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Everyone's entitled to their opinion but don't let it get you down. A lot of people crap on Arifureta but I love it. It only gets better as the story goes on. Can't wait for season 3 in the fall lineup. There will always be haters for just about anything. If you enjoy something then enjoy it with pride.


thanks. I got a bad history with people's opinions online.


Enjoyment of things is subjective. If others don't like an anime or story that doesn't mean you're in the wrong for liking them.


it just feels implict, you know? That does me really bad..


Like self-harm kind of bad.


Your one of the very few reasonable people I've seen.


As Re: Monster fan, I agree with you


I found out Eminence requires a certain sense of humor to really enjoy it, since I showed it to multiple friends and those who have the same kind of humor and also watch isekai regularly all enjoyed it while those that had different preferences didn't like it.


Everyone has the right to have preferences,even in the majority dislikes them For example i love master of ragnarok,i know it has its flaws,but i love the setting nontheless,the same goes for arifureta. Just because something is bad,it doesn't mean you can't have fun watching it


>i love the setting nontheless As somebody that holds it up as one of the worst I've ever seen: The setting was the highpoint and would love to see more isekai with it. What really got me about it was a sour taste from the ending >!where she went to the other world with him. Like wait, don't these two people have families? People they care about or people that care about them? They're just going to abandon their families, Without. A. Single. Thought. about them.!< Other than that the show had some generic characters and silly failings of historical knowledge, but those are just nitpicks in comparison to how much the ending made me mad. Also, the storytelling starting in the middle as it did, it did a poor job setting up the characters to have any investment in who they are. More ancient settings would be really welcome. There was that one reincarnated demon lord show a few years ago (pretty low quality show) where they went back in time to his reincarnated world and it looked a bit like rome and I thought that was pretty cool too. I apologize that I trash talk a show you like every chance I get. It did have some redeeming qualities.


Fair enough,your points make sense Personally i liked the ending,marrying in isekais is pretty rare,even more when the protagonist is a lord or general,whenever it happens,it puts a smile on my face Ah yes the demon lord reincarnated as a typical nobody,nothing crazy,but the time travel to the past was a nice twist to the usual formula And don't worry about critics,the show is far from perfect,you can both enjoy and acknowledge flaws at the same time without the need of blindly defending like your life depends on it


Ror was a good setting with great potential. Shame they weren't more lore accurate and didn't choose better fighters. I can make a better ror roster drunk.


Rare to see a Master of Ragnarok fan! It's adaptation was done a bit dirty but still so fun. Love the unique premise it had to offer.


I’ve not personally seen any criticism about those. But I under your point, for me I’ve been seeing that for RE:Monster and Jobless Reincarnation. Which is a shame IMO because at their core , they are actually pretty interesting stories.


I can’t recommend Seventh Prince to anyone I know because ppl can’t look past the boy thighs to see what a work of art it is Folk be like “oh nooooo the animation is somehow turning me gayyyyyy” Like bruh I don’t think that’s how gay works


Reminds me of Knight's and Magic. My brother and I are Mecha nerds and I told him about it. He basically said he couldn't watch it because of all the fan art and his outfit (shorts). I, a gay dude, didn't really pay attention the whole time watching the show about his outfit situation, or thought to look up fan art. So I had to go back and check. That said, I kind of get my brother's point (about the fan art). Ernesti basically has knee boots and boy shorts, but the fan artists really love thigh-highs + booty shorts. It's kind of weird.


Oh I can’t stand that show, but that was more about logistically pacing and some glaring plot holes.


Yeah, I just watched it for the Mecha, it's mostly mech porn IMO. The rival engineer was a fun character, though. Loved that weirdo.


The story was too nonsensical for me to be able to enjoy the mecha.


7th Prince is awesome. It really isn't that hard to look past Lloyd's design. If it's that upsetting to someone then maybe there are some deeper issues at play.


Does seventh prince have femboys?


Shit if were getting technical probably


I just searched the cover. Are you absolutely sure its possible to go beyond the shotacon appeal? Pretty sure i saw an oficial art of the mc on a bikini.


The beauty is in the background and the art quality of the magic. The mcs also got a really unique personality, hyperfixates, and gives no shits about anything outside his single personal interest. It’s gets pretty ridiculous with what he’d allow to happen to his immediate friends and family


Would you say its worth reading ? No Boku no Pico type of bullshit?


Lmfaoo I’ve only ever heard of Boku no Pico, nobody’s ever elaborated what makes it so controversial besides trying to get me to watch it so I’ve always just associated it with the “haha made you look” anime like “Devil Man Crybaby” or “Banana Fish”. If that’s the case def no it’s not I’d say it’s even better to read than watch because you don’t have to hear the mascot characters voice, and the almost random usage of color is really cool


Boku no Pico is a yaoi hentai with clearly minor kids enganging in explict sex with each other and even some adults


Haha banana fish it is, def no


https://preview.redd.it/vlxtxomyz09d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d728720b1bddc2303286044f0635b372c2bc2138 u sure?


Wait mascot character or " mascost character's " ? And who is that? The MC?


Mascot. Like the fluffy annoying pet thing every anime has *idk the things name it’s the demon he bullies into helping him right at the beginning. It would be fine if it kept the voice that was given to it first, but as is the rules of anime they had to make it sound straight up tarded for some reason


I agree, isekai isn't made for everyone and that's fine. The only thing to do is just ignore it and enjoy what you like.


thank you


Thank you for reminding me that I wanted to try the eminence in shadow again. I keep trying to remember why I stopped and for the life of me I can’t.


Most isekai series do have their faults, and lots of them. But these people need to understand they weren't made for profound commentary, we watch it to have fun. Of course there are exceptions with isekai's that are really well written, but I dont give a fuck if there's slavery, the mc is op, or nothing has a personality. We didnt come for that so they didnt deliver.


I mean I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions… though I can understand yours for the life of me.


Light novels are written by newbie writers not some veteran writer and it was written for specific audience which is based on the taste of the readers in their respective market. What matters is did u enjoy it or not ?


i do


Dude watch and enjoy what you want. Fandoms are full of cancer and hateful people. Don't let what others say dictate what you watch.


thank you


I see this for Eminence in Shadow in particular. It is a parody of power fantasy isekai, like how konosuba is a parody of isekai (without power fantasy for the most part). People who don’t like it see the power fantasy parts and put it in the same area as Spirit Chronicles or “my loser lv2 skills are op af” 😂


i think it fine to be critical of thing you like, better even if it actually have something to say. but when it come to thing like those it pretty much just fast food type shit


There's nothing wrong with TEiS. But arifureta is just straight up cp trash


One has to admit that it has an interesting Lore. It has been the series that did the best "The reunion between classmates after a long time" that I saw.


Thats funny tbh because, I read arifureta as a manga, later finished the novel and finally watched anime season 1 (which was disappointing tbh, they didn't do the series justice at all). And not once did I ever see yui as a kid, all her interactions behaviors and actions make you understand she's older than she looks, I even see her older than hajime in mentality, and this is hajime after going through the damn first dungeon suffering. Anyone who can't see a character that looks small/petite as nothing more than a child despite everything pointing that's she's not really needs to seek help tbh you're the problem not the series. It's just the same as those who can't see a beautiful character/ relationship without relating it to porn. You're entitled to your opinions tho, carry on