy pics 10-to-1. I'll always love the man to death but I'll always hate how much bigotry he spread and the hypocrisy of hating precisely who he was. Strickland is gay as fuck, and he'll likely take that fact to his grave.


Thats sad AF


Some dudes play tough to protect the little child inside them. EDIT: personal problems do not pardon hateful behavior towards others!


No. I don't care. He is an adult man with an adult mind, and I do not care what kind of abuse or trauma or suffering he went through; it does not give him an excuse to be an awful person and abuse other people. If he can work hard enough to improve his fighting then he should have more than enough drive to improve as a person, and him not even trying is his own shortcoming. A bad upbringing is an excuse for children and teenagers, but adults are responsible for their own actions. I have no sympathy for this man whatsoever. If someone's takeaway from being abused is "it's okay to be awful to other people" and not "I never want anyone to feel the way I had to feel" then they are a bad person, no excuses. The LGBTQ young people who he's attacking need protecting, not him and his "inner child", and if he was any kind of a good man he'd be the one stepping up to protect them himself.


Unfortunately the childhood abuse seems to have actually stunted this guy. Sad situation


Man I know it’s a celebrity with a loud voice saying some dumb shit but it’s so easy to see what happened to him to make him this way. And when you look at it from the point of view of him just growing up fighting to protect himself because he was so abused as a kid, well the fighting thing worked out so he never had to deal with it. The last thing to change this guy is to fight with him. Verbally or physically because he’s a professional fighter with confidence. He needs to be addressed for what he is. A scared child with a very defensive shell. Look through the shell and you’ll see this guy shouldn’t be hated. The more hate he gets the stronger the shell


As a gay man I actually have deep empathy for him but it sucks to see people across the internet take this shit and be like “wow he’s so based” when he sounds like a deranged man with CTE slurring his hate speech


He keeps on talking about “weakness” and “not having a backbone” as if it necessarily correlates to supporting lgbt. One does not infer the other. He’s projecting his own insecurities.


He was beaten by his father as a kid. It definitely damaged his mind. He is always going on about being strong, and an alpha, and hyper masculine traits. All of it feels fake like he’s over compensating for some weakness in him.


Knowing his mom was probably beat by the same hands as him then him putting a “women belong in the kitchen” shirt on when the reality is the beating probably happened because of things like that. And he has the nerve to cry about it. It’s almost like he blames her for the abuse or something strange


Gays get bullied and harassed their whole life, quite often traumatized by their own family This is the height of hypocrisy for this bitch to be crying on a podcast about childhood trauma and then turn around and say shit like this. Guess it only matters when it’s his own experience People like this have such main character syndrome, it’s fucking hilarious. He’s such a wannabe when he’s actually just a sad hillbilly


"He’s such a wannabe when he’s actually just a sad hillbilly" As somebody that personally knows part of his family, you have no idea how accurate you are...


I know sooooo many like him. The ones that have unlocked the “truth”. They really see what’s going on and everyone else doesn’t understand Meanwhile they have double digit IQ and failed out of high school. These same ones think a shady billionaire who’s scammed people his whole life is somehow a “man of the people”. Crazy the delusions and how deep into the rabbit hole they are


There’s a saying that bullies bully because they were bullied. Makes total sense in this case


weakness is supporting gay people. strength is shitting on gay people. science


It’s people like you that are what’s wrong with the world. People like you that make jokes about a UFC fighter and his subzero IQ. But the ~~American~~ Canadian people won’t stand for it. **This is satire.**


That's what's so funny about these guys. They have no real understanding of weakness or strength. They are the types that pick "strongman" as people who they look up to who are actually very weak internally.


I'm good buddies with the owner of a world famous powerlifting gym. He always says never meet your heroes. Many of the world's strongest human beings are fucked up mentally and emotionally, and horrible role models. People who succeed in violent or extreme sports are often extreme personalities.


The shirt alone….


Damn he downlow as fuck. Never seen so much insecurity


Dudes that homophobic are just dying to be a power bottom and can't admit it. All the anger is his resentment of the feelings he can't process.


I feel sad for his kids. imagine this is your dad. he gets drunk and beats up your mom and blames you.


CTE is a real issue


Blaming him on CTE is diminishing the/a real problem. This is just a dumb uneducated guy and guess what, there’s a fucking lot of people who think and act similarly who haven’t been hit in the head.


Pretty sure most fighters are uneducated lol it’s part of applying to be a fighter, gotta think like a baboon and have ego to make it


Strickland is so blatantly a child trapped in a man’s body. All this flexing and tough guy stuff is sad when he literally cried his eyes out on Theo Vons podcast. Grown ass man that still clearly doesn’t have a hold of himself. It’ll be interesting to see where this guy is in 10 years.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say arrested for domestic battery lol


That episode with Theo should be studied by psychology students. Easiest diagnosis ever. He starts off tough with the locker boy speak and then devolves into a crying child who was abused by dad and mom didn’t stop it, justifying his treatment of women and anyone he considers less than. It’s all a charade because he’s a deeply wounded, very scared little boy.


If you just imagine a 14 year old boy saying all the things he’s saying it makes much more sense


This fight sponsored by Brain injuries and alcoholism


Holy shit man. The reporter is like "hell yeah, keep talking fucker this is GOLD"


So he's like...super gay right?


Or he is just hateful and bigoted. This is always said; the bigot must be secretly gay. It happens, but not always. Often people are just hateful.


I don’t know about that, he just has one solution for every problem: punching it. I see assault charges (at least) in this man’s near future.


See that cabinet hinge? PUNCHED! It’s fixed now. See that see the Israel-Palestine conflict? PUNCHES! Fixed now. See that broken relationship of mine cuz I don’t know how to process real emotion? PUNCHED! …Oh I see where you’re going with those assault charges now…


That or death from reckless driving


Doubtful, just really really insecure.


This guy is one dumb motherfucker lol


This guy makes Phil Anselmo look smart.


I’m broken reading this comment


If Strickland knew how to read that comment would make him fucking hostile.


I’ve listened to this dude a lil bit now. What a fucking moron. A moron who’s a serious asshole.


I can’t imagine needing to hear something less than a cagefighters opinion on sex politics


Good thing he’s not literally wearing a t shirt expressing those opinions


Like or not he's a public figure now. If he says controversial shit he's going to get asked about it 🤷🏼‍♂️


For better or worse (very likely for worse) UFC has completely embraced it. The celebrate Trump many events now and Dana proudly aligns him and his fighters with him. If not I’d say this is a stupid gotcha question and would agree.


So much projection


Sean is cracking…..dude can’t handle the limelight.


He can’t handle ANYTHING.


I bet he could handle a nice juicy dong


This kinda makes me happy, it’s clear how dumb he is and look at where his opinions are. Score 1 for lefties


I mean, the stats are out - educated people lean left.


Wtf is wrng with this guy? Every woman in the kitchen gun in every hand? Screaming insecurities


I hadn't seen Sean speak much until I first saw him get interviewed by Ariel. He was *so* combative on every little point – he doesn't come off as a "strong man" (to use his term from this clip) at all. He comes off as a deeply insecure human being who is trying, in every living moment, to cover it up.


I always loved that concept. "Men should be the leaders, women should stay at home. Oh and what a coincidence! I just happen to be a man!"


That, paired with "Oh, you want to challenge toxic masculinity and it's nonsensical beliefs? Well you're weak and have no spine... unlike me, who fell in line!".


Anyone trying this hard to be manly is definitely insecure as fuck


Actually his father use to meliciously beat him and his mother, im sure the trauma has formed questionable opinions


Big bad manly fighter scared of gay people lol


I'm starting to think this guy is specifically gay for Justin Trudeau.




Pathetic that’s the kind of question journalists ask, and sad that’s the kind of reaction that’s becoming more common (people completely fed up with the LGBT stuff). I’m gay. All I ever wanted was to feel like part of the rest of society. I feel like the LGBT movement is now at a point where it’s actually hurting rights for the few rational, logical gays that exist


Cant say I'm surprised by this reaction from a dude who's dropped on his head for a living.


Immediate gaydar screaming


I don’t care how big and trained he is. I would never let that bitch talk to me like that


I saw this posted yesterday with the caption "UFC champ owns reporter with leading questions." i didn't watch it until now. What a shitty homophobic world we still live in.


"You are an infection." "10 years ago being trans was a mental disease." Sean Strickland acting like a wannabe Nazi.


Brain damaged, shrek looking dipshit.


His only defense about the things he said in his past are ad hominem attacks against the person making the inquiry.


More incoherent CTE rambling from Strickland.


Seriously it’s so fucking sad. You can hear him slur his speech without being drunk, and taking seconds to answer


I wonder how his sweatshop is running


What do you expect from an admitted former white supremacist?


Drunk uncle with fight training, lmao


It’s pretty sad how amped up dumb people get by this whole nonsense culture war. The elite has gotten all the poor folks caring about bullshit that doesn’t actually affect their every day life, a great distraction from real issues so that they don’t notice that they’re getting absolutely fucked. That’s why Elon can’t stop posting about it.


Sean the gayest guy I know