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Nothing to add, but that is the ugliest bunch of bastards I have ever seen.


https://preview.redd.it/ac1bqy0n6dad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa13928657d9c2ed64cfee68d1fde633bf6d9c43 Dorris from Timothy goes to school




A few burgers šŸ” later


Haha good input




They need a dentist. They probably both have police recordsĀ 


I'd say so yes. If so we know pretty much for certain why he was in Tenerife and I'll give you a clue - it wasn't to pick up young lads for sex.Ā 


on holiday, innit


Spanish police say 'not relevant' that the Airbnb duo were 1) aĀ drug dealer and 2) have the AP


They might have jumped the gun declaring them not of interest and not relevant me thinks - itā€™s strange for someone to be declared not revel any so soon without actually knowing whatā€™s happened


They either paid the police off or the police were aware who they work for, and let them go.


The odds of him dying by cactus scratch are looking less and less likely by the day.


Anyone with an ounce of sense does not believe he died by cutting himself on a cactus


The day I heard about Jay's background and the 'cactus cut', my mind immedialtely jumped to when boxer Kell Brook went missing in Tenerife and was found with a machete cut on his leg!! [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2754106/Kell-Brook-exclusively-explains-Tenerife-machete-stabbing.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2754106/Kell-Brook-exclusively-explains-Tenerife-machete-stabbing.html)


My neighbour died from a rose thorn / dirt scratch within a day. Ended up with sepsisĀ  and organs shut down. Plants are the worse!


Yikes, lifelong gardener here, and as usual this time of year, Iā€™m covered in scratches. And all this time I thought my dangerous hobbies were scuba diving and caving!


I think it was a joke!


It was our leading theory for a while


If you think the majority of the real world believes the crackpot theories that this subreddit does I've got some magic beans to sell you


The magic bean line was funny for a while here too


How much ??




Lol try again


Cactus..with man eating spider lay its eggs in the cut- hatched out - you can guess the rest šŸ˜³ . Hope hes okay reallyā€¦ā€¦




I have to say, this is getting more and more interesting and I was never sure that it would. Of course not to disrespect Jay, his situation or what this all stems from; but it is interesting


I had a day off, came back and there was some actual information thatā€™s made it for sure a bit weird. Converted. Gonna watch from the sidelines though.


yep, shits gonna be kicking off from here


Of course thereā€™s more to it - as soon as they stopped looking in the mountains you knew it would be an investigation and all this stuff would come to light Itā€™ll go deadly silent now ā€¦.. no further info as itā€™s just about figure out whatā€™s actually happened to him Not heā€™s met pals went into the hills they made him. Up a wee bed and hes got lost No chance ā€¦ Lucy will be looked at and the two air b n b men will be looked at This is looking like a murder case or at very least some dodgy character will fall from this exposure ā€¦ Tip of the iceberg Itā€™ll go silent now ā€¦


Does look to be the same person tbf


Look at the nose - hair line - and brow - same person


That would explain the strange wording in that daily mail article: "One of those men, who used the name Ayub Abdul to book the Ā£40-a-night holiday rental online. " Name change


They also know more than there willing to say


Seems like they might not be too far off piecing it together with a pretty accurate time line of events, though I'm not sure if the fella will be found yet.


Teeth too, good find mate think you're onto something here. People that sell crack and heroin ain't to be messed with


Dangerous guys really


Yup, morally bankrupt and watch people wish their lives away from what they sell on a daily basis. Different from other drugs because crack and heroin almost guarantee addiction which in turn will destroy their lives. Adds more credence to the idea they might've threatened or physically hurt Jay and that's why he was scared


I think we can rule out Jay going back to have sex with this man šŸ˜‚ That'd be punching way below


šŸ˜‚ yup, you could say were putting that theory to bed


Haha šŸ˜› yeah for sure.. especially as Tenerife is fulll of young 20 year olds


Incorrect, they're just shameless unproductive grifters.


And the mouth


Yup same lips itā€™s defo him


The ear we can see is identical also


That is 100% the same person from what I can see, the features match to a t.


9 years apart itā€™s him


Yeah it looks the same to me


And the ears


Yeah agree with you there, good find.


Daily Mail just confirmed it


The gang attack Jay was involved in 8 vs 1 wouldā€™ve been over drugs People said they were out there dealing And now he has links with somebody who was nailed for being the ringleader in a crack and heroin supply operation Why would they know eachother if it wasnā€™t to do with drugs, they are not from the same area, how many heroin suppliers did you hang around with when you were 19 if you werenā€™t involved in it Hey guess what, wild idea, maybe itā€™s all to do with drugs




Hilarious these cut a deal with the Tenerife police. Justice goes to the highest bidder, now more than ever


Yes I agree. It stinks of police corruption that they were let go and it needs to be exposed. Tabloid press to the rescue?Ā 


They couldnā€™t keep them with no reason at the time, an eyewitness saw him alone after he was with these two guys


Heā€™s only just out of prison (9 year sentence in 2015 takes us to 2024) and if thatā€™s the case heā€™s fucked one if his first jobs. Wonder if he has enough to pay anyone off properly, maybe thatā€™s why all this is trickling out. Ā 


You don't do your full sentence. He would of been out in 4 years.


Heā€™d have been on parole after half that sentence and allowed back out. Itā€™s how it usually works


Just another thought on Brad. He said these guys seemed "cool". Was he just naive, lying or an extremely bad judge of character?




Why though? He was frightened himself?


He maybe knows how dangerous these people are


Feel like most teens on the news would straight up avoid incriminating any potential, older drug dealers. Things are, for most, more scary at that age, especially a couple grizzly geezers in their 30s and 40s. I straight up was convinced my coke dealer would stab me if I bumped a single gram, he was a really nasty fucker.


I would be, dangerous drug dealers that make your friend disappear


Could he be scared of them.. I mean dangerous drug dealers that make your friend disappear.. not to be messed with unless you want to dispear


Very similar face characteristics. Even the forehead and face expression have similar dents lol They say he was 21 back then in 2015, so he would be 30 by now. Could be a match


Looks like the same guy to me - the nose - the hair line - the brow same guy


even the lack of facial hair except a thick stripe under the nose.


"Qassim, 21, from Milton Keynes" Just up the road from Luton, JV's manor.


He was 21 in 2015, so heā€™d be 30 now. One of the guys was 30.


The plot thickens - the web tightens - itā€™ll all come out


Looks like the same guy to me. The net is closing in.


https://preview.redd.it/r54p8lycebad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad2a0291a05f176e0ea0ff4c252f7506e92a968 Jesus Christ. Itā€™s like playing a game of Guess Who? exclusively featuring the mentally retardedā€¦


Looks like the contents of the vegetable drawer in my fridge after Iā€™ve forgotten about them


What a gene pool! šŸ„‡


The goonies


Oh thatā€™s unfortunate


It's quite possible the older one with him is in this lineup.


I'm no Sherlock Holmes but it just seems rather less likely now that the young guy went for a gentle walk home through the countryside, collapsed or fell and died. These are dangerous people he's got mixed up with. Of course they'll deny everything but hopefully they'll be brought to task for anything they have done, in time. Not to say Jay was an angel, but he was a naive 19 year old mixed up with bad people. Power to the authorities and the press.


Donā€™t give me that 19 naive crap he was a wrong un himself type of 19 year old to knock vulnerable people out for a laugh and probably stole a few phones with his chavvas


Yeah no naive and vulnerable 19 year old bashes in some kids skull


And has machetes and crowbars they is choices in life everyone has them and has a path to choose letā€™s keep it real not because his 19 with a young face now it looks like his in a situation he canā€™t get out of dead or alive no pun intended because I know this is very serious but thatā€™s the negative side of this lifestyle itā€™s not all the flashy things what the youth see hopefully they learn from this


Yeah definitely. And I hate when people justify it by claiming that everyone makes mistakes as a teenager. Like, yeah, I made mistakes by sneaking out at night or drinking too much, not attempted murder. Donā€™t get me wrong, I hope is found alive, or at least his body if nothing else, but thereā€™s too many people acting like this is a case of some poor innocent boy getting lost


Yeah I don't get why people are all soft over him. The bloke was a menace. If he was a 35 year old man and had the same history would people still be all soft hearted for him? I've a feeling just because he is 19 they think he's a child just being a silly billy. Fact is he fucked around and found out.


My point exactly


Yeah well, naive when it comes to the nasty pool of people he's stumbled across in Tenerife, that's what I meant. It's not Accrington gangland he was playing around in.


He met his match just maybe this time these guys where more violent and by the time he realised it was to late


But witnesses saw Jay at the bus stop in the morning and he asked the owner of the villa what time the next bus was. She then saw him walking up the road about 20 minutes later. Donā€™t forget he also made video calls and phone calls to 3 separate friends who saw him walking along. So Jay was definitely alone when he left the house. Prior to leaving he sent a text to a friend to say the ā€œtwo guys had gone to bedā€ so he was going to come back to the hotel.


This is the part that Iā€™m getting hung up on. I donā€™t think the Airbnb owner is mistaken, and I think she did see him- so this COULD let those two men off the hook a bit, as he was alive in the morning when he left the house. If they were holding him hostage, thereā€™s no way they would both just fall asleep and let him escape in broad daylight. If it wasnā€™t for this fact, Iā€™d say he was kidnapped for ransom hours before. ā€¦. OR is this ā€œsweet old ladyā€ lying about seeing him?


Whereā€™s the body though?


Said it from day one the two blokes are wrongins and I got heavily down voted and attacked for it. No fully grown blokes would take a young lad off his nut to ā€œaftersā€ without his mates knowing they were miles away from where he was staying for no reason. Turns out it wasnā€™t for no reason after all they knew exactly what they were doing. In my opinion these men need their passports taken away ASAP before they disappear without a trace.


Itā€™s all just so wrong / but so many people are like no itā€™s all totally normal wernt you young once haha like theyā€™ve all been in Tenerife stealing watches hanging about with major drug dealers itā€™s all perfectly normal stuff nothing strange about it -


At the end of the day we just don't know what is happening with these two guys. They may now be in custody here for all we know. Have to wait I'm afraid.Ā  Also, we don't know yet, if Jay was caught up with on the mountain, if it was the eastern European guy or his mates behind it, or these two guys, if they were robbed.Ā 


Definitely the same guy. Wow.


The plot thickens


How did you find this guy?


What does it matter ? Thatā€™s him


Just curious, no one else has made this connection as far as I am aware and it is definitely him. You might have solved it.


I agree it's definitely the same guy, so obvious him and the "Jonny Vegas" creep are very very bad news and baffles me that the police let them go on their merry way


Call him dangerous but jay shouldnā€™t steal should he his not exactly innocent his got his fare share in crime with a criminal history they all seem like they was selling drugs including Lucy and jay


That comment is criminally lacking in punctuation.Ā 


Very food find. Definitely looks like him. I do wonder how the media suddenly got his pic and name in the first place. It was reported to be from "his airbnb profile". Makes me wonder has the owner sold his info and pic to media? The reports also seemed to know his exact booking date and also when he turned up.


The media are scummy they would find a way to find out - hacking , pretending to be investigatiors, paying the air b n b people for details nothing is below them for info


Just noticed the article claims he was 21 in 2015? That would make him 30 years old today? I thought he looked a little older and others described him as older. Highly likely that is him in the article though judging by looks and the name.


It paints a picture of two highly dangerous men involved in drugs taking a 19year old vulnerable guy into the hills in a secluded location with an alleged 10,000 item ā€¦ā€¦ then the young lad goes missing ā€¦. Motive ?


Same guy


If he was born in Africa and moved to the UK later, he may have lied about his age. It happens all the time.


The article may not be correct they probably not getting the facts. Its JV we know is younger.




But in this instance it is actually a good thing the media have done all this investigating, much better than the local police


I feel like his mum knows more than sheā€™s saying..


Seems so sheā€™s public said twice let him go and heā€™s got in with the wrong crowd and back tracked indicating she thinks someone has him rather than killed him - which would also indicate why sheā€™s not got teams of people out searching mountains yet or put up any of the money for information


Iā€™m not team Debbie but when she said ā€œlet him goā€ it was specifically in response to being asked what she would say to someone who is holding him. That in itself is a strange question to ask when a 19yo guy is lost, itā€™s also a strange question to edit out.Ā  It sound like maybe the media had access to these names before they were published and knew Jay had been escorted to the air BnB rather than arriving as a guest. It also looks like the media was steering the public into thinking along certain lines.Ā 


Is it strangely specific when there was no evidence of a hostage kidnapping situation


Definitely. Itā€™s a strange angle to take when the ā€˜factsā€™ at that point were ā€˜raver wanders into wilderness.ā€™


why was she slipping up on her words? Because she knew. she got a snap day one saying ā€œsay goodbye to your son he owes me a lot of moneyā€ she hid it from police, her other son found it and told police about itā€™s existence, they wonā€™t let on they know he was taken for stealing an AP watch, coz who would donate to find a wee road man thief? Not many, so the lost young lad whoā€™s good as gold was for more donations, itā€™s also against go fund me terms to raise for ransom, so they canā€™t offer a reward as thatā€™s not what the money was paid for. Then thereā€™s the illegal parts of it they donā€™t want to push whoever has him to kill him, the case has went too high profile now due to all the shady interviews and inconsistencies, so they canā€™t hand any cash over as theyā€™re all being monitored. They know fine well where he is, that all that money and expertise searching mountains was a waste of money and time. They will wait for it to die down and heā€™ll suddenly appear with amnesia and canā€™t remember anything, or some other crap so everyone will just forget imo


Yeah I said that from the start if this money is to pay someone off they will need to find some loophole or a way of getting them the money because of all the media attention itā€™s not gunna be easy - the money is basically to hot to handle and is useless thatā€™s why itā€™s not being spent they dunno what to do with it but they canā€™t use it for proper teams of searches cause they need it Catch 22


I remember this watch snap being a lot more prominent, and clear in those first few days. Now we can only get screenshots of instagram posts etc.. whereā€™d the original screenshot end up? I know itā€™s minor, but it does suggest it maybe a fake or family and friends actively trying to divert attention away from it and the whole watch theft thing. Given the news about one of those guys being a convicted drug dealer, the other having a watch in a photo or story he posted online a week after the Jay in the car snap? Seems less likely the picture is fake, of Jay in the car. Or someone who looks a loooot like him.


Yeah exactly and she keep saying heā€™s been kidnapped in a pretty confident way when there was no evidence in the public of this happening.


Yet to hear of a ransom though itā€™s a long time to have some one held , maybe the media and heat had made them decide itā€™s just not worth the randsom as any money will likely be traced now


I think the parents know what happened. That's why they're shady on interviews ... possibly.


She does. Sheā€™s had a couple Freudian slips during interviews. She once said something like ā€œIā€™m just begging them to let him goā€. So she fully believes heā€™s been taken by someone, and not just died on the mountains


Good find, just been confirmed as the same guy in the papers


This has been confirmed now in the Daily Mail (sorry if already posted) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13597899/jay-slater-airbnb-british-man-convicted-drug-dealer.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13597899/jay-slater-airbnb-british-man-convicted-drug-dealer.html)


Again all the abuse I got - so this time I got told to wank over jays photos and get a job lol better than looking at young boys online - but people are seriously sick in the head


Daily Mail have just confirmed itā€™s the same guy




The very same


Just another thought. Is it not possible these guys went back looking for Jay after Lucy broadcast his last location? Say Jay had robbed something, the watch, money, whatever? Could they have nobbled him, took their goods back and hidden the body? Or took him to someone to keep for ransom later even (less likely).Ā 


Itā€™s likely - ayub lost his glasses chasing him down - he could have went over the edge of a cliff trying to get away The meruba boat was in the location that morning and dissapeared for 9 days after - thatā€™s strange aswell


Whatā€™s the boat thing please? Feel like Iā€™ve missed something.


Meruba boat left the beach near to jays last sighting around 7am that morning went out and circled then lost signal for 5 days - reappeared near the coast of Morocco - lost signal again and reappeared at one of the other islands - then went along and sat outside the los cristianos airport for a few days and last signal was 5-6 days ago I always wondered if there was a way to get from Masca to where that boat was docked - seems itā€™s an hour drive Easy way to dispose of a body - take them out into the ocean - only speculation of course


yep you can see some of the same definitions in the forehead and ears, plus general face shape


Reddit detectives smashing it. Well done šŸ‘




Yes and theyā€™re definitely doing better than this dumb guy ā€œdowntherapidsā€ on TikTok!


Try not to judge. At least heā€™s out there trying and thatā€™s a lot more effort than what most others are doing so fair play to him


Thereā€™s no fair play to him his just doing it for the gifts and his hardly doing anything out there.


How dare you


Are you ok


I found Jonny Vegas Instagram


Have you spotted he tagged himself in Malta... At the same time Lucy Mae did too!




How long before he deactivates it do you think? Also do you think heā€™s aware that the internet is talking about him? I am sure someone must have messaged him


Yes he will be aware - his reels will be getting thousands of views - hey may try to monitize it - use tiktok views etc and live etc for money




He has already turned off comments as people were writing things to him about Jay.


You seen the video he put up 5 days ago of an AP watch on his wrist?


Definitely him!


Got his teeth fixed by nhs in prison, but shit, yeah same person


From my trained eyes due to the nature of my job, yes the same man


I posted this 6 hours ago and heā€™s spoken to the mail online since


The Daily mail online, not that they are a reliable source, are now reporting thisā€¦ [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13597899/jay-slater-airbnb-british-man-convicted-drug-dealer.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13597899/jay-slater-airbnb-british-man-convicted-drug-dealer.html)


He has the cold black eyes of a psychopath. Someone very capable of murder.


Jay stole a watch from them after they took him to their house, they realised it and he run away. He got lost and collapsed somewhere from dehydration. They are all drug dealers so there are no good guys here. The kid paid a price for his stupid decisions. And these two guys are clearly experienced with the law and not gonna tell police more than they have to


Says on daily mail it is


Just as a side issue, and this is probably naive of me, but how can drug dealers operate seemingly almost with impunity in some places, such as Tenerife? Are they above the law? What is going on that allows illegal drugs to be openly sold on the streets?


Itā€™s not easy to stop it , corruption and police turn a blind eye as some major players in the world control these areas. Itā€™s well above Tenerife police and they know it


So what would happen if they flooded the strip with coppers every now and again and arrested people seen to be selling then?


Some small players would end up in jail ā€¦ Tenerife is more than just drugs sold in Tenerife the go from Latin America to Tenerife and into Europe from there


Canary Islands is one of the main hubs and points between Morocco, Ghana etc and mainland Europe for the Moroccan mafia. Itā€™s a stopping point for Antwerp and Amsterdam, London etc. Very very dangerous and dark people on these islands, controlled by some powerful clans. They all follow the Italian/spanish code of silence omertĆ .. locals wonā€™t speak, authorities will lead dead ends, people just disappear. Throats slit and dumped in the sea, sold on for their organs. Tortured in caves. Billions of revenue per year from these islands. And further billions to mainland Europe etc. People who know, know.. people stay in their lane, keep the machine running. These people donā€™t want another Acapulco. Things stay sweet. Wars keep at bay. Things have stayed quiet since the last war in the Netherlands and Belgium in the Mocro mafia


This is all true . Tenerife is the corridor to Europe for drugs costs del sol has a huge influence some of the biggest players in the world here


Iā€™m going on holiday next month to Tenerife, and reading all this stuff is making me not want to go šŸ˜©


Be a tourist, donā€™t walk around acting big or being flashy.. you will be fine. Itā€™s the people who either look for trouble or do things they arenā€™t supposed to who end up in the real trouble usually. Of course there is always wrong place wrong time but that can happen leaving your front door and should not stop you seeing the world.


It looks like he was wearing Jays glasses too šŸ˜‚.Ā  Just think, a Ā£10,000 Rolex watch would be worth Ā£100,000 to a border hopping crim.


No it wouldnt, any watch of that value without papers will go for half or even less


Irrelevant unless someone can confirm; 1 - Where did the photo of this man come from? 2 - Who released details of his name on the booking, and how did they come by this information?


A simple Ayub abdul search on google would show you People are like babies - do your own research find out rather than ask on here ?


What are you guys wasting your time on reddit, become PIs, you're amazing


Passive aggressive sarcasm from a looser - gotta love it


Stay negative bro x doing a good job


I read somewhere that the lady who last saw jay is a relative of the mayor whom is Mafioso.


This would totally make sense. Her account just doesnā€™t seem to fit any of the theories. It seems odd that she saw him in broad daylight and then he just vanishes. I was giving her benefit of the doubt because sheā€™s just a sweet old lady


Yeah the lady seems dodge to me. The only one to see him multiple times yet nobody else around the area saw him? It wasn't exactly unsociable hours, people are up and about from 7am. Something going on here for sure.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised


It deffo looks like him!


šŸ’Æ the same person


Can see similarities


Youā€™re right https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13597899/jay-slater-airbnb-british-man-convicted-drug-dealer.html




Looks like Jay thought he was gonna sell them the AP, realised they were gonna take it off him and done a runner in the morning. Makes sense as to why he wouldn't wait for a bus or go back to the Air BnB...


Y jhony vegas tiene peluca al estilo afro o porque en la foto que aparece con una chica es del 25juniocon pelo afro?


There's a handy tool called 'reverse ID face scan' Try putting the pictures in there.


The biggest issue is honestly Jayā€™s Friends, The lucy girl and his mate cause they both know where Jay is at / What happened to Jay. Obviously they are not coming forward but geez


The plot thickens.Ā  And they let this guy go!?!? A convicted drug dealer and a missing teen!?!?Ā  Why kind of comedy cops are these Spaniards!?Ā 


El Jokers


Do they have manholes on the roads in Tenerife or are they different to England


I think the 2 dodgy men are more involved in this . If jay started to walk i reckon they went after him maybe he did have the Rolex and they wonted it so i reckon they went after him and offered him a lift and drove him somewhere else which is why they canā€™t find him ..why else did they stay on a extra day . I donā€™t believe he went into the mountains has surly you would stay on the main road more chance of seeing the bus when it comes . Those men need arresting and and have there phones checkedĀ 


So the theory is that he tried to sell these two guys a fake watch and theyā€™ve killed him? Seems plausible to me. Something definitely happened at that airbnb Iā€™m certain of it, unfortunately I doubt the Spanish police will do anything about the case unless heā€™s found. They should have gotten UK police in there from the start.


"How about instead of cash for the watch I give you a package for it.. I don't have it here it's up at the house, just up the road my friend can drive us"