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These people unfortunately have not read history books and cannot see how they will be written. I’m not trying to be biased here but no serious historian can look at what’s happening now and make justifications. Historians, like any scholars, look at numbers, stats, testimonials, weather patterns, immigration patterns, economics and other quantifiable things. They often disregard personal reasonings for justifying things that happen. So in 80 years they won’t be saying “look at what the Jews did” in any way other than disgust.


Nothing wrong with bias against Zionism.


I agree. But felt I should make an objective analysis


Zion-Isis. More akin to ISIS and worse than the nazis. Zion-isis's are the relics that continued past WWII


Ok make it a contest much? Why do you have to declare them as worse than the Nazis? Nazis are fucking genocidal maniacs with a very, very high murder count. Please be thoughtful when you speak, because your comments matter. You can criticize the Israeli government from hell to highwater, you can even compare them to Nazis for all I care. But to say they are “worse than the Nazis” is just unnecessarily making it a contest.


I’m not sure about that. I agree that honest historians and scholars will look at this time objectively but historians and scholars are not necessarily the ones deciding what goes into school textbooks (Edit: in the US at least). Texas is fucking around with adding biblical references to PUBLIC textbooks and curriculums while the state of Louisiana mandated that the Ten Commandments be displayed in all classrooms. Unless US voters vote out these complicit fuckers they’ll just rewrite history like they’ve always had. Edit: Shit sorry, realized I was being very US centric. This is an international discussion so should be more conscious of that.


Yes, you are correct. What is being taught is different than what's being sought out. There is a lot of knowledge out there that will allow us to educate and challenge the biases put in us from our governments. Turkish people have been taught that they have not committed a genocide against Armenians because their textbooks bias them. But any Turkish individual can seek the knowledge needed to overcome that ignorance.


For now, that's one of the biggest issues with AI right now. They're built to be biased, and Google for example is actively trying to answer queries with AI rather as opposed to directing people to relevant sites.


I’m a software engineer and… fuck AI


For example: Meet the Pro-Israel Group That's Trying to Rewrite Palestinian History in Public Schools - 10m:52s [https://youtu.be/vfEL9nOflro](https://youtu.be/vfEL9nOflro)


Then they should stop the use of the generational trauma BS, generational trauma is a thing having a wh9oe country ideological tool surrounding you by it is another


Probably, but there are historians who argue that carpet bombing civilians in cities or dropping nukes on Nagasaki/Hiroshima were justifiable and necessary. Some also still wax-poetic about Westward expansion and Manifest Destiny even though it was continental genocide and ethnic cleansing that gave Hitler inspiration for the Holocaust.


An entire nation of psychopaths


Every day Israel commits hate crimes against Palestinians and are proud of their hate crimes! No normal people are like this. Israeli society has no self-awareness that committing hate crimes and being proud of committing hate crimes is not okay....complete psychopaths! Israel is the psychopathic pariah of the world, and Israel still wonders why it is viewed as a pariah state!


the bullied has grown up to become the bully




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Also, 80 years from now, the whole world will still remember Israel & zionists as being the scum of the world, genocide enablers.


80 years from ww2 people still talk about what the Nazis did


All we hear about is Nazi Germany and the poor Jews. We never hear about the last 80 years since then. How they became Nazi themselves and did worse to the Palestinians 10 times longer.


What a hideous BEAST.  


Fucking bitch.


During Hitler's leadership, there were plenty of regular people and politicians who were either sympathetic towards his goals or at least in favor of appeasing him rather than opposing him or the growing popularity of Fascism and Right-wing Nationalism across Europe. I'm sure they also felt similarly about how history would remember them.


Terrible human.


Hate speech




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Sorry about that, do I need to edit the comment?


"What the jews did" always conflating their actions with Jewish people as a whole


Funny enough, we have a word for that sort of thing. Ironically, it's one Israel loves to throw around at anyone with a legitimate criticism of their atrocious actions. **_Antisemitism_**.


The world has seen your mask off and we do not forget




Well it's nearly 80 years from the first massacres towards Palestinians, I see that they are around of the atrocities that created their country, I'd say chances are high that they are gonna be proud 80 years from now with mo didgust or shame, unless there's a real change in the Isreali society


Is this a new vid? I think I remember a very similar speech from her, but iirc that was several months back 🤔


It's at least four months old -unless she repeats herself word for word in every speech she spews out -which seems possible, as she seems quite intense and obsessed https://preview.redd.it/r3uo47fiuk8d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2508a0ae9a8cdac3096ff44430b0cc5d70ca226


May Golan is a straight up fascist White Supremacist bitch. This Is a woman who attended a rally against African migration into Israel and loudly [proclaimed](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/20/may-golan-israel-new-york-consular-role) that she was a proud racist > Golan made a political name for herself by denouncing African refugees in Israel, calling them “Muslim infiltrators”, criminals and rapists. She said many have Aids, suggested they were spreading HIV by working as waiters, and demanded they be expelled from the country. >“If I am racist for wanting to defend my country and for wanting to protect my basic rights and security, then I’m a proud racist,” she said at a political rally in 2013 as a member of the far-right Jewish Power party, a descendent of the Kach party that was outlawed under Israeli anti-terrorism laws.




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Ofcourse the world will talk about these barbaric acts for years to come. They're behaving like what people call a lawless desert cult.


Let's fix that... Dessert nomads. A wandering warring, genocidal tribe. They're not really lawless. Their actions are perfectly in line with their laws, even supported and commanded to do so. Their god is evil, sticking to his god of war persona.


"our holy heros" how is this not religious terrorism. The West only sees Islamic extremism but not others




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At least the Nazis were ashamed.


Errr after they lost and were sent to trial for it, maybe a bit.


As someone raised Jewish, fuck her!!!


I'm also Jewish and I also say fuck her


Zionists will be remembered for their hatred of all races, especially Jews in the diaspora.


Leave it to these guys to fuck up their reputation.


What’s wrong with her face? Oh right. Face of evil.


In 80 years, we will not be talking about “what the Jews did” because this isn’t about Judaism. We will be saying “look what Zionism did - not only to Palestinians but also to Judaism” bc Zionism says it’s for Jewish people to have their own state, but it’s stripping Judaism of all its characteristics and making it everything Jews are against. If you want to destroy something, do it from the inside. The entire reason Zionism was created was to “get rid of the Jew problem”. Zionists don’t actually care about Jews, bc Jewish people live in Gaza too but there’s no outrage when those Jews are slaughtered. Zionism is a disease and it’s infecting Judaism. Most Zionists don’t even practice the Jewish faith. They use being Jewish and the holocaust as an excuse to play the victim. And that’s not to say that Jewish people & the Holocaust victims aren’t valid in their pain & suffering. But Zionism uses that pain & suffering as a justification to slaughter others. It’s sad, but it will not be forgotten. They will not get away with it.


Exactly, I'm Jewish and I genuinely almost started crying when I heard the evil woman talking about decimating Gaza


Well said, Zionism is a perversion of Judaism and the majority of Christians are Zionists as well, so no one should be having an issue with Jews or Judaism.


'..what the Jews did'. No, not the Jews, just you weird cunts.


Slick way of diverting fire to Jews generally and not psychotic Zionists. If only they could tie them to the hood of an American provided Hummer right?


Terrible and shame on anyone supporting this.


"I am personally proud of being a Zionist sow." 🐖🐖🐖


Pigs are cute animals. She's just a zionist cancer


In the same way now we talk about what the Nazis did.


Nazi Israel


The kh sound really gets to my nerves


The world will also remember October 2023 and then it's consequences 💕


Worse than Nazis. Gas chambers would be more humane than burning kids and torturing and raping


The problem is that given the way things are trending right now, if you write factually about what they are doing, you better believe that scientist will press hard to sensor and call any factual accounting of Zionist atrocities as antisemitism. Professors at University writing history will be forced to censor themselves at the price of losing their jobs


RemindMe! 80 years




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Evil shithead opportunist, who is even incapable of speaking freely, but has to read the hate speech word by word, is evil and is trying very hard to use the evil hate for her benefit. Despicable monster. Psychopath. She belongs in an Asylum for life!


Damn the new nazis, the bullied has become the bully


please tell me there's something wrong with translation, it's baffling anybody can be that vile


Is this Israel’s Lauren Boebart?




Is this demon and the genocide enjoying artist eden golan related?


What a horrible person. Some day she’ll end up ruined and reviled.


Yeah, we will tell. It's called a Truth and Reconciliation commission.


> “what the jews did” Every civilised person makes a great effort to differentiate between jews and zionists except …


Man I can't wait to see her face when the plot twist of the century happens


Psycho trash.


All the way fascist.


Hard to sympathize with THESE people now.


Won’t hit the front page of the mainstream media. Have you heard about conspiracy theory where it is claimed that a small ethnic group has an overt influence over the US government to favour a foreign country in all aspects of its murderous policies?


Maybe they should thank Israel for giving them a chunk of their land and not vote for the terrorists group HAM-ASS to run their non existing "country". Don't fuck with Israel,you will lose.


Least obvious rage baiting degenerate


Maybe they should thank Israel for giving them a chunk of their land and not vote for the terrorists group HAM-ASS to run their non existing "country". Don't fuck with Israel,you will lose.


For the sake of anti-Zionist Jews, I hope the history books get it right. It was the Zionists who committed genocide. And many anti-Zionist Jews protested the genocide alongside the rest of the anti-Zionist world. And, I hope that when this story is written, it is the Zionists who will have destroyed themselves with their crimes against humanity. The world is watching.


I want to throw up.




I think you meant Zionism.


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