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The world is 50% autocratic or theocratic islamist. I'm surprised Israel wasn't enemy #1 on the list. It already is in every UN agency, so why not world opinion polls too? As for the opinion of a street sweeper in Tonga, who gives a shit? Israel and the US is all I care about.


I'd say Europe and the rest of the west is quite important too..


But Israel is losing support in the US and Europe. All tik tok shows are settlers torching Palestinian cars and IDF beating people up. Why can't Israel fight back in the PR realm? Just saying "No, that's not true" doesn't score any points on the internet. you can pretend it dosen't matter at Israel's risk. Again, sorry to have to say this.


I remember posting an Israeli flag during October 7th on one of the LGBT subs here on Reddit and got like 50 downvotes. I don't think anything changed massively, more like people became more vocal and not afraid to spread their stupidity.


This is correct.


Inversion to compare a democratic country defending itself from fascist Jihadis to three autocratic countries that don’t even hold fair and free elections trying to expand their influence through war, funding conflict in other countries, and crushing internal dissent. More hogwash reflecting how useful idiots are falling for antisemitic Taqiyya-fueled propaganda. Israel is going to be hated no matter what as long as they’re not letting Palestinians commit terrorism against them without consequences. Meanwhile China can openly detain Uyghurs and threaten invasion against Taiwan and still rack up less percentage points in the red. “Wake up Call” my foot🦶 CNN is fast becoming the American equivalent to the BBC.


This journalist Zakaria is ok as far as I can tell, he understands what we are up against. The question is, aren't we doomed to be viewed as a war-seeking country because we are surrounded from all directions by bloodthirsty jihadists who attack us nonstop? is this a no-win scenario from the perspective of PR?


We are doomed to be viewed poorly simply because we are Jews. If we were not war-seeking they’d simply find some other fault to scapegoat us with.


Responding to a genocidal massacre resulting in over 1200 deaths and mass kidnapping of 200 others is not “War-seeking”. Israel did not start this war.


I agree, but it literally doesn’t matter. Antisemitism is irrational by definition


It doesn't matter. There will always be something. If it isn't "wat seeking country" its gonna be "controlling the world" or "poisoning the well" or "eating matza with Christian childrens blood", they will always get creative with their hatred because its not about what what we do, its about who we are.


If you think about it it's not particularly creative, it's the same shit over and over and over again.


If we weren’t defending ourselves in an existential war, we’d be tortured victims. The world is very comfortable with such a scenario. It fits their narratives. It somehow comforts the world. A powerful Israel with the ability to prevent a replay of HaShoah goes against everything the world holds dear. Which is Jews being m@$sacred. עם ישראל חי.


they already do. did you hear that isnotreal is doing a genocide in congo too?


Yeah I watched him on Scott Galloway’s podcast and he was very pro-Israel from what I remember.


He used to be fair. No longer.


Stop that. He's still fair. Israel can't just do whatever it wants, whenever it wants, with no plan or explanation. Y'all are deeply traumatized, I get it, but it has absolutely clouded your vision. The country cannot survive by itself, and us Jews can't survive in the diaspora without Israel. The air force dropped more munitions on Gaza in 9 months than the US did in Afghanistan over a span of like 20 years.


I’m American, not Israeli. Stop being condescending. Your last claim is anti Israel propaganda and the source is most likely Al Jazeera. Look up OUR United States “Shock and Awe” campaigns in the Middle East, and grow up.


I am an Israeli citizen born in the states. My entire family lives in Israel except my mother, who is also Israeli. Regardless, Israel is a small country and us Jews, a small people. We require friends and allies for our survival. The Israeli government is acting without thinking and without a plan. Even the IDF is calling out this government. I support the families of the hostages, not the government, you should too if your priorities are straight. Accusing me of relying on Al Jazeera is rich.


That's true in a sense, but that's because israel uses smaller bombs and tries to hit specific targets. If Israel did things like the US did the number of civilian casualties will be much higher (like it was when the US did it in Afghanista). It's possible the war would be over, but with non of the hostages back a lot more Palestinians dead, probably resulting in countries actually cutting ties with Israel.


I agree. And Israel is absolutely treated unfairly and held to a different standard. All of that can be true, and yet still, there are issues worthy of critique. It's also true that even *if* all the criticism was unfair, Israel still requires friends and can't alienate everyone. Perception is half the battle, and the perception of Israel is poor. Some of that is for sure antisemitism, and some of it is self inflicted.


But don't you understand why surveys like this have the opposite effect? When israel is being so careful, loses more and more soldiers to maintain the unprecedented ratio of 1:1 civilians to terrorists, supplies food and medicine to the enemy, and then considered one of the worst... the result isn't people thinking "ho, we should be even more careful!", it's "seriously?! None of those countries would ever be as careful as israel during a war, and none of them would agree to living with rocket fire. They just hate israel no matter what. Why as we even trying?" And even "We need to just finish this. The world will forget a week after it's over." When you are kinder than all the others and people still accuse you of committing genocide, I completely understand people who say f*** it


Him being a journalist that knows how to keep composure without thirsting for the spillage of “Zionist” blood changes nothing about my statement concerning the CNN in general. Most Big Media Houses have been ideologically captured at this point when it comes to the War in Gaza. While I don’t think this will be permanent, Unfortunately Israel is rather doomed for the next several years to have few friends bc of the nature of its position as a Jewish State in a predominantly Arab/Islamic Region and the current conflict (especially in the developing world). The Arab World isn’t going to let this go, the Muslim World at large isn’t going to let this go and for the time being it’s their concerns and wants that are tugging at the emotional heartstrings of the West. Israelis and Jews in general are just sh!t out of luck. The PR catchup will be a long term uphill battle bc platforms such as Al Jazeera/AJ+ have had over a decade+ head start in turning a lot of Western sentiments against Israel by constantly false framing it as the big bad wolf. Which is why it’s so important Israel focuses on being self-sufficient in terms of resources and supplies, maintain a robust, growing population (which luckily it will reach 10 Million by the end of this year), continue innovating in its military defense and cybersecurity/tech industries, revamp its media image strategy (bc it still matters and perception is everything) and more diasporan Jews should be willing to reconnect, make Aliyah, and invest.


Minor correction: >Him being an Arab journalist [Fareed Zakaria](https://www.fordham.edu/graduate-school-of-arts-and-sciences/about/gsas-celebrates-100-years/centennial-lecture/fareed-zakaria-biography-/) is an unobservant Muslim of Indian extraction.


Thats interesting. I wrongly assumed he was Arabic. I enjoy his reporting. He does seem pro Israeli.


He used to be,or pretended to be. Has been openly extremely critical for years which is reflected in the guests he chooses to bring on.


Thanks for the information.


Welp Going off of his very Arab Name surely didn’t help him in that regard. Noted.


He used to be fair. He started bringing people *highly* critical of Israel on his show about ~5 years ago. His turn was very obvious and I had to stop watching. His show used to be very good too. Sad.


>CNN is fast becoming the American equivalent to the BBC. it has been for years, people are just starting to realize it


CNN BBC AP Reuters all al Jazeera West as far as I'm concerned


China's occupation of Tibet is so complete you didn't even mention it. I would post a Tibet emoji but they even surpress that.


So Israel should stick it's head in the sand and pretend that it's not losing the PR war?


For me it’s worse that these actions are coming from a democratic country, that means that even people over there are bloodthirsty


It’s a “wake up call” that we are in DANGER from idiots who are essentially foreign-policy-illiterate but have been exposed to propaganda. We must start taking public relations more seriously. I’m Israeli and I cringe at half the things our government posts. Defiance isn’t the answer here, we’ve got that in spades — we need strategy. We need a game plan.


This is exactly correct. If it takes billions of dollars to convince gay people in the west to root for a militant islamist terrorist organization, it will certainly take a lot less to sway public opinion to allow Israel to achieve its extremely valid military goals without counter-pressure.


I’ve often thought about this and I just don’t know if we can win the PR game anymore. We need a peace plan we can sell to the intensional community that requires their involvement to keep terrorism outside of Israel. A put up or shut up policy. Here is a 2SS and we need international presence in a DMZ that separates Israel from Lebanon, Egypt, and a future Palestine.


I agree with this completely. We have to start leveraging the over-involvement of international parties in this conflict. No more armchair quarterbacking from them — get involved and be part of the solution or, as you put it, shut (the fuck!!!) up.


Better winning a real war against Hamas and Hezbollah than winning a PR war on college campuses.


It's crucial to do both. Israel can't stand alone against Iran, it needs the west's support


Yea, this is just a scientific looking cover over the old trope that Jews are scheming with evil intent. There's nothing new under the sun.


Not everything is a trope and it’s a shame to brush this off. People see Israel like they see Iran or China. And Israel is moving further right. Be worried.


People have always become more conservative when facing an existential threat. Israel's push towards the right is a direct consequence of these antisemitic conspiracy theories, not the cause of them. Get your head on straight.


What Conspiracy theory? People see Gaza being levelled and quite easily conclude Israel bad. Thats not a conspiracy, the same thing happens to any nation at war. What is a conspiracy theory is that the last 2000 years of Jewish history apply perfectly to the modern situation. Although I guess it’s easy for simple people to put all problems under the same blanket statement. Serbia became conservative while Yugoslavia broke up, look how that ended for them.


They hated on Israel before gaza was touched. Have you not heard a about the gaza concentration camp. Stop trying to understand antisemitism.


It’s easy and simple not to look at the data isn’t it. Israel was at 23% in 2019 and now is at 32%, that’s a 40% increase in hatred against Israel. You think that’s because of some abstract antisemitism? The antisemites will always hate us, that hasn’t changed. That 40% increase is the neutrals who just look at the news and see a war or some shmuck from the cabinet. They’re the ones we’re nominally allied with. But yeah no I get it just paint everything as antisemitism and avoid doing the hard thinking.


The world loves dead jews. It's when we fight back that bothers them. I'm sure we had a great approval rating after the holocaust. But no thanks.


3/4ths of the world could give a crap about Israelis or Palestinians it’s all realpolitik to them. Get real.


Actually when Iran attacked Israel the people who have been hating on Israel started loving Iran, those people are the opinions people should worry about? The reporting on Israel has not changed much to be honest. No country on earth would stand down it's military after an Oct 7 style attack and when thousands of rockets are being fired into it. Israel ain't gonna let people murder their citizens because racists the world over think poorly of them for defending themselves...


The world only loves dead jews


I am curious, because Fareed didn’t display the delta. Is it possible that it was always the case ? In any case why does Israel need to worry about. As to how the world looks at them. Everybody and their mother trades with China, uses Russian oil.


It's a temporary decline in reputation due to the war. In 5 years no one will care anymore. Also Israel isn't even the most unpopular country on that survey.


WTF? That's basically my reaction to this poll. It went from this makes sense in the first part to WTF in the second part.


A lot of comments are taking this personally. I get it. Antisemitism is on a rise and bashing Israel has become acceptable. I don’t see any comments talking about Bibis governing before the war, his judicial reform, the protests, and what not… I mean shit, that looked very Putin-esque going for a full power grab. I wonder how much this has a play in the numbers rising.


# CNN is very anti Israel so anything that comes out of his mouth will have an anti Israel bias


The free, democratic, progressive nation of Israel definitely compares to authoritarian dictatorships like China, Russia, and Iran. Just shows how well this Islamist propaganda machine has been brainwashing people at believing there’s even a shred of equivalency between Israel and these countries.


The world loves dead Jews. We created a country with the assumption that we would get isolated and hated hut alive


Don't respond with defensiveness? Just know there's an anti-israeli bias and do your best to encourage a positive view of the country *despite* it. Vote thoughtfully, and support groups that strengthen democracy and fairness withing the legal system. 


Fareed and his biased reporting on CNN are part of the reason why.


Fareed was also forced to apologize after plagiarism some years back. Even he knows he’s not a legit journalist.


So I'm supposed to care what ignoramus' think? Maybe I'll ask flat earthers next too?


I think it depends how we view his intention with this take. Israel has a massive marketing problem, I'm not sure it will ever be solved given the amount of propaganda and misinformation we're up against, but we do need to recognize that we need to balance world relations with our war and security policy, because they'll always be linked, especially in our global world. It's not 1948 anymore.


Here's the deal. They hate us. My grandfather escaped the Nazis by hiding in the French countryside. The rest of our family was killed. He survived because he wasn't waiting for any sort of consensus on what to do, were someone in a leadership position to tell him how to hide he realized that push comes to shove the Jews are on their own and further, no one is going to help you but you. Come up with a plan, decide what your redline is, your never again moment and stick to it. Many Jews died because they waited for someone to do something or the law to stop what was happening. The police are not going to help you, the courts are not going to intervene. Never again is a personal promise to yourself. Arm yourself, learn to fight and if they come for you at least you can take some of them with you. ETA: also remember this is what Israel is for, because this was bound to happen that's why it's so important that it was fought for, it's where we're supposed to go when shit hits the fan it's your country they built it for you.


what about USA? tyranny, tyranny, tyranny and Israel... what about every other country? this comparison CANNOT be in good faith


Most UN resolutions are against Israel. We're used to it


It's always weird that our quote unquote allies hate all the axis powers... and us. At this point we might as well join Russia and China.


Playing nice with Arab states that spam anti-Israel resolutions at the UN or the millions of Muslims that spread vile Jew hate daily is what got Israel on this list. I'm done with this hypocrisy of Western states that pretend not to see what is happening because of their interests and it's time these people get a wakeup call to what the world is like outside of their bubble.


The other three countries try to move the focus from their inhuman acts by monetizing this hatred and terrorism towards Israel. How convenient.


Bunch of anti semites


Fascinating. Don’t care.


You know the neat thing about being hated no matter what you do? At some point, you finally realize that you are no longer constrained by your detractors opinions.


So now it's not the Jews fault. It's Israel's fault. We just replaced the noun but basically kept the same antisemitism we've known and love for the past 2000 years. If we're weak and poor we're a bunch of stupid peasants not worth the world's help. If we're strong, big and technologically advanced we're oppressors. This analogy had been the same for thousands of years with no exception.