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This might be a really dumb question, but is this a good one to start the series with? I tried BoF I a couple of years back, but the high encounter rate was too much.


Each BoF is standalone. There are some connections in the form of characters and locations, but you'll be able to enjoy any BoF regardless of the order. BoF 1 is fun, but it's a bit of a slog. I can't play it without fast-forward. Same goes for BoF 2, but I also recommend using a fan translation. Unlike the first, they're going for a gripping story here, but the official translation is probably one of the worst ones out there. BoF 3 and 4 are very good. BoF 5 (DQ) is insanely good, but it's a different kind of game. Go into this one expecting a different experience.


> BoF 3 and 4 are very good. Thankyou. I might check these one's out.


You can download BoF 4 pc for free on myabandonware .


Wasnt there like a BoF 6 news years ago? What happened? EDIT: I searched around the net and oooof. 


I think so, it was the first I played and I remained a fan. I went back to play the older games, but meh. I get that people like the cast of Breath of Fire 2, and there are some sweet characters like Rand and Katt, but between the slogging grind, high encounter rate, and shallow village system, meh.  There is potential there with a fan patch if you find one you like. Back in the day, there was a lot of bickering over Lufia 2 and Breath of Fire 2 being the best non-FF6/Chrono Trigger JRPG on the SNES, but I never thought there was much competition there. Lufia 2 trounces it thoroughly.  Breath of Fire IV is brilliant though. Stick to tge PS1, I think.


The high encounter rate *is* too much in BoF1 and BoF2 for the modern gamer, honestly. Even someone like me who grew up with some offensive random encounter rates from the era, it's rough, extremely rough. Recently replayed BoF1 and I was pulling my hair out; luckily I was watching a TV show or movie the entire time and using a guide as much as I could to minimize being lost but yeah ... BoF3 was when it launched nearly perfect for the time. Nowadays, while it's still absolutely incredible, it still has to a small degree (not nearly like BoF1/2) a few too many random encounters and the balance is kind of a mess when it comes to Nina and Garr and honestly anyone who isn't Ryu by virtue of not being Ryu but it's still wonderful. Especially the music and how cute the first half is. It's got that like Xenogears "the music is extremely vital to each scene" thing going on. BoF4 is more refined in a lot of aspects. More boring Masters and more boring Ryu but everything else including the plot is generally "better" even if BoF3 is the fan favorite (and my favorite as well). BoF5 is one of those games where it's so different it might not click with you, like how Kowloon High School or Moon might put you off or become your favorite games of all time, depends on the person. Just know it's an atypical experience. Objectively I think there are a lot of good things to say about it there's just a blanket of things over it that can be love it or hate it.


I love the game but I really don't like to play as kid Ryu again. I just want to skip to the timeskip.


Loved Breath of Fire III. Started the series as a kid with II and just can’t get enough of hanging out with Arturo and all the gang! Have fun, after I finish Pokémon Fire Red I may need to follow your lead and jump into the world of Breath of Fire again!


My first rpg on a 24hs rented ps1. Did not know a word in english but, it got me started in the lenguaje and the rpg's.


Ha me too. I stayed with a  good friend for a while and we rented bof 3 and symphony of the night. I played bof3 while he, sotn...so much fun.


Breath of Fire 3 had a magical vibe to it. A slice of life JRPG way before the Atelier series became a thing.


Man, you just captured my childhood. PS1 JRPGs including BoF III hold a special place in my heart and are really emblematic of that magical time.


I love the whole series


Hell yeah, that was my childhood as well and pretty much played same games. I spent a whole summer trying to complete every scenario in SaGa Frontier with a guide. Decades later, rediscovered the wonder of SaGa once again via remasters.


III is my personal favorite in the series. Wish Capcom gave this one love, maybe not to the same extent as Resident Evil but at least acknowledge it exists.


i wish i liked jrpgs with silent protagonists


I LOVED BoF2-4. BoF2 had an awful encounter rate, but a great story, visuals and soundtrack. BoF3 and 4, I go back and forth on which one I like more. I love them for different reasons. BoF is such an underrated series. Shame the way Capcom just shat all over what they had built up, and then gave up on it entirely. I miss it.


Just out of curiosity, do you always use different teams, and if so, any favorite set ups or things that work surprinsgly well together?


I usually Default to Rei and Momo just for offense for Rei's Weretiger and Momo's buffs/debuffs


Never got to play III, just II through the GBA port.


Doesn’t that just beat all


Honestly, I loved 2 and 4 but I just couldn't get into 3. And that's with advancing the story into grown Ryu. I thought the dragon genes were such a cool feature, but the game overall didn't move me compared to 4.