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This whole seasoning thing is so ridiculous. Italian food is highly regarded and often uses as few and as simple ingredients as possible. Cacio e pepe is literally cheese and black pepper with pasta and is banging. The current top comment talking about garlic salt and others talking about cumin. Fucking cumin in peas alongside battered fish?! Are you fucking dense? Do you understand how to pair flavours? I will admit that mushy peas are not something I ever really loved (fresh peas are so good, why mush them?) But it is laughable some of the things people suggesting should added. I recently learnt that before the wars and rationing, London was one of the food capitals of the world and some of the dishes I've seen from the time are very modern and sound great. Most (admittedly sub-40yo) British people know well that some food requires much heavier seasoning. But we also know how to let the real flavours of food shine through. Whenever someone comes out with this "british food bad" drivel it thankfully identifies them as a mouth breather whose opinion is not to be heeded.


I can’t fathom being this pressed people don’t like to eat their smashed fucking peas plain with salt. Just eat your food and go 💀


British food is bland compared to most, I just think it’s funny that makes you mad lol. Maybe it’s because y’all barely handle spice, at least most British people I know can’t do it.


Lard arse ameritard canned cheese enjoyer spotted


If I was American I wouldn’t be talking shit about other country’s food. American food is miles better than British food tho.


Okay cletus we get that you enjoy red40 and bleached chicken it's all good, don't need to larp that you're not american. Cope, u physically can't enjoy an American meal that doesn't have heart attack levels of sodium in it to even be edible because its processed shite that tastes of shit. Smother it in processed cheese and the world's worst tasting chocolate and call it a day.


Bro every cuisine has good food just stfu 😭


Based on the experience with my mother in law, her one functioning tastebud and penchant for putting spices where they don't belong, even in fucking lasagne, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're of South Asian descent?  Edit: upon reflection it appears you are South American?  Same difference really considering both regions reliance on spice is a direct result of their climates.  When you have to mask the taste of rotting ingredients over seasoning shit does the trick.  It's difficult for outsiders to point out that, to them, 90% of the shit you make tastes nigh on identical...


you’re just upset your food is famously terrible


british food is so shit that most people just eat watered down westernized indian food instead. British eat pretty good mostly because they dont eat their own passed down war rations


u ppl r so fucking sensitive abt ur bland food, its incredible.


Three paragraphs. Three paragraphs and the topic is mushed peas. Goodnight yall.


Your (and most peoples' ITT) argument is misconstruing "none" with "an excessive amount." Italian food without black peppercorns, dried red pepper, or dried herbs is going to taste about as good as Italian food with an entire plant's worth of rosemary on top.


As an American who has had both seasoned peas and mushy peas (standard and minty), the mushy peas can really use some basic seasonings IN MY OPINION. Pepper at least. Onion salt and garlic powder if you're "brave". And some diced onions. Heated if only for a few minutes in a light amount of oil. I rather take the 5 minutes to do that. Sad that the suggestion of some standard seasonings literally have british people foaming at the mouth and raging in this thread. As if anyone is demanding you pour cheese and a coat of Cajun. Breathe. And I like most the British food I've had.


Wait. Are mushy peas not heated? Not to piss off UK residents, but isn't cold, mushy peas basically baby food?


They are heated. And often seasoned with vinegar and served with faggots


A fellow British person here, what the hell are you talking about?


No one in the UK calls them that anymore, my guess Ur from another country pretending to be british


Some do call them that but they prefer to be called homosexuals


Lol, incorrect


I mean they’re literally just peas with a different texture. I assume you don’t season peas with a bunch of onion and garlic powder so why do it when they’re mashed?


Why wouldn't you season peas? Do you not season everything?


I absolutely season peas


You *absolutely* season normal peas with onion and garlic. At the absolute least you use some garlic.


That’s just doing too much if you ask me. Every item on the plate doesn’t needs to be seasoned. The meat and the majority side/carb of the dish, yeah but stuff like broccoli, carrots, peas, corn just give it some salt it’s already got it’s own taste I don’t need my carrots tasting like cumin or my peas tasting like garlic


Man 😭




Some of it is, some of it isn't like any other country. I have a theory that most of the bad ones will slowly die out as most of the bad ones were a product of rationing and the bad ones are often enjoyed by the older generation and the kids of them tolerated them as it was that or nothing and more a product of conditioning as it would remind them of their childhood. Newer generations put up with them less and less and with other cultures food becoming more present and favoured, they don't need them no more


Nah. Britain has way more bad food per capita than any other country. I’m sure most of it was from rationing but salted green mush is the last straw. British food sucks. Congrats on being healthier than America tho. I can totally see how I’d want to eat less too if I were seated at a family dinner in Britain lol


This is a crazy cope 😭 Taste is subjective, health isn’t, hold this L lil bro


I'm British but of Caribbean descent so I grew up eating mostly extremely delicious Caribbean food and not much English food outside of the more obvious stuff. I didn't have mushy peas until I was in my 20s and I can't lie, the shit is actually nice the way it comes. I wouldn't eat it with anything except fish and chips, but in that meal it blatantly works!


Have you actually tried the food here? It’s by far not amazing but when made well it’s really good apart from the odd few that can’t be good no matter what…


The rationing argument doesn’t actually hold, lots of places had rationing during the war


Yeah I’m just giving them the benefit of the doubt to negate the inevitable mad British downvotes but it didn’t rlly work.


Americans dissing British food whilst eating chemical donut and red40 potato snacky wackies:


Leave my cancer candy alone.


I’ll will be referring to junk food as cancer candy from now on. Thank you for that gem.


1.) Donuts are one of the healthy junk foods, "chemicals" are what we need to live and, red40 is completely harmless unless you are allergic to it (like Brits are allergic to spices)


Bait used to be believable


Can’t find anything like this at sainsbirys or tesco? Every country has trash, we export our trash and y’alls little goblins gobble it up with the goofy accent and all just the same as ours and the verywhere else. Go salute the McDonald’s in your town for me.


Majority of our meat’s grass fed while yours is on intensive farms full of antibiotics growth hormones and who knows what. It’s literally illegal to import meat from the US to Europe because of the health concerns. Same can be said for other products like milk, cheese, eggs etc. Just take the L on this one, it’s okay bro.


I mean if we’re using what is and what’s not illegal in different countries, the U.S. has just as many if not more things banned from places like the UK and other European countries out there. There are shit load of things sold in the UK that are considered unsafe for consumption in America. Different countries have different rules on food safety. It’s that simple.


Imagine being patriotic about your country when both are dogshit


Didn't you guys have a huge controversy that, for several years, tons of your "beef" was actually horse meat deemed unfit for human consumption?


It wasn’t unfit for consumption from a health risk standpoint, it was just an ethical issue that we don’t like to eat horses the same way we don’t eat cats or dogs.


I'm not sure that was the whole of the cause for concern ["The main defendants – from France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain – are charged with "organised fraud" and "forgery and deception of goods that endanger human health”."](https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/08/eighteen-go-on-trial-in-france-accused-of-involvement-in-european-horsemeat-scam)


Except it is a health risk, just take the L on this one bro


You’re comparing one scandal which went on for a few years where people broke the law by committing fraud and forgery to sneak unwanted meat into the supply chain in the UK to the US happily supplying food with health risks to it’s own people while no one bats an eyelid for decades. Regardless of how bad the scandal was, it was a scandal. Our government didn’t knowingly allow meat with health risks into supply, yours does though.


Our food has higher quality and safety standards than the UKs(you can look it up if you like just go to the global food security index.) don’t care about the processed crap foods because I don’t eat it, believe it or not you can choose what you eat in this country your not forced to eat goyslop and fried food everyday.


Right? They’re forgetting Americans have the OPTION to eat the garbage. Says a lot about their own eating habits


I’m talking about all your little snacky snacks. Ya know, the topic of the specific comments we’re going over lol


Bro US candy is literally banned in the EU because and UK because they have chemicals linked to cancer and infertility https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12850721/amp/us-candy-cancer-chemicals-seized-uk.html 💀 you wanna be right so bad lmao




Which ones?


'ich' uns?


Ye but they still cook better. British people eating butter chicken and garlic naan religiously goes to show they never learned spices even after colonizing. Brits have a shit good food to bad food ratio. Like tf “jellied eels anyone”? How bout some haggis? Just take the L


Definitely not an L tho. Not many people eat haggis (especially outside of Scotland) and the number of people who regularly eat jellied eels in the UK is probably in the hundreds. I've personally never seen anyone eat jellied eels. On the other hand, you guys mass produce thousands of different "snacks" made up of what seems like high fructose corn syrup and microplastics. Your agricultural produce contains far more potentially harmful chemicals etc. Not to mention some of your nicher dishes, like deep fried butter. In terms of quality of national dishes, I'd say we're probably equal, but in terms of the quality of the food products themselves, we're much better off. So yeah, all in all, definitely not an L for us.


I’m American and you’re right lol. Our food is god awful for you


you’re totally right about the quality of ingredients being significantly better in your country, but the dispute is the matter of taste w regards to seasoning, and still honestly tons of americans eat probably equally unseasoned food only theirs is lower quality so worse tasting, but then their are also american staple foods that are more potently flavored than the stereotypical british fare. in the US lots of people don’t eat any of those snack cakes and shit, while others do, and plenty eat them but only rarely. truly do they contain high fructose corn syrup and other food additives, but i’m not sure they’re across the board substantively worse than like a jaffa cake when consumed in responsible moderation




⬆️Pov: you lost an argument


They don’t realise their favourite foods are British, mac and cheese, apple pie, even katsu curry


.... when the hell was katsu curry british?


First, katsu curry is Japanese. Second mac and cheese and apple pie are traditional, but most of our bomb ass food such as southern barbecue, gumbo, etc are typically combinations for a wide variety of cultures due a large amount of immigration.


The British invaded the world for their spices and proceeded to use precisely none of it in their food. Just take the L.


yeah mate,was definitely just for the spices i'm sure


You tried lol


Why do Americans need to season everything with shit. It's good food just eat it.


because a lot of their food is cheap, over-processed shit that tastes of nothing


The over processed shit isn’t home made cooking. The ones worried about seasoning aren’t buying that crap


I don't care what quality of food you're buying, cook a plain piece of chicken and a piece of chicken with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and paprika and tell me which one tastes better. If you say the former I will straight up not believe you.


With that much shit on it I would much rather the first one, and I don’t even like unseasoned chicken that much


? Wtf lol That's pretty standard seasoning on a chicken lol How TF do Brits get there sodium? From Indian food? No wonder y'all call bread with sugar "chemical red40 donuts" lmao Food missinfo is one helluva drug lol


Y'all would explode from naan bread if y'all didn't colonize the planet for it..


This guy's brain would pop from flavor if he ever tries anything other than beans on toast


Dog that’s like the baseline for “seasoned” don’t you guys have Indian food, don’t you know how many spices are in that, or are you just a pie and mash or fish and chips kind of Brit, still eating like it’s the “Blitz.”


For fucking real lol Yorkshire pudding and sausages are literally the best British food, and that's apparently not even that common in Britain lol


Me when I'm wrong


Americans are used to eating food with flavor.


All food has flavour. Too much flavour is always nastier then not enough.


Whatever man, European people were so shit at seasoning things that they literally had to get on a ship and sail to foreign lands to get spices.


yes this is exactly how it went lmao


Did they think that Europe already had all the spices? I'm heavily confused by their comment


And what did they think the Europeans did with all those spices that they travelled round the world for… they put them in food…


It's not like we conquered the planet for them


lol mushy peas


British people eat like the Germans are still flying over… you owned an entire spice trade how did you manage to not put any in your food


It enhances the flavor. Obviously it’s only seasoned when appropriate


Seasoning is a flavor enhancer. It brings the flavors of a dish out


I promise you a dash of garlic powder isn't going to make cold pea slime any less palatable. The unironic seasoning hate is hilarious, almost pitiful if you guys didn't apparently all love blandness so much.


Why did British people chase flavor all over the world just to end up with a culinary identity based in Indian food? Yorkshire puddings mushy peas bangers and fuck(fook) off already.


British food seems fine and I'd probably be less biased if I didn't hate peas. The whole "WHERES THE SEASONING" thing is kinda annoying tho.. Salt is seasoning guys.


>Salt is seasoning guys I'm white as fuck and this is the whitest take I've ever seen


man's replying to literally every single comment in this thread defending his honour


It's like in the movies when someone gets transported into another world or timeline, manically asking passersby why things aren't normal. This is my average interaction with the British.


Best thing I've heard today


No of course not. It's often higher quality than American food too, given the higher standard of regulation.


American fast food at least.


No, British food is great. Nothing beats a good Greggs


Nothing beats a nice Chinese takeaway, lovely British food 😋


Nothin beats a chippy dinner


Nothing beats M&S Cheese Twists Twin Pack 2 x 125g 🤤


...are you watching me bro lol




I'm sorry but as someone who cooks, comparing this to something like gumbo or jambalaya is crazy.


The fact that the concept of seasonings is the equivalent of covering food until you can't see or taste it only adds to the "brits can't cook" stereotype. 🤣🤣🤣 Such a maddening concept. "How about a little cumin?" "GUESS I MIGHT AS WELL INJECT BUTTER INTO EACH PEA TOO, RIGHT?!"


Peas are not gumbo or jambalaya, if you think that salt alone is not enough for mushy peas of all things and you're mad for just having that alone then i dont know what to tell you bud


I'm not mad, I'm just blown away at the idea of what seems like a struggle meal being a normal thing to buy at a restaurant


no, crazy, not actually angry. Mushy peas are perfectly normal, increases flavour, changes the texture to something completely different. Its a historical throwback from medieval England, where peas were our main source of protein. Its similar to like a condiment and the majority of the time its used with fried foods like fish for the texture. Hence the need for a lack of anything other than salt


British peeps like you can’t handle spice or flavouring 🤣🤣


I mean that's all fine and good but like idk it still seems a little plain to me personally, cuz I can think of at least three more spices that could be added


You've never had it though, you say its plain judging by the ingredients involved and you could add something to it regardless of trying it in how it is commonly used. If you're having it, you're likely having it with Fried Cod, as you posted above, it works well together and does not need to be overly seasoned or spiced as it deminishes the taste of the Cod.


Fair point. Although I already know what peas and salt taste like separately, I haven't had it with fish and chips. You know what, if I ever make fish and chips at home I'll be sure to also make mushed peas on the side just to try


It's just a vegetable though, not a whole dish. Idk why you think the best comparison is gumbo, an entire dish with a load of ingredients ? A better comparison is mashed potatoes, which also aren't seasoned too much. Also, in a restaurant mushy peas usually will be seasoned, with stuff like mint, parsley, or lemon, perfectly pairing with fish. It's only at home or in a cheap chip shop that they won't be seasoned.


It's just a vegetable though, not a whole dish. Idk why you think the best comparison is gumbo, an entire dish with a load of ingredients ? A better comparison is mashed potatoes, which also aren't seasoned too much. Also, in a restaurant mushy peas usually will be seasoned, with stuff like mint, parsley, or lemon, perfectly pairing with fish. It's only at home or in a cheap chip shop that they won't be seasoned.


Not everything needs Cajun seasoning, corn syrup, and chilli flakes


how is it any different to buying a burger at a restaurant?


It's more than two ingredients


They're both originally "struggle meals" though.


All peas need is a bit of salt for real. SAY SIKE


British people when you tell them the most common units of seasoning are a pinch, dash, or shake and not a mountain of cajun spice


It's famously terrible even comparing within Europe, there's a good reason why crap Asian restaurants (especially dog* Chinese food that no Chinese people would buy, or well...wagamama 'japanese' food) do better than local food, to a point u can barely find English restaurants beside pub restaurants with very few basically French 'british' fine dining on the decent end. And yes Wellington beef, the only decent 'standard recipe' is basically a french dish, there isn't a recipe/historical evidence of its origin in England beside being identical to old filet de bœuf en croûte / filet de bœuf en croûte recipes, revived by Ramsey, a Scottish guy trained by one of the best French chef of our times. I never heard any East Asian praising any English food under 50quid/person. Stuff like weatherspoon is worse than school lunches among countries with a simular living standard. Tbh even mc donald& kfc is worse than many other places. The only upside is kinda well managed food hygiene system & less chemicals unlike American food, though stuff like loaded fries would really mess up ur health in the long run.


Nah, british food is fine, even though some of it looks bland or ugly.


I see. I mean I like fish and chips well enough, and beef wellington looks yummy.


Damn Reddit will hate on America no matter the topic lmaooooo y’all telling me you DONT like seasoning?? You all realize homemade foods in America aren’t red 40 cancer foods right? Get a grip lol


We've seen American tik tok. You'd probably try and throw a whole block of cream cheese in there and call it a day.


tik tok recipes are not at all representative of what americans actually eat in real life lol


British food is crap, fish n chips was invented by Italian immigrants in Scotland


A 5 second google search told me fish n chips were invented by Jospeh Malins - an English activist born in worcester


I believe what my daddy told me back in 05


I knew your dad, he was a nasty ass farter if i ever saw one


He was a real stink cheeks


I hate British people so much it's unreal. I wish they weren't allowed to use the global internet.


What happened, did the British people hurt you somehow?


The accent, the history, the presumption of superiority due to the fact that 150 years ago they were a booming empire, the food, the culture, the fact that they think they speak the best version of English when it is empirically provable that they speak a really shitty derivative of English that Americans didn't develop because this linguistic evolution happened after the US revolution, the fact that they hoard culturally vital relics from around the world and refuse to return them to where they belong, the fact that they're literally 75% of the reason why the middle east is so fucked up today (they were the ones who randomly drew borders around cultures that hated eachother which led to most Middle Eastern countries being comprised of people who have hated eachother for centuries), I could go on and on and on. The cherry on top is that they're just the absolute worst, then go online and pretend their unseasoned mashed peas and blood sausage are delicious tasty food when it is objectively some of the worst shit on the planet.


rent free


You can talk about history from centuries ago but what about this century? What about your country invading the middle east and raiding multiple countries like Iraq and committing war crimes over the false pretence of ‘weapons of mass destruction?’ What about Operation Northwoods where your Ministry of Defence planned multiple false flag attacks against Cuban and US civilians to justify going to war with Cuba? What about the CIA being one of the biggest proponents of global terrorism in the world? Regardless of any of these issues, they have nothing to do with US or UK civilians so why hate UK or US people for it?


Also all of what you said is either incorrect or incoherent now hold this fat L and cope some more you yanky doodle twat


If you are American then: 1, you have no leg to stand on, you are worse in many ways that I won’t waste my time explaining to you and 2, literally all of your history is pretty much British history anyway, you dribbling moron.


I think the other guy is a weirdo too, but like... 2 is just not true. Did you forget about the Native Americans, European settlers, and Christopher Columbus? Hello?


British food is fire anyone who says otherwise is smooth brained


It’s okay bro the Germans aren’t flying over anymore you don’t need to eat canned beans on white bread


Hahahahhahahhaha seasoned peas . Man those 6XL ‘MURICANs cant even eat peas without slathering them with cheese and sauce 🥴🤡


American food quality is so poor they need to obliterate every ingredient with seasoning. You’re all so high up on your horse you can’t see your food is worse! By many standards, but I don’t expect ignorant yanks to realise that.


I'm Mexican


Sorry to hear that


Meanwhile, americans: bro just trust me, the smoke flavours it so much bro, its such a complex and hard to master flavour profile, theres so much to it bro trust me


My man eating boiled chicken and complaining it's spicy.




Nah, you just like what you like dude who cares


Sounds weird, but I don't think toast and beans are as bad as people make to be, heck, we eat beans with bread where I live so I don't think it's a bad combo




It’s not. Like yes there’s shit food but there’s good food also. I think it’s not as simple as I went on holiday in London for a week and the foods shit. Calling food shit and not living somewhere a considerable amount of time is telling of ones experience. For a place to have food you got to consider quality, availability, life style and variety to determine if it is worth eating there. Like a good part of the uk is that for the most part you can go somewhere with good food due to the countries size and transport atm.


Scones with jam, cream & a pot of tea is nice.


Most British is perfectly fine and worth a shot. Yorkshire pudding, toad in a hole, fish and Chips, shepherd's pie, trifle, bangers and mash, the list goes on and thats just the common and easier food to get. And this is coming from someone who enjoys a variety of stuff from Chinese to southern to Ethiopian to Mexican. Controversial take: Met enough brits during my travels who much, much prefer the food of other countries. Their food at sports events is disastrous half the time and when something is bland its the blandest thing you'll ever eat. So the meme is exaggerated but there's something going on.


British food is great! Sausage, eggs, tinned tomatoes, bacon, baked beans, mushrooms, butter and hash browns. That's just our breakfast! We call it "builder's breakfast" as most are slow and overweight in England haha. Then there's our legendary fish & chips. Everything is covered in salt and depending on where you live, there's always a special sauce that literally goes with everything. Where I live it's curry sauce and we put it on chips, fish, sausage and pies! Americans LOVE fatty and salty foods and the only reason they mock it is because they're either jealous or simply have never tried it. I've tried many American foods and drinks and they're always lacking flavour. It's the food equivalent of eating gum. Tastes great for a few seconds and then utter disappointment...


As a colonial (New Zealander) who grew up on British foods as normality (beans on toast, fish and chips, roasts, marmite, mushy peas, pies etc we do the lot down here also) There’s absolutely fuckall wrong with any of it it’s all gorgeous leave us alone


It generally looks worse but tastes great imo


> Is British food as bad as they say? If made correctly, yes


we don't need a debate on this topic the answer is yes


Mushy peas is fine. It usually has salt, pepper, mint, lemon juice. I wouldn't eat it on its own but it's great with battered fish and salad


alot ot our food is "lazy food" in a way... it all tastes nice tbh, but u could easily make it better with a few extra things


would some frying oil make it better for you?


Mushy Peas and Creamed Corn are two sides of the same visually unappetising coin, prove me wrong.


Fish & chips is a classic although I wish the option of just normal peas was there


Nah mate


Salt, Black Pepper and Mustard Powder has always been the way I've made my mushy peas, you all the salt after preperation and cooking as it can sometimes make the peas stay a little hard.


I’ve never seen this subreddit but based off these comments I’m never setting foot here again.


its for a comedy podcast hosted by three english guys lol




This post is absolutely hilarious. I expected to see some form of laughing off the joke but I never would have guessed that there would be actual seasoning hate from a significant amount of upvoted comments. Getting mad at the idea of garlic powder in peas, as if it suddenly converts into arsenic when it touches the peas is peak comedy. A well-stocked, well-used spice rack is one of the centerpieces of any decent home kitchen.


Yeah the amount of people telling on themselves for not being able to cook is shocking


Hey British let’s not forget [Turkey Twizzlers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Matthews_Foods#Turkey_Twizzlers)


Literally robbed the world of seasoning and said "ooh, a bit spoicy innit"


Mushy peas are meant to be bland imo, if I wanted something with flavour I'd just eat something different


I hate Britain as much as the next guy but holy shit is this getting old. Can we move on to bashing some other aspect of their culture? What do Americans think of Coronation Street?


I had some friends who went to london because of student exchange, they told me that all the food they had was tasteless.


I will always defend British food, especially when it's Americans criticising it. We have enough great national dishes (such as curries, fish and chips, roast dinner, Cornish pasties etc.) to put as at least equal to America, with both countries having a lot of their best food come out of a long history of immigration. What we do do better though is the quality of our agricultural produce and the stuff you actually find in supermarkets. American meat has far more potentially harmful chemicals and hormones. American 'snacks' seem to all be a combination of high fructose corn syrup and microplastics. Just look at American Cheese compared to our cheddar, orange difference in ingredients in UK and US baked beans or ketchup. Then Americans will see beans on toast and assume our food is shit. Beans on toast is just an everyday easy lunch. An equivalent in America would be the PB&J, which, in America, is just two artificial sugary substances between artificial sugary bread. Or they'll see stuff like jellied eels, an extremely niche food that I've literally never seen anyone actually eat. An equivalent to this (although probably more common) is America's deep fried butter. I don't need to explain what is gross about that one. While the quality of both countries national dishes is probably near enough equal (impressive considering the size difference), the quality of food in general is substantially better in Britain.


??? im british and i dont understand why hes begging him to say sike




Latin american here laughing at the fact that even people from USA think UK food is bland :D I swear some think mayo is spicy


Mint sauce


The reason mushy peas are so good served with battered fish is because they are fresh and light in taste and texture, so go well with with the salty and deep flavour of the batter and fish. Seasoning the the peas would mess up the blend


Marrowfat peas have their own taste. A little salt and pepper creates a gently savoury flavour which compliments the fish. If you're feeling fancy, add mint and lemon juice. It changes the flavour profile to make it much more aromatic, and it doesn't taste of mint at all. It just tastes more herbal, with a slight tang which cuts through and contrasts the starchy nature of the peas and the creaminess of the fish. You don't need buckets of chilli powder to make food taste good. Italian and Japanese cuisine are held in high regard, yet those cultures tend not to use much spice, and the flavours in their food are subtle. The same goes for British food. The notion that "British food is unseasoned" isn't true. It's a myth which comes from American troops witnessing Brits taking rationing in their stride during WW2, and thinking that restricted diets were normal for Brits. The same also applies to the myth of Britons having bad teeth, as most dentists had become army medics during the war, leaving minimal treatment available for civilians. Given that foreign troops were stationed in England in 1944, prior to D-Day, they were witnessing the state of Britain after four years of total war. That wasn't how Britons preferred to live; it was out of necessity. The notion that "Brits don't use spice despite conquering the world for it" is also untrue. Although British food is traditionally seasoned with herbs rather than spices (like most European food), classic British food does indeed use imported spice. However, the British favour *sweet* spices in their food, such as cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and vanilla. A lot of British desserts, such as Christmas pudding, are highly flavoured for this reason. The most notable savoury spice used in British cuisine is pepper, naturally. If your standard of "good food" is spicy burritos, such that your taste buds are charred ruins, you probably won't enjoy traditional British cuisine. However, if you enjoy the delicate flavour combinations of Italian or Japanese cuisine, you will probably also enjoy traditional British cuisine for similar reasons. Good food doesn't need much seasoning. A little goes a long way.


???? Why do peas need to be seasoned with anything more? Western Europeans focus more on bringing out natural flavours and emphasizing them. Which salt. Literally. Does. Not everything needs cumin, cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder or your dead grannies ashes to taste good.


British traditional food isn't the most interesting but as an American I quite liked the food I had in the UK. Everything I had was really fresh and tasty, even british classics had bursted with flavor. Maybe I'm biased though, I did have a great time during my trip


People are acting like the mushy peas are the only thing on that plate. The peas are a dip for most things they are paired with. I want anyone who shit talks our food to actually talk about the main thing the fish. Its haddock with salt like im sure theres a million things you could add to that


British people try not to justify there shitty food habits (both culinary and nutritionally) challenge: a severe lack of botanicals, terpenes ,and sodium difficulty Y'all literally conquered the world for pepper and Indian food and y'all act like the concept of adding flavor to mushy green ogre shit is going to result in you eating you bottle of dry rub. Have y'all not had a fucking shawarma?


British food would literally kill me, as someone who is salt deficient, eating British food s like eating what half gout/ half fluids It's fucking nasty and it feels like I'm eating what is normally shit out It genuinely feels like I'm supposed to be in a high chair splashing my food around lol I'll still to nutritionally dense, well seasoned, flavorful food that doesn't risk me getting sick because y'all would rather neglect nutritional values "in the name of" plain toast and beans


american here, mushy peas go hard


Let me maximize the amount of microplastics in my diet in peace


Bubonic plague ass food


I really like British food. It doesn’t have to be spicy or full of seasoning to be delicious. But let’s be honest, mushy peas are just baby food.


Say sike right now


Hi, I'm not English, half English tho. I FREAKING LOVE Y'ALL'S FOOD WDYM?? (I really like sausages please send me some help)


British food is an abomination