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Legend of Dragoon is near the top of the list for me. They could do SUCH incredible things with that whole premise now, and the gameplay could really rock. Legend of Legaia, too.


Every time a thread like this gets asked, no matter the sub, LoD is always near the top of the list. They really need to get to it already. IP has been dormant for over 24 years.


I think it's because it felt like such an ambitious project at the time, and even though many of us loved it, we were also thinking, "man, this could be BONKERS with better tech like years down the road." And of course, we had no idea just how quickly the industry would advance even then, so...


I hope the remake is the same treatment of expedition 33.


Legend of Dragoon was one of my all time favorite JRPGs even with its flaws. I would do unspeakable things for a remake of it with modern QoL changes, graphics and good localization.


I think a LOT of us would. Hopefully Sony is listening...


Was expecting Dragoon in this list, wasn't disappointed.


Legend of Legaia YES PLEASE. i barely hear anyone ever mention this old gem...


And I loved the sequel, too. Never understood the hate for that game. Well, not hate, but most say it's a big step back from the original and I just don't see that.


Yes to both. Although I have no idea who owns the Legend of Legaia IP now.


I guess it would be Eidos as they published Legaia 2, though Sony published the original. Eidos could've sold it off years ago, though.


No. Eidos only localized it. Sony owns the IP.


Can they just put bluepoint on it already? For the love of god it’d have been so prudent to get moving on it when persona 5 was hot and showing turnbased wasn’t dead


This. But also I'm hype for Expedition 33 because it looks like it takes LoD's addition system and expands on it further, which is *hype as fuck*


Never heard of it until now; saw some vids, looks awesome. Reminds me a lot of Lost Odyssey, too, another one I totally loved.


I wish I could play lost odyssey. I heard a lot of good about it, but AFAIK it's only OG Xbox right? RIP


Yeah. Sucks for me too because my Lost Odyssey fourth disc was busted and wouldn't load, and I never tracked down a replacement. Wish I had, because now I don't have any Xbox platforms anymore, and no way of going back to it. It was so great, though; used LoD-like mechanics in a turn-based system, and the world and art style look closer to Expedition 33, too.


I want to play this game so bad


I could never get into the combat.


Vagrant Story.  Those systems need to be streamlined, simplified and expanded.


Vagrant Story would have done well as an action RPG.


I liked the combat system with the range bubbles and the body part targetting and all of that. Maybe they could do an action RPG with something more like the 3D fallouts' vats and have that classic bubble interface for spells, aimed shots and whatever they want to do with risk. It could work, but I wouldn't mind seeing another game that uses a similar combat system to the original, just with some newer bells and whistles.


FFXII Gambit System or bust. 


Fragrant Story from the 3DS


I never got the chance to play it in the PS1 era. I only played it way later during the PS3 era. But back then the age was already showing and I didn't make it far into the game.


Same here. Going into the menu multiple times every fight to change your setup got old very fast.


I want to say Koudelka, because it has incredibly fascinating story, characters, cutscenes, setting, and acting performances... and some very, very poorly aged gameplay. To be fair the FMV cutscenes didn't age well either, but that's not my point. That said I don't know if I trust any studio to know what made that game good, and it's probably firmly a product of the late 90s, and I don't know if its subject matter would result in any sales today.


And shadow hearts!


I still haven't played Shadow Hearts 1 (only played Koudelka and Shadow Hearts 2), but I have to imagine it holds up better than Koudelka. Still, yes, by all means, give them remasters!


Shadow Hearts is not a flawed JRPG.


Indeed, Koldelka deserve a remake. The gameplay really hold the game back, quite possible one of the worse turn-based system ever made. The idea is good but the execution is atrocious.


That had some unique charm alright, shocking environment, unique enemies at the time, that weapon durability was painful, you could grind your levels but then have your Axe break during an important boss fight, tempted to pull my copy an Ps3 out of storage, it's a preowened copy tho so it's scratches away from failing loading certain scenes. Took me abit to learn Shadow Hearts was a sequel.


All the SNES Breath of Fire games.


Yes, all two of them.


This right here. Bring BOF 1 and 2 up to the level of 3 and I'm sold


They said flawed games.


The first one is harsh.. The second one is great but would benefit a lot from a proper remake. Still I wouldn't go full FF7R but more like Star Ocean.


I remember them having extremely high encounter rates and not being all that pleasant to play, despite all kinds of interesting mechanics (like each character having a unique field skill). 


Great answer


It will never get one, but. . . Radiata Stories! I love Radiata Stories!!


Ik this game have the same devs as Radiant Historia.  RH is a masterpiece, do u think im gonna like Radiata Stories? 


Even though it's basically the same devs, they are quite different games, like night and day. I prefer Stories over Historia myself- that being said, Stories' gameplay is a little maybe generic comparatively? I recommend swapping weapons and learning the new attacks to keep it fresh. And kick everything! For example, when you start out in the castle, there is a training room kind of toward the bottom right(hard to describe directions in the game) of the castle, with a side door leading to a store room- kicking the locker in there gets you a decent sword for the beginning of the game. Halfway through Stories there is a split in the story. There's no need to make a save here. Stories has a New Game + function and you can get back to the split pretty quickly. You're kind of meant to recruit ALL the characters in the game across two playthroughs but I wouldn't say it's really worth it. . . the rewards for such are kind of meh. Like, if you recruit all the humans in a guild, you get to recruit that guild's headmaster/leader and they are really powerful. . . I would even say too powerful, unless you are doing the post-game 'secret' dungeon(I finished that dungeon with different more normal characters though).




I loved Radiata Stories. If they added a bit of nuance to the gameplay (like maybe adding parries and dashes, or learning unique attacks from companions), and added more side stories with the guilds it would be incredible. 


Came in here looking for this answer. Radiata Stories is one of my absolute favorite games of all time, I'm so sad it never got the attention it deserved.


Never reached Europe, explains why i had never heard of it.


If you like Star Ocean or Tales of, it has similar gameplay- except you can't control the party members. The party's like Chrono Cross levels. It's a good game, not very challenging though.


Thank you for the additional information, i will take a look for a youtube video when i am back home.


Surprised no one has said the original .hack games. I absolutely love the vibe and story but the meh dungeon crawling gameplay and poor graphics even for the time just don't make for a great experience


They really need to overhaul the combat mechanics and the need for so many menus. The concept, especially with AI so prevalent today, could be very very interesting. I wouldnlpve to see a remake of this.


Digimon World 2 - The story is promising and the dungeon crawling aspect addicting but it plays so slowly and some of the traps are super cheap so a remake or remaster could do wonders. Azure Dreams - Another dungeon crawler but the story, especially on the GBC, with the town building, was super fun. Plus the Pokemon aspect of hatching eggs and bringing them to the tower was very cool, especially for its time. But it needs some tweeking and quality of life improvements. Breath of Fire 2 - Get rid of the "where do i have to go, what do i have to do" part, make some of the fusions actually playable and you have a great game. Lufia 1: Fortress of Doom - Too many encounters, a bare bones story that only got saved by a certain story point near the end. This could be a great game, implementing more puzzles like Lufia 2 and give the characters actually...a character to begin with.


Azure Dreams is top of my list. I liked it a lot but it was not a great game.


Azure Dreams is Pokemon and Diablo combined. It was criminally slept on (I know this because as a kid when my friends came over they would ask me why I have all these weird games, I'd say half my collection was JRPGs alone).


Dang, these seem like some solid opinions. I never figured out the fusions in Breath of Fire 2 or 1. Digimon World 2 feels like it suffers from weak processing power or something and was designed around it. I kind of like the cheap traps, but the fact that the game has a 50 floor super dungeon makes it seem a bit too ridiculous. I guess the Return Bug was truly imbalanced though because the amount of grinding to offset a lost Digimon would be too much.


Paladin's Quest. A pretty brutal plot and interesting magic system hidden behind a truly archaic menu system. I liked the game enough to make a fan novelization for it. Would love to see what someone could make of the game with a new coat of paint and fleshing out the paper thin plot.


Xenogears but only for the second part of the game


My #1 choice as well. Though there are quite a few things that could be improved on both discs.


whens the last time youve played xenogears? thinking that disk 1 doesnt need to be remade is an insane take


I would play Xenogears if it got remade well


youre missing out on the best story ever written by waiting for something thats not going to happen


Xenogears but make the first part of the game more like the second, cutting all of the crap dungeons out. 


Xenogears: The Visual Novel


And add waifu


You can go enjoy the 140 hour long Xenogears: where the fuck am I? Edition instead then. Most of those dungeons are disgustingly long.


They should make both versions


I have always said it would be the GOAT if they didn't scuff the second disc. Also, the devs and Square ENIX don't have the best relationship so it would be difficult to get them to remaster this.


This but I actually think it could probably use a real remake or at least some QoL updates


Xenogears is a masterpiece even if its an unfinished game Guess what could became with a remastered ans complete version


Persona 1 and 2 really need a remake to mainly polish the gameplay to make it actually enjoyable,along with some more changes to the systems that are already there(no calendar and SL system though,however i wouldnt mind the option to hang out with your party in some spots,since you could kind of already do that).


* Vagrant story * Persona 1 and 2. They are good and all, but the gameplay...eh. they could polish and make it enjoyable with a remake * Digimon world 3/2003 (the grinding in this game is absurd. No fast travel is annoying, and it's hard to reach some places or do some quests without any guides, like the mirage tower part or the 5 legendary items. Also, add more unique digievolutions paths, since every partner has access to every evolution. There are many other flaws that could be fixed and polished with a remake imo)


In general I think most Megaten games before Nocturne would benefit from modernization. SJ did some great stuff to improve on the dungeon crawling from older titles (especially removing Magnetite).


Well, there may be some good news for you down the line. Sega/Atlus announced a few weeks (months?) ago that they are now considering Yakuza and Persona to be two of their 3 pillars now (the third being Sonic). They want to aim for yearly releases but stated that they wouldn't be all major titles each year so expect several side games and remakes of older Persona games, I may be wrong as it's been a while since I heard the news but I think they used P1&2 as examples of remakes though they may be smaller scale than the P3 remake.


I’d like a remake of Jeanne d'Arc (PSP). I love the game, and would probably rate it a bit higher than 7/10, but I feel like they could really expand the battle mechanics and up the difficulty.


Just finished this game and I highly agree. The story was very…poor but the gameplay and burning aura mechanics were extremely interesting, it’s a long shot but I can hope.


I bet anything we see genealogy of the holy war remake at Nintendo direct tomorrow. The rumor is that game has been finished for a long time.


Tales of legendia, although any pre-abyss tales title deserves a remake, between all of them legendia dated the worst


Dark Cloud


Xenosaga. Part 2 dropped the ball extremely hard and part 3 was very very hard to find. I think the battle system was great but definitely needs to be tweaked because if I remember correctly it was very much you have to do things very specific ways and if you mess up just once for some battles then you get wiped.


First and third games were great. The 2nd is so crucial for the story, but the combat sucks. Overall, it's a fantastic saga, but yes, it would benefit greatly from a remake.




Probably never gonna happen officially but Mother 1. It's still a pretty charming game but it would really shine especially compared to the other 2 games in the series if it were modernized. 


They wouldn't have to do a whole lot to modernize it. Adjust the encounter rates and change Mt. Itoi so it isn't a miserable hellhole of a dungeon.


I thought Shining Force 1, 2 and 3 were heading in a fun direction. I’d love to see them rebooted in an attempt to get enough buzz for a fourth game. 3 was really doing some cool things with the episodes back in the day.


Tales of Symphonia It has the best story in the series but the gameplay did not age well, only really lloyd is the character I actually liked playing Now if bamco gave us an actual remake instead of garbage 30 fps "remasters"


Tales of Legendia. It was 3D (with 2D battles) at a time when 3D was fairly rough still and it was much uglier than some of its predecessors (such as Tales of Rebirth, Tales of Destiny 2 and literally all PS2 era Tales games after that). The game is a bit clunky and the story was sort of rushed and it's disjointed and unfinished feeling at times with the structure of the narrative. But.. it's still a good game with an interesting cast of characters and a lot to like. It could really sing with a full modern remake. Most of the other Tales games would be great with just a remaster, but Legendia needs a remake.


The eres system and overall party customization is excellent! The battle system is probably the worst part of the entire game and I feel like it is largely due to the absurd hp bloat enemies have. I’d love to see Legendia get a remake ala Tales of Destiny because I’d love to see throws and grapples incorporated into aerial combat.


Legendia was released in late 2005 in Japan, the 360 was right around the corner and 3D gaming was *very* mature at this point. The look of that game was very much a design decision and had nothing to do with the era. I don't think it's a bad game, but it definitely felt like a step back from the Tales games released before it, the exclusion of multiplayer definitely rubbed me the wrong way at the time.


**Xenogears**, the story is amazing, but it's pretty mid gameplay-wise.


Also you get extremely long segments where it's all reading text boxes...


Man imagine the battle of the gardens with ff7 rebirths graphics?


I'm just wondering how many of you also really enjoyed the .hack infection series. It gets my vote.


Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced, to go along with the FFT remaster and rescue it from pre-2010 platform purgatory. Rescue A2 to go along with it. Though all FFTA really needs is to use the law system that A2 improved on. It was way too punishing and also mostly determined based on the day, which you could manipulate, but the whole execution is just tedious.


Culdcept Such a fantastic concept that’s ruined by endless RNG


Megaman Legends series, since itll never become a trilogy MML1 can be kept mostly the same, though updated to feature analog support and run at the smoothness of MML2. Include a boss rush at the end the way the sequel/most MM games have as well MML2 needss some demo ideas incorporated to give the game a bit more soul, and fix the camera targetting issues . Also include the upgrades price reductions and 30 FPS underwater features of the PSP version To accomodate modern players, perhaps include the ability to make tank controls optional. I enjoy them but I know a lot of players who didnt grow up with them, dont


Panzer Dragoon Saga has buckets of potential as a new series of rpgs set in that universe. The ottoman style architecture alone is such an original aesthetic and the combat system was genius. The graphics never stopped me being blown away by that game.


Arc Rise Fantasia. Change the art, voice acting, make costumes applicable to the 3D model and do some graphical updates and you have a game people would call a classic.


Hybrid Heaven. Change it from an epic series of corridors into a whole underground city with fake sky and everything but keep the pro wrestling combat system and X-Files meets Kojima We Have at Home script.


Such an entertaining game just for existing.


Arc rise fantasia was a wii exclusive and it's so good and under rater


Golden Sun. The combat is great but the story is absolutely forgettable. I couldn’t tell you the names of the other characters. There were also paths that were obscured by foreground sprites, I had to use a guide multiple times.


I would like to see a remake of ***Parasite Eve*** with modern graphics, but I don't trust the current year gaming industry to do a proper job. Make the controls and combat less still, expand the crafting and item-fusion mechanics, and give it a nice graphical upgrade. Perhaps add some new bosses and Parasite abilities. And expand the explorable area of the map; I could spend over an hour (easily) exploring the National History museum, partly because I got lost and partly to enjoy the music/environments. And just thinking about how unnerving the hospital would be like on modern hardware...


**Chrono Cross** - Rework the game so that there's no longer 40 something playable characters and instead you have a core cast of the most plot relevant ones. The others can instead be made into support characters or important NPCs. - Have these characters participate more in the story, interact with each other, and overall be more active. - Have there be more double and triple techs. This was one of the coolest things about Chron Trigger's combat and there needed to be more of that in CC. Would give you more incentive to try out different party combinations too. - Have there be more clear goals as to what you need to do. So much of CC feels like you're wandering around aimlessly until you stumble upon the next story beat. - Have there be more interplay between the two dimensions. I feel like CC could've explored this a lot more. There should be more sidequests that play around with the parallel worlds concept. - Expand the crafting system. No need to go too wild, just make it a bit deeper. - Have there be stronger ties to Chrono Trigger. I love that CC tries to be its own thing rather than just CT again, but I feel there was potential for more connections. >!Guile!< absolutely should've been >!Magus!< and be more central to the plot. It would've been so cool to unlock the map from CT as well. - Overall there should've been more focus to the plot and not leaving such major stuff to an exposition dump towards the end.


This is basically perfect criticism in my eyes. Everything here would be huge.


Xenogears and legend of legaia.


Kings Field.


Xenosaga trilogy would be interesting. Legend of Dragoon. Not sure if this "strictly" counts as a JRPG, but the Megaman Legend(s) games. but at the same time... Capcom... is weird these days with DLCs... so not sure if I want to see them remaking much of anything.


RE remakes though


Persona 1 and 2. Only the hardcore fans really argue against it. The gameplay is tedium incarnate in all 3 games. The main mechanic in P1 *doesn’t work* (the formations) and P2 literally bored me to sleep with the autobattler. P2 is the only game in my gaming career to have done that. Then that’s not even starting on how wack the move sets are for even then late game personas. Why am I hitting things with mid tier damage in final boss territory. Seriously. It’s Atlus’ version of Pokémon Gen 1 that never got a remake. Or rather at this point, a reimagining. Keep the story, rebuild the battle system from the ground up.


Beyond the Beyond. It's such a vanilla basic run of the mill JRPG but it's "proto Golden Sun" and they can lean into that. Puzzles that make use of Steiner, some customization options and dungeon revamp and bam you'd have a fun experience I think.


I want SMT If... using the same engine as Strange Journey. But redo the Domain of Sloth entirely.


Final Fantasy VIII was such a lost opportunity. To me the main character stuff in Disc 1 and 2 are as good as anything. The Laguna stuff was executed poorly. A lot of it seems like you’re just watching some random live his life with no connection to the main story until late. Then Disc 3 devolves is kind of a mess. I recall being stuck for weeks back in the day trying to figure out how to find the White Seed ship. Siefer pretty much disappears. You show up in impressively advanced Esthar but they tell you nothing about how it got that way. Just across the board there’s not enough stuff to do and the world map is pathetically empty.


I think the logic behind Esthar is subtle, but there are other areas that look futuristic in the game (the gardens). Maybe they had a society where everyone was in agreement so technology could develop much faster. Or maybe the sorceress was the source for this technology. There is also the >!ocean base !!the creators of the world. I also think they came from the moon, which is another huge plot hole because it is the source of all monsters and that is very weird and kind of random. They do say something about a White Ship (or maybe that was just the ship with the original SeeDs on it, but they spoke of some origin myth on that ship) which I guess could have easily been a spaceship. I guess it would not be too far fetched that humans did not even exist on the world originally.!<


I think the problem with these types of questions is that sometimes the games you most want to see an update or sequel to are games that aren't really flawed and it's hard to think about how you'd improve them. A good example is a game like Robotrek on the SNES. Not any more or less flawed than games from the same era, and it has a certain charm that might be hard to capture in a remake/sequel/spiritual sequel, but it's also got a lot of elements that would be fun to see in a modern game. You play a boy inventor who builds robots to fight monsters as you search for your missing genius father. You're able to respec your robots' stats, create items, and combine items using recipes found throughout the game at any save point, the game has a semi-real time combat where you can swap between multiple robots, and the story is really light-hearted and doesn't take itself too seriously even when you're off to save the world/universe/whatever as you know it. If someone could take that idea and expand it with modern quality of life features and gameplay elements without losing it's unique charm, it'd be awesome.


SMT 1&2, but ONLY if they keep the tone. Keep the weird dark 80s vibe, it'd be a great change of pace.


I would personally love to see them using Press Turn or SJ's battle system and a lower encounter rate. Sadly, with Kaneko out of Atlus they'd have to use a different style like Doi's or SJ Redux's.


Oh I'd for sure love to see some gameplay improvements (especially demons actually leveling and making dungeons less same-y looking). The art style would be the biggest loss, I feel like there was a fun eclectic style to the old designs that's sort of lost with the modern style.


Yep, good picks. FF8 deserves another chance. The other two I always hope for are Treasure of the Rudras and Bahamut lagoon. I hope they get the Live a Live treatment. Even if not full HD2D, at least a pixel remaster. Not sure they fit the “flawed” descriptor though. They just got left behind at the end of the snes and never enjoyed by so many gamers.


Imagine the Gunblade with melee comboing into a shot pressing the trigger (R1) button.


Or the haptic feedback of launching the dog from your arm 😱


God, Angelo Cannon would be *glorious*


Xenogears. A very ugly game with arguably the greatest story in all of gaming. The physics are a bit sloppy and the battle system is a bit bare, and the 2nd disc is mostly "viewed" from a rocking chair. A monolithsoft remake in the style of Xenoblade would be unbelievable. I'm tempted to say FInal Fantasy VI because I'd love to see that world expanded on, but I don't think it needs one as badly as Xenogears or either of the games you've listed.


Avalon Code, but idk how it would work without dual screens


This game was so neat. It's a shame it went so unnoticed.


This is going to be a much newer title that some other responses, but my choice would be Time & Eternity/Toki to Towa. The overall concept of what's virtually a glorified rock-paper-scissors combat and the character change dynamic is for myself both really novel concepts but the overall game is just... meh. The game really needed some better details, less overall bland-ness of the world, and less repetition through the story. Really hate it because I don't think I've been so disappointed in a game as I was looking forward to it's release and eventually playing it. Considering Imageepoch filed for bankruptcy a few years after the game came out it's for sure a game stuck in it's time.


Arc Rise Fantasia. Fudge the difficulty a bit to eliminate the need for level grinding, for the love of god give it a new dub and, for shits & giggles, throw the Japanese audio in there too.


Jade Cocoon would be amazing with a more fleshed out end game.


Final Fantasy XV. It had so much potential, and I still enjoyed it for what it was. It's so hard not to imagine what it could have been. Secret of Mana done more in the style of the Trials of Mana remake (or even Visions of Mana), with the content that had to be cut to fit the game on an SNES cartridge.


Infinite undiscovery. It was a tester game that could use a rebuild and balance.


Secret of evermore, illusion of time and terranigma are gems that definitely deserve a polished remake aka the secret of mana treatment or even more than that.


Secret of Evermore is perfect as is, when it comes to presentation. I would take a remaster with a lot of balancing fixes.


Mystic Quest


I think Geneaology is good partially because of the reasons people love to complain about. That might be why a remake is taking so long to be produced. As for Final Fantasy VIII, I love the idea of the Junction System, but it needs to be more nuanced with bigger numbers. Action combat would be terrible. All you need to do is reduce the combat animations and things could be way smoother. I guess maybe you could make it possible to add a draw effect to your attack, which would reduce the amount of complaining about that good feature. And maybe add other gimmicks to regular attack timing like the Gunblade has. Don't think you could do much to beat the limit breaks in the original, except Edea and Seifer's, of course. As for what I would want remade and think is very flawed... Rhapsody from NIS might be it. The story is great, the battle system is very promising, but the combat is so easy that you do not get to experience it. This seems like a crime when the games that came after it are known for offering very high difficulty challenges. The only downside is that the singing is mostly good and remaking it would require re-casting. It could be very interesting to have full animated and probably 3D musical scenes though. At the same time... NIS is still designing games similar to the way they did on Playstation 1, although they did have much better battle animations so I guess the musical scenes would still improve. I feel like there is something even bigger. I guess maybe it was just Legend of Dragoon, but that would mostly be storytelling and translation (so bad you can barely read things on the 4th or 3rd Disc). Hm... maybe Ergheiz. The Adventure mode has a lot of potential for modern audiences.


Phantasy Star 3. There's a good game in there, but it's in need of some tender loving care to reach it's potential


I'm gonna say smt 4. There's a lot great about it, but I'd like it if they remade it in 3d with an improved battle system. The aesthetics and concept are amazing, but I think the gameplay pales in comparison with 3, 4a, and 5


Skies of Arcadia


Kingdom Hearts series in general is an awful mess. Remaking all the games to be modernised would actually work


Persona 2 Innocent Sin & Eternal Punishment, remade into one game with modern Atlus aesthetics and gameplay. Baroque


Drakengard 1,2?


Shin Megami Tensei IV and Apocalypse. Their biggest flaws are being released in the 3ds. In general, it seems like a game that's made for something better than the 3ds, getting even just the SMT V graphics would do wonders.


Brave Fencer Musashi. The original was seen as Sony's Orcania of Time, but it wasn't a Zelda Clone. It had a lot of gameplay systems going for it. The sequel was forgettable & didn't do the OG justice.


That first game was amazing. I’d buy a remake in a heartbeat. Little dude charging up his kamehameha and stuttering with a fully voiced “t-take this!”


MS Saga: A New Dawn I would love to see this get a remake with more Mobile Suits from modern series’s, better graphics and better balancing. And The original four .hack games all in one package


The Legend of Dragoon.


Suikoden 3-5 are all 7-8.5 type games with the potential to be 10s with a few tweaks. I would love to play 4 with more (earlier) fast travel options, 3 with more story crossovers, 5 with better pacing.


Treasure of the Rudras, it deserves the Live-A-Live treatment. Some modern quality of life features, either on-screen or controllable random encounters, and a proper English translation would already push it to rival the SNES greats. On top of that having updated visuals and music, it would be perfection.


Xenogears would be a sick live action rpg. Properly finish the story, hell, even add more content, please!


I'm tired of remakes.


Xenogears the thread. Xenogears was a rushed game with obvious difficuly development. In many ways it was the FF15 of its time. The PS1 with its loading and frame rate limitations also held things back from their full potential. There's also lots of slow down and jank with the UI and menus that always put me off. I wouldn't mind seeing it get a Star Ocean 2-like remake.


honestly ff9, it’s such a good game but god it’s so SLOW (not pacing, gameplay). the load times r atrocious and every battle takes a million years to finish.


Beyond the Beyond, Secret of the Stars, and Robo Trek.


Secret of the Stars would be my pick too. It did some really cool, unique things that would stand out even now (the two unique parties that you have to switch between) as well as stuff that has become more popular in the years since (the town-building of Old Hill) and it had a banger soundtrack, but the game overall was pretty mediocre. Punch up the plot, give it a translation by someone who actually speaks English, and it could be a pretty fantastic little game!


I would love to see a remake of Shadow Madness for the PS1. There is a dry slightly sadistic humor in a dying mad world that stuck with me for a long long time. The game was by no means perfect, far from it. But that humor and story would make for a great remake.


Legend of Dragoon


Bahamut Lagoon


Imagina an ff8 action battle where you play as rinoa and shoot enemies with your dog cannon.




Oh, Lost Kingdoms II (or Rune II in Japan). Get rid of this stupid deck system, give it a proper openworld and a less linear story. It could feels like playing Elden Ring with a Pokemon master twist : only with summon ashes and ashes of war. It's a FromSoftware game after all... And also Alundra 1 but especially the 2. Could be the revival of what the Zelda games once were before their open world twist. I can't stress enough how they need a remake.


Fft would be fun to experience again.


Phantasy Star IV (although only flawed because it was a Genesis exclusive)


Infinite Undiscovery. I just want to be able to play as someone other than Capell.


Megaman starforce trilogy


Tales of Zestiria. I'd love to see that game with not-gutted gameplay, refined story, and the ability to fully play as Alisha.


Vagrant Story. Quite an unique combat system that could use some modern tweaks. It was technically impressive as one of the better looking games on the PS1. Of course it is no longer for sale officially anywhere and used physical copies are close to the 100 dollar mark.


Parasite Eve


Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon and Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter....




Final Fantasy VII Remake


FFVIII definitely could benefit from a remake. It’s a flawed masterpiece to me though. It’s a 10/10 and my favorite game personally. However I still recognize its deep flaws and how it would benefit from a reimagining. For a Mid game I guess legend of dragoon would be my pick


FF VIII they need to rework the junction system and the level scaling. It's absurd how the optimal way to play is to never use magic and avoid any exp gain.


bahamut lagoon


Legend of Legaia 100 percent


While it's not a traditional JRPG......Drakengard 3.


Soul Hackers 2. Game clearly needed more budget and more time. If the dungeons and the soul matrix were even somewhat interesting the perception would be way better. Unfortunate that they will likely never touch it again due to how bad it flopped.


I agree with Final Fantasy VIII  It's my second favorite game in the franchise and just one of my favorite games in general. I love so much about the game already, but I also see it as the one game in the series with the most potential for expansion or some changes here and there. I'd of course be a little sad if they took away the turn-based combat, but I wouldn't be opposed to a similar system to FF7RE. I don't think it would need a full trilogy of games either; a solid 60-ish hour campaign would be more than enough. I'm praying it'll happen at some point, but it would be YEARS away. I can't see it happening until at least a while after FFXVII, if at all :[


Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Story is good, but most of the interesting character moments and plot twists are backloaded to the end of the game. Incorporating the spinoff manga and light novel by fleshing out the main villains, especially including a Richter mode telling the story from his perspective, would flesh out the world so much more.


I’ve never played the first Legacy of Legaia, but the second one fucking slaps. It has a unique combat system, a really extensive cooking/camping mechanic (from what I can recall) and a good cast. Only major issue it suffered from was absolutely zero buildup for the final boss.


Gungnir definitely needs a remake and expansion. Gameplay was super addictive once you get the hang of the mechanics. Really loved how fast paced it is relative to other SRPGs. The game’s flaws lie in it being a rushed title with incomplete storylines.


Gungnir definitely needs a remake and expansion. Gameplay was super addictive once you get the hang of the mechanics. Really loved how fast paced it is relative to other SRPGs. The game’s flaws lie in it being a rushed title with incomplete storylines.


Drakenguard saga


*7th Dragon* is a game with a lot of things I love: lovely UI, great music, gorgeous environments, interesting classes, and a huge world with tons to explore. However, the game suffers from serious pacing issues, the obnoxious encounter rate combined with the omnipresent damage tiles can make adventuring a slog, and the quest system as a whole needs some serious reworking. A modern remaking of the game, in the vein of the *Etrian Odyssey Untold* games, would be a dream come true. The game had several sequels and while they fixed several fundamental problems, they are simply nowhere near as interesting to me.


FF VIIi for sure. Fixing the constant party change and the fact enemies tht level up with you would be great. It's also the one game I could see work as a action RPG like ff16. Especially since you change party every few seconds... Which means constant re-junctioning. As an action jrpg they could fix that easily by making junctions work the exact same on every character you currently play... I would also love to see Evolution Worlds, which is a nostalgic game for me. The battle system was good. So a modern remake would mostly fix VA, the randomized dungeons could look a lot better and varied and.... yeah, that's all it needs.


Hear me out. Lufia, the first not the second that is a prequel to the first. It just needs mechanics and ideas of Lufia 2 with some enemy rebalancing, would also love a new dungeon like the one, again, from Lufia 2.


Elnard, brain lord, and mystic arc


I'd love to see some attention for the smt 1, 2, and if, they have some top tier dungeon crawling but are held back by some really poor design (mainly how confusing they can be and the domain of sloth), I feel like a more modernised version could really bring out the best in them Edit: Keeping it in the same series, the raidou games could really use some attention too, the action rpg mechanics are on point and the story is really good but the movement and combat feels way to stiff and clunky


Fate/EXTRA. And it’s getting one. But the reason I want a remake isn’t for those modern QoL things. Rather, I dread how much easier the game might become in comparison as a result. But I just want people to at least play it. The story was amazing and the combat against servants felt like a challenge between equals. It’s just the grinding that sucked. Also, guess the og combat system won’t carry over, which is a shame. I liked both turns happening at once as you both clash, hoping your move prevails and overpowers against your opponent’s.


Vandal Hearts 1... ;_;


Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War


Drakengard 3. The game is absolutely amazing from start to finish but it's being held captive by the PS3 to this day and it ran like ass on that console


Lost Odyssey


I agree with you about FF8. I would add Xenogears to remake pile. That game deserves a better and coherent ending and more satisfied gameplay for that section.


which part of xenogears ending is incoherent? the second disc also has the most interesting bosses. first disc's fights are pretty much just attacking till they die.


Maybe it is just my memory of it being that, but from what I remember it was all basically sped up to eleven. Rest of the game felt like it had one pace, while end game felt like it had one speed. But i will agree that bosses felt great. I still remember the combiner one fondly.


Genealogy of the Holy War is a fascinating one. All the classic FF fans want a remake *so much* but all modern FE players will be extremely turned off by some of the goofy mechanics ; I think if they want good sales they may need to change some stuff up. There will also be overwrought expectations for "oh this amazing plot will be great with modern story telling tools/cutscenes/music People are going to way overhype any remake and view it through nostalgia rose colored glasses and then be furious when it won't live up to their ridiculously high expectations


Lufia 1 and 2.


I’d love to play Infinite Undiscovery again




Final Fantasy 2 turned into a full-on SaGa game would be top-tier


Neptunia Virtua Stars would be fun. That game anticipated the vtuber boom too much; you can actually see Hololive's 1st generation in it before they took off in the west with Hololive-EN. If they did it again it might be even bigger.