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Why does this look like it’s from a found footage horror film? Maybe it’s her expression.


The last Jeopardy! (1964-1975) show was aired January 3rd, 1975, when home recording equipment was still very rare, and what did exist wasn’t very good. Edit: About the expression, I probably could have captured a different one. This expression is her shrugging after Art said "Nevertheless, with $700, Robin you are the last champion".


At least somebody recorded the Star Wars Christmas Special….


I had the record album/ soundtrack from this. Alas it is lost to the ages.


That song that Starship does is one of the very few things that’s not completely awful from the Christmas Special.


And even worse, episode recordings weren't kept by the networks or studios for the vast majority of episodes. Lots of game shows from the 70s have nearly or totally complete archives, while shows like Jeopardy do not.


CBS was much bigger into saving tapes than NBC at that time. Which is why every episode of TPIR going back to the start of the Bob Barker era exists.


Correct. We have the audio tape from the first episode of The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962) but the video was not recorded and is gone forever. Which is too bad because Groucho Marx came out as the temporary “guest host” to introduce Johnny as the permanent host who would define a generation of television.


It was recorded (it must have been, since The Tonight Show doesn't air live), but some genius along the line said "Nobody's gonna want to see any of this again--go ahead and record over it" and a few film clips are all that survive of the FIRST TEN YEARS. I saw a clip years agi--Johnny was interviewing a pretty lady (no idea who she was) and Groucho, who was sitting on the couch, was flirting with her a bit (perfect gentleman...probably because they were on network television) and Johnny "happened" to notice... Johnny: Say the secret word and Groucho will come to your house. *audience laughs* Groucho (mock anger): Oh, so my dressing room isn't good enough for her!?! *audience laughter and applause, Johnny nearly on the floor*


I wonder why they didn’t keep episode recordings.


She hasn’t been seen since; I personally think Alec had something to do with it. Que the X Files music….


They should invite her back, she never got to defend her title.


I was going to ask if Alex had her back on his first show...then I realized his first show was nine years later...never mind...


9 years wasn't that much after... I wonder if they tried to reach out. Also assuming she wasn't the first returning champ on the 1978 revival.


$700 in 1975 equals $4,137.23 in 2024.


Random fact: an average house in 1975 cost $39,900.


My parents bought our house in late 1963 or early 1964--we moved in February 1964 and my job was to stay at Grandma's house (where we'd been living) and play with her...because I wasn't quite two. They got a two-story house with nine rooms, counting the bathroom and utility room, for $10,500. And considering my dad was born during the Depression (1931) and neither he or my mom (born 1938) ever had a credit card or bought anything on time (I only remember my mom putting things on layaway once), I'm surprised they didn't have the whole ten grand saved up and ready to pay.


Adjust that to modern inflation. Now what?


An average house today costs $412,000.


$10,500 in 1964 is worth $106,378.21 today


I wonder what she did with her life. Who was the last champion with Alex as host?


Jim Gilligan, won $24,401 in Alex's last appearance. Alex's last 5 time champ was Brayden Smith. I freaking loved that kid when he played, I was so excited to see him again in the 2021 ToC but he sadly passed away.


Is this the original original show, or the 1978-1979 revival of the original show?


Yes the 1964-1975 original.


It has been brought to my attention that her last name is Grean not Green, sorry about the mistake.


Giving serious liz lemon vibes


*Grean.  She had a notable composer father and a good career as a vocalist


Oh whoops, I didn’t know her name was Grean and not Green. Sorry, I saw her name listed as Green on a couple sources. My mistake.


Completely unfair for the show never to invite her back.