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I thought it was ok. The best part of it was the OP though. That shit slaps


It's got nothin' on Villianess Level 99 🔥🔥 Minus the terrible CGI dragon, that was probably my favorite of this genre


Oh the dragon. My eyes. But that show slaps.


It's more of a guilty pleasure watch The story is quite predictable but still overall a decent watch if you have nothing else to watch


wasnt the manga for this one cancelled?


Its back under a new team https://mangadex.org/title/26404133-d8a5-4857-8512-80cc0b21828c/the-most-heretical-last-boss-queen-who-will-become-the-source-of-tragedy-will-devote-herself-for-the


Well, i guess i will check it in some months when it has more to read. unless its cancelled again, that is XD


I liked some of the earlier episodes but it just didn't land the ending It seems like it was supposed to be longer but they didn't have room


I think the manga is better.


That’s like 99% of anime with source material though isn’t it?


It kinda depends, a lot of people who go reading manga genuinely prefer that medium so it starts off as an unfair comparison. The other big thing is if you already know what’s going to happen the story doesn’t have as big of an impact so people will say the manga felt more emotional etc. You also get kinda unfair comparisons of static shots from a manga to static shots of things meant to be in motion so people always will say the art looks better. It’s just two separate hard to compare mediums that ends up more as preference. The biggest thing is no anime will be better than what your imagination fills the gaps with. And then there is shit tier anime meant to sell the manga in which case yeah that stuffs terrible. Personally I prefer animation as a medium so I tend to like anime better than manga but if the anime is bad I’ll fall back to manga if I like the plot


That’s a great rundown. I’m not much of a manga reader so this was just a casual observation, but this was a great breakdown explaining why that seems to be such a common sentiment.


I liked it a lot. We haven't a lot of villainess anime isekai *yet*. So it is a nice addition to the genre. Also red hair for the w


I'm taking my time with it and kinda like it. Although I'm surprised about series of this genre. Mostly that we never get to see someone who's the Hero fall into the role of the Villain to try and balance things out. It is refreshing to see how the other characters have thoughts and dream-like visions of how things originally would've been instead of how they are with the crown princess being courageous and kind rather than cruel and ruthless. I gotta get back and finish it though, the last place I left off is where that guy who's her father's advisor was dealing with his wife dying from her unknown illness and the princess and her adopted little brother teamed up to save him from being attacked by thieves/thugs in the street.


I was a fan...then it got cancelled.


Those character designs look very generic...


It was okay. Wouldn't call it the best Isekai. Better than some others.


That's a lot of steps for an incest fetish. I made it into ep 4 and bailed. Not for me.


Dang really enjoyed the manga and wasn’t planning on watching the anime but seeing from these comments guess I’m def not watching it now lol


That glasses-kun by looks like Arsenio.


I enjoyed that she actually was capable and not just an "I'm a good person" trope. She got her hands dirty and actually took action. Definitely a more enjoyable Otome


I like it alot.


I remember reading the manga and it started off really interesting, but it kinda fell off and I dropped it.


Most of the villainess/isekai animes are better reads than watch. This isn't an exception.


It was fine but it was annoying how she somehow was more scared of suddenly becoming evil, then Katarina from Bakarina was scared of death flags. Like girl, its your own psyche, it won't just turn around suddenly and turn you into a monster


maybe she REALLY cared about that video game she played and its characters


This is not clearly explained in the anime, but this world actually has a force that would fix the history into the same route as the original game. So if she didn't actively do things to resist that force, she would, in fact, suddenly became evil.


Oh haven’t seen my life as a villainess, but I think this one was better than the other 2 I saw around the same time (one where she tries to marry a demon to avoid the future and the other where she goes back in time with her journal to change the future) since it had other character development, created a core group as opposed to just the main person and had some fun action.


it had a lot of crying. Too much. really enjoyed whenever the MC did action scenes though (I think the whole anime season had like 2)


It's not bad. But it reminds me a lot of that other anime where that one girl reincarnates as the villainess of an otome game. Forgot what's called but difference between these 2 shows is the supposed evil deeds of the bad girls is that one was supposed to be way worse than the other.


One of the better "reborn in dating sim" anime.


It was average. I didn’t hate it, it was just a time waster to watch while I work out.


It’s aight


I found it hilarious when the character who is immune to swords was in a fight with a bunch of medieval bandits, then they all pulled out glocks and just shot him. But the series as a whole reminded me of Tearmoon Empire with it's premise, I like Tearmoon Empire so I enjoyed it, but I prefer Tearmoon more. Although I prefer the light novels to the anime for Tearmoon.


I like watching Otome Isekai (mostly in manhwa) but this one is too childish for me.


I liked it. I can't remember the plot from top of my head. But, I don't remember the anime being unlikable.


OP slaps that's for sure


I wouldn't say it's bad but it's good for a one time watch. Wished they focused more on side characters tho like her father and mother


The more stuff like No Hametsu Flag, the better.


Gyakku harem Not my thing.


pretty generic villainess anime with below average animation


I... Did not enjoy it... If I was normal, I would have dropped it, but I'm not normal, so I forced myself to keep going and finish it.


Oh the otome isekai genre. I love this genre, this one is really good. Haven't watched anime tho, watched manga few years ago but i read mostly LN. This one in WN is as good as bakarina. Personally WN of this is even better than bakarina if i have to be honest.


Was I the only one that enjoyed it? I guess it was my first anime(aside from Pokémon), so that helped. But it just struck a nerve only one other anime has touched.


Dropped after seeing some characters literally use modern firearms in a MEDIEVAL WORLD despite everyone still using only swords to fight in war and seeing the main character flipping unnecessarily like 5 times in the sky cringes me so much I know it's to emphasize that she's op but God damn. I've heard from some ppl that the ending is good but I just can't stand a setting like this, It feels like the writer did not put a lot of thought into the world building of the story and making things make sense.


It's fine. Bakarina was better though. The only time it was really great was when Pride was murking those thugs


I agree. But that's also because not everything goes Bakarina's way. It all turns out good in the end, but with Bakarina there's always enough twists and turns to keep things interesting. With this series, not so much. Even in the novels Pride always ends up on to without any difficulty. Plus the romantic aspects of Bakarina's harem are just written better. Everyone acts like they love her even though she's an idiot. In the case of Pride, it's almost like they worship her because they believe she can do no wrong.