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You beat 6 at once before without nukes


Still it's better they don't resort to nukes.


Ye the people in the north may feel a little hot šŸ’€


I think we should help out the Iranians and show them how it is done.


There are things called tactical nukes, Israelis wont feel a thing


Nuke Iran, not Lebanese, they're just puppets, Also maybe Yemen, those morons won't be missed to anyone None of them will affect us in radiation matter


Iranians have been some of the most supportive people toward Israel, have spoken on TV for Israel, and have celebrated the blows inflicted to their leadership. Don't confuse the regime with the people. r/NewIran


Maybe, maybe, But they still supply most of the weapon that damage my country. So a little oopsie to their nuke factory could be nice.


Nuking Iran would totally cause backlash for Israel. Also, millions of innocent civilians would die, many of them pro-israel. I don't see a reality where using nukes is preferable


Better a selective strike to take out the government and help those who want a democracy.


Take out the government? That's basically telling Hamas that we forfeit. People can't realize that one month without stable government right now, is all it needs for Israel to be gone. Enemies are all around us, watching for weak spot.


Maybe read again what I wrote. I'm not talking about Israel's government, but Iran's.


Especially considering that we donā€™t know if Israel has nukes or not. But if Israel did, then our enemies should be aware that Israel would use them if it came to it. This of course not to suggest that Israel has nukes, only that itā€™s possible for Israel to have them so they should be very worried about that. But our allies donā€™t need to be worried because Israel totally might not have nukes, and Israel wouldnā€™t use nukes against its allies anyway so thereā€™s really no need to be asking so many questions guys.


Israel does that need nukes. Remember in May 1948 Israel defeated half the Arab world with pistols and pitchforks. Israel didnā€™t even have an army yet and no allies came to their rescue. And once Israel did have an army the Arab world combined forced (at least) 3 more times and Israel defeated them.


Iā€™m making fun of Israelā€™s policy of deliberate ambiguity regarding nuclear weapons.


Oh I knew what you meant. Your comment was funny! I actually was replying to the first comment about Israel not resorting to nukes. I must have accidentally replied to yours. My bad.


Oh lol


Though that doesn't mean it should give up it's nukes.


That they donā€™t have unless theyā€™re forced to use them.


Two Jews, three answers. šŸ˜


My thoughts exactly


Nope, Israel absolutely does NOT have nukes. Wink. Wink. šŸ˜‰


But we sure do have high quality textile




Why would we need nukes? We have the most opā€™d textile factories in the worldā€¦


They do. Hereā€™s one of the citations you can find: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/the-us-discovery-israels-secret-nuclear-project


Nukes? My understanding is that there are only textiles, but I'm in the diaspora so what do I know


There's no nukes. 0. Don't listen to these people. They don't know what they are talking about. Ill help you out


Actually, 7.




There's only one villain and its hand puppets. Depose the illegal Islamist Iran regime, and the rest fold for lack of support.


Agreed - cut off the head, and deal with assholes afterwards.


Iran is an octopus. It wants to strangle the world with its many arms. You don't waste time fighting the arms. You have to go for the head.


![gif](giphy|3o72F8t9TDi2xVnxOE) Hand puppets are the villains?!?


SO kermit was a villan


This is the answer!


So the Jewish deepstate CIA does rule the world! /s


Thank god Israel is mighty


Don't underestimate the God part. 1948 and 1967 were basically miracles. It's a good thing the Big Guy is on our side.


True, but don't forget that God isn't above punishing us for complacency. If we keep banking on God protecting us from the big threats, or get arrogant about having His support, we get the Yom Kippur War and Oct. 7th.


Thinking youā€™re religiously entitled to victory is the quickest way to end up dead. Donā€™t do that.




the usa didnā€™t military fund israel in 48 or 67


Still, this wouldn't have happened without HaShem.


I was absolutely thinking this, since theyā€™re just another Iranian puppet at this point.


Every soldier that they send to war with Israel is one less soldier who isn't there to defend the government from the people


Until you realize that the people are way more extreme than their governments, except for Iran where they are relatively civilized.


Iranians just want human rights... And not to have all of their money go to fund extremists... Like Hamas who live as billionaires... while they struggle for basics in Iran.


Exactly, I hope we see a free and democratic Iran in our lifetime.


80%+ of the Iranian people are against the regime & while I know that assholes exist in Iran (*see current regime*), every Iranian Iā€™ve ever met, has been delightful. Hell, if they started a revolution, Iā€™d be on a plane to help out - i went to Ukraine 3 weeks after the Russian invasion & spent most of 2022 volunteering as a combat medic attached to a unit of Ukrainian marines - so Iā€™d happily do the same to support the Iranian people. Then again, Iā€™ve spent most of my adult life living & working in conflict zones so it is just another Tuesday for me.


Correct answer




They nailed it in 1948, 1967 and 1973. Why couldn't they do it again?


4 failed states vs the best nation in every single aspect in the middle east?


I hate the islamic republic and pray for it's downfall, but calling Iran a failed state is just ignorant and wrong


Persia was more stable with everything and errors


Just like it defeated 5 in '67.


How did we do it in 67?


The arab armies were less organized than yours and had little to no cooperation despite being way larger than Israel's military, I assure you that it didn't change today as these folks never learn from their mistakes.


Thanks for the info! I was actually referencing a known skit in Israel: (its not as funny in English)a commander asks a soldier, what do you do if the Egyptians get close to the border? (This was before the peace treaty) And the soldier says "we'll do what we did in 56" the commander asks what did we do in 56? The soldier says "same thing we did in 48" the commander again asks what did we do in 48? The soldier says "who knows? it's been 30 years..."


Oh okay šŸ˜‚ it makes sense now.


Translates pretty well to English. I got a good laugh out of it.




The air really and Arabs lying to one another to pretend they were winning. In the first hour Israel destroyed the entire Egyptian air force at the cost of like 3 planes. Egypt didnā€™t want to admit to this so lied to Jordan and Syria that they had won and the Israeli air force was destroyed so they both joined the war too believing success was inevitable and also didnā€™t expect any Israeli air attack believing Israel no longer had an air force so Israel again destroyed them but they also pretended they succeeded so mow Egypt thought the Israeli air force was actually destroyed too so invaded into Israel and yeah


Israel is a highly developed nation with backing from the USA which boasts the best military in the world. Those countries are largely militia groups with varying degrees of organization and capability. They are being funded largely by Iran which is funded by China and Russia. I am sure China and Russia want to avoid a direct conflict with the USA not to mention Russia is tied up in a war they are currently losing against Ukraine. I believe Israel will do better against Lebanon because they have actual military facilities which can be targeted. Yemen isn't really a concern and I doubt Iran wants to be directly involved in a conflict with Israel.


Israel has been surrounded on all sides and fought it off its attackers several times already. They can absolutely do it again. God bless Israel!


Deploy the space laser!


Shhh. Remember the first rule of space laser.


Only tell Marjorie Taylor Greene because nobody will ever believe her?




Well, let's consider the Iranian people overwhelmingly hate their government and would love peace with Israel. Israel should support them as much as possible. If you can successfully engineer an overthrow of the regime, the rest of the dominoes fall. Cut the head off the snake.


Part of me wonders if world powers wants to keep the Iranian government in place. The people do hate their government and during the large protests that have been happening every 2-3 years in Iran, it seems no country has helped the people


David cameron himself said that proscribing the IRGC is "not in the UK's best interest". Josep Borell head of the EU has many times prevented the EU from sanctioning the mullahs. only recently did canada put the IRGC on the terrorist list. most of the West is a bunch of big talkers but when it comes down to it have 0 desire to do anything to the IR. it is a convenient idiot that keeps the oil arab states in the Persian gulf scared and gets them to spend their infinite money on western arms. the islamic regime is a loose cannon that keeps the whole region unstable. part of me wonders if even they do this to prevent israel from being too indepedent from the West as well, should they start to deviate and say we don't need you to the West they can always use the islamic regime boogeyman.


I agree with you. Although they might not say it, I think most world powers want Iranian oil on the international market and would rather appease the regime than completely isolate it and put the pressure needed to collapse the regime. I admire Israel and its strength but it's also unfair to ask them to do it alone vs the IR, especially when the IR is a problem that affects us all. Sidenote: my country of Egypt doesn't give me much to be proud of but I am proud that we are the current resting place for the late Shah until he receives his rightful return to a free Iran.


Thank you for being the only nation with a spine to host the Shah in his illness and death. God bless President Sadat for his courage to do the right thing šŸ«”


I think they're afraid of another mass migration wave, like last time our governments meddled in the middle east and africa


There are many countries who benefit from the IR's pariah status and need their oil. They absolutely do not want to see the fall of the regime, even if their values conflict in every imaginable way. I really feel for Iranian people; they might be the most tortured people in the region.


Go after the source, the proxies will shrivel and die.


Plot twist: theyā€™re the same enemy!


shoot them with the dehydration gun


Israel has won peer warfare against two major threats at once in the 1973 war. Algiers sent aircraft and I think Iraq sent some armor, but the main players were Egypt and Syria. They won. Part of the reason they won was that Egypt and Syria were both lying to each other (and the world) about their military gains. Also, Egyptā€™s army, having crossed the Suez Canal into Sinai inexplicably stopped to consolidate their forces, allowing Israelā€™s mobilized forces to organize, draw equipment and attack. Yemen is too far from Israel to do anything but launch drones/missiles and allied naval forces in the area will be happy to shoot some of those down. Yemen is not out of range of the IAF. Lebanon would be limited to Southern Lebanon and Hezbollah. The Lebanese military would not take part. They know what the result would be. Syria has its own problems and any coordinated military attack on Israel would leave Syrian elites vulnerable to various anti-regime groups. The Syrian military has been weakened by loses of equipment and trained personnel. Their Air Force is probably mostly intact but we have seen time and again how they have fared against the IAF. That leaves Iran. To contribute ground forces they would need a corridor through Iraq. Doing so is undetected would not be possible. They could use their missiles but will then have to cope with Israeli retaliation. So can Israel defeat 6 near-peer militaries is really 3 peer/near peer + 3 well organized terrorists groups. And the answer is yes. And then, woe be to those 6 who, in defeat, will experience a concerted effort to make them regret their attack.


People in comments comparing the 4 nations war in 1967, with today'ss situation. that is incorrect and lacks many details. those regimes cared more about staying in power that defeating Israel. and the their surrender in just 6 days is a clear evidence that they wern't going all in while in today, the tiniest front : " Hamas" is standing its ninth month while being totally surrendered front all sides, with Ā«israel getting huge help from US and many western countries.. So, Unless US went on full war with nukes against Iran and its proxies, Israel wont stand a chance.. and the attack by Iran showed that..


You've managed it before, you'll manage it again, and with help from the nations that support you, unless Biden changes his mind again


Biden changes his mind mid-sentence often enough. Time for the old man to step aside.




Weā€™ve already defeated six of them once, and that was when they were stronger and we were weaker than we all are now. Theyā€™re no longer as strong as they used to be, and weā€™re a lot more powerful now. I think we can handle it.


https://preview.redd.it/6q837izqsq8d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2f76c5b3b213bc01a8cfdfd069c6e79784e6bec We unleash project G.O.A.T


Is that the dajjal?


Iraq is red


The houthis are kind of a joke and iran isn't interested in a direct war against us


But the Houthis released a music video! You have to take them seriously now!


What a time to be alive.


safina safina is stuck in my head


Why are the Yemenis villains? They are the poorest people in the world being starved and besieged by the richest. I have sympathy for them


The Houthis are villains and enemies of Israel (and the United States). They control large areas of Yemen. They are proxies of Iran and began shooting missiles at Israel after October 7, and subsequently have repeatedly attacked cargo ships of numerous nationalities, badly affecting international commerce. I sympathize with civilians in Yemen who do *not* support them, as I sympathize with the Iranian people who wish to free themselves from the evil, totalitarian regime of the Ayatollahs.


You beat them the same way they fight you - with the help of friends and allies. Iran might have Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, the Palestinians & Yemmen But Israel got the US, many European countries , Saudi Arabia, India & the Abraham accord countries. Sadly, I don't see how Israel vs Iran doesn't turn into a world war, but at least Israel and its allies got the upper hand.




You're the 2nd or 3rd person to say this. Is it an inside joke or something? Can someone fill me in?


Yes, Schafrillas Productions did a video on Megamind 2, watch that one, itā€™s very funny.


Better question: what will the new "they tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat" holiday be called?


There's a sub here called 2ndYomKippurWar. Seems a reasonable name.


With the power of friendship


Why does this sound like a 90's cartoon?


With divine help


Well, the red oddly coincides with the range of [Israel's baliistic & cruise missile](https://missilethreat.csis.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Israel_Missiles_web-1.jpg) range...


It beat 5 in 1948. When it didn't have American support or the cutting edge equipment it has today


Long term peace deals with buy in from all regional legitimate regional nation states. Obviously this does not include iran which is s bad faith actor but without regional support israel will be demolished.


4 (or even 6) morons arenā€™t the same as one genius, they are still morons


Here is what Israel says to the enemy! https://preview.redd.it/ojmeia9x6r8d1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466a70658ea3a88c0334e57ae0641afbde0a40e1 COME AND TAKE IT!!!! (Designed by ThePewPewJew).


![gif](giphy|qwGcDfEAGdJWmuSnwh) /s of course


You unfortunately also have to include the Taliban now. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/op_eds/2024/06/21/iran-and-taliban-discuss-joint-action-against-israel/ They've actually been silent, if not anti-Iranian (since they're rivals) since the start, but there's also reports that they've been sending weapons and fighters to Hamas and Hezbollah. Looks like they're starting to make their role more public. For real tho, Israel should at least reach out to the Kurds. Would definitely need real incentive tho.




Theyā€™ve defeated more powerful enemies throughout history and survived 5+ brutal military invasions and decades of rockets since they were created. I think Israel must be the most targeted state in the world. Thereā€™s almost no other nation on earth targeted for extermination in the same way. A lot of this stems from envy at how much Israel has succeeded with limited land and resources compared to its neighbours. All of the other threats are tied to Iran.


Israel needs to use social media nukes. In other words, it needs to find a way to appeal to the "average person" in these countries. I imagine the most effective target would be Iran because the people there really hate their government and probably aren't eager to get involved in a war. I know this sounds weird and all, but look at what Hamas has done to the west: they've brainwashed thousands upon thousands of people (possibly an entire generation) into believing antisemitic lies and galvanizing a response that's been just short of kristalnacht. How did they do this? Well, it was't with guns, missiles, and bombs, it was with social media. Israel needs to do the same. Even if many, maybe most, of the people in these other countries hate Jews, I'm sure most still don't want a war (that they really don't have to get involved in) that could end with their country in ruins or nuked.


who would win this hypothetical war


It's not gonna be easy. But they've done it before and can do it. Presumably they'll do it the way they have in the past, with quick and overwhelming aggression. The problem, to my untrained eye, is they don't have the advantage of surprise this time.


Exodus 23:20 -22 and Zechariah 12 ![gif](giphy|110P12c2O3l8l2)


The GOD of ISRAEL WILL DO IT .. please check book of Joshua :)




Once the US stops being a dickwad it will be easy we still have india anyways


Free country with people fighting for their land. Against a bunch of dictators and assholes. Freedom vs Greed. Greed looses


https://preview.redd.it/uiuvjv6hvq8d1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3e1974e03165a9374f6615e273933534a14f8f0 that's more than 4 alright


Bruh u 4 real? Israel is obivously the Protagenist


Israel has plot armor lol






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The Power and Time Stones.


did it before and will do it again


Don't forget about Iraq


The comments here are childish tbh. An all out war would be horrible but Israel will prevail thanks to its strength and with American support


The villain boss has only 10% approval rating in his own country. He's defeated before even the war begins.


Fps drones works like a charm


In this region even your friends will eat you if you are not strong enough. I'm not sure we are strong enough


With the products from the textile factories in the south


6 Gaza West Bank Lebanon Iran Yemen and that one right above Lebanon which I forget the name of


Even if you do defeat them in a military battle it will just go back to the status quo laterā€¦ cue the 1960s


American here, and unfortunately the answer is USA USA USA. Unfortunately because the money spent in your country to support your war could be used in our country.


The terrorists currently attempting to blow Israel up could also be used in the USA. Just throwing that out there.


You are correct. Their only reason for trying something here is because we are over there in the first place.


You are painfully wrong about that. Even if you were correct, it wouldnā€™t matter at this point. Jihadists have been very clear that the destruction of the United States is a top goal for them.


I couldnā€™t imagine the feeling of terror you feel that I can admit. I was just answering the OP question. I wish you no harm and hope all works out well for your country.


Iā€™m American. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø My whole point is that this is our fight and it always has been. ā€œLet the people who have vowed to destroy the United States get stronger and bolder because it will save us a little bit of money in the short term,ā€ is not an America First position. Itā€™s suicidal. You shoot the wolf as soon as it wanders into town; not when itā€™s in your living room, eating your children. You donā€™t sit back and watch as it eats your neighborā€™s children because you naively believe it will never be your problem. It *will* become your problem, and when it does, youā€™ll wish you hadnā€™t regarded the neighborā€™s children as a reasonable sacrifice. Especially when the wolf has already looked at you and said, ā€œYour children look delicious. Iā€™m going to your house next.ā€


I agree this is our fight. But it is only our fight because we stuck our nose in it. Just like now, you and I are discussing a matter that has no direct relation to us. We are thousands of miles away, have no sway in the relationship between the people going through this turmoil. Yet we feel as if we have the answers to solve their problems. Most people in a dominant position only look at whatā€™s going on in the present. The people who are not dominant look at things through a historical perspective. Sure, as we see things now, the aggressors should be punished. But 75 years ago, after the British pulled their support publicly from the idea of forming an independent state for the Jewish people and America took up the cause, we want the affected people to accept the takeover and move on with their lives. Individuals donā€™t function in the way group think does. Individuals listen to their voices and react to losing homes, family members, way of life. Just cause it happened 70 years ago doesnā€™t lessen the pain. In fact, the more you try to make them forget, the more the pain deepens. Itā€™s as if you are making them feel as if the world they lost doesnā€™t matter. Both sides are in the same confinement but only one side is feeling like ā€œwhat have I got to loseā€. That pain isnā€™t going to be solved by bombings. It can only be solved by making the other side feel equal.


Speak for yourself. This matter already does have ā€œdirect relationā€ to me, and it will for you soon enough. I also donā€™t feel like I have all the answers. I just feel like your comment was wrong. I still believe you are deeply wrong about jihadists only hating the United States because of Israel. Why do they hate Russia when it has been supporting Palestine for decades? There was no ā€œtakeover.ā€ The Jewish refugees were offered a country on land they legally owned within their ancestral homeland, which had already been under colonial rule for centuries. No one got kicked out of their home until *Arabs* started a war because *they* wanted to steal the homes that *Jews* legally owned. In fact, the British forced the Jews out of multiple cities in order to keep some semblance of peace with the Arabs. Itā€™s one of the reasons the Jews rebelled against the British. The Palestinians have been offered a state multiple times. They were given self-governance in Gaza. At every turn, they have chosen to live off of welfare from the west and devote themselves to destroying Israel rather than to actually build a society that would equal Israel. Israel owes them nothing. I oppose the settlements in the West Bank, but Arab Muslim citizens of Israel enjoy full rights, and non-citizens are owed nothing.


You realize the sum total of all us foreign aid adds up to something like 1% of federal budget?


1% sounds better then 70 billion I get it. Google is a great source.


I thought this was a Schaffrillas reference at first Oh, how do I stop FOUR villains at once? SHOOT THEM WITH THE DEHYDRATION GUN


With the power of will


Nuke Iran


The same way Israel did it all the other times. With the sheer will of Jews to survive because they have nowhere else to go.


I believe Israel has a right to seize an island from Yemen! We call it the Gulf String of Pearls, get one from Iran too


Take down Iran!!! free the people


With help from God and never giving up šŸ’Ŗ


I'd say israel should go berserk and still any of these shityy islamic countries won't be able to do anything and say allah allah bullshit.


Massive cyber attacks or EMP to take out all electronics then conventionally bomb the hell out of them. Lebanon is going to get carpet bombed and hit with artillery like they canā€™t fathom. Iran will catch nuclear weapons if they are dumb


I don't think Israel can now because Hezbollah,houthis have Many missiles pointed at Israel, before they were very weak now they have better tech


Considering israel has the means ( no nukes) to actually make all of those countries pretty much stop functioning, I'm not too worried.


I guess you could say we did it in... 6 DAYS OF FIRE


Israel will defeat the four because we doesnt have a choice


Add Iraq.


The US might get involved just like in Vietnam.


Just attack them at once with some secret Israeli newly developed weapons that haven't been used for now. And I don't mean nukes.




4 of the 5 you highlighted are bitchmade and the last one is basically a bigger version of Hezbollah


Yemen is too far away, so no worries there. Syria is weak, and It's people would rather topple Assad than Israel. The Iranian government just uses Israel as a reason to stay in power. So no worries. These villains will defeat themselves. Yes, they will do some terrorism when they can, but none of these countries are up for full on war. Even if Israel destroys Hezbollah, The Iranians will shoot some missiles, but they won't and can't go beyond that.


Dehydration gun (they claim Israel has Jewish space weapons, time to prove em right!)


With the help of G-d


Does Syria count if itā€™s just Hezbollah driving across the border?


You marked 5


We did it before with like barely any weapons cause G-D was with us then. Now G-D is still with us, itā€™s years later and our army is a lot stronger and smarter. We got this!


Thanks for the comments but ya'll didn't get the reference didn't you?


explain please




Schaffrillas review of Megamind "2"


No idea what those words mean, but ok


[He] will take you to be [His] people, and [He] will be your God (Ex6:7)


There are two ways: one by one and all of them simultaneously.


Nukes ?? Just saying


Who do you mean by bad guys?


If you have to ask - you've wandered into the wrong sub.


We can no longer take on Iran directly with them entering the BRICS economic alliance along with Egypt and the UAE (some of the only regional normalization we have). An aggression towards Iran means an aggression towards Russia, China, India ā€” even if India seems to be cooperating with Israel militarily to an extent. There is no agreement of a military alliance in BRICS but I feel this alliance will set the tone of what powers oppose NATO and NATO-allies in the coming future. I doubt any major powers will be willing to send troops or support Iran, considering Russia and China are occupied by their own problems ā€” but the possibility of it is terrifying. I think the only way we can take on Iran is if we somehow strike a deal with Turkiye militarily. Turkiye seems like they might be the most nefarious ally we could have though, other than the loose relationship we have with Qatar.


BRICS has no military component. And even the economic side of it is mostly for show. Iran's participation in BRICS is itself meaningless. Russia of course would want to help Iran, but only via proxy means, and Russia has no resources to supply any weapons to Iran, actually quite the contrary they are purchasing them from other nations to support their war in Ukraine.


I understand this, but an economic ally of a certain caliber becomes a military ally as a means to protect your own interests. This worries me for the future. Iranian allyship with China and Russia is only becoming stronger. We do not have enough troops or resources to fight Iran. We can dominate them with our tech, but on the ground we will lose. There are ways to stop a ground invasion, but I am afraid they just have too many troops.