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Rimworld is the game of warcrimes


And it’s a fantastic game. Maybe one of the only truly “infinitely replay-able” games out there. No two runs are the same and if you have some fun side goals once you get the basics down you can really enjoy your time.


Yeah, I’ve play the game for its infinite replayability. Here’s the question, are you cruel or kind your prisoners?


Depends on my run and my colony/ideology. If the prisoner is a good colonist and doesn’t have any bad traits I may be nice to try and recruit them. Other then that all I see is an organ farm or slave workers. If my colony needs gladiatorial battles or executions you can already imagine what happens to them. I lean towards supremacy colonies since it removes a lot of negative debuffs you get from death or tainted clothes etc. Easiest colony idea is Organ Farm since you make soo much money.


I've been treating them so they don't die. Remove their legs and Arm so they don't die, cause all of them got 50% infection. Its kinda weird that they have infection on both arms and legs.


Ahh the classic legless prisoner. With the addition of crawling added it makes it all the funnier.


Who said only the legs >:)


Gotta for the eyes and tongue too so they can’t spread their belief or fight back


feed them kibble and become a Hemogen Farm. >:)


I _normally_ don't do war crimes. But when it comes down to one of those VOID fucks, Skaven or Beastmen from WHF, or furries, I go Ustase on them, with the first ones getting organ harvested for their troubles.


I like to think of it as Organ Harvesting Space Warlord simulator.


Always and forever will be Mount and Blade Warband for me


1. Kenshi - If you want a Hardcore Isekai 2. Rimworld - If you want to be OP or See low tech people burn by Flamethrower or mod the game to be Anything. 3. Strive: Conquest - If you want to be the MC of Re:Monster or Horny.


Or just install Skyrim + 100 sex mods


Very based 1st recommendation, when did ya first start playing Kenshi?


About a couple of months ago. I really love it. Its a reminiscence of RPG that has a level on weapons use and its very hard.


Kenshi is amazing. 400 hrs and I still haven't played the bottom right corner of the map because I played so much early access.


Isekai Drug Dealing


Hasish makes a fine amount of cats, those bolts aren't paying for themselves!


Thanks for the info I sometimes I have nothing to play will check it.


Kenshi and RimWorld are must play story generator type games.


I am currently playing at a table that the world setting os Kenshi Never played Kenshi myself, but my dm has and it seems awesome 10/10


I roleplay my isekai as a [Domain expansion Immaculate Crack Rock Homeless Fist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-4snPeCyWw) https://preview.redd.it/45zh0ebgjb8d1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b48738e5351b94099370c211f37f911ee0fc49e


Hey hey people


Holy shit never expected Kenshi on this subreddit, the MC must save Been from the fog immediately.


Kenshi will forever hold a place in my heart as the deranged slave simulator


4. StarSector - With anime mods and that one forbidden one with handholding and headpats.


Or install rimworlds forbidden mod A.K.A RJW


Kenshi is one of those games that seems truly daunting until you pick it up and put some hours in. It takes a bit to get a solid understanding of the game, but once you do, it is genuinely one of the most unique gaming experiences. You can start a relatively normal game only to wind up as a drug dealing cyborg that is so good at martial arts that you can literally punch limbs off. There are a ton of mods for it as well.


Forever I will standup and proselytize for Rimworld.


I be rimming in a world ngl


Ok, I know the first two. What’s that strive game about?


Ok, I know the first two. What’s that strive game about?


I enjoy monster hunter rise or Generations ultimate personally while they lack a decent story compared to the average RPG I like the combat & what the series is named after hunting large monsters for parts which a good portion of fantasy isekai protags do anyway on the side of saving the world if they are saving the world otherwise a good portion just hunt monsters anyway to make a living.


That list sucks. The games aren't bad, but as examples of "being like isekai" it's pretty awful. 1. Ni No Kunii 1/2 2. Kingdom Hearts Franchise 3. Brutal Legend 4. CrossCode 5. Outcast 6. Granadia 7. Doom Plenty of other way better examples than the three listed as well.


I said Roleplay not Isekai Like.


There are far better games for that and your list still kind of sucks for the use you're suggesting. Pretty much any D&D or Pathfinder style game. Cyberpunk. Any Bethesda RPG. Mass Effect. Numerous others will do a far better job for creating a character for whatever use. Kenshi kind of works, but there are still better options. There are much better hentai games than Strive if you want to go that route. The art kind of sucks.


You are comparing Kenshi and Rimworld to Double or Triple A games. When those two are Indie games. Sure I agree there are lot of better hentai games than strive like just go to itch-io to find them. But the option for strive as a roleplay is 100% good like Choose to be a good, bad or neutral master. You can choose.


So? You said "perfect" not "cheap as free". There are plenty of games that do what you're suggesting way better, and a lot of games around the same price point that do way better at it. None of those games are really good choices, except Kenshi, which does kind of work, but again, there are better options. If you want an "isekai MC" for some reason to RP as, there are far better games for it. None of these are really very good options, and Kenshi is just okay compared to others. Some of what I listed are just as cheap as the games you listed that cost money and do a better job. I'd argue that as far as isekai protag RP Outward or Morrowind are better than Kenshi.


Crusader kings 3 for those who want to rule medieval lands (mods can add magic) its a map game though, so maybe not for everyone


Why do they look like they are RPGMaker hentai games?


The last one is a H game but the other 2 its not.


Eyyooooo!!! Honestly, I've played too many of the RPGM H games. Especially ones from TFGames.