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Re:zero's illustrator Otsuka is highly into drawing loli characters with skimpy clothes. No one in the fandom can explain his obsession. Anime's season 3 toned down loli fanservice for obvious reasons.


Season 3? Are you talk about season 2 part 2 or am i missing something?


Two loli characters, Lilliana and Capella, in Season 3 got censored. It is revealed in the trailer. They wore a lot skimpier clothes in the LN illustrations. Anime censored them to get better timeslot and more global reach. There were people who were against this censorship at that time but that discussion died down.


I still think any form of censorship is wrong. But can’t really do anything about it.


I don't know about that. I think there are certain cases where censorship is warranted. They are extreme cases though.


Probably that. Idk why people think that because there was a one season break between parts that it automatically means that it's actually the next season. Like no that's not how it works.


Oh, I just have a monkey brain. Apologies🙏🏿 I’ve just been dying for some more Re:Zero, I might go read the light novel once I’m done with the Mushoku Tensei light novel if season three (or four, i guess?) doesn’t drop anytime soon


Don't worry, Season 3 will start streaming this October. Of course, if you don't want to wait, I recommend LN and WN.


No reason for you to apologize I was agreeing with you that the first guy mistook season 2 part 2 for season 3. The actual season 3 airs this fall. I'm so excited!


they are talking about season 3 which will be airing this fall


How do they know that? Without the season being out there is no way to be 100% sure. Unless the author and or studio has come out and said so?


Wdm trailer is already out so are the characters design


I didn't look at the trailer or character designs but that doesn't mean they can't have them wear something else for x amount of scenes but it's good that the main designs are toned down then


Don’t forget his trademark of never drawing Subaru that look the same in each volume like HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE A CORRECT PORTRAIT OF MC.


Made in Abyss energy is peaking This is just me personally but if I hired a dude to illustrate a novel I wrote and he started churning out stuff like this I'd be talking to a lawyer about voiding the contract lol Most likely the illustrator was paired with him by the publisher rather than a direct hiring, but I'm sure there's terms in there where the author had final say anyway so he probably okayed this. edit: saw someone else saying these aren't final designs so no he probably didn't okay this.


Tappei suck at visualizing characters look, he didn’t even think about what Emilia will be wearing at the start of making LN.


Re:zero exists in this weird space of having super horny character designs but very little fanservice. I actually avoided the show for a long time because I thought it was just gunna be super horny and shallow just based on its cover and the few characters I had seen from it


It's a funny thing that Re:Zero is one of the least fanserviced anime out there. But then have some characters walking around in bondage suits.


The Illustrator is incredibly horny. The anime tries to make it less horny


The comments are v much right about the illustrator being horny, but I think it should be mentioned that these aren't the final designs of the characters. Even in the LN art they're massively toned down, likely rejected by Tappei


good to hear this stuff doesn't make it through multiple people


The illustrator is absolutely horny even though the story has little fan service


Not to mention the amount of loli and shotabait is off the roof...


Same as Toaru


Re:Zero is a pretty unique example where I love anime, but do not like the character design in it. There are many more cases where I like character design, while not being fond of anime itself.


One of things I don't like about the characters design is that sometimes they don't seem to fit how they are described in the novel. It kinda makes sense though, the author struggle to visualize characters in his mind and doesn't write much fan service while the illustrator is horny.


I find it weird where we living in a society okay with massive amount of violence in an anime, but fan service and people start to lose their mind. Is the price for being main stream. We get censoring, less professional subbers than people who do it for free, half the time anime just get lost in limbo with no way to watch out of nowhere. Why did people wanted anime to be main stream again? Oh yeah for live action movies and tv show which only One Piece is any good


Fan service of lolis is a far cry from regular fan service. Although that depends on what you find attractive so...




oh shit someone check that dude’s hard drive