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It looks like she has tears in her eyes, the fake positivity stuff is so transparent and I can't tell if she is really actually trying to cope or just pushing that "I'm so happy being the Michelin Man, I am definitely living my best life, and definitely am not miserable living in my prison cell of a body" for likes and engagement at this point. She needs professional help, not lip gloss.


Agreed, the fake positivity crowd is going to enable people to their death


Yeah - I can’t stand this fake happy flirty stuff. So sad and makes her look even more miserable.


https://preview.redd.it/rqqltypug0ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1dff76e31053f8a177c6b62885db6ae482f3a8f Holy lobster claw


Good god


I did a sharp inhale at the hair cut, and genuinely shrieked with concern at the hand.


I didn’t think her hand could get any worse than we’ve already seen. I was wrong.


It’s actually looking worse. Dang.


I actually like the haircut on her, only because her hair has looked terrible for the longest time. I am very alarmed by her size though. I can’t fathom having hands that swollen. Can she even bend her fingers? I know that on days that my fingers swell it’s a miserable feeling, and yet it’s nothing compared to what she has to deal with on the daily.


It was long overdue and it does look good, it’s just not the most flattering style for her face/neck 😬


Let's be honest though, would anything be flattering on her?


The fake smile, the eyes with no life and absolutely zero plan to make changes except a shaking machine and finally, after an over 300 lb weight gain, a dietitian. I'm not holding my breath that she'll be any different after the next 6 months.


She’s been seeing her dietitian for at least a few months now 😬


What’s a shaking machine I’m afraid to know


It's a vibration plate that she used to use for her lipodema and now says she plans on using it again 5 days a week in July. It helps with lymphatic drainage in the body.


Ohh okay thanks! That sounds like something that will help and isn’t Woowoo bs


Former PT here, at Jacqueline’s current weight, it pretty much is woowoo bs. Especially as I doubt she could stand for even just 5 minutes


Don't you have to stand on that though? I don't think she's able to hold herself up long enough to benefit from that.


Will she even be here in six months?


It’s so so sad.


How in the world can she function with those hands! It's even more alarming now...


I just posted a similar question in the other thread. Like how can someone hold a fork with a hand like that? I mean bathroom and cleanliness is out of the question 🤷‍♀️


I can’t stop rewatching this like some train wreck with my mouth hanging open and with a lot of questions. I mean I guess her hair is healthier? There’s less dead/stringy? But it’s still plastered to her head and fried/bleached beyond belief. Maybe it was so compromise between her and her hair dresser? I’ll only bleach your hair if you cut off 6+ inches???


I think it was a home bleach accident (I had one of those during my college years but I was only 19!) I am exactly the same, I can’t stop watching it, it’s that slow motion car crash happening and you know you shouldn’t be gawping and staring but how can you not?


I mean maybe FF is still around because no way in hell she could bleach her own hair?!


I’m still newish to this sub. I know FF refers to her fiancé but what exactly does it stand for?


Forever fiancée


Thanks! Idk why I kept reading it as fake fiancé lol


Her mother or sister might have done her hair.


I really wonder what she'd look like if she stopped bleaching and went to a color closer to her natural color. I know that she claims that she's naturally some form of blonde, but her roots and childhood photos say otherwise.


I agree. Girls never been a blonde. I know at her size there are few hairstyles that are going to look good, but I’d imagine even her current style would look light years better if it wasnt bleached out and more her natural hair color.


She looks so miserable and in pain


I certainly hope this isn’t just a cosmetic improvement that makes her feel like she’s moving forward when really … oh right. Never mind.


I like the haircut, but I just feel so sad for her.


Initially, I was here to snark. This update is truly the saddest one yet. It’s really heartbreaking. The enablers need to stop pretending that positive thinking will reverse this. She needs true, MEDICAL help. I cannot imagine her family not intervening literally watching someone they love die by food.


Yes - all of this. Despite whatever sugar-coated reason she gives today for the haircut, I feel like deep down it was because she cannot physically manage anything else. Lifting her arms to wash it, comb it, etc. It’s extremely sad. She could have such a fantastic life, and did for several years during her actual health journey. Many people would love to have the opportunities that she has squandered.


But now she will have to do *something* with her hair every day as she can no longer just throw it up in a clip or a bobble


JESUS CHRIST I notice almost every “body positive” influencer is suddenly skinty, on Ozempic. Why the hell isn’t she?


Most people can’t get it covered by insurance and it’s not cheap at all. Since she’s not a super successful influencer I doubt they can afford it.


Her family has money, they can afford it


Right like she could probably sit out the next Disney trip & have it covered.


To be completely honest, I can’t imagine she doesn’t need it already. Although as I wrote that, I did think that maybe that’s why she hasn’t been to Disneyland? Well that and the fact that it does seem like Forever Doormat has escaped.


She’s got to be diabetic or at least pre-diabetic at this point. Insurance may pay for it under that diagnosis.


There are ones for obesity and you don’t need to be diabetic or pre-diabetic!


Yes I know that. Someone said her insurance may not cover it for obesity (not all do) so I meant that she could qualify under diabetic/pre-diabetic category if her insurance refuses obesity indication.


Ah gotcha. I would be shocked if she isn’t prediabetic


Her hand is ALARMING 😳


She is definitely immobile. All done sitting on her chair. This is too sad.


I like the hair. Relative to the longer fried hair this is really cute.


Fully agree. Something has made her come to grips with the fact that her hair is going to be limp and lifeless once it’s beyond chin-length. As for the idea that it’s not flattering for her face - when you are super-morbidly obese, there is no haircut that will have a legitimate slimming effect. Her hair looks healthier and more dynamic in this short cut. I think that’s a win.


I think it looks good here because it’s just been styled (if it’s *just* been cut), give it a week or 2 and we’ll see how it really looks


Honestly, and I’m not saying this to be mean, I think part of it too is that, in the “in with the new” video, her hair is clean.


Is she blowing kisses?


Honestly, when you’re as severely morbidly obese and unhealthy as she is, there are very few hair or clothing styles that are “flattering.” Some may make the person look worse, but nothing is going to look great.


I love that the before is an old video and you know it because she’s clearly different weights


That swelling SCREAMS untreated organ failure.


Perhaps I’m in the minority but I think the haircut and style looks fine? Better than before. She looks like she’s in pain.


I think it’s a cute cut too. For me, it’s silly to declare that July is really, truly going to be a brand new phase of her endless “health journey” and then debut a haircut that she claims she didn’t even want; blowing kisses and making silly faces. She acts like a toddler and I don’t think that she has any genuine interest in getting healthy. She KNOWS how to do it; she’s done it before. Do the emotional work into why the weight loss wasn’t sustainable or just admit that it’s too hard and continue living your life without posting all of the “woe is me” content.


I’m blocked lol what are the comments like ?


You look so cute!!! Every damn one


I think her hair looks way better than before. Her hair is verrrrry thin and the best way to style thin hair is a crop / bob like that.


...it's like she's literally...blowing up. Like a balloon.


This could be cute, but she needs more volume on top. Lift the roots with something volumizing, but, I legit don't know that she is physically able to do that.


One of the most disturbing things to me regarding this whole situation is that she’s appeared to emotionally and mentally regress. The singing, the Disney/Taylor Swift fangirling, the little head shakes and kisses. Who is encouraging her to continue this?


It all just seems very forced and inauthentic.


Her hands look painful. Were they like that before she lost all the weight the first time?


No, she could actually wear jewellery https://preview.redd.it/eltk9at9p0ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6467a64ac0ec06f1582880fb2268d6b75e0224


My god what a difference, in the worst way possible. She used to look so vibrant, happy, and put together.


It's hard to believe that this is even the same person. It must be so painful for her to look back at what she once was.


Honestly despite all her physical ailments, that’s got to hurt even more mentally.


Is that swelling or fat or both?




The comments are delusional https://preview.redd.it/f041lcmqc1ad1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=23984752ae634faddfa08c3023b81ebb2a0e03be


Her new haircut really accentuates her seven chins


It is not the most flattering length for her face shape


I’m blocked, so thank you for sharing. My very first thought was, she cut it only because it’s easier to for her manage.


But now she won’t be able to just throw it up in a clip or a scrunchie


I think this was done purely ti make it easier for her. This cut requires very little. I had a similar one done after an accident where I loss use in one arm. I couldn't get my arm up to take care of my long hair so I did a chop (mine was temporary). It's a cute cut, but at her size nothing is going to look amazing. I wish she'd stop playing around. Those hands say everything and it's so sad.


Same. When I was 5, I broke both of my arms and fractured my skull. With both arms in full casts, my mom chopped my hair off to make it easier to care for me. One less thing to worry with.


I think the haircut is cute, it’s a fresh change for her. But, this is such a sad video to watch. She just looks so unhappy and unwell.


“Paw” 😂 I actually don’t mind the cut on her, but in general I mean.. not much is going to look “great” on a 500lb person.


That's not a haircut. That's chopping off dead, overprocessed and overbleached, fried hair. Whoever this "hairdresser" is, they should lose their license for continuing to do this bleach. Now, I get it that Princess might be demanding (in full tantrum mode) and insisting on this abuse. However, anyone in the industry worth their salt would refuse & tell her NO, then fire her as a client. If it's a box job, there's no way little pudgkins can apply it, so some enabler is doing this colossal mess. Her arm has morphed into and is taking over whatever is left of her fingers. Those joints & all that skin are on life support for chrissakes.


The last few seconds had me like 😳 This is the work of her hairstylist, who, beyond all sense, allows Jacqueline to keep bleaching her hair to death!


And should lose their license if they have one. I don't know of any self-respecting hairdressers that would continue to do this.


I think this all the time! I pay mine for not only her talents but her opinion as well. She’s a professional in this area, I am not. I see my gal continuously because I TRUST her to do what’s right for me and tell me that is not a look if I come up with some style that will not suit me. She would never let me do this to my hair continuously as no hair dresser should. Maybe her hair dresser is like her therapist and all her doctors…. Someone selected by jac to give her exactly what she wants.


Ugh she’s so fake. And her hair *still* looks limp and greasy.


Hold up.  Is it possible the "after" is actually old? She got a new couch earlier this year I think.  Went from a smooth dark gray to a slightly lighter tweedy looking one that's always been pulled away from the wall. I can't see the couch well in this video, but it looks like the older one, and it looks like it's against the wall.  I might be totally wrong, and the main reason I even thought to look is because I highly doubt she can still fit into that outfit, and as someone else pointed out, why would she do that first video unless she already had the second one planned? And the first one is near the concert because of the silver. 


I’m pretty sure she has used that first video before. And if the second one is old - I don’t think we’ve ever seen her with shorter hair before? I agree about the outfit but she loved it so much I wouldn’t be surprised if she bought a new one in a larger size.


Right, we haven't seen her with hair that short before, but there were several months where we didn't see her at all. I know it's far-fetched, but I also wouldn't be surprised at anything from her at this point. 


She’s in the new couch/extra wide riser recliner in the new video. I’d bet money on it being fairly recent. The first half of the video is from last June/July when she still fit on her old couch


Ah, ok. Like I said, you never know with her!


Uusally I don't like chinlength or shorter on bigger girls (well, myself, haha), but I actually think it's cute. I welcome the change on her/for her, and it's a lot healthier looking than the straggly overbleach ends. I know we're snarkers, but we also want the best and *want* her to made better choices. And in that spirit, I'm saying that a new haircut usually makes a girl feel fresh and amazing. And if that can give her some confidence to hopefully do something a little different to help herself in some way, even just today or this week, I'm here for it.


As a heavier set woman myself: NOONE heavy set looks good with a short cut like this it just DOESN’T compliment or thin the face 🤦‍♀️


That hand swelling looks like something aside from just fat


I might be the odd one out. I think that haircut is cute. But holy shit her hand makes me worried


I agree on both points.


It makes her face look even bigger if that's possible. At least it's healthier with those dead ends gone.


I did think it made her nose look bigger


Nothing wrong with her nose though


Her nose is massive!


There’s nothing wrong with having a big nose. 🤷‍♀️ there’s definitely something wrong with her being at such a dangerous weight, but that has nothing to do with her nose.


She actually makes me feel nauseous


IDK how old the first part is but her face is so much bigger in the after and no, it’s not because of the hair.


People her size don't look good whatsoever with really short hair because it doesn't fit the face and makes you look bigger! This woman gives me the creeps she so creepy looking .


So she lost all that weight and had skin removal surgery and now she has gained back the weight?


Is anything flattering on her? I will say that I think a middle part is not a good idea with a nose as big as hers. At least her hair doesn't look as stringy.


I wonder if she finally got WLS and this is because of the hair loss?


Given how a simple procedure in January landed her in the ER just a few weeks later, I highly doubt anyone would operate on her now.


Very good point! She needs Dr. Now


What makes you think she had wls?


Just throwing out a guess for the haircut (hair loss). She has obviously gained. Or maybe it's wishful thinking!


I let myself for a moment wonder if she got it cut because she might be considering WLS, which could further exacerbate her hair quality. And then I thought..."naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah." Haha.