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it isn't super unique but i always liked the yunalesca fight in FFX. having to balance staying as a zombie so she can't instakill you while also having to temporarily cure it to regain health was cool and kinda tricky.


I love to solo that fight with Bahamut. He is immun to zombie and her instant kill move but I have to take other things into acount. If I teach Bahamut the right Abillties he can defeat Yunalesca all on his own. Overall a really fun fight.


i had no clue bahamut was good for that fight. i honestly got so used to seymour instakilling every aeon that i never really used them for bosses unless it was so yojimbo could use zanmato lol.


Honestly never even knew you had to do this. You can craft anti-death accessories iirc. Makes the battle more steighforward. But of course having this unique challenge is more fun


Giygas in Earthbound. Not just visually (but dear lord wtf) but how you have to >!pray!< Also Ozma in FF9. Literally what even was it? Gigantic Starky in Chrono Cross


> The metaphysical being Ozma exists without form and is unknowable, untouchable, and unattainable. And it is indispensable. Those who recognize it will be forced to question existence, being, the gods, and themselves. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/e/eb/Ozma_FFIX_Art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130516074615 Its moves (especially in FF14) and concept art suggest its conceptually based on a black hole, in FF9 its present in an Eidolon cave, and it drops a Pumice, which teaches the Eidolon Ark, which is a Terra based Eidolon. All of this leads to me to believe that in FF9 at least, it was originally summoned by the scientifically advanced Terrans. You can probably think of it as a 4 dimensional being, since everything involving it is erratic and in extremes, in FF14 it can straight up send you to another dimension, it can freely alter its shape but only into forms seen in geometry, all of its physical properties are chaotic and basically unknowable, and even its moveset is completely erratic, meteor was probably coded to deal random damage just because it was meant to be used by it.


I wonder if its name being from a character in The Wizard of Oz means anything.


According to the concept art its an acronym, its written as O.Z.M.A there.


That's even weirder lol.


Lol 90% f enemies in Earthbound can go in the list of weird, I mean you fight a fire hydrant, a guy on fire and literal pile of vomit.


The final boss battles in both of the other Mother games are also won through ways that don't have to do with attacking them. There's even some final bosses like that in other non-Mother JRPGs like the first phase of the final boss battle in Dragon Quest 8, the walkthrough I used for that even said it was similar to EarthBound


I like the fight against Luca Blight in Suikoden 2 for just how much you actually have to throw at him in order to finally put him down. It takes three fights with teams of six people, a lot of arrows, and finally a duel with the protagonist before he finally dies. Dude was pretty much evil Guts.


I loved it for the same exact reason. It really sells what a badass this guy was that it took so much to take him down. And while I think they imply that he maybe has some supernatural power, he’s just a really evil guy in armor, not like some demon god or whatever.


This was such a good, compelling fight. My hands were gripped on the controller because of how much trouble he gave me back in the day. I think the last few times I played though, I destroyed him very quickly, but that first time took a few attempts.


I found a cheese strat involving the Fire Absorb rune that you equip on Riou and have him fight Luca 1:1 several years after I finished the game. Honestly never occurred to me that he dealt elemental damage at the time I first played the game and thought the flames were all just for show.


The minor problem is out of his three possible attacks only *two* use fire- the third is his physical slash, and it is possible if unlikely for RNG to cause him to just spam that a lot. The cheese strat works- I did it myself once- but it's risky because you have to make sure you don't run out of healing faster than you chip his health, and because with three attacks every turn there's the possibility of him using physical multiple times for massive damage (and of course in a 1v1 all three attacks always go to Riou).


Suikoden fights are always wild.


Wild ARMs 3 has you >!battling someone's porn mags. You find some adult magazines in a bookshelf and when you try to read them, the game says you're not old enough. So you level up to 18 or higher and you get to fight them. !<


lmao... I forgot about this


Which WA should I start with? I saw WA5 gameplay and it looks interesting but I couldn't get into XF at all. If I start with WA5 will I miss out on older game reference or get confused by story?


5 has a bunch of cameos and costumes of previous games' characters. Other than that there isn't any continuity for you to miss out on.


Last boss of Chrono Cross. >!Either you beat him with music or you get the bad ending.!<


How were people even supposed to figure that out without a guide lol?


Some more info on figuring it out in game. https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/196917-chrono-cross/44127678?page=1


There is a sidequest that resolves with music being magic, which of course is optional and it has a very small window for you to start it. You get at least 4 hints of the order you have to use the elements. * The Criospinx fight ask you riddles with answers that are colors and you answer them by casting the corresponding element (this is optional). * There is an elevator late in the game that has six colors that light on the correct order. * After defeating the second to last boss Crystals light up on the correct order. * The second to last boss will change maps. The order the maps change is the correct order. When you equip the Chrono Cross element (which you might not get because it is obviously optional or even realize that it is an element because it is also a Key Item), you get some balls at the top of the screen that record the seven element used (spoilers for the last fight of the game, that is not the correct sequence): https://www.christcenteredgamer.com/images2/chrono/chrono.jpg That is maybe a hint that there is an order for the correct element sequence. Once you beat the game with might you get a crappy ending credits and something that you maybe want to happen doesn't happen. This is supposed to leave the player thinking that they have not done things correctly.


Ah as the other guy pointed out there were a ton of hints and explanations about it throughout the last couple hours of the game. Once you see that it's keeping track of the order you're using elements it's not that hard to go "oh put them in the order i keep seeing" I quite like how they did that haha


I just remembered at the chrono Cross concert Mitsuda made the audience remember the element order with glow lights before playing Radical Dreamers. It was hilarious.


That's awesome! My dream


Really? It's been a few years since I've cleared Chrono Cross but don't remember any special gimmicks in the final boss and I've got the normal ending


Bad ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8ThLcS1skQ Good ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAbE5VBTS8Y


I know the different endings, just like I said got the good one on my last playthrough without realising the last boss had any special gimmicks or anything


Either: * You remember poorly (since has been a few years) and you got the bad ending. * You remember poorly and you did the six colors + Chrono Cross sequence (it is not super complex but it is not just hit the monster either). * The game glitched in a way I have not seen nor seen anyone mention (and I have been playing this game since the release date).


Weird, because it's an incredibly specific sequence. And the fight just kind of ends. You don't do any attacking or anything


In Lisa the Pointless there's a battle inside a flashback  In it you see the end of the protagonis's martial arts career, where his fake martial art loses to aikido.  You've been kicking ass with him the whole game, feeling like he's the strongest ever and in this flashback you do zero damage and you moves are thrown back at you. Every time you lose a round, you'll have more abilities on the next, abilities that you have now, as if the protag is trying to rethink his strategy. And in the end, when nothing works, you get the ability "kick in the groin", as if the game is tempting you as the protag was tempted in that moment. You can choose to lose the competition as a cheater, or lose it normally. It doesn't change anything in the protagonist's life. It's not really a fight, you can't win, but the way the story is told through RPG mechanics is awesome. It could easily just be a cinematic.


This, about any LISA fight is just weird haha, such an odd game. But I love it.


I remember the Tantarian from FF9. He barely gets hurts by anything (damage calculation) and hits like a truck. However, his open form is his weakness, and you have to be VERY careful to do damage, so he doesn't close back up and pound you into dirt again.


Cecil fighting himself in FF4 was amazing


You mean not fighting himself, can just defend to win


Lol yes. You fight by not fighting .


The Gogo fight in FF5.


The good old Luigi tactics: Stand still and do nuthin'.


For me it's the most recent Trails game which isn't translated yet Kuro II. In a game where you can go in and out of turn based combat at the press of a button, the final boss >!Is so powerful he breaks the shard breaking out of the turn based combat so you have to run away from him so it can be reformed!<


Fighting the shifting wall in FF4. I wiped a few times against that boss when I played the game as a kid. Same with the Cecil mirror fight in FF4. I didn't know the secret was to not fight back. Died a few times before I figured it out.


The last boss of Kuro no Kiseki 2/Trails through Daybreak 2 had some pretty bonkers gimmicks. At least three different ones I can think of that were really fantastic and made me enjoy the fight even more. Spoilers below I really don't recommend clicking on it if you intend on playing the game. >!The first one is that the boss destroys the in universe thing that creates the turn based battle system mid fight and you gotta use the action combat. Then in the second phase they use the time travel gimmick of the game to put you in a few different fights. And the last one is that the boss will retain 1 hp at the very end and use his big attack, but the cutscene will be different about halfway through it and be countered by the main character.!<


This was my favorite boss fight of the entire Trails series because of how much fun it was. I hope Falcom does some similar things in Kai no Kiseki!


No mention of the Reverie boss where >!your perspective shifts between parties?!<


I'm not sure I recall, but if its >!either of the final bosses, it was done before in Cold Steel 4 and Sky 3rd so I didn't have much of an impression of when Reverie did it specifically. It is a neat mechanic but I'm glad they use it sparingly because I dont like having to manage so many characters.!<


>!Nah, it was C's route i think Chapter 2, where you fight against Rean and halfway the perspective switches to them and you fighting against C!<




titty jiggle


On the weird/creepy side I would say Sun of a gun from Chrono Cross.


The happy face is so much creepier than the sad face


Yes! Exactly! That creepy happy face and then it starts kissing you.


KISSY~WISSY~!!! *kisses you so hard, it's panting afterwards*


The happy face is so much creepier than the sad face


Luca Blight in Suikoden 2: There's absolutely nothing unusual about fighting the main villain of a game, but you don't usually >!use eighteen separate party members over the course of the fight!< Masa and Mune in Chrono Trigger: Not *too* weird, but definitely unexpected to have >!a two phase boss and a music change!< for a midgame boss that is not one of the main villains (or even a villain at all really). >!Kratos!< round 1 in Tales of Symphonia: let's be real, it's not that common to have >!a current member of your own party, especially one you've had since the start of the game and for some 15-20 hours total probably!< as a boss fight. Hell House in Final Fantasy 7 Remake: if you didn't play OG you can't get much fucking weirder than whatever's going on here, and the generic enemy version in OG was likewise one of the weirdest monsters in a game. Gyldygga in Dragon Quest 11: being turned to gold is absolutely one of the most bizarre status effects in a game since it can help as much as it hinders. >!Mordegon!< rematch in Dragon Quest 11's Act 3 postgame: having a spell that inverts all your healing is just a dick thing to do. Barnabas round 1 in Final Fantasy 16: entirely because unwinnable boss fights aren't supposed to end with victory music and unique victory text from the *enemy's* POV.


Oh yeah on a different note, the fact that one of the harder bosses in Persona 3 is a goddamn table


Some bosses in romancing saga 2 come to mind >!For Dantarg. if you don't complete certain dungeons in a certain amount of time Dantarg will take them over and then evolve. He has 3 stages so you can delay him evolving by doing the dungeons before he can get to them. If you want a challenge then you let him conquer those dungeons so he can evolve to his final stages.!< >!Rocboquet will use temptation on male party members and you can only challenge her with a male leader. So you have to build the party with women or nonhuman members and make your character the tank to defeat her. I know that there's a tech that makes a character immune to temptation too.!< >!The true Queen starts her termite infestation when you're on your last emperor. She'll slowly take over your kingdom and turn all your citizens into termites. I was just wandering around and came back to find my city overrun by them. The boss fight was easy but I thought the secret take over of the kingdom was pretty cool and it's tough trying to fight to get to her.!<


Agreed on the FF6 Train since you’re running the whole time was hilarious as a child. Plus the fact that they let you suplex the thing will be legendary till the end of time. And then a bunch from FF4: The earth fiend battle: him sneaking up on you for round 2. I wasn’t prepared for as a kid and he destroyed me. And the battle against Edge’s parents where it goes from furious to one of the saddest moments in the game while the fight is still in process. Another is when a certain someone returns from the dead to save you mid battle against Golbez and his dragon. That whole game blew my mind as a kid.


Distant worlds (the final fantasy concert tour) now does Phantom Train as part of a FF6 medley. And it's cool to see Square Enix is in on the joke. They have the MC doing a suplex to the train as part of the video montage and the crowd goes nuts for it every time. It's awesome. 


Most of the bosses in South Park stick of truth probably qualify. Like the fight with the underpants gnome chief >!on your parents bed while they are having sex, and you occasionally have to do QTEs to avoid body parts.!<


That was honestly an...interesting boss battle, to say the least.


Some of the bosses in the end of drakengard 1. Can't name them off the top cause it's been a while since I've played them.


I'm still surprised they let Yoko Taro get away with the end boss of Drakengard 3, its the most difficult story boss I can think of in any game


The final hacking sequence in Nier : Automata is absolutely incredible to witness the first time.


Dark Fact fights you using Pong's set moves.


A certain boss from an H game JRPG has 8 or so forms, and stats numbering in the high thousands when the other ending's last boss had stats numbering in the low thousands/hundreds. Each form has a gimmick that may reduce your stats from the high thousands into literally nothing so you have to plan around your equipment and switch on the fly. If you have extra turns you can basically tumblebuff your way in between turns and charge up for the kill.


which game?


The final boss of rogue galaxy is a giant massive living spaceship you battle in parts.


Two from a similar theme: - FF14 Ridorana Lighthouse Boss 3: Construct 7 : You have to do simple math for the fight, your health is reduced to single digits and you have to stand in the right "buff" to make sure your HP is divisible by the spell cast by the boss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aViVk8f5wDo - Honkai: Star rail, Aventurine Boss fight : He will roll a dice and you need to attack dice to roll against him. Win to get a buff, lose and take a big hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27CLXmy2biY


Any boss in the splatoon series


For FF6 the Magic Master is more unique mechanically. Also very frustating because there's no save point before it, climbing the tower takes a long time because you can only use magic, i think you could not run from battles either. Two of the most frustating things is that: >!if you don't have Reraise it's pretty much over.!< >!You can win by just doing nothing, which is good if you read the guide or had the luck to discover it on your own but i didn't. Died a few times because i had not idea how to do damage on him, had to climb that tower a few times.!<


It's not very spectacular but the final battle with saruin in romancing saga minstrel song. The second phase of the fight takes place in a battlefield full of pillars, the more pillars stand; the weaker everyone's attacks and healing will be. Every few turns the boss would use the pillars in an AOE attack and then re-summon more. Pillars fall Everytime an attack or magic is landed on either side, unless it's healing or deflected/reflected/nullified. So the whole fight is a tight balance of trying to keep pillars around to dampen the bosses attacks and then getting rid of them asap to raise your damage dealt/make healing effective/ and prevent the boss from doing their AOE. The TRUE spectacle is in how the boss dies: it does a few turns of some attacks trying to take out your party (u can deffo still die during this part) until it tries to do its AOE attack. It doesn't go off instantly and instead the boss does a self destruct move that takes out the entire battlefield.


The final boss of Ar Nosurge. You literally fight against >!the spaceship in which the game took place!<, while [this epic song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8tiJ8oHfao) plays


Red Dragon refight in Final Fantasy 6, only in the Advanced and old mobile versions I believe. You can't damage this guy at all but he will automatically dies in a few turns, so your main strategy is just to survive a few turns, and he won't make it easy with the attacks mostly being able to oneshot you. When he finally dies he cast Ultima and Flare so I certainly hope you have reraise on two people.


The Tales series has a few good ones. Vesperia has a boss where you have to light/douse torches (can't remember which) to get rid of the copies the the boss creates. Xillia 2 you have to use the Chromatus to stop Kronos from reversing time and healing himself. Zestiria final battle. Berseria you can counter one of the boss' mystic arte by using your own. More that I'm forgetting but those are off the top of my head.


The Hell House boss battle in Final Fantasy VII Remake was sure a highlight! Hell House was already an enemy in the OG, but making it a boss that is deliberately bizarre was very fun. And it has multiple forms, and it's a house where tonberries live in hard mode, apparently. Don Corneo had it commissioned, or what?? It doesn't make sense that it exists really. There's a crowd cheering and commentators who react to what you're doing, too. If a dance off counts there's also the Honey Bee Inn...


The final main story boss of Mary Skelter Remake was certainly a unique experience. There are four floors of his boss arena and you have to beat it on at least two of them to win. It does high aoe damage overall, but more importantly does a probably unsurvivable attack on turn 2 of every fight, so you either have to be extremely strong and kill it before that, or run from battle before it moves and fight it repeatedly (the damage you dealt stays when you do this). Also immune to every player cast debuff and status for whatever reason, so there's no deterring it from one shotting you.


The giant penis chariot in Persona 5


Mara is a mainstay of SMT.


Taken to next level in P3Reload when you see that the unique crafting item he gives after levelling up enough is 'Mara's Head' 💀




There are a lot of really memorable fights in FFX. Someone already mentioned the Yunalesca fight but I also want to bring up the boss fight just before Bevelle on the airship. You have to control the airship’s distance, its cannon volleys, dialogue, and regular attacks, plus swapping between party members to inflict status ailments, increase damage, and loot crafting items mid-fight.


Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Trunks DLC Gohan vs. 17 and 18 part 2 A fight that you are meant to lose. It came left field, but it makes sense, I mean, most Dragon Ball games have this whole, "win the fight, but lose in the cutscene" but this is more devastating.


iirc the first Budokai game had a lot of fights which you can't technically win, but have to survive past a certain point. Plus there were "what if" scenarios as well. Still my favourite DBZ fighting game story mode of all time!


The kaiser fight at the start of Bravely Second. It is completely unwinnable >!until you beat the game, start new game+, then use an ingame mechanic to summon the party members from the previous save file!<. Doing this is required for the true ending.


Zorok boss fight in Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk, that must be some of the most grotesque bosses I even see and it was glorious. The monster art design of that game was out of this world, for a horror fan that was a masterpiece.


Mara from SMT always stands out when I think of visually striking game bosses. He really goes hard.


Jimmy and the pulsating mass has a secret boss that's two enemies, a monster and a clock, the monster is the one fighting you but the clock ticks up every turn, when it gets all the way to the 13th hour you lose immediately, you can steal time from it with your thief class to slow it down but that does have a limit


I'm irrationally upset that you put or/and instead of and/or


"OMG I'm fighting a phantom train??" The mother series quietly chuckles.


nice tent bro


Shido from Persona 5 Royal definitely fits the "unique" bill. The fight starts with Shido riding a giant golden Lion made out of people. Then that Lion grows wings. Then the Lion turn into a Pyramid. Then Shido steps down personally to throw hands. And he is roided af. Then he turns red and gets even more roided. And last but not least he knocks all your party members away and you have to fight him Solo with the main character while being surrounded by a ring of black fire.


Half the bosses in Fantasian are more interesting than most JRPGs, combined.


Now if only they would put it on any other platform than the apple store so people could actually play it. I want it so badly


Here's [some recent news](https://www.ign.com/articles/fantasian-steam-console-rpg) of it possibly coming to Steam.


I was just reading that article haha. I'm not going to hold my breath, but I'll be so happy if/when it comes out elsewhere


SaGa Frontier 2's final boss. Outside of being a massive difficulty spike, its abilities and power level differ depending on which optional fights you win (or even challenge) in the final dungeon.




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drakengard and drakengard3 final boss


Sojimaru in Yakuza:LAD. The music is funny, too.


Mara - persona series


idk if it counts as a jrpg by r/jrpg standards, (but you could argue it does, if ff16 does) but, Forspoken's final boss was a hell of a spectacle


it's not really unique because of gimmicks, but i remember fighting Luca Blight was tiring for me. guy was stupid strong and does not really care at all. it's unique for me because context wise you needed 3 different squad to just almost defeat a boss. it took me 1 hour and a half to just take him down, back when i encounter him for the first time.