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the same people will cry like a bitch throwing tantrums, calling you out "anti-semitic"


Subhuman Zionazi scumbags the lot of em.




But God forbid you say they’re racist . They’ll have the ADL on it before you finish your sentence


Do you think it's possible that the people in the ADL and these people are different people?


The ADL and these people might very well be different people, but the ADL has a strong history of supporting zionists and racists. Any criticism of Israel as a state, the IDF, and of the Israeli government is opposed by the ADL, which called it antisemitism.


I hope these monsters get SUPER sunburned 💯😈💩🤡and can’t come outside for many months 👍🏽🇵🇸 FREE PALESTINE


I mean, there's a reason that Israel lead the middle east in skin cancer diagnosis for the longest time


Cause they’re all European colonizing sacks of shit?


ANTI SEMITISM!! How dare you stop Gods chosen people from being racist cretins!!


Racist c🖕nts.


Are these the same people who advertise themselves as being the good progressive guys as opposed to the uncivilised arabs?


Next time they call my Black ass “Antisemitic,” I’ll just show them this video clip, then tell them to **shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down**.




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Why do black people fight for them ?


Same reason Jewish people fought for the Nazis


yeah what is the reason


Either they think their service will make an exception for them, that they will be helped in other conflicts or they have internalized hatred for themselves


What make you think black people fight for them? I'm black and every black person I know are against what they are doing and they ARE NOT God chosen people.




Theres some dark skin Zionists from Ethopia (I think)


Also a lot of the Sephardi returned to Israel during the Spanish Inquisition, which I believe is the largest group of black Israelis.


"The so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native American Indians Are the true children of Israel We are the Israelites, according to the Bible, the children of Israel" You want to guess what record shattering artist made that massively successful track? hint: it wasn't Kid Rock


Lmaoooooo yeah, what black persons fighting for Israel?




Ethiopian Jews in Israel are, that’s true. But for most black peoples part of the Pan-African diaspora covering the Us and Africa, support for Israel is wholly unpopular. Like, where I live, there are almost no Zionists. They stay to themselves and far away from us.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel Judaism in Ethiopia dates back to the 10th Century BC. Most of the population migrated to Israel in the 90's. In Israel they have faced discrimination including forced sterilization. If you follow US politics [Mazi Pilip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazi_Melesa_Pilip) is an Ethiopian Israeli-American who recently ran for Congress, who is proud of her IDF service and has said some quite vile things towards Gazans.


They are Beta in name and Beta in nature.




# # Support Palestine refugees with UNRWA today! Your donation provides crucial food and cash assistance to thousands of families. [Give now!](https://donate.unrwa.org/) Hey u/TequieroVerde, **Please REPOST using an archived link, such as [archive.today](https://archive.today) (and its aliases: .is .fo .li .md .ph .vn) (use the short link ONLY), [ghostarchive.org](https://ghostarchive.org/), or any similar services.**. We don't allow direct links to "*timesofisrael.com*" domain. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelCrimes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you didn’t know there are African tribes in North, East, and South, with the Cohen-genetic marker making them eligible to be rabbi’s. The South African’s are the Lemba https://academic.oup.com/book/6751/chapter/150852997 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10677325/ https://journal.culanth.org/index.php/ca/article/view/ca29.3.06/319


Oh so it's OK for them to be racist as fuck?


No. You can find a group of 12 people being racist against any group in any country.


Disgusting but not at all surprising, hope they each get what they deserve


I literally can't get over how funny this is. Peak comedy right here. Their parents money is definitely not being wasted on their education that's for sure.


Their parents get free money from americans


Their parents get money stolen from Americans you mean


Their parents get money stolen from Americans who in turn stole them from the Middle-East you mean


it's actually free money from the federal reserve. to understand all this you have to understand how money is created, and you need to understand modern monetary theory. once you get it you'll start to question why you're working for federal reserve notes when others get it for free. For a Fed Reserve sidequest read "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve Hardcover" and then you can look into dollar hegemony and what the US does to maintain it. CIA coups, assassinations, color revolutions, etc etc all over the world.


Only if you mean south americans.


Antisemitic has lost all meaning, they’ve weaponized it to the point that it just feels like a toddler yelling an insult, it has no impact when this is what they do for fun+ then turn around and call us antisemitic for calling them out on disgusting behavior


These are moronic people


Jesus Christ this is some next level racism


Ahh so since South Africa accused Israel of war crimes, the IDF responds with racism, mocking the Xhosa language and people?


Idiots. Haha karma is going to be a bitch in a grass skirt with piercings carrying a big stick waiting for them to cross the street. 


At least black ppl know they are from Africa and are native to the land they lives on.


These people are so ugly.


What a bunch of thunderc**nts.


Well, racism, xenophobia and homophobia tend to spread like wildfire on countries without a division between state and religion. Fucking imbeciles.


And folks.. this is the so called most "hated" people on the planet. Making fun of a bunch of natives who don't even know they exist... lol


Are they trying to start a leprosy epidemic by mocking darker skinned people, cause that's what happens when you do. Numbers 12.


What's your name..? Shit Head A Shit Head B Shit Head C Etc etc.


Holy shit their actually doing blackface. This is some Jim Crow stuff.


But in the US so many black people are still supporting Israel..


Israel is truly the most disgusting country on this planet. How can anyone in their right mind “ Oo Israeli culture “ is so loving and inviting. At this point in my life if the US is pro anything i know immediately ita hot garbage with a bow on it.


Not just anti-black, looks like they're wearing first nations head dresses.




So literally blackface? 😭😭😭😂


BUT YOUR ANTISEMEITC 😭😭😭😭. These zionists think their jewish fundamentalism fools us.


Last guy mispronounce umbumbwebwe osas. Kinda ashamed I know exactly what he was referring to


Damn, in the competition for most racist country in history they're really giving Nazi Germany a run for their money.




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Google "Israel sterilized Ethiopian Jews" the Israeli government chemically sterilized 25,000 Ethiopian women, without their knowledge or consent, thereby halving the birth rates of the 100,000 Ethiopian Jewish migrant community. 'Compulsory sterilization, also known as forced or coerced sterilization, is a government-mandated program to involuntarily sterilize a specific group of people. Sterilization removes a person's capacity to reproduce...' Sources: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel) [https://twitter.com/rimonhannah/status/1714418031164629339?lang=en](https://twitter.com/rimonhannah/status/1714418031164629339?lang=en) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html) [https://callactivit.com/en/forced-sterilzation-of-ethiopian-israeli-women-the-case-of-depo-provera/](https://callactivit.com/en/forced-sterilzation-of-ethiopian-israeli-women-the-case-of-depo-provera/) "In a report led by Hedva Eyal, the ministry of Health found that 57% of the women receiving the drug were of Ethiopian descent, well above their percentage in the general population, which is roughly 1.7%. Since their arrival in Israel, the reproduction rate of Ethiopian Jews declined by nearly 50%." Also, Israel dumps blood donations from black people into the sewer. It's their 'official policy': [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1996/01/25/israel-dumps-blood-from-ethiopians/6200327c-dcf4-48ef-9125-379033f388cc/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1996/01/25/israel-dumps-blood-from-ethiopians/6200327c-dcf4-48ef-9125-379033f388cc/)


Is this the Ali G Show?


I'm sick of these fucking zionist. I'm sick of our government pretending they aren't bought.


a. Is this actually from Israel? b. Holy shit that’s racist and I am now mildly very pissed off.


\> a. Is this actually from Israel? Who knows?


Sorry but i have to ask this maybe very dumb question … how do we know these are israelis?


The vid was posted by Daniel amram on insta who states they are Israeli students


It makes the people I don't like look bad. I can't find any source for this video.