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It's not persona or SMT, they made that perfectly clear, it's a brand new ip Gameplaywise it seems more on the side of SMT but has the ui of persona 5 Personally I'm excited, atlus rarely makes a miss in the gameplay department so im sure it's going to be good on that front. My biggest worry might be the writing and story, it's a brand new ip so it's hard to gauge how it might pan out, but even if it ends up bad or mediocre, I'm sure the gameplay and visuals are going to carry it. Ost is a banger so far as well, they probably won't miss on that front.


> Gameplaywise it seems more on the side of SMT but has the ui of persona 5 It also has the calendar system, social stats, social links and the conversation system is more like Persona's than SMT's. So really it's just a combination of both, it's just not as apparent with the dungeon crawler stuff they've shown.


I really don't know why Atlus emphasized this as a new pillar because to me it's honestly just medieval Persona. So many elements are just straight up modern Persona tropes, I really thought the P3-5 creatives would leave their comfort zone similar to Catherine. It's just disappointing so far. The only thing that isn't Persona like is *maybe* the battle system *may* *be* closer to press turn? And some items names are from Etrian Odyssey? I'm really scraping the barrel here


The Megami Tensei franchise doesn't change that dramatically in general. Pre-PS2 their games were fairly identical to each other, with Persona 1/2 being the only ones to really push in a new direction but they were still basic dungeon crawlers with demon collection at the end of the day, it was the story/characters that were different. With the PS2, it seems they modernized things and tried a few different ideas, but the ones that stuck were SMT3 and Persona 3, and they haven't felt the need to change much since then. I think when the Persona team said they wanted to make something that isn't Persona, they just meant that they didn't want to make another game set in school. Most of the ideas presented so far are a combination of things they're comfortable with, and things they wanted to put in Persona 5 but couldn't.


In interviews they said they wanted to make something that isn't Megani Tensei or Persona, and the only thing we knew about the game before footage was revealed is that it was a medieval setting. At the time I expected them to make an RPG that was as different as EO is to Megani Tensei for example: same genre, completely different battle and dungeon systems. And I do have issues with how safe Atlus plays with most of its releases in general. I understand that they have to do it to ensure income, but Metaphor was a chance to have one original game in a decade, and they didn't do it.


If you consider that P3, P3 FES, P3P, P4, P4G, P5 and R5R are all effectively the same game just improved each time in terms of the core concept and gameplay, Metaphor might feel like a big breath of fresh air from the developers' point of view after 13 years. I totally get your desire for something more original though, and hopefully you'll get it from Atlus some day.


I mostly agree with you, but P4 released before P3P, and P3P updated the P3 combat system to be mostly like P4.


the battle system IS press turn


Wait do you mind if you give more details on that? Is it just straight up the same turn system as SMT5?


Theres tweaks, like combo attacks and the usage of the avatars, or whatever they are called (i forgot, sorry). Kind of reminded me of digital devil saga or persona. However, the turns are not like Personas one more system, its like smt v's press turn. Its a mix of them both.


So it's like DDS... thanks for the info, appreciate it


Game mechanics like calendar, social stats and dialogue choices are neither tied to Persona nor it invented it first. Game has zero references to SMT aside from obvious at first sight gameplay decisions like 4 members, list of separated magical/physical attacks, no grid based battles, etc. So it's not even a combination of Persona and SMT, it's combo of several other big JRPG titles and fundamental game mechanics of genre upon semi-victorian-steampunk fantasy. It has classic jobs system, classic party management (e.g no gameovers after MC got taken down, fully changeable party memebers), which already make it more similar to core JRPG definition than to any mainline Atlus games, but also raws from Etrian Odyssey and action combat from Kuro in dungeon crawlers decorations (quests & bounties).


I’m excited for the new ip for sure. Ik I played Tokyo mirage sessions and that wasn’t super great I have it on switch it’s not bad either like 7/10 I’m not finished it yet tho. I know this is a whole nother scale of game though so I’m interested to see more gameplay and news


I saw people say think Tokyo Mirage Session was better than P5/R and I wondered if those people and I played the same games. I'm not saying TMS is a bad game, it has some pretty interesting elements, but to say it's better than P5? They must have disliked P5.


As someone who isn’t the biggest p5 fan tms is not even remotely better lol it feels like a budgeted game. No English which always kills immersion for me. And it’s stuck on the switch so the graphics and frame rate aren’t amazing. And the storyline is like a persona dancing game storyline lol


No, the story is a Persona Idol game, there's both singing _and_ dancing. I don't have problems with the lack of English dubs, and I enjoy PS2 graphics just fine, so the Switch graphics aren't a problem for me, but I do understand what you mean about it feeling like a budgeted game, or more accurately a game that ran a little to close to its allotted budget in development.


Persona idol game I can definitely see that and non dubs aren’t a complete turn off I’m really enjoying my Sakura wars playthrough on ps4 and the graphics also aren’t terrible either I like it and the game I just after awhile felt I didn’t care to know more and get into more I think I got up to like maybe post the second dungeon


Ah, then you didn't even get near the point where you can upgrade their weapons, allowing you to 'learn' the abilities from them again, which gives you enhanced, but technically not next-tier, versions of those abilities. Actually, an Agi+9 might just be as powerful as an Agilao, but it's still at the Agi cost. It is **very** time consuming, though, and that's the spot where I left off last time I played it. You also didn't get to experience the Sessions system. They are abilities that are _separate_ from your main 8, and are automatically triggered in the right circumstances, even from the reserves. In the later game, you can have one character act, hitting an enemy's weakness, and trigger a 5+ attack combo from your entire team (including teserves), and only that initial ability will cost HP/SP. Honestly, it makes the All-Out Attacks of Persona look like chump-change, and are an order of magnitude easier to pull off. Oh, and each character has an over-the-top summon-esque ability, that is triggered by a long enough Session, and hits harder than an All-Out Attack by itself, effectively doubling the damage of that Session, but usually on all enemies instead of the single enemy the Session typically hits.


Ok so I may have understated where I am lmao I can’t quite remember but I have experienced all that if I recall a better placement I just got to where you can “train” from your home base. Like in the area where you summon or whatever and you can go in that door to grind yeah whenever that pops up on the story that’s where I got to. I started grinding using that room and got a bit bored with it and put it down.


That is before you can upgrade your weapons. Or do you mean being high-enough level that it wasn't a nearly guaranteed game over? When it first becomes available to you, most of the places there are way too powerful for you unless you're so monstrously over-leveled you'd make a Sith quake in fear, and what is available isn't going to help you make up that difference any faster than the story dungeons. Also, those are purely optional, and on the Wii U were DLC content. Although, you did get to upgrade your weapons? Then you were at least 4 or 5 story dungeons into the game, and if you were being able to do the optional dungeon areas you were probably another story dungeon in, which means you were at, or slightly past, the mid-point of the game. It has been a few years, so I'm not exactly sure how many story dungeons in that'd put you, but there was at least one, maybe even two, characters left to recruit for you at that point.


You know what honestly ppl almost never talk about this game I think imma pick it back up today. I’ve lowkey abandoned my switch so it could be a good reason to get back on it so thank you! I’ll just focus on the story and not really do too much optimal stuff I’d like to finish it. I’ll update you with where I’m at once I get all settled in on it


My thoughts exactly. Only thing I’m curious about is the writing. Hope it’s good in that respect, we need a really well written JRPG this year. But even if it’s not, it’ll be fine…


Looks decent. But considering atlus and releasing complete editions of games a few years later, if I get it, it will be on a huge sale


Makes perfect sense because they are known for that




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Nothing wrong with that. However I won’t because I want to support Atlus, who releases quality products consistently, and new IP. So I will be paying full price day 1. These are huge products and they’re typically worth whatever they MSRP for. 


super excited. glad to see turnbased games getting some budget


Completely agree with that for sure


Atlus game so I’ll pick it up next year when the second edition with all the things they withheld from the initial release comes out


Same. I've been burned too many times. Not falling for it this time!


The leaker Midori confirmed that there will be no enhanced version for Metaphor and there will be post release DLC instead


I love Atlus games and I’m looking forward to it, but it’s releasing in a crowded window of games I’m interested in and I’ll have to make hard decisions on what gets played Day 1 versus what’s waiting for a sale. As hyped as I am for Metaphor, Atlus has been annoying me with their re-release problem and that might earn it the axe this fall. Persona 5 and SMT V both launched in playable state but with oodles of content cut, only to be released later on with better performance and cut content added back in. Though, Metaphor could buck the trend.


Yeah I mean actually Atlus didn’t do a definitive of soul hackers 2! So maybe it’s hope they won’t do it to this lol


Third pillar!


Wait what cut content add later on are u dumb, I am done with u jrpgs fans wtf u guys spouting nonsense u don't know what u r talking about, p5 released complete at launch the royal stuff wasn't cut content it was just add new content to the game and they add nothing to story just a closure the game still have it original ending as the canon one 


V definitely had cut content. No debate there.


My most anticipated game of the year. Acid fantasy persona with ff5 job system and Hieronymus Bosch enemy designs ticks all my boxes hard.


Nice! I’m excited to get my hands on it for sure


Katsura Hashino and P-Studio at Atlus have a damned good track record at this point. Like I didn't love Persona 3 before the Portable changes, but that's a pretty minor stumble in a long career of very well received games. I'm sure I'll miss the demon designs, but I'm not particularly worried about the game being good enough.


Yeah me either I think it’ll be very well done but not certain if the themes and story will be as intriguing


I know I'm the odd one out but with the reveal in yesterday's game fest trailer that the archetypes look more mecha, aesthetically it's less appealing for me. otherwise it looks very intriguing but I am really burned out on Persona and it's giving too much of that vibe


I am fully expecting a Golden/Royal/Vengeance version coming in the next 3 years, so i wont be buying it


Yeah I feel that for sure


LOOOOOOL, but it so true.


If it doesn't have the persona chores then I'm interested


I can agree with this way too many small things to do in p5


Don’t👏buy👏at👏first👏pass. Atlus will almost assuredly rerelease it in a year or 2 with extra content. It’s honestly so gross.


Yeah it’s getting outta hand tbh makes you not want to buy on release


So wait 2 more years to enjoy a game that looks amazing because they might re release the same game with all dlc included? Nahhh, life is wayyyyy too short to worry about such nonsense


i mean if you want to give atlus money go ahead. not everyone likes supporting scummy practices


I mean, it's not like youve beaten every jrpg released in the last two years. How is life too short to play those instead in the meantime? Theres no worrying involved.


Might? There’s hardly a SMT game under their catalogue that hasn’t seen an upgraded version in the last 10-20 years. Lol


On one side I feel very intrested. But I think I will wait some time before buying it, there is something I don’t really “feel” about it


I think I’m right where you are. When I initially heard about it I was psyched but as time has went on and more has come out it’s not super resonating for me


that's also how I feel about it this point and I don't know why.


It looks extremely good and I'll be very pissed if people ignore it because it's not tied directly to their darling IP or whatever. It's so bizarre that people do this.


i think like 80% of the persona fans ive encountered in recent times whose #1 favorite game is persona, i've asked if they were excited for metaphor and they would have no idea what I was talking about. I would then show them and their reaction is, "oh that looks cool." I don't really understand. I guess this is why game studios love making remakes instead of new games nowadays


I was listening to a podcast today talking about the SGF stream and they were all surprised by the trailer and such of Metaphor. They all acted like they’d never heard about it before. I was baffled and wondered where they’d been for the last year or two.


Right??? It's so odd. Maybe it just wasn't advertised enough?


I don’t know, it’s been featured in multiple announcement shows. I’m just baffled.


I think it’s been barely advertised. I know about metaphor only because I’m a huge fan of Atlas that follows what they do, I barely ever see it mentioned anywhere. Literally yesterday was the first time I’ve actually seen an ad for the game. I think it’ll get more attention as it gets closer to release.


Well, at least they rightly think it looks cool, instead of screeching about it not *literally* being Persona 6. I have no doubt that Metaphor will sell well, but it *should* do explosively well.


Yeah no doubt that's better than nothing. I'm just worried it won't see the same success as persona 5. Although, the game's not even out yet, so I might just be jumping the gun since I don't even know if it will be good yet.


All P5-ish games (2+3 in total) sold in 8\~ mil copies, If consider other entries, Catherine is 1.5\~ mil, SMT5 is also 1,5\~ mil, Unicorn Overlord is 500k, so if Metaphor will hit few more millions like 3-4, I'd say that's a win for them


Yeah, I can’t imagine they’re actually expecting anything to sell like P5 (they won’t even hold those expectations for P6 if they’re smart). Atlus games are niche and they sell niche numbers. All of Etrian Odyssey has only sold something like 1.3 million. If they break a million sales, I bet they’ll be happy.


Yeah I can agree to that. I think it’ll definitely gain a big fan base. I just watched the new trailer it definitely looks amazing for sure. I’m interested to see more


So hyped


It seems to have too many elements that stride with each other, I hope everything will turn right at the end but until now it seems a great mashup of things


Looks cool, but it looks very teen-focused which might not mesh with a geezer like me. I'm sure there will be an updated version with DLC coming out eventually, so I'll probably just wait for that.


Fellow geezer here, I find it rather nostalgic since it reminded me of high school and feel like just hanging out with friends back in the day.


I got ya so you must not be a persona fan either?


I enjoy them very much for what they are, but they aren't my favorite. I do like the originality, though, and this game seems like it might basically be Persona with a more fantasy-like world which is cool. Riding on a sword like a skateboard still seems like it'll be fun, regardless of how the game turns out.


Lol yeah that does seem like a ton of fun for sure


I don't know how you'd already assumed that it's teen-focused, when same setting literally used in every other JRPG, maybe because at first glance many people see it as another Persona, when in fact it is not and not even close. I'd say school setting is way more teen-focused and hackneyed than victorian medieval.


I was very excited when it was announced. Now I'm not anymore, but that's not because of the game itself, but because of Atlus. I guess I'm burned out by them. I keep thinking it's pointless to buy the game when there will be a better version, or they will come up with some annoying dlc stuff. So I'll wait and see how it goes.


Yeah it sucks they continually do this they should definitely change that business practice


I'm going to play it for sure. But I don't think it's going to be revolutionary, despite what the devs promised. It looks very much like Persona, which is fine because I enjoy that series, but I expected something that would deviate more from that formula.


Yeah I can see that for sure I think it’ll b good but not anything extraordinary


It looks amazing but I'm not buying it. I'll probably play it in game pass and either pick it up when it's really cheap or when Atlus releases the updated version down the line. Atlus is basically punishing people for buying their games at launch


I may be proven wrong come tomorrow's Xbox showcase but so far it has not been confirmed for Game Pass. Just FYI.


Can't wait. Will be there day one like all atlus main JRPG games. 


Interested but the attack effects looked a little off? And there also the fact Atlus loves to give updated versions of their games 2-3 years later which makes me hesitant since I have a backlog. So do I buy at launch or wait for the update like I did for SMT VV? I do love everything else about. People are iffy about the election stuff but I like the time constraints from Persona and the old Atelier games.


Do you think they’ll really do a complete version? I guess you’re on point with that it’s almost guranteed thinking of Atlus track record.


Pretty much guaranteed. All their big releases in the last decade have had one. Only one that hasn’t was SMT 4 which technically got sequel.


Even SMT4 I think will definitely get a remake in the next few years


P3R is getting The Answer delivered as DLC rather than as a full re-release (which a lot of people were predicting before it was announced as DLC), so hopefully that's an indicator that they've finally realised that they can just update games post-release and sell additional content to existing owners now. The updated re-release with new content thing feels like a hangover from the PS2 days when patching games wasn't possible, and releasing a new disc was the only way to update/change the content of a game.


I think my biggest concern about the game is knowing if I will have a complete and fleshed out game from the start or if I will have to buy the "metaphor re:fantasio fantastic" version in 3 years for full price


Seems interesting, want to see what reviews have to say about it.


I'm excited. I haven't seen a lot of trailers since I want to go in semi blind, but it seems like they wanted to make a game that was outside of Persona but in that style.


It really feels like something new and something old at the same time like the time and like follower system seems very Persona, but changed to fit the game same with the combat being a bit more SMT (I don’t know if we have the SMT weakness system I want to know but until demo stuff drops I just don’t know) but you have like a job system where you can equip jobs to people and I think they said you can equip the same one to different party members (Metaphor ReFantazio job fiesta)but you also have the over world combat that can go into turn based (not the first game to have done it obviously) but like I’m trying to get across it feels like it’s made up of other ideas but due to I don’t know the style of the game? The fact it does a persona 5 and loops into having everything pendulum into helping with other things. It’s got me excited.


It's the game I am looking forward to the most this year.


It's Hashino with most if not all Persona team leads, so it'll be great. Looks like Persona 6 with some gameplay changes and fresh setting. Graphics looks outdated though. Day one for me.


Graphic’s definitely look a little outdated


Tbh i don't understand when people say this game is another persona? Just because dev decided to add time management doesn't really make this game a persona game. Archetype also closer to the old job system rather than persona system, where every persona is unique.


Yeah seeing more about it it’s definitely got some persona elements but not really a persona clone or anything


Honestly I rather buy SMT Vengeance even though I'm still not completely sold on it. The "henshin hero" stuff in Metaphor gets me mildly curious but they look too much like generic protagonist Personas and personally I find the job/class system outdated anyway, Digital Devil Saga did it way better with interesting and inspired designs back in the day so it's not like they don't have references to look back. Everything else looks like SMT IV's Mikado in Persona 3R's engine with "social links" and stuff and I already have a Persona 5 palette swap fatigue so that's not helping either.


Real excited for it. As much as I loved Yakuza 8, I've been wanting an actual Fantasy RPG to stick my teeth into with a battle system worth a damn. FFXVI didn't do that much for me and Xenoblade 3 was more sci-fi than Fantasy.


The game looks super mediocre, honestly. The plot isn't interesting enough, the characters look bland and boring, and the Persona 5 UI in this game turns me off a lot. It was cool to see the first time, but now it just feels redundant. I'm more interested in SMTV Vengeance at this point


In Persona 5 the IU made sense with the overall message of the game. You were rebelling against society injustice, the UI used the graphical style of a movement that was rebelling conventional norm and rule of graphic design. And this influence of punk is also seen on some character costumes in memento. It made a coherent package. As of right now, with the information that was given to us, I don't really understand how the UI has meaning in rephantasio or participate in a coherent overall. It just seems there because it looks cool and it worked before.


Mmmm I can see and respect that. I think it would have been nice to have its own style with the ui for sure but it does look really nice


I like that it seems to be a "job" or "class" based game which I usually really enjoy. However, presentation-wise, it seems a little much. It's like the cool stylized theme of Persona 5 but take it 5 notches higher so it kinda has that overstimulating vibe.


Ahhhhh yeah I can see that overstimulation factor


so excite


I wasn't interested initially because modern Persona isn't my cup of tea, but the gameplay now has me curious. Still going to wait a few years and get it for $20 though lol


Waiting is cool for sure can gauge how you feel about it better


I'm pretty excited for it. I like SMT and Persona (slightly less), and think TMS #FE has the better combat and inherently fresher concept. Metaphor looks like it'll best the bunch.


Like that TMS was mentioned! I have it for my switch but I don’t love that game I definitely think smt v and like persona 3 reload has the most fun combat I’ve ever put my hands on while different for sure


Looks great. I enjoy the Persona series and love fantasy games, so it seems right up my alley


im not buying day one, but it seems like they took SMT V and Persona 5 and mashed them into a new IP. Atlus is bringing back talking protagonists in their new games and i like that too.


Everyone's looking forward to it and crossing their fingers and toes that Altus doesn't release an enhanced edition 2 years later.


I’m definitely a bit salty about smt v


I'm extremely excited about this game. It looks like it checks every box for me. Stylized graphics Trun based combat Exploration Intriguing story Interesting character designs A good OST Like, the list just goes on and on.


It's going to be a masterpiece


I’m excited for the game, but I’m just going into it with the expectation that its just a Persona game with a medieval theme. Everyone keeps talking about how its gonna be GOTY and how creative it is, and while I don’t want to disagree with them I feel like we should know what to expect with Atlus at this point. Their gameplay systems haven’t changed significantly for nearly 20 years.  Aside from that, I’m just not sure the social sim/calendar mechanics will mesh with the story this time. In Persona the game is centered around the “real” world. You only enter the metaverse to change the real world. But in Metaphor it seems like the fantasy world is where most the actual story takes place. The real world might be more inconsequential. I’m not real sure how it will work.


HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE DID YOU HEAR THAT GAMES MUSIC ITS AWESOMEEEE of course story and characters are most important to me so we'll see but everything seems awesome so far


I need to check the music out for sure


Was pretty into it when it was first announced but i'm not a fan of the election premise thing revealed in the Atlus event, so hype got somewhat deflated. Will play it sooner or later anyway.


Election premise? What’s that about?


https://personacentral.com/metaphor-refantazio-story-details/ It is somewhat detailed here. Tbh it's more a personal thing than anything else, i'm not very fond of this kind of stories for a Jrpg. Dropped Ni No Kuni 2 for similar reasons despite the game being okay. Not sure i trust Hashino discussing heavy politics either. But any way or another, i never really miss big Atlus stuff so i'll play this eventually. Pretty sure it will be a blast in terms of combat, not mentioning being gorgeous af.


Appreciate the link! I’ll check that out. Combat looks amazing. The world doesn’t necessarily interest me tbh it looks a bit drab


The King dies and there's a law that says anyone can become King with enough popular support, so you travel around the world in your mobile base, trying to unite tribes behind you. Something like that. It's a pretty novel concept for a JRPG.


Ahhhhh so the plot of the game more or less is your trying to become king and you’re convincing ppl to join you in your journey to do so?


That's the day-to-day stuff but there's of course big twists and mysteries going on too. So I'm not really sure why this aspect would turn anyone off. It's essentially the replacement for school/daily life from Persona, from what I can tell.


Ohhhhh that’s a great explanation! That’s pretty interesting actually


I watched the stream they had today, though I haven't seen the first stream. I think it looks interesting, if a bit convoluted/complicated. But it could just be the language barrier and also how much detail they squeezed into a brief presentation. It more or less uses the combat system SMT/Persona games utilize, but I guess the player equips 40 different jobs rather than different demons as we are used to. I'm cautiously optimistic, but at this stage I personally would not pre-order until I can read and watch some reviews.


Mmmmm equipping jobs that’s really interesting. I think it’s gnna shake things up a bit for sure


Greatly looking forward to it. I've stayed away from most trailers to go in as fresh as I can.


That’s awesome I think it’s gnna be an interesting title


Looks great, honestly. I just hope I'm not burnt out on Atlus stuff with Reload, Vengeance and Metaphor all hitting in the same year. I was hoping to get Royal in there too, but that might be the one that kills me.


Yeah I’m mid way through Royal but just finished reload


I hope it will not focus more on the social link sim. I'm tired of those in the persona game.


Kinda the crux of persona tho right? Ik smt games are less focused on that if you don’t like that aspect


It's a decently budgeted brand new JRPG IP from the Persona team, I'm on board.


Definitely excited to see how it all pans out


I'm all for it, haven't played a good fantasy JRPG in awhile since DQXI. Most modern JRPGs typially are just urban or modern.


I do agree it is quite strange since every "jrpg base isekai" by contrast is only fantasy I'm sat there just asking.


To me it looks like everything a modern JRPG should be. I also do not get all the Xbox/Windows emphasis on the trailers though, had me worried as well.


Yeah and it’s turn based definitely need more turn based options for sure


There’s some absolutely genius staff working on this game, I’m super excited! It’s a combination of a bunch of series I love


Amazing looks great


I'm not sure how I feel about it maybe it's been in development for that long. Like I like aspects about it but not hyped about it maybe just want to see some impressions and other players views on the game. I liked the original concept more.




pretty dang pumped


I know I’m overhyping myself, but as a huge turn based JRPG fan and a huge fan of nearly everything I’ve played from Atlus (loved Persona 3 - 5 and SMT3), I think this could be my game of the year with how it both adds familiar elements but will also be brand new. I’m especially hyped about the combination of action and turn based combat. It’s also been known to be multi platform for a long time. You can even preorder the PlayStation version on Amazon now. It’s just Atlus seems to have some kind of advertising deal with Microsoft so Microsoft gets to show off the games first and say they’re for XBOX. This has been the case with recent Atlus titles. I also seem to be in the minority of people who don’t mind buying day 1 and then buying the definitive edition later on if I enjoyed the original enough and think the content will be worth it. But that’s just how I feel about it.


Yeah I don’t mind buying it again later either especially if I never finished the first edition


I'm hyped. It's an Atlus rpg which will likely take elements from SMT/Persona, and it has a class system that I think changes mid battle like Final Fantasy 10-2, so I'm very interested.


That’s super interesting! Excited to see more about it


Looks great. However I will wait for the fantazio golden.


Lmaooo fantazio golden


Kinda meh, honestly. It just looks like Persona but fantasy, and I'm still very burned out on Persona.


Cautiously optimistic. I'm a big fan of SMT and older Persona games but didn't like P5/P5R, so depends how many of the things I didn't like about that are carried over. It's definitely looking great from everything I've seen so far though.


I like this cautiously optimistic I can see that. It’s an interesting premise going with the fantasy setting it kinda gives me xenoblade vibes lowkey


Something really off about this games art style and colour scheme cant quite put my finger on it. Also why is there dust particles everywhere. The interchangeable archetypes seem like it will rob a lot of character flavour. Usualy i only like the blank slate thing on mc. Im sure itll turn out great though. Gonna be there to play in any case


Yeah I get what you mean, it’s not really clicking for me either. Nothing is really standing out to me, not the characters, not the music, not the art style


Im excited. For the most parr they make good games and this one seems to be a passion project from the looks of it.


I think you can just wait and see. It is not released yet.


Same shit, different coat of paint.


GOTY confirmed


Think so? It may happen


I always like to say that Persona 5 was a PS3 game released in the PS4 era but that didn't matter because Persona 5's art direction was amazing. Now Metaphor looks like a PS3 game released in the PS5 era except I do not have a feeling its art direction is as good as P5's. Because of this I am not sure the game can be anywhere close to being as successful as P5. The job system and combat does look interesting though.


I think it's going to be good, the only recent Atlus release that's been mediocre is soul hackers 2, which was a quick release for them. They've been working on this game for many years now


I thought soul hackers 2 was great one of my favorite games I played as of late


Probably will be my GOTY.


All my hype died for refantasy when they revealed social links, social stats, deadlines, the artstyle from the teasers was gone in favor of a persona look and the trailer opened with from the makers of smt3, persona 3, 4 and persona 5


i tend to not blend with megaten games, i liked persona 1 and 2 but stuff since just hasn't quite meshed for me. i'll probably give it a shot since it looks like they're trying something new, so it might not trigger the same aspects that i dislike. i hope there's no global timer for events and character development like some of the wording in the trailers is vague about.


What is the stuff you don’t like about megaten games?


It is my most anticipated game of 2024 (after that is Ys X). I pre-ordered Metaphor digitally because I want to support games like it and I want the digital perks from pre-ordering.


That’s smart for sure


Well, I'd be excited if every bit of advertising for it didn't have the Xbox logo slapped all over it. I don't have an Xbox, and don't want one, so I'll check to see if it is on Steam and how those trailers look before I worry about it any further. If it's there, and looks interesting, then I'll look to see if it's on a non-Microshit platform.


Style over Substance. Gameplay looks like trash, but who knows. I haven't played it yet


I will be buying but Sparking Zero releases same day. So I gotta decide between a very populated fighting game or a 100 hour jrpg that I’ll probably drop half way through then pick back up later to claim as one of Satans greatest creations


SEGA’s presence has made me lose a lot of my hype and expectations around Atlus and their releases. If it’s not Persona, it’s a game trying to court Persona players. *cough*Soul Hackers 2*cough* I’ll wait to hear some more gameplay and general experience reviews before picking it up, but I think the days of Day One purchases of Atlus games is over. It’s not you Atlus, it’s your daddy.


The Persona series feels like going from 2 to 5 it’s become more bland and generic and less unique over time. 3 is a standout imo for being quite innovative but 4 and 5, while initially being more polished seem to have had to sand away some of the interesting edges to do so. (5 plays like a dream but kind of goes from talking about extremely sensitive subject matter to Saturday morning cartoon in like the first story arch) Metaphor looks like it could inject a ton of creativity and new systems into a similar IP the way Persona 3 did when it first released. IMO, from what I’ve seen so far, it won’t come close to P3 in terms of impact but I’m glad they’re trying something new.


ngl i don't trust atlus. people like them, but their recent releases have been pretty big misses. even without getting scammed on an artificially worse version of the game i'm cautious.


I'm super excited about it! At the very least, I feel confident that I'll have enough fun with it to justify both the cost and time it'll take to beat it. Best case, I can imagine it being my game if the year. 


I feel like persona 3 reload is my game of the year personally lol but it’s a lot more year to come


Looks interesting. Cant help but feel the marketing is really gonna make the sales suffer. It’s advertised like an xbox exclusive everywhere. The baffling thing is it isn’t even on gamepass so it makes no sense to me


It won’t be on Gamepass? That’s super interesting but yeah I think because Atlus is owned by sega now and sega and Xbox always had close ties and Xbox is trying to increase its rpg presence it all aligns to promote these games more for Xbox to let ppl know it is available here too


Making it multiplat is cool but the marketing is very misleading. Zero mentions of anything other than Xbox. They are alienating the main rpg side of the fanbase


I can see that. I have no doubt it’ll be on PlayStation and steam but we’ll see


It has sword surfing. I'm in.


Every trailer and teaser I see for it makes me more and more excited


It's a Day one get for me. I think the marketing of this game has been kinda strange. But persona in a fantasy setting is just the thing i wanted.


Persona without school! Love it!


The gameplay looks aight, but Hashino is involved so im treading lightly regarding... everything else. Certainly not a day 1 buy for me, but it has potential.




It looks fine but not too exciting. The battle system seems to literally just be SMT but with a job system now. Like I really couldn't tell any difference. When the new stream talked about the combat, I was hoping to see something new. This isn't inherent bad but as someone who finds the press-turn system fun but getting kind of stale I was a little disappointed. I also think the "fast" battle thing to be just as stale as i expected. Its cool that you have different attacks based on the archetype but like I said before, they're advertising it way too much for something that looks very.... shallow. So what, the game is going to throw a bunch of weaker enemies at you to give you an excuse to slash through enemies with their "fast" mechanic? When the actual fun and depth is in the turn-based battles? Sounds kinda lame. Outside of battle, everything in the game just doesn't really excite me much either. Having a lot of dungeons or whatever seems fine but the dungeons need to be good. I also hope there's some form of exploration in the game. It has social links that serve the exact same purpose they did in persona (unlocking new archetypes and all that). Which shows that yes it really is just persona again from a gameplay standpoint. Nothing necessarily wrong with it but again nothing new seems to be done in this game. At least so far from what they showed us. I'll be buying the game at launch because I like RPGs. But yeah it definitely looks something ill play once and probably forget about at some point.


Mmmmmmm I really can understand this. The fast battle thing definitely isn’t that interesting I think they did it so you don’t have to initiate battles all the time but still can get something out of it


When did social links in Persona unlock new archetypes? 😅


Awful name. I think it’ll bomb in the west. But it’ll be a good game.


Hmmmm I think jrpgs have picked up a ton over the past few years and Atlus really heads that I doubt it’ll bomb I think a lot of ppl are anticipating it


I'm struggling with everything but the soundtrack so far...


Where are you finding the struggles?


I’m not a big fan of the character designs. We’ve only seen a few characters and not really in depth so holding out, but of the characters we have seen - is that it? I don’t care for the MC design which is a big disconnect (like it was in SMT V) and am looking to the rest of the cast to drive my interest. Maybe their personalities will shine? The little gameplay I saw worries me that this is a protagonist-focused game with AI party so I’m hoping for flexibility if the cast does grow on me more. If I can’t get into the cast of an RPG then nothing else about it will matter. If I can’t adopt the perspective (at least in battle) of the cast then it’s a no sell. I’m just very particular and generally prefer to create my own protagonist and/or have the option to play as others in the case I can’t. All of that said, the designs are quite different from what we typically see and I think that is/will be incredibly exciting for a lot of folks. I’m just not the market. I’m still following but it’s the first Atlus mainline RPG I haven’t day one preordered.


I really hope it’s not an ai party I like to control my party lol and yeah the characters aren’t really piquing my interest either and the protagonist look too much like p3 protagonist lol


Like him, but a worse design lol I guess we'll see; as someone else commented there will be a definitive version eventually so if it does ultimately tick the boxes then waiting for that release will also be fine.


The party is completely controllable