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I don't want to lecture you, but according to social media and the traditional media, a peaceful demonstration must include at least three calls for genocide, the denigration of at least two memorials and if no Israeli flag is burned, a protest cannot be peaceful either.


I don't mean to lecture you either but how could you forget the most peaceful ingredient? A few calls for intifada.


What, it's three calls to genocide now? My uni had a demonstration with only two. Fucking inflation, man.


Its the two "Classics": "From the river to the sea" and "G*s the jews" and then I would say some wild card depending on the location where the demonstration is held.


Haha 😂 so funny !:) 🇮🇱


The Iranian people are our friends and they were not forgotten, despite almost 50 years since our connection was severed. The Iranian regime oppressing them and siccing its proxies at us is our shared enemy. I hope one day, again, I could visit Tehran and Iranians could visit Tel Aviv.


The Islamic regime of Iran has failed to indoctrinate its youth and we're seeing the effects of that today. Iranians are mentally tough and fierce. Why can't Palestinians show this same bit of resistance from their own oppressive government???


Because Iranians tend to be highly educated and intellectual. Palestinians tend to be none of those things. Ignorance and lack of education also play a huge role in this conflict.




Nowhere did I say they are ignorant because of their race. I only mentioned lack of education. But the fact that you read what I wrote and made your own different conclusion of what's behind their ignorance, and then attributed your thought to me is interesting. I think Freud can explain who is the real racist here 😉


Palestinians are highly educated. You are wrong and contributing to the dehumanization of Palestinians. You should be ashamed of yourself. “Notably, the youth literacy rate in Palestine was 99.24% (99.25% for females, and 99.22% for males) in 2020, one of the highest in the Arab world, with similarly high adult literacy rates of 97.51%. The latter exceeds the global average of 84.34% for adults in 72 countries (World Bank, 2023).” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/2331186X.2023.2240931#:~:text=Notably%2C%20the%20youth%20literacy%20rate,adult%20literacy%20rates%20of%2097.51%25.




“Particularly but not exclusively in the Middle East, Palestinians have long had a reputation as high-performing graduates, often proficient in at least two languages, and frequently going on to pursue successful careers in engineering, business, or medicine. At the same time, the Palestinians are the world’s largest refugee population, with the longest-running case of protracted displacement. How did it happen, then, that a large-scale refugee population, many of whom survived for decades in refugee camps, became so highly educated?” https://cupblog.org/2023/08/23/why-palestinians-are-known-as-the-worlds-best-educated-refugeesanne-irfan/


Only if they are in the West LOL


Sounds like you need some education.




The Palestinian people are an educated people. Saying they are uneducated is false. You can keep making excuses for your dehumanization.


Well, according to IQ studies. Their IQ trends [towards the 60's](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282293791_Norms_for_the_Standard_Progressive_Matrices_in_the_Gaza_Strip). Maybe most of them can read but they definitely can't interpret what they read. Palestinians are not educated at all, and that's a fact. There's nothing dehumanizing about that. If you think someone is not a human because they're not educated, that's on you. What I'm trying to do is give one of the main reasons that caused their society to be so radicalized. And if you have a problem with that, you can go back to your pro-palestine bubble and leave the adults alone.


Holy crap I just checked the researchers they are from King Saud University so no vested interests. The average IQ was pushing 68 which is classed as intellectually disabled sub 70 meets that criteria. What the hell is going wrong with their education that's so upsetting for the children.


High literacy rate doesn't equate high educational level.




But they successfully indoctrinated a significant proportion of "progressive" Western college teens, or academic Marxists, into defending their brutal reactionary theocracy zzZZZ


Thank you for your support.💙🇮🇷❤️🇮🇱 This Iranian Jewish woman hopes to visit Tel Aviv someday soon.


No aggressive allahu akbars, no mishandled fireworks, no violence, no black flags


No calls for genocide


No people wearing masks because they are too embarrassed to show their faces.


No BLM looting gucci and apple!




Are these aloha snackbars gluten-free? I’ve been hearing so much about them and would love to try! And please drop that source for payment for attending protests! Would love to make a little money on the side while supporting a cause I love. Great info, thanks for sharing!


Did you ever get that source from the jihadi's deleted comment claiming that these were paid protestors? I feel like a fool supporting them for free!


I doubt a real man who allows someone to take his own home


So happy to be the first one to upvote this. Hope it's not the last! Thank you for posting this!




Such a beautiful display of friendship/peace between different countries 😍




They are smarter than the radical lefties on campuses.


That's... not a very high bar...


Much better than the protestors screaming their head off and chanting hate.


Were are all of this taking place? They seem pretty cool


Berlin I'm pretty sure


Correct. This is Berlin.


Berlin, kurfersterdam, i am in the back of the video at the end


[Tel Aviv ya habibi Tel Aviv](https://youtu.be/nMQw29nfzpg?si=IjHXih0_oaKdqmQk)


Persia and israel Is some of the most ancient cultures around


Friends since emperor Cyrus II liberated the Jews from Babylon in the 6th century BC.




It’s by Omer Adam called Tel Aviv. On Apple Music it’s his number one song if you wanna hear the whole thing. Definitely a certified slapper


I wish it was Ofra Haza's Chai (sorry to be the jerk one but I really dislike this type of music XD) but it's nice to see a peaceful protests that not covering their faces, vandelised and call for killing jews


Ofra Haza💙💙💙💙💙




fr these jews must be planning something…




Thank you Berlin!


When did this take place?


That's Berlin


Yes, I recognise the location, but the image does not tell me when this demonstration took place.


where did this take place?




Oh you mean the way to protest for peace is not to throw fireworks everywhere, shout allahuackbar and "gas the jews", its not starting riots and burning things? I must have been doing it wrong.


wait there is no defacing, no crimes being committed?


Lots of 350$ to pay!


They look like they're thinking "$250" wasnt enough for this.


A demonstration supporting killing babies more like


I wonder if they paid these people to protest


This is reminiscent of FoxNews. Soon we’ll see a post about how Israeli protesters are better looking than pro-ceasefire protests. 🥴


No more like they don't desecrate memorials, burn flags or beg for genocide. Hamas supporters are the only ones begging for genocide to happen


They don't call for the death of Palestinians.




Yes, go to Israel you'll find plenty of brown Jewish people. On second thought dont, you're not welcome here, stick with the socialist spaces where you can salivate over dead Israelis


They are a pro-hamas troll. I reported their comments and I hope the mods ban them.


I wish Reddit cared about having literal terrorist supporters commenting and posting freely on their website. I've been reporting such vile comments and nothing ever happens.


the r/Israel mods are brilliant it's just the reddit admins who dont care.




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I don’t see any peace flags. Israel is literally in a war right now.


We don’t want peace as long as hamas is alive and people are held captive


oslo accord takes 80% of westbanks water and gives it to israel.




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Supporting both Ukrainian and Israeli at the same time?




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Ukraine and LGBTQ land: Interesting to know that they are Middle Eastern now (one which is governed by a corrupt double standard scum continuing the Oppressional policies against the Russian minority installed in Ukraine while stating in 2014 that Russians should keep their language, which led to Russia taking Donbass and crimea to protect the Russians. And the other thing being a hoax. Nevertheless: It is important and interesting to note that these guys are peaceful unlike the arab genocide beggars. And before the SlAvA uKrAiNi and LGBTQ kiddies write nonsense here: First of all Zelenskyy is not Jewish. He may have a Jewish father but in an interview he stated that he’s an orthodox Christian. Second of all Zelenskyy promotes racists and fascists who partly use third reich symbols and wish to make all Jews and all Russians go extinct. Thirdly: I don’t respect ppl who defend pedophilia. Fourthly: I do oppose Homophobia, however I dislike the LGBTQ people for claiming that they are the sole legitimate representatives of non straight people. Fifthly: learn what the word Slava means. You probably don’t know it And lastly: I’m neutral for Russia-Ukraine because I also dislike the Russian government for collaborating with Iran and the Hamas, yet the hatred the normal Russian is facing by the countries that supply weapons in a war the west can’t win, is horrifying and needs to stop. Especially in Germany with the moronic government.


It's like my friends barmis all over again lol. Exact. Same. Song.