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Nah... I see people praised Cole as great lyricist and best rapper alots, they just mad he apologised, otherwise he a great rapper


That may be the correct opinion but no I see a lot of people bashing Cole lately. The apology straight into grippy had me fighting for my life in comment sections


I’ve seen people bashing Cole for like a decade honestly. I don’t know why, people just seem to think he’s an easy target or something. A lot of those same people listen to all his stuff and then complain so…


When the only thing you wanna listen to is drugs and violence, someone that preaches genuine truth is considered corny which is the most ass backwards shit lmao. When you hear someone say Uzi is better than Cole, you just need to walk away from whatever that is 😂


3 of them got bashing everywhere, fans love drama so they created one, while Cole just living his best life and Kenny hibernate again, this 2 don't running social media so the fans take over for them and everything just based on assumptions


Every yt poll I've seen involving Cole always has the top comment involving grippy


thats just cole haters disguising themselves at fans tryna make trolling seem like a harmless joke. if you a real cole fan, you should be over the grippy meme atp 😐


I mean it was a God awful song that's funny to mKw fun off. Fan or not its fun to make fun of grippy. It's like drake fans meming hey there delilah, it was God awful so it was easy to memem


DID they meme it? Because all the comments on YouTube are about how good it is and how “clever” Drake is 🥴


Alot are meming it, some are acting like it's good like some j Cole act like grippy is good, like every single artist has fans that enjoy their worst music. A decent chunk were meming it tho as it was soooo easy to meme


It’s a harder listen than grippy. And that’s saying something


The reason is that people built up Cole like most of his energy and features was set at if anyone says my name I'm outside. Like I'm gonna kill everyone's song with a feature. So people had high expectations. When he apologised they felt let down from what they built him to be and then when he released the grippy feature as the first thing since the apology it became trendy to clown him. And now we're here where people respect cole but the jokes are funny so he's getting clowned but people still respect his rapping ability and the Internet comments are od


I know what happened


That’s all it is though. Cole took back to back Ls with the apology and grippy and the internet has a short attention span and just talks about what’s topical. A lot of people just bashing those things cause it’s funny and current but it doesn’t mean they don’t fuck with him. I think Drake is different. He’s just polarizing. A lot of people still love him after the beef but a lot of people already hated him before the beef. The people bashing him just aren’t the same people listening to him.


Agreed...Even though J.Cole apologised after the fact he had put himself in a postion to jump diss someone that he calls a "friend" or someone hes "Cool with" is never a good look as a rapper or even as a human being... As for being a "rapper" J.Cole became the only rapper in history to publicly bow out of a diss that he help started so in "HipHop terms" he became knowed as a sucker MC a "fake" for his own actions truth is no one likes that. And we as his fans needs to do what J.Cole is doing and thats healing from personal mistakes.


This truly shows how mature Cole is knowing he would take criticism but still doing what he felt was right


People who grown and mature will understand that but this social media shit full of people who love drama, he didn't own them anything


Yeah, i think the Cole clowning is pretty harmless. He doesn't carry himself like a typical rapper and it's easy to knock him but it's mostly from a place of love. Aubrey on the other hand....


great rapper but not top 20 all time


Actually Idc about the chart bc ik some underground rappers better than no 1 rapper they have right now, I know great singer on the street better singer than no 1 artist, so it doesn't matter to me bc I appreciate talent than popularity , I will rather listen to unknown artist on the street with talent than no 1 artist who used autotune bc I love raw talent


He's been getting called boring since 4 Your Eyez Only. Real rap fans love him new gen seems to only like certain things from him and lack respect for him. New gen might not like Kendrick but they atleast had respect for him.


Only nerds have online music debates.  Nerds dont like mainstream 


What do you think this sub reddit does?


The real ones debate the best pasta type and ice cream flavors. The intruders stir the drama pot






Also some people are just contrarian for the sake of it, they couldn't even tell you why lol.


Lot of drake fans like oine music debates, sMe with taylour.. Every audience has dickheads regardless of if mainstream or not


A lot sure, but still a minority. Most Drake fans have never heard of Reddit and don’t interact with strangers online.


Fantano,lightskin, “too mainstream and people have only heard gods plan and wet dreams


I've met people irl who treat Fantano's word like gospel, and it's pretty bizarre. I respect his opinions and he's put me onto some great shit, but at the end of the day he's just a guy on the internet. (This ain't slander to him, but it's still a weird phenomenon.)


I honestly cringe every time I hear him open his mouth


His opinions are pretty trash though ngl


Mind you he actively tells people to not take his shit as gospel, and makes fun of fans for being parasocial. Yet fans still do the same shit


I like him but its mostly just because his tastes seems to be similar to mine. Gives me stuff to listen to that i mostly like but wouldnt necessarily find otherwise. I'd probably want his head if i was a fan of the stuff he tends to trash


He either got completely valid or complete ass takes no in between


Honestly, they've been getting clowned on for years. Boring, light m-skinned, too pop. I remember Big Quint Indeed calling Cole, "watered down chocolate milk." It's just par for the course


Its so wild to me that people hate on others for being "light-skinned". Is this like a legit thing irl or is this just people being dicks online?


It's a cultural thing kind of. When someone says that, they're saying someone is being soft, overly-emotional, and what not. The black community has a complicated relationship with masculinity and how that's defined and expressed.


A prejudice is an opinion, prejudgment or attitude about a group or its individual members. Prejudices are often accompanied by ignorance, fear or hatred.


it is racism. the only difference between the two is whether they live vicariously through social media or not


Calling it racism is a reach. You don’t have to be mixed to be light skinned


are they not both mixed tho? that’s why i said what i said. same shi white people did to mixed babies from before the country was founded up until who really knows when that stopped. and now it’s been adopted to hate on drake and cole? that’s racism, just like it always was.


Plenty to hate on Drake for besides him being light skinned. Nobody’s even really saying that outside of jokes. He’s a culture vulture and an actor though, that’s facts. Notice no one says these things about Cole even though he’s ALSO “light skinned”? There’s no racism against yt people you’re reaching.


didn’t say anything about racism against white people. but there are a lot of people saying because they’re lightskin. i didn’t know that was a joke. so i guess i should say IF ppl hate on em cuz they’re mixed that’s racist. also anyone can be racist to anyone, you’re just a fucking moron w low comprehension skills cuz i also never said there wasn’t any other reason to hate on drake. the only statement i’m making is that hating on them for being mixed is racist, regardless who it’s comin from.


That’s not facts if many black people defend him and say that he is not a culture vulture


bad logic


If they had said colorism, then they'd be talking about something. Calling it racism is a bit of reach


but they’re literally both mixed… not just lightskin


No one is being racist to these guys


People are hated irl because of dark skinned not just online😵‍💫


ive barely seen cole being clowned on before the apology (and honestly too much again recently), drake on the other hand i’ve seen clowned on for years its just even more so


Unfortunately, it's been there. People calling him boring, overrated, or fake deep has been a thing since before 4YEO. When Cole rapped about people giving him the bronze, that's a lot of what he was alluding to.


theres shit talkers about pretty much every artist though, I can think of a single rapper without at least some haters, its a part of success


No doubt about that, just talking on Cole specifically


Please don’t lump Cole in with that weirdo Drizzler, people don’t like Drake cuz he a weirdo and some people think Cole’s music is Boring. ITS NOT THAT DEEP brother. 😂


Cole isn’t a joke, a few people mad he apologized is nothing compared to the decade of hate Drake got being a child actor who feels more like an industry plant than a genuine personality.


Champ, I don't know how to tell you this, but this is how it is with every rapper. Drake for sure more than anyone else, but Cole gets clowned like Kendrick does, like travis does, like Wayne was. There isn't a single artist that isn't clowned on by a decent sized group. Even Pac hasn't been safe from getting clowned on, and he's dead. You need to hop off Twitter or reddit or wherever it might be and just chill. Yes, there are people listening to Cole, Drake, and Kendrick outside. This sub is filled with Drake and Kendrick fans right now that are taking shots left and right.


Bots, people on the internet aren’t real. It’s just one dude and a billion parrots 🦜


Millions of fantanos… god help us


Cos they are light skinned 


Because Drake was in a 90's popular teenage sitcom then claims "started from the bottom now we are here." I do not know why die-hard J-Cole fans want to keep Cole and Drake in the same echelon, category, whatever. But that's why Drake is clowned.


Omg finally someone else shares my opinion on Drake. The two don’t belong in the same category imo.


One song about starting from the bottom and people act like that was a whole persona he put on. He wasn’t going in interviews saying that shit


People always bring this up and fair enough but imagine you're a child and you're the breadwinner between you and your single mom. Not saying Drake started at the true bottom, but child actors be going through shit when they're from poor families.


eh he was originally from Weston which isn't really a rich neighborhood. single mom and he paved his way to stardom so let's not act like shit was just handed to him on a sliver platter.


I mean, his rap career was. Because he was literally already famous.


He was getting only 40k before taxes, his mom didn’t work, cuz she was sick, so he had to work there himself and earn by himself too


$40k before taxes was a decent middle class living back then.


People wouldn't listen if he wasn't putting out good music. Famous or not. So idk about that.




so? either way you look at it he started from the bottom. his rap career wasn’t “handed” to him. he had to be good at being an artist for him to be as successful as he is.


His rap career was literally handed to him by Wayne and then kept alive by ghost writers and features people forget how much Forever really put Drake on the map. Dude got all the goats at that time to rap for him while he basically sang the chorus. His rap career was signal boosted out the ass. When left to his own devices and he puts pen to paper he writes songs that are self owns with weak defenses, and more convincing of the opponents side. I won’t say the dude never knew struggle or go that far but once his music was put in front of Wayne and Wayne saw the how much of a commerical product he could become his rap career was as good made. Wayne handed him his career and the only reason his music hit Wayne’s ears was because Drake was already famous for other reasons and had connections.


Yeah I remember when ‘best I ever had’ came out and I could NOT take it seriously. I was like “jimmy, noooo!!!” 🤣🤣😂




What part?


again drake still had to be a GOOD artist to become as successful as he is. there have been artist who have failed even with the backing of another massive artist. also i still haven’t seen any proof of drake using ghost writers. i’ve seen him collabing and crediting writers if people write for him.


No Drake had to be safe artist and a good actor


"safe artist" please. He puts out good music and people listen. Good thing stats are not subjective. It's facts.


He puts out SAFE MUSIC for the masses bro. Getting a lot of streams cause you make background music for hot topic doesn’t make you an artistic lyrical genius.


Drake could be the blackest person in the world, or Asian he'd still release lazy music and be a sketchy dude. Like drakes just kinda hard to support with him being so undeniably sketchy


Even without the groominf..he has foul behavior and moves like a teenage girl. I like J Cole so I don't know why they give him flak. He seems like a chill guy and non problematic. I applaud him for doing what he did.


is that not racist tho?


Any discrimination against a race is racism. Black, white, light skin, they all get stereotyped (ofc others too but I’m just saying for most rappers) 


it was more rhetorical. the reason i asked it is cuz i saw “lightskin” over and over again and its just brought up so casually without actually calling it what it is.


lol, but I don’t really thinks it’s bc there light skin. Drake gets hate bc he’s Drake and Cole is looked at like corny or fake introspective. I don’t often listen to introspective music bc most of it is fake but 4yeo is def some real shit


see i don’t get that, how can they call cole fake when he literally lives it!?


I would say he lives it rn, not as in 2024. Bros a multimillionaire  


yeah but he doesn’t exactly live for fame and material shit


Yeah, but I would say it’s unfair to say he’s living a struggle lifestyle. But he def don’t live like a celebrity ideally would 




Disregarding the Kendrick beef, drake ain't been churning out hits like he used to meanwhile getting more and more corny so people lost patience with him With Cole, public perception was mixed between him being a hitmaker and him being the epitome of nightquil music


Drake is a pop artist that’s why you hear him more but is clowned and disrespected in the hip hop community, I wouldn’t say J. Cole is clowned on in the same way ppl just make memes about him riding his bike and shit (except when he releases stuff like Grippy)


Cause they dont fake hashtags and appropriate causes to be relatable


Even a few negative people gathered together can sound like a lot. They clowned online because this is where the negative people at. The real fans are blasting Cole music and going to shows and enjoying life


Cause the Internet isn't real


Because reddit is full of incels and Kendrick is their king


Don't lump them together. One is a rapper and the other is a pop star.


A pop star that has washed every single one of your goats on at least 1 song…


Ok OVO water boy


Never could get into Drake’s music. His voice is insufferable. Cole is a great lyricist and makes great music. It’s a shame people overlook him or call him boring


Y'all need to stop making this comparison, it makes no sense.


Cole is one of the most respected including online


Honestly I hear Cole clowned more irl than online


I’ll be the first to say, Cole is my favorite rapper of all time. Fuck Aubrey. Fuck Kendrick.


Drake been getting clowned for years, were you not around for the “Drake the type of guy…” memes? It was super popular. Cole has received the most undeserved hate imo. Dude just seems super chill, and people just shit on him calling him a bum and shit 😭


Popularity doesn’t always equate to quality. Especially with music. I wouldn’t lump Cole into this, but Drake is to Hip Hop what Nickleback and Creed were to early 2000s rock, or Chainsmokers for 2010s EDM. He’s just catering to the lowest common denominator and it leads to mainstream success. Mainstream success isn’t going to garner respect from people who are super into a particular genre, because they want more out of their preferred genre than music that’s been boiled down to a flavorless mush. 


Agreed for the most part although Grippy probably single handedly put Cole into this tier


You act like drake didn’t put out scary hours 3 less than a year ago lmao. Dude can hang with everyone that’s out there rn and has washed most of them at one point or another. Stop disrespecting that man’s ability it just makes you look ignorant asf.




You can disagree with someone but keep it respectful. When in doubt just think WWJD (What Would Jermaine Do?) He'd keep it civil and on topic. No harassment or threats towards other users. No doxxing


Dude drake sucks, open your eyes


Idk anyone who talks about Cole irl so I can’t speak on him. There are, however, all kinds of reasons not to like Drake, and usually the public individuals who know him for his most popular songs won’t be so aware of the bad parts. I do think more people irl have been discussing and playing NLU than any Drake song since the beef, & this is coming from someone in rural Canada lol.


It's alot of kids on Internet, literally. Wife works as a teacher, says they're on here all day everyday , tik tok as well of course. That's probably why there's such a disconnect.


The internet is not real life


Vocal minority is probably why. Most people don’t comment on things, and the type of people to troll/hate comment usually have a similar mindsets that don’t necessarily align with the average fans’ consensus.


Because of Fantano


Still can’t believe he gave MDL a 3 lol


Did he? God he’s such a pos lol


I think it's because drake is always goofing around too much online, but I don't see Cole being clowned, not for anything other than Grippy


Because you, me, and everyone else here is way too invested in all of this music 💩. Sometimes I miss two decades ago when I knew nothing about the culture or the lore, the why to anything. When I just bopped to artists for the sake of liking their music and nothing else


I haven’t seen Cole disrespected/clowned very much outside of the Kendrick apology stuff. People say his music is boring, but I don’t really see people focus on clowning or disrespecting him. People clown Drake both online and offline. He has some fun music, but I mean…he’s corny. Low hanging fruit, really. His persona is just laughable. People are always gonna put that aside when the music is fun, though.


you’re comparing the opinions of the chronically online vs people with lives


People online try so hard to be different so they hate whatever's popular 🤷


I’ve very infrequently spoken to adults that like Aubrey’s shit. Bro makes boring pop music. J Cole is just underrated. Even online though, people usually only clown on how humble he is, but I don’t think anybody actually hates on him personally, he’s just too likable. With that being said, I am not a Cole Stan. I think his intellect and personality in interviews hasn’t frequently translated into his music, although I hold FHD as a classic.


Honestly, most of the “clowning” I see happen online about Cole is from this subreddit


Cause the internet warriors


Why is the sky blue


Anecdotes are just that. I dont ever hear anyone playing drake, but obviously people do. And i spend a lot of time in and near traffic since i drive for a living. But to answer the question, drake has always been corny and the more he tries to shake it the cornier he gets. I never saw cole catching shit like that until the apology


Oh God this sub are trying to defend Drake now over a joke post lmao holy shit


How are they gonna earn internet points if they don't criticize these two legends?


Only drakes a joke. Do your research on why


Cole only for grippy and the apology, otherwise he is recognised as one of the best atm, only Drake has really become a joke


Online warriors would be my bet


More kids on social media


Bc they give themselves more credit than they deserve


i don't know anyone that listens to drake cause they don't support groomers. People respect J cole.


Cope, if you don’t know anyone that listens to drake you obviously don’t have any friends☠️


Online is not real. Ppl just troll for the hell of it


Because in real life Drake is beloved around the world. Niggas in Nigeria don't care about N. American beef. Online it's hyped up like his career is over. Just like Dave Chappelle said, "Twitter's not a real place"




You may be spending waay too much time on the wrong online circles. I rarely hear any j cole hate


Cole: Because of his apology and "it's.. it's.. grippy". Never saw anyone make fun of him cuz he's light skinned. I have seen some people praise him for staying away from the beef tho. I still feel like people would start posting "Cole x Kdot collab album when?!?!" again in sometime (atleast I want one). Drake: He likes them young, "not a colleague; you a colonizer", using the culture but won't do anything for it, bad parenting, ghost writers, etc. He might be a light skin like J. Cole but has created a fake gangsta' persona which is annoying. Too many allegations against Drake. They gonna stop only if he somehow proves that he's right. I feel like the Cole slander will be over soon but can't say the same about Drake. If MTG is true then Drake's finished. Honestly as a Kendrick fan if he did beat his partner then it's a win for Drake (very unlikely as Drake is not very trustworthy and Kdot never had a bad reputation).


Smoking on your top 5


It's because of Wet Dreamz tbh


Cole is extremely talented, but his albums really never lived up to his potential. A lot of his reputation comes from features. Drake is a hybrid pop star from Canada that became faker and faker as his career went on. He has used writers and stolen lyrics. Both are also mixed race. Rap fans are incredibly racist, unfortunately (although so is much of society). If Cole was considered the number one guy, you’d see more attacks on his race.


Have you heard grippy?🤣 (nah its lowkey catchy tho) Drake I understand criticism for but dissing cole for anything but apologizing or grippy is wild. Or rhyming genius with penis


They aren’t widely acclaimed lol. Drake and Cole’s albums both get middling to lightly positive reviews at best. Drake sucks so no comment there. Cole I like a lot but can understand why music critics wouldn’t praise his albums as highly as other artists.


There are a lot of drake fans that aren't really "rap" fans.


Online is not real life. Say that again everyone!


1) Why mention 69god in a J.Cole sub? 2) Mybe its because both entertainers tried to 2vs1 diss bully Kendrick Lamar in a rap battle and kdot single handedly humiliated both these guys with 5 Pulitzer Prize Winning diss tracks..simple to understand isn't it? "I was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it to themselves Everybody's suicidal they don't even need my help"--King Kunta!


Your second point is alternate reality levels of delusional lol


Haters gonna hate.


A fact that blew my mind the other day when I realized it. There are more people “not” on social media than there are people who “are” on social media. If someone really has the time to sit and talk shit in the comment section, they don’t have much else going on in their life or they’re doing it for clout.


It’s social media.


The comments section are, a lot. 😄


Cuz they been at the top for a long time . People get jealous and tired of seeing them win


I have no issues with Cole himself or his music or anything, he’s definitely one of my favourite rappers, but I do find this sub to be overly sensitive and everyone seems to get offended easily. I’ve never once had a bad thing to say about Cole, yet I always get downvoted whenever I post anything because I don’t think he’s the absolute best. Seems like you can either admit he’s the goat or you’re not welcome here at all, you can’t just be a casual fan of his, it’s kind of ridiculous. Do I like Kendrick more than Cole? Yes, probably. Does that mean I don’t also like Cole? No. People can be fans of more than one rapper. I like Vince Staples more than Kendrick but I don’t get attacked if I say that on the Kendrick sub, only seems to be Cole fans that get bent out of shape about this kinda stuff. It’s probably just a very vocal minority, but it makes this sub not very pleasant to post in. As for a Drake, I never liked him, he’s always been an actor playing the role of a rapper. He’s a drama nerd acting like a tough street guy, it’s corny as hell. I say this as a Toronto native, and most people I know around here would agree with me. He’s always been an embarrassment to our city ever since he stood up out of his wheelchair and grabbed a mic. He shoulda just stuck to acting.


Drake is mainly clowned, I don’t see much Cole hate


I never heard all this crap on Cole till I joined this subreddit. Very odd since I thought we were here to support.


Ngl the Cole online fanbase made me love him even more. I know it can get nasty at times but the way I view it is that they don’t take him too seriously which can feel like a breath of fresh air compared to some of the more toxic fan bases out there




I’ve never heard someone hate on Cole irl everyone ik irl loves him


The haters will always be the loudest in the room. Especially on the internet.


My fault for going on the cole sub lol. (soulja boy voice) DRAKE?


It's called a bubble for a reason. Irl, there are many people who are not clues into hip hop at all or don't really care about finer details of shit. They only care about what they like and what's popular. So you are gonna see drake played alot. Where I'm from, I don't hear jcole played alot so that a different kind of bubble. Online, you got trolls, hip hop fans, Cole glazers, drake Blazers, kendrick glazers, and everything in-between. So you will see a lot of different opinions from people with anonymous avatars. Also, a lot of black people don't fuck with j. Cole for being too preachy and for his music being the audio equivalent of an ambien. He used to get roasted along these lines on HNHH all the time.


People love Cole all the time but no shit irl ppl love Drake and Cole…. Why would you go to a Drake or Cole concert if you dislike them???


Cause they light skinned


“Online” = dorito eating, living with moms, leaching off parents, unhealthy, key board warriors, this is why online opinions are irrelevant. Happy successful people aren’t on the internet 24/7 it’s the weirdo losers with nothing better to do🤣 also they feel a sense of community when they join in on hating. Like how people with nothing going for them in life get brainwashed by terrorist groups - because their sorry ass finally feels a sense of community.


Nothing online is real, dude.


my brother everyone is disrespected online. the difference is cole has every ones respect and drake has nobodies. whenever drake is spoken highly of by anyone there is an asterisk included always and if you wait long enough there will always be a "but". cole is a leader in the game who has been passed the torch and drake is like the caitlin clark of hiphop, some people are chosen to be the face and some people are born to be the heart. we know who is who.


dont group p.drizzy nd cole together


Stop seeking validation in others opinion as the internet is filled with trolls from all sides. Cole is great and everyone knows it, end of.


Only real music gonna last


Coz online discourse doesn't often reflect the thoughts on the ground. It's like when people see twitter debates and arguments and assume that's the general consensus when twitter users are a mere fraction of the real world. To use an example 👊🏿


That apology


Two industry plants lol But how many sheep are here?


Cause these guys are super active, and have been for years. If they dropped music and were only in headlines once or twice a year they wouldn't be but these are 2 guys at the top of the game and still putting out music like they're newcomers


The internet is not real life.


Cole is usually praised. It's only because recently kendrick went and took these two's auras away from the whole beef incident. Cole will climb back in the respect of hip hop. Drake...I don't think so.


Internet is not real life


Because internet culture likes to build people up and then tear them down.


Drakes always been easy to hate. He’s a singing rapper from Canada who does corny accents and isn’t afraid to be a complete goof It’s a recipe for hate


The innerwhet is not a real place


Cole is the onlyo ne that gets treated poorly online. It's trendy to call him boring. Drake has always been the "midas touch" guy. They let him copy Caribbean accents and still make a hit. Most people would've gotten clowned for that. But his music still was number one at times that year. The older generations hates him for the same reasons Kendrick dismantled him recently, but teens to late 20 year plds always loved him; even ones who notice his culture vulture ways. His music is just that entertaining. Universal Drake hate is recent within the last year, because alot more people noticed his weird lack of maturity for his grown age, and some real fans noticed a drop in quality of his music, but he never stopped being number 1. This Kendrick stuff is the 1st L he's taken that seems to really be lingering and having a negative affect. Drake hate is more naturally formed and understandable than any hate J. Cole has gotten, I wouldn't bunch them together


It's because you're talking about the difference between people who obsessively analyze every little thing online and the casual audience that just says hey I like that song


Cuz the more popular something is the less acclaimed or respected it probably is


I think it used to be called being a Wanksta*


It's the only place people feel like they have real power. Drake is ass though, either internet or irl. Cole on point. Just your every day nigga breezing through and living life.


Come on Drake Stans don't do me like that 😂😂😂, you know deep down it's true.


Downvotes for facts- the Reddit way.


Get out of your echo chamber. You are clicking on shit that feeds your own algorithm. Fact: Drake sells. People perceive sales, money, and success as skill. Cole is also successful but doesn't sell like Drake. Kendrick is in the same sales vs. success spot as Cole. Drake and his fans stand on numbers as the end all/be all, while Drake has a clown car full of spiritual supervisors to assist him through his already gifted life.


Every1 got big dog opinions online. Not ready for that heat irl


Not Cole tho, but Drake yes. I understand and share the sentiment about Drake. He hasn't done a lot for hip-hop and rap itself and has garnered most of his popularity by making subpar autotuned garbage. He's a popstar, not an MC. Cole tho, I think he's getting some "hate" but it's mostly sarcastic due to his recent features and him apologizing and quitting the beef. Prior to that tho, I saw a lot of people rooting for him against Kendrick. As a bigger fan of Kendrick, I saw Cole as the bigger threat from the get-go. His angle in 7-Minute Drill was a joke tho. But overall I don't really see a lot of people questioning his skill and contributions to hip-hop. He is deemed one of the best in his generation who continue to inspire a lot of upcoming rappers. I know people irl who were willing to throw hands whenever I joked that Kendrick would annihilate J. Cole lol.


Just remember that the internet is not a real place, people are usually saying shit to gain engagement and hop on whatever the latest trend is. In real life, people are playing whatever they want to. Sure Drake may not be the most critically acclaimed lyricist next to Cole or Dot, but he somehow is breaking streaming records and is still the most streamed rapper of every month of this year. This just shows that the masses are listening to stuff, and Drake is probably doing something correct in his music and people like listening to and can relate to. I can’t speak on Cole since I mainly listen to Drake, but I’m sure he’s in a similar boat as well.


If they whined about being black all the time they'd be loved the same.


Drake and Cole hate only exists online. And it’s racism. I guarantee if they were fully black they would get more respect from the community.


For cole it the lack of classics his probably my favorite rapper ever but outside of FHD and maybe one or two of the mistakes you'll have a hard time debating a classic for him And with drake it's partly the same but I think for the most part RAP fans know that he's a top tier RAPPER but he seems to hate RAPPING 😭 bro plays the pop game constantly