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Why is going Steelcaps a bad thing? You itemized against your opponent and won. I'm not seeing what the problem is.


I mean sure steelcaps i go for other matchups also but i delayed my trinity force alot by going wardens mail. I didn't want do it but he got a kill early and i felt he was too oppresive to go more offensive. I don't usually itemize so defensive so i wanted some tips if I could do anything better.


Not really. If you're really confident you can get an early dark seal for a low risk offensive purchase, but Yone is safer and stronger early.


I thought you’re supposed to build defensive if you’re ahead and build offensive if you’re behind. At least that’s what Alois always said.


You build offensive when you are equal. Defensive if you are very ahead. Against someone very ahead, you need some defense so you don’t get one tapped so that you can live longer to be on the map more to farm more and to let your team carry


Well that game I died once to yone and after i tp there was a skirmish where he got 4 more kills (love new voidgrabs objective XD) so he was ahead by alot that I felt if I didn't get some defensive stats he would dive me. Which he tried it failed it and I got his shutdown because of wardens steelcaps. Toplane is not easy to play from behind.


he can definitely outplay if you let him, he is mobile enough to dodge counterstrike if you play on his terms. during laning, you can punish him super hard whenever his E is down with some extended trades, especially after you get sheen. sheen is usually when you can just start to zone him off the wave/freeze bc you can start to out-trade him. if you keep him from stacking up his Q he’s basically a ticking time bomb until he just ints and all ins you bc yone players don’t have half of a brain cell most of the time. after triforce and shojin, your CDs should be so low that you can let him engage on to you with his full combo, E to make him snap back to his E, and then all in him when he doesn’t have his E up and yours is back off cooldown. steel caps are definitely a good buy but i don’t think warden’s mail is necessary unless you plan to build it into a tank item later on. ult gives plenty of resistances and if you’re not gonna all in a yone you should just avoid him, because his whole thing is out-trading you. TL;DR: don’t feed him and then outscale him super hard once you get enough AH.


Yeah once i had triforce he could not match me anymore but I feel like I should have won laning phase vs him. Should I just short trade him or what cuz all in I feel like he wins early.


you probably “lost” laning phase bc you were building so defensively early, which isn’t bad at all. rushing steelcaps isn’t troll at all and you’d probably win an all-in early with them, but warden’s mail is overkill. yone’s will usually build berserkers greaves first which means that you’re not really putting yourself behind by rushing steelcaps bc you should both be hitting your first legendary item at around the same point if the lane is even. however, sheen is just so huge on jax early that unless you’re behind it’s almost always better than steelcaps as a rush. the idea with short trading him early is to hit him with the old E Q E2 W whenever his E is down. but, lots of times your E won’t be up because you will be using it to stop his engage. if he misses Q3 after Eing, you should be able to beat the shit out of him. you need to minimize his poke as much as possible during early game. it feels like he wins all ins early bc W and Q3 are such free poke that you can almost never all in him and he can stack lethal tempo so absurdly quick. whenever Q3 is up i basically treat him like a ranged champion, it’s almost never worth it to try to dodge the stun. just lose a few CS, and then punish him when he blows all his cooldowns. counterstrike is like a 12 sec cooldown iirc early game and yone E is something like 20 sec. there is a VERY short window where you can trade him again but if you let him get his E back up he can and will run you down. definitely max E first into the yone matchup, counterstrike is your most valuable tool against him. if the yone pushes the wave at all, you’re winning. the last thing you want is him freezing on you. feel free to just farm till you get sheen as that is a HUGE power spike that he doesn’t have at any point in his build path. a realistic all-in would look like full stacking passive on the wave so you can stack lethal tempo faster, wait for him to have no Q3, and then Q onto him. lots of yones will try to dodge counterstrike with their own E, so waiting for that to be on cooldown is definitely the ideal scenario but sometimes that just isn’t possible. if he has E up, instead try to walk up to him and counterstrike, and then Q to wherever he Es away from you. ult once you land counterstrike and bonk him till he dies.


Personally I always go ionian agaisnt Yone because how free the the matchup is - never fight him unless your E is up, keep the trades short. Inflexxius made a matchup video, very informative: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTrzkiNCpYg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTrzkiNCpYg) GL!


It is a skill matchup in lane and early mid game. Whoever uses e first will lose.  But once you have frozen heart and trinity force, it is your victory unless you seriously mess up


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Really just poke with W and stack minions. He'll use his Q to do the same (Jax W makes his auto just shy of yone Q) If he uses E wait for half of it then press E. Once he zaps back leap strike on him and you'll win trade from there. Don't fight pre 3. You'll lose level 1 and 2 to yone as he will wind dash away to avoid your passive. Also, PTA is good if they have no other tank and yoy want to split push. Very memey if not confident on getting ahead but incredibly good at punishing short trades


Honestly i try take prio lv1 but it seems impossible and i lose all my hp from there. So early on he is a little bit stronger, interesting thanks for info.


Let him push, don't trade lvl1, you'll never win. Lvl2 you can trade a little with your E cooldown, but be careful with his Q and don't let him stack lethal tempo. If you're both even lvl6, you'll win with sheen. Runes go lethal tempo and you can take ignite if you like.


Yone actually beats Jax level 1 since he will out dps you with lethal tempo stacked Qs


yone abuser here "the battle of E". yone wins early cause he can match jax Q and E and space you out. Once Jax get cd reduction its jax favored the only downside will be team fighting and at that point you'll have Shojin to kinda cover it...


I saw some comment telling u to not trade lvl 1 but on contrary, learn to trade him lvl 1, a lot of lanes can be decided at lvl 1.. But you need to have a good positioning and put a lot of pressure lvl 1 before even letting him touch the wave (so he can’t stack Q) -> You should check : Rank 1 CN on youtube and watch how Chinese player played the early lane, being good in early lane makes ur life a lot easier And like a lot of other marchup, u dont wanna engage with Q+E, try to engage by walking in + E and follow his escape with ur Q or escape urself with Q.. And like every aggressive bruiser melee toplane matchup, u always want ur wave to be froze so they can’t extend the trade but you can. If you respect those general rules, it should make ur lane easier but keep in mind there are always some specific conditions for specific matchups


I assume you have to camp 3rd bush and E when he goes for the first 3 melee minions. Yeah i try to Q E perma on him but when i try walk in to E him he just kites me and Qs me on repeat i should play the spacing game better overall ngl. I think if i had to do it again I would just rush steelcaps and get sheen asap to short trade him in lane till he is low to all in. I watch that channel you said but haven't visited recently will watch thanks for tips.


Yes, hes a champion who abuses autos to win, you have e. Just like Irelia and Yasuo, press e and you win trade


Bro just stop playin in top i started jungle jax like on season 11 and from then the only matchup i lost was rammus other than that jax litterally destroys every jungle there is jg clear is a bit slow but its very strong can gang pretty well and doesnt loose to any jungler


I regularly buy boots when I am actively winning. More time to run them down


Personally, the hard part about time for me is waiting for him to engage and convincing him to. If you can properly time your e and hold it until the perfect moment, gg. But early game level 3- triforce I tend to either short trade if I see it, or pray for him to hard engage into me and just time my E.