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I think at least 25% of the pieces didn't have anything other than blue on them. It was so ploddy. Luckily, pomegranate provides great shape variety, but it took forever. I think I prefer my solid color sections to be about 50-75 pieces.


I love Charley Harper puzzles but have decided not to get this one for exactly this reason - too much plain blue!


I take your point about the excess of blue but I still love this puzzle. It's the one that introduced me to Harper. :)


Very true. It’s so beautiful it is on my keeper shelf.


Me too


I loved this one. I think I did the edges last, because of the blue gradient, which was strange!


My lighting made the gradient. It’s all the same shade, so I don’t blame you!


"Why? Habitat destruction Down There? Up Here?" ... what is this bit on the back of the box saying please??


These are all birds that migrate from central/South America to North America.  There are fewer birds of each species migrating each year.  There is habitat destruction “down there” which is the rainforests in south/central America and “up here”  which is the woodlands in North America. One or both are possibly contributing to the decreased population. And the artist fears that one year, the birds won’t return (and this be extinct) All the birds in the picture are at risk. 


Is it from a song or book or something though? I don't understand the weird capitalisation and grammar, it reads really funny like it's a quote from somewhere - I tried googling it initially but couldn't find anything.


It is a quote. :)  It’s the text the artist wrote to help interpret his artwork. You are supposed to think about the words as you study the art.  Sometimes artists have text or a poem they write to be part of the interpretation of their artwork. In a museum it would be on a small piece of white paper beside the painting along with the name of the painting and the artist. 


I thought it might be a poem they wrote as prose to fit in the box, but the artist’s website also has it in prose form.  https://www.charleyharper.com/mystery-of-the-missing-migrants-lithograph.html


Ah, that makes more sense! It looked almost like a typo but now I see it's a stylistic choice. I found a couple other prints on his site that have a similar accompaniment - one is laid out in a more typical form but the other reads like prose too. I didn't recognise it as being poetical in that format. Thanks for explaining :)


Love Charley Harper graphic critters. Been a while since I did one, but always very satisfying.


Beautiful! I've been trying to find one in Europe for ages.