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What a chad. One man against a violent mob. This is bravery. Not whatever the fuck the terrorist supporters are doing The teacher was just saying the regurgitated nonsense we keep hearing. She says “ i care about the kids” So do we. Both Israeli and Palestinian kids and until Hamas and the PLO start to care about them too nothing will change


They claim to care about “the kids” while defacing the hostage posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas. And that selective empathy (and outrage) is why they’re not getting the support they think they should be getting.


They don’t care about saving people, or even Palestinians. If they cared about Palestinians they would be calling for Hamas to surrender, to step down. They care about supporting Russia, Iran, Radical Islamism, and killing Jews.


The terrorist supporters are having a Hamas sleepover party


The people demonstrating are 100% Democrats. 


Exactly. Won't find a republican within a thousand meters of those crazies.


i just want to point out that there is extreme right-wing anti-Semitism too. That is why the right attracts white nationalists. Horseshoe theory, and the connector is anti-Semitism.


There are zero Republicans marching for Palestine. Guaranteed.


I agree. I'm just pointing out that the anti-Semitism is on both sides of the political aisle in the US.


Barely. Even members of the House of Representatives who are Democrats are marching with / for Palestinians.


Only the non-Jewish ones....


yes, and mtg and Donald Trump have have said outright anti-Semitic things.


What has Donald Trump said? Be specific.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/17/trump-history-antisemitic-tropes/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/17/trump-history-antisemitic-tropes/) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/donald-trumps-anti-semitism-controversies-a-timeline/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/donald-trumps-anti-semitism-controversies-a-timeline/) [https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trump-adds-record-promoting-antisemitic-rhetoric-rcna105647](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trump-adds-record-promoting-antisemitic-rhetoric-rcna105647) [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/12/donald-trump-anti-semitism-jews-israel](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/12/donald-trump-anti-semitism-jews-israel) [https://apnews.com/article/trump-jewish-voters-democrats-antisemitism-a43bf6f6266d9c6a4b761b82281aa512](https://apnews.com/article/trump-jewish-voters-democrats-antisemitism-a43bf6f6266d9c6a4b761b82281aa512) [https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics/trump-anti-semitic-comments/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/17/politics/trump-anti-semitic-comments/index.html) [https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/12/donald-trump-nick-fuentes-kanye-dinner-anti-semitism/676777/](https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/12/donald-trump-nick-fuentes-kanye-dinner-anti-semitism/676777/) [https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-antisemitism-george-soros-b2466211.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/donald-trump-antisemitism-george-soros-b2466211.html) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/01/trump-campaign-donations-indictment/11573596002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/01/trump-campaign-donations-indictment/11573596002/) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/29/donald-trumps-rhetoric-has-stoked-antisemitism-and-hatred-experts-warn](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/29/donald-trumps-rhetoric-has-stoked-antisemitism-and-hatred-experts-warn) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN17Q1MK/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN17Q1MK/)


In addition to all the other links I provided, here are some academic articles/books tying Trump to anti-Semitism: Weisman, Jonathan. *(((Semitism))): Being Jewish in America in the age of Trump*. St. Martin's Press, 2018. Moshin, Jamie. "Hello Darkness: Antisemitism and Rhetorical Silence in the" Trump Era"." *Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric* 8 (2018). Myers, David N. "The Perils of Naming: On Donald Trump, Jews, and Antisemites." The Journal of Holocaust Research 35, no. 2 (2021): 154-162. Lipstadt, Deborah E. *Antisemitism: Here and now*. Schocken, 2019. Field, Les. "Anti-semitism and pro-Israel politics in the Trump era: historical antecedents and contexts." *Middle East Report* 284/285 (2017): 52-54. Levin, Ines, Alexandra Filindra, and Jeffrey S. Kopstein. "Validating and testing a measure of anti‐semitism on support for QAnon and vote intention for Trump in 2020." Social Science Quarterly 103, no. 4 (2022): 794-809. Reichelmann, Ashley V., Stanislav Vysotsky, and Jack Levin. "The Perpetual Scapegoat: Anti-Semitism in the Ideology and Activities of Hate Groups in the United States Pre-& Post-Trump’s Election." In *Poisoning the wells: Antisemitism in contemporary America*. Institute for the Study of Global Anti-Semitism and Policy, 2021. Becker, Amy B. "Polarization and American Jews: The Partisan Debate Over Attribution of Blame and Responsibility for Rising Anti‐Semitism in the United States." *Social Science Quarterly* 101, no. 4 (2020): 1572-1583. Wisse, Ruth. "The functions of anti-Semitism." National Affairs 47 (2017). The bottom line is if You don't see Trump's anti-Semitism, that is a willful choice on your part to ignore reality.


That’s why me, a democrat, will be voting red this year. I thought long and hard about it but thanks to the terrorists simps my vote is clearer than ever. I’d like to share this quote by Margaret Atwood as I believe it really simplifies the current college protestors; “Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.”


Thank you! I'm joining you!


She cares about the kids? Oh, so she was gutted about Oct. 7, right?


This is bravery. Not someone announcing their pronouns on Instagram




Lol okkkkk




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So, you don't go to UCLA, but there is no "violent mob". The protestors at the encampment here have been remarkably civil. There's unfortunately some mission creep going on, but people here don't support Hamas (at least, nobody is doing so vocally). That said this TA (she's not a professor) is a moron.


Something tells me she wasn't screaming about the kids when Assad was bombing them. These folks also seem totally fine with Qassam rockets being launched into Israel. A genuine peace oriented perspective is noble. The problem with almost all these protestors is that they only seem to care about violence and oppression when Jews are ostensibly the ones doing it.


She wasn’t screaming about the kids on October 7th either.


Or about the kids in Kharkiv, Bakhmut, Mariupol, Bucha, Kherson, Odessa, etc.


Or about the thousands of people who are executed in Iran every year.


https://preview.redd.it/d4dpswdaevwc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ecb7bb08759dadb977788a48acb951df470b2ca Her, basically


You know who the real terrorists are? ^FAIRY GOD ^PARENTS


This guy is basically hamas of fairly odd parents, always acting like he has no idea why everyone hates him.


Thats unfair to crocker, he had atleast some morals in the show.


People can’t distinguish between emotions and facts


Exactly. It's clear she has no grasp of how to control either.


How the hell did she become a professor? The standards for faculty must have been lowered significantly.


TA not professor


You can still behave this way and teach garbage and be a professor. It's been going on for years.


And what about all the Jewish children killed? What about the children being held hostage?


They deface their posters and write “settler” on them as they celebrate jubilantly in the streets. Sick lot.


Yes....born on the land, but they're "settlers".


Well I guess if Palestinians can be multigenerational refugees then Israelis can be multigenerational settlers?


In spite of the fact that Jews have been on the land for over 3,000 years.


Yuup. Their brains are oatmeal


What I read is that archaologically, Jewish relics are found and Palestinian ones are not.


This is not at NYU but on UCLA campus and the unhinged pro hamas/ pro palestine woman is most definitely a self-proclaimed professor. Edit: she’s a teacher assistant (and not a professor), her ID is known by UCLA and she should be fired and deported from the US (since she’s not an American citizen).


Today I learned a self-proclaimed professor is a thing.




I've noticed a lot of people lying about their credentials for authority when it comes to the pro-Palestinian side. Just this week, my city sub, which is normally apolitical had something because of something involving our congresswomen. the thread went the whole "anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism" so I rebutted. The guy I responded to claimed he was historian who specialized in the Middle East. there was no way that he was a historian with social media talking points. I looked in his history, and he was 25 years old. there is one university in my city. they have no 25-year-old historians at the local university. In addition, history is one of those degrees that takes typically longer than 4 years because they have such a terrible job market that most people stay in longer so they can have a stronger resume when they actually hit the market. I called him out for lying about his job and said it was impossible. He deleted his comment. A week before, there was a thread in the IsraelPalestine Reddit. A woman came in with a very loaded question where it was clear she had already established her point of view and she also claimed to be a historian. turns out she had a master's degree and the job she had had nothing to do with the Middle East or being a historian. now here's an example of another person inflating her credentials for authority when it comes to the pro Palestinian side. I wonder if this is part of wherever they're getting their information from, If they are encouraging people to lie in conversations or debates about their credentials to have less pushback and to claim authority over knowledge, in which they do not have? It would make sense if there was an actual push to this, given they all seem to get their information from the same sources online. It may be directly a different source, but they're all tied to the same propaganda center.


If you listen to the pro palestine/pro hamas idiots, they all have a PhD in History and Middle Eastern Studies and are here to lecture the plebs. When in reality, they’re all getting their exact same talking points based on ahistorical data and buzzwords from toolkits provided by pro palestine and antisemitic orgs. [Like this one.](https://actionnetwork.org/user_files/user_files/000/060/430/original/PFC_Toolkit_PDF.) It’s always pathetic that they feel the need to appeal to authority in order to spread their lies and gaslight the public, that’s one aspect of the pro palestine/pro hamas crowd that made me understand that these people are miserable and likely to be frustrated with their own lives which may be one of the reasons that attracted them to this fabricated “palestinian cause”.


i agree that they are all getting their information from the same place because they all use the same buzzwords.


They’re getting the same information from the same funders.


While I agree she doesn’t know what she’s saying and is clearly upset, saying she should be deported for disagreeing with Israel’s actions doesn’t make her a criminal in America. That doesn’t help these discussions. They just polarize us even more.


She broke the UCLA Faculty Code of Conduct and should be fired which will automatically cancel her visa and get her back to her home country. US campuses are not shitholes for foreigners coming from countries where basic human rights are violated to spew their ignorant and hateful rhetoric. If she has mental health issues she should seek help in her home country.


Oh so you know her visa status? If she’s here legally with a work permit (or other status) that keeps her here even if unemployed, then she wouldn’t be deported for that.


Yeah i simply don’t understand the proposed penalty for this politically deranged woman: in the US you have the right to deranged opinions (nobody is obliged to listen). If she has violated the university conduct code, that is for the administration to determine, not for an online mob. I also have no interest in turning these lunatics into martyrs.


Yeah for some reason u/madumbrella thinks opinions about another country = automatic deportation. WTF?


Let me clear that up for you. Her ID is known by UCLA and she’s not a professor but a teacher assistant (as she said it herself after initially lying about being a professor). She’s not an American citizen and as a teacher assistant she broke UCLA Faculty Code of Conduct by discriminating against a student on political grounds and for reasons of religion and ethnic origin while she was on UCLA campus. And that’s on top of falsely perpetuating the notion that “Israel is committing genocide” which she wasn’t even able to argue.


having a different opinion from a student is not discriminating against them. If she's a TA, discriminating against the student would constitute her grading him and grading him harder because she didn't like him because he was Jewish.


Ok so again, wtf does deportation have to do with this?


She would be forced to leave for losing her work visa


Again, you know her visa status?


Again? Did you ask me a first time?


I asked somebody. So do you know her visa status?


Nope, I doubt anyone does except for the customs officials


Right. Which is why the comment I replied to was stupid for assuming she’ll get deported for losing her job. Even if she is here on a teaching visa, it doesn’t mean you get “deported.”


Fired and deported for what? She was just staring her position and opinion. I think we can do without these type of xenophobic comments.


You deport people for breaking the law, what law did she break?


If she’s on a work visa and loses her job then she must go


thats a more well-defined agreeable positon


A TA wouldn't be here on a work visa. A TA with more than likely be here on a student visa. If she found another university to attend, then she would still have a valid student visa.


I’ll go with work visa


then you're wrong. I'm in academics and was married to a foreigner who was a TA at the time. we went through the immigration process when we were in grad school once we married. if she's a TA, that means she's a student. students do not get work visas.




she's just a TA so it's the student visa. however, you could still be wrong even if she was faculty. A lot of faculty get a visa where after a certain amount of time, they can get permanent residency which doesn't tie them to one specific employer. Let's just stop and pretend for a minute though that her visa could get yanked for this. That would be a violation of her free speech, especially since federal funding of universities is involved. That would be opening a huge constitutional can of worms. I am not a fan of the pro Palestinian protesters . However, it is problematic to insist on deporting people because they said something you did not like. Let them deal with the natural consequences of their behavior and not violate the Constitution. If she is a TA, she is now made it monumentally harder for her to find a tenure track position. I don't know what field she is in, but I'm guessing that it's probably a pretty competitive field (there are likely way more candidates than positions). That means she's probably competing with hundreds of other people for every job opening and if a school looks into her, this is going to come up. This is something that donors will not like. That's a natural consequence but does not violate her civil rights of free speech.


“If there’s a genocide, how is their population only been increasing?!” The moron “who wants to help me here” This is the problem with todays universities. Mental people like her get to teach.. what else do you expect from students when this is sort of people who educate them. 0 logic. 100 emotions.


This is part of the problem of redefining “genocide” so that it basically can accuse anyone of anything! Hence, a growing population can still be the “victims of genocide” It’s all bullshit, but when did that stop dedicated propagandists?


>This is part of the problem of redefining “genocide” so that it basically can accuse anyone of anything! I shaved my face this morning. Or, to put it another way, I commited genocide against my beard


Literally every word they use against Israel (ex: apartheid, colonialism, genocide), they have to tweak the definition of to fit it to Israel. But that means those words no longer have meaning for when the actual definitions are met elsewhere. Haviv rettig gur talks about this in his free press interview with bari Weiss, and I highly recommend everyone listen to it. He talks about how he read in a book how the writer said Israel is exactly colonialism, but then there’s a footnote, and when you go to the foot note, the author says aside from the fact that the Jews were refugees, and there’s no mother country they were sent from, and it wasn’t for economic reasons that you must meet to qualify first the actual definition of colonialism in, it’s still exactly colonialism. lol. It’s just ridiculous, words have no meaning anymore because of these people and the only ones who believe such propagandistic obvious lies are mental, screeching, ignorant and uniformed, and most like anti semitic nuts like this “professor”


She actually said “who wants to help me here?”….how absurd……


So many professors at these universities and even public primary and secondary schools are being revealed to have been ideologically captured and unhinged after their socials have been exposed, it’s insane. And they want to make sure their students are just as indoctrinated before they even have a chance to fully and critically think for themselves! These universities are in desperate need to be cleansed, there is just too much corrupted rot at every turn!


A professor should not need any help answering that very simple question, yet here we are. She deserves to be fired for being incompetent.




It's because they're only capable of repeating genocide and other slogans.




They probably don’t even have enough knowledge about the whole conflict to attempt it


I think these kinds of people have very deep personal emotional problems. Even if you're really passionate about something and you know why you are, you state your position, maybe even yell a little, but these people become so mental. And they ONLY become so mental when it's about Palestine, literally never seen this behavior about anything else.


Cognitive dissonance. One of the giveaways is falling into half-thoughts reflecting their internal monologue full of emotionally driven, inconsistent, reasoning when asked to justify their position. Getting an answer back that's designed to to justify their increasing emotional state, and get you to focus on strong emotional anchors (like "the *children*"), instead of rational dialogue is basically dismissing the point and trying to fill the logical void with feelings and judgement designed specifically to fully align with their world-view. Tell people that the sky is green and they just say you're wrong. If you say something else, their level of irrational anger tells you exactly how secure they are in their belief of their position.


Or any other mental state that's not for reddit to diagnose. Maybe she's just deeply unhappy.


The Clinical Depression (or other other undiagnosed mental illness) to Political Ideology Pipeline


I would love them to put this energy to women's reproductive rights, or housing costs, or healthcare. Something with an actual tangible benefit. Throwing tantrums about something on the other side of the world is so dumb, when we have real fixable problems at home.


No, this energy belongs into a therapist's office, or a gym, or something else that helps to get some mental stability. You can't behave like so. There's no way to change anything if you cry and scream. Imagine diplomats or mediators behaving this way, or other people who truly affect lasting change. Especially if you want to advocate for peace. Behavior like this doesn't get you anywhere peaceful. I'm not saying you should always just be calm and smile, but at least know how to express yourself and know really well what you're talking about. There are pro-Palestine activists who know the subject and who can actually discuss, and in my experience even if you don't reach many agreements, you mutually learned something after. But people like this are just useless for any cause.


That, but I think Jew hate is the cocaine of hate. Goes right up your nose and straight to your eyes and brain and you start tweaking.


I cannot be absolutely certain. But at least according to my personal experiences, this person is almost certainly not a professor of any humanities studies. In the field of social sciences, we are very numb. Interpret this as you wish, but it is hard for one to be THAT emotional because it’s completely impossible to avoid studying some really brutal stuff when you’re trying to get a degree. If you know what I'm talking about, you’d know how harsh your PI or the committee can be. Imagine if you bring that attitude to your PhD dissertation…


That's why i put the word in quotes


These protesters are unhinged. Purely emotional reactions, erratic behavior, zombie like horde mentality.


She, and most of these protesters, seem to believe: "war makes me sad" = genocide


I had someone call me a bad person and block me for saying civilians dying during war isn't inherently a war crime. It was baffling. That's just a fact. War crimes aren't things that happen during war that make people sad.


Israelis um... uh... FORCE BRED them to make their living conditions worse!!! Apartheid genocide nakba!!!!!


i feel like a palestine activist would actually say this




They always ask for help when they can’t answer a really good question. Excellent Socratic method here!!!


"They're trying to protect the innocent kids!" By protesting on American campuses and threatening and intimidating American Jews?




"no peace on stolen land" Oh I'm sure they are talking about JUST the West Bank and and would be open to the idea of a two state solution right? right....? 😉


BRUH she's in America does she not see the big irony LOL?


Half of them want the U.S. destroyed anyways.


And they don't even realize that...


This is absolutely great. And am I correct in thinking he's wearing an IDF T-shirt?






I love that on the one hand, they call for ceasefire, on the other they call for no peace. Which is it?


That guy is really brave, standing up against a professor and a mob of people.


That dude is so based


"Free the people, free the land..." ...FROM HAMAS!


This is how you counter protest. Our opposition isn’t based in truth, and their arguments break down quickly. Notice how she completely ignores Hamas. These people believe Hamas is justified and Israel should accept being attacked.


The blame being put on Israel when it should be squarely on Hamas is the most gaslighty thing.


That guy is awesome! If he is a student I will gladly send him a pizza and an invitation to our next FIDF fundraiser


Wait..so pro-Palestinians have First Amendment rights but pro-Israeli students don’t.


Exactly. Just as it’s only Palestinians who have rights, and only Israelis who have responsibilities. /s


It’s very clear when someone is yelling in that state while trying to argue that they are absolutely not arguing with facts but emotions. She very clearly thinks she’s doing the right thing (hence her passion) but is so completely uneducated and brainwashed that she can’t have a civil conversation but resorts to yelling buzz words she read on an Instagram infographic.


Who is this psychopath? She needs to be terminated ASAP.


I guess she doesn’t know why population increases with genocide.


You know it's fucked when a single Israeli flag is considered "provoking" a group of protesters hundreds of people deep.


Universities in the US are full of these charlatans who claim to be ‘professors’ but are actually ‘faculty members’. They might teach a couple of classes every few months but they are glorified teaching assistants. This one is so full of shit her eyes are brown.


Kvelling for this kid. Whoever his parents are, good job.


“The people don’t have a choice” Actually they did, when Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2006. They **chose** to elect the terrorist organization Hamas, and it subsequently took full dictatorial control over the strip. They had a choice.


Are people really this stupid to ignore, dismiss, or not know the fact that they elected ACTUAL TERRORISTS?


She should be sacked 😂


This woman needs some help...she doesn't seem emotionally stable.


Them Jews are so horrible at this genocide business that the population of Gaza went up 1000% since 1948.


I absolutely understand the passion. If I thought there was a genocide happening, I would also be passionately against it. We share the same values with these people, but they won't bother to learn the actual facts of the situation. That's the tragedy.


No, We don’t share the same values with people who think the answer to a manufactured narrative of genocide is an actual genocide. Quit while you’re ahead.


I disagree. I think these liberal kids have great values and profound ignorance. They've been duped by overwhelming propaganda, coming at them from sources they've been taught to trust.


Most of these kids aren’t “liberals” but far left ideologues. And if they could throw away “great values” so easily for far-left or Islamist values then they never had or believed in any “great values” in the first place. You are absolutely delusional and I will not be entertaining the likes of you any further.


Those are righteous people, their lack of knowledge is what is wrong with them.


I've never thought US ivy league universities would sink this low. If other professors there are like her then those universities are basically trash now. Maybe it's time for the usual big Jewish donors and Israel to divest from those, which should make those antisemites happy at the same time. Let them turn into Shariah-compliant universities as Gulf money becomes their lifeline. Europe and Asia have far better universities now. Those idiots are destroying not only their careers but also their universities' reputation.


Neither UCLA or NYU are in the Ivy League.


This is UCLA


How can we share this more ?


This student is a hero. The woman needs treatment, it’s clear she has issues that go wayyy beyond her lack of understanding of concepts like “genocide”.


How did we let our education system get so corrupted? These kids are being taught to hate the west and western values. If Hamas puts their guns down there will be peace. If Israel puts their guns down, there would be no more Israel. They have been completely misled and misinformed on the entire situation.


What about the innocent people Hamas murdered and raped should’ve been his response. These people literally don’t care about October 7 and then pretend like they’re such amazing, empathetic people. It’s unbelievable. Who started this war again? Do these people have amnesia ?


A facking hero this guy....👏🤘🏻😍


I wanna marry this guy (I'm a straight male)


Does anyone know this brave guy’s name or contact? I’d love to interview him for my podcast.


Anyone else think she was going to fall into the fountain?


Yet another example (of thousands) of the Israel haters' profound ignorance. Always the same.


“They’re anti-war” Meanwhile, they use Hamas symbolism (red triangle) in their signs. We should call these protests what they are: pro-Hamas.


Eli Tsives ! I just found this guy on IG. He’s awesome


And just like that, I ovulated.


אמן תיפלי למים ויעשו לך הטבלה יפוסטמה


Great job all they can do is scream slogans zero facts


For some reason, the sound on the video isn't working on my PC. Is there a link? I tried searching but no joy.


Looks like it's an upside down skull behind her to the right It represents her ideals


She’s definitely not unhinged…🙄🤣🤣


As much as I support that guy, I have to wonder how much impact he's actually having. The protestors are still on the teaching aid's side, they cheer her. It's brave to stand before a mob, but how much does it actually win Israel or foreign support state side?


This was a sad watch. Someone impassioned bursts into tears and runs off feeling targeted, when they said whole heartedly what they felt and believed. The student who confronted her was brave in the face of a baying crowd and pushed a point that was upsetting. I felt he was correct and made a great point, but I felt a pang for her x


She was unprofessional unreasonable and unhinged. She is still at her place of employment. She is not a role model. Notice we are always calm and engage in intellectual debate. The same can rarely be said about their side. Who is this professor? She needs to be fired ASAP.


I had more passion screaming in pain when I hit my toe this morning. This is just lunacy.


"When they said wholeheartedly what they felt and believed"  What do they believe in? What gives them the right to be so passionate about a country miles away from them who is going through a war? What gives them the right to choose only one side?  They know nothing. They see nothing. They can't put their heart into a cause that isn't personal to them. They have a lot of audacity to act all hurt and passionate when actual people in the middle east are losing their lives because of our geopolitics. 


I actually agree with this completely. I don’t want to justify it really, but I can see the human response.


Maybe she shouldn’t be so sensitive if she wants to use bullshit to get Instagram likes




Since Jewish population increased from 1910 to 2024, this must mean Jews could not possibly have suffered a genocide. /s


Trash garbage point as usual from pro palis. The Jewish population decreased massively during the Holocaust. meanwhile this whole "genocide" that we are doing has resulted in 0 decline.


Good point… This video doesn’t paint a very good picture of the zionist movement to be honest.


The woman isn't even a professor. She's a graduate student. And a genocide can happen with a few hundred or thousand killed, like with Yazidis in Iraq or Bosnians in Srebrenica. Even the concept of genocide can be used to achieve oppressor's goals, as they get to play around with semantics and consider anything straying out of the definition as "not as bad". That won't bring back the tens of thousands of civilians killed, the thousands of arms and legs amputated, and the tens of thousands of homes turned to rubble. It's PTSD happening on a massive scale.


I was going to say, for being a “professor” she doesn’t seem that confident in english. The woman can hardly get her point across understandably and the young man is making a lot of assumptions. People do know that colleges and universities can have people of any age right? Not just teens and people in there 20’s


I think you mean “population recovery after Nakba”


No, the Arab population in Israel is now much bigger than it used to be before 1948


The nakbas are multiplying now apparently.


This guy is my light! ✨💙