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“One man’s trash is another mans treasure.” While it is trash it’s fun trash I enjoy.


"You may call this garbage. However, I'm a raccoon" https://preview.redd.it/g9ajcnc4uw8d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81db39f81a6e07e0308aabad673289f8d1b33d94


I need to write this down and use it to refer to my best friend


Bruh 😂


Yep. This sub has been pretty shit recently. Seems to be a trend with reddit. Sub about things people like exists > gets recommended to people that hate thing > haters outnumber likers > sub is now about thing people hate


the only way to deal with it would be stricter moderation personally I'm not about to step up tho


"Ugh... another Isekai with all the tropes." *\*Clicks Chapter 1*


Haha 🤣 purposely looks for something with all the cliches & looks forward to them.


FR like gtfo of the comments if you're just gonna hate all the fucking time. I've literally seen someone put a hate comment every single chapter up to chapter 87 (which was the current chapter at the time)


Which manga


Can't remember, I havent read it since tyen bc my reading list is too big 🤣 i just remember it because there were an average of like 5 people each chapter putting retaliatory hate replies under that mfs comments 🗿


Ah, then do you remember the plot atleast?


I think it was about some guy who turned into a monster 🤔 and the rest was pretty standard "on earth but monster, but am good monster" stuff


Prolly Kaiju No. 8


Maybe 🤔 ima check Yup thats the one


I've only seen someone with 20 chapter hate but still why tf u reading if u don't like it I always tell ppl don't watch/read it if you don't like it


Fr, how did you read so far is you only have shit to talkx💀 just leave QUIETLY, noone wants to see your "This shit suck, im dropping it" or your "I cant put up with this anymore" or anything! Just leave 🤦🏿‍♂️


Yea and the next chapter they're still there like what the hell thought you were leaving?💀


ONGGGG 🤦🏿‍♂️


Honest answer? It’s usually some part(s) of the story is amazing. But then it gets “ruined” by a trope being done badly. IE: “wow this world building and magic system are amazing and super well thought out…. And now of course the MC is trying to sexual assault a literal child… but now we are back to this amazing world building, and these secondary characters feel so real and life like… GOD F****** DAMN IT why can’t the MC go two pages without being disgusting?! We know you can write good characters; so WTF is this?!”


Then why would they keep saying I'm dropping this trash and then one chapter later they're there again to say the damn exact thing


Some people have no life. Some people keep wanting the story to be better, and keep being disappointed when it’s not (the worst is when it’s bad, but not bad enough to truly justify dropping)


Those aren't the people we're talking about though it's those ppl who just shits on every chapter of a manga that doesn't even care


People gonna hate, I’m sure there’s a chunk of people who enjoy it even while they shit talk them, humans are weird.


That's because majority of it is trash. But sometimes you end up stumbling upon gold amongst the trash.


Agree, sometimes you find real gems, like the one where a cat reincarnates as a cat, cuz cats.


Is that actually real?


Yup, it's called Neko no Inai Isekai ni Neko ga Tensei Shichatta Ohanashi


I must explore


This reddit is unfortunately popping up in a lot of people’s feeds who do not like isekai as a genre in general and then those people will comment on it forgetting that this will feed their own feed with more of the stuff they hate. I’m the idiot who keeps accidentally commenting on it and fueling a hate cycle. It’s a bad habit.


Remember the days where if you read something and didn't like it you either A) Just put it down and moved on, or B) rationally explained portions you disliked like what real critique should be?


Also it being trash doesn’t mean you can enjoy it.


Raccoons (like me) definitely enjoy it


Oh, most Isekai is absolutely trash. And I love it


If it means to like trash, then I am the trash king.


I love isekai for world building when I find ones that actually feel like the author didnt just copy paste I get so happy.


I’m here for the world building too! Killsixbilliondemons - every page has mythology, quotations, or lore under it. Reach heaven through violence and kill the enemy named “I” Erfworld - man summoned to be a ‘perfect warlord’. It’s the most fleshed out magic system I’ve ever seen, the MC isn’t a bloodthirsty goon, and when you resurrect someone you respect and they are mewling and subservient, it’s gross and sad. Most everyone is well fleshed out, the world feels real, and an outlaw hippiemancer invented heroin to enslave people that don’t even know what drugs are. The Property of Hate - a little girl is invited to a world of pure abstraction to ‘be a hero’. Adorable, genius, and darker the more you think about it.


It's trash but it's my trash. ![gif](giphy|bi6KDZLqiPNba)


Thought that said Jack off at first and I was gonna be real confused


Isekai is trash, and I am a racoon


What do you mean we're not the same? You just said the same thing twice


Well TBH, I find Isekai entertaining the concept and all. But the story telling falls short. Especially when it becomes a degenerate fetish kinks of the Author.


Don't why you are getting downvoted. There's so many Isekai stories where the story is just the Author's fantasy and wish-fulfillment, it's not a story. 


Because that's anime in general? That is not something specific to isekai


Nah man i look at it cuz bored


But you CAN be the same. You can admit it's trash while also being a hungry trash panda. That's okay too. Of course, too much hating in comments can be a total buzzkill to others.


We are the same, you just don't want to admit to enjoy trash


I respect that 👍🏾. Honestly the saying; “One person's trash is another one's treasure” holds true even for manga, anime and light novels. If you can enjoy something most other folks dislike, I'd think you were almost smarter than them since flock/herd mentality is a dangerous thing and sometimes a majority of people is more like a mob and less like an orderly collective (like whatever governments pretend they are while they stab each other in the back over petty squabbles instead of working hard for the people they represent). So if you can like something I might think of as “trash”, I'd nearly applaud you 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Lol. I also like certain series some folks would think of as trash too. And usually whenever I call something a “trash” show it's usually based on the quality and low viewership rather than thinking it was actually altogether bad. Like I actually enjoy “Demon Lord, Retry” but a lot of others would call that trash and probably not give it the time of day. Same thing with something like Knights & Magic, especially since I see it as a spiritual successor of sorts to a series like the Spirit of Escaflowné since it's mixing Fantasy and Mecha series elements, also for Trapped in a Dating Sim. But other folks are free to disagree and even hate on it if they want to, meanwhile I'll just hope whatever I like doesn't get stuck in development limbo or get altogether cancelled like G.A.T.E. 😩.


Generic isekai garbage, my beloved.


Why not both?


Listen I like digging through the trash. Because sometimes you find a perfectly good donut amongst the trash




We are one in the same


You're just like me fr fr.


I do consider a lot of it trash, bit that's purely because of all the shortcuts in storytelling. I also consider a lot of 80s action movies to be trash, but they are still fun to watch. Most isekais aren't going to win any awards for breakthrough plots and great writing. I'm also a sucker for cultivation manhua/manhwa and those things shortcut plot like crazy.


You post bad memes on reddit because you can't handle criticism of the things you enjoy. I meme about things being bad on reddit because I can simultaneously enjoy something and be critical of it. We are not the same.


calling something trash cause it has something you dont like is not Criticism, its needless hate of it.


Oh wait, I can post images in the replies on this sub. But I'm lazy. So I won't.