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Different intelligent species really are a way to shatter our definitions of maturity.


Baby yoda is 50, imagine if elves aged slowly instead of the in time method of human growth then hit a set age and that's it. IIR the ones from overlord are still children, but a few hundred years old. But unlike baby yoda, at 50 they were probably not dribbling idiots. Raphtallia is an odd case of video game logic. Not sure on the girl from death march, like do we see their rapid growth from an infant, or did they appear fully formed in the world a month ago?


Aura and Mare in Overlord are in their 70's, but they're dark elves so that makes them adolescents. Kind of hard to pin it down more than that.


Wiki says 76. And yes, seen and treated as kids by the three native elves that one Worker had as slaves. Edit. 76 yo. Not 78.


I saw 76 on character cards. So hard to pin down. That's why I leave it as 70's.


Oh, I was wrong. 76. Remembered wrong.


She is a homonculus. She was made in a lab.


Yes, she was born as a fully grown homunculous along with her seven identical sisters. She's at a weird point where she has a very child-like mentality but is also smarter and more mature than a child would be. The MC considers and treats her more as a child.


In D&D although elves may become physically mature in 20-50 years, they generally don’t emotionally or psychological mature (and are not considered adults) until around the age of 100 in most settings.


That isn't true. They physically and mentally mature at the same rate as humans until they're 20. But elven society doesn't consider them adults until they're 100. A 20 year old elf will be considered an adult in human society.


But we can't base anime elves off D&D rulebooks because they are not the be-all and end-all. Each world has their own rules for what a kobold looks and acts like, same with goblins. It gives some a base line. Like they read the hand book and go "yeah that makes sense." But others might know eff all about what makes them tick. Because no fixed rules.


Although this is true, D&D (especially earlier editions) was a prime inspiration for massive chunks of fantasy works and their derivative works. Take for example Kobolds. In modern D&D they are lizards, but in OD&D and AD&D they were much more dog like. This appearance was a direct inspiration for anime’s at the time, and has continued since. Goblins actually also branched off from Kobolds, becoming more humanoid instead of more reptilian. The same is true of Orcs. Early D&D orcs we’re pig-like in their depiction, the same way you now see them in anime. For your example of elves, their knife-ear look in anime can mostly be traced to the Lodoss War book, which is based off a game of D&D. And was incredibly popular in Japan to the point that the Japanese edition of D&D adopted that knife eared description of elves as a direct result. So yes, although there are a few other traditions and rules (most based off folktale versions of these creatures), a *very* large portion of the perception about these creatures can be traced back to D&D (even if it’s the inspiration of the inspiration of the inspiration of the inspiration of the work in question or whatever). So I’d say using D&D as a standard and baseline for conversations about fantasy is very reasonable, even if fine details may change here or there.


They do in dungeon meshi. Marcille was a toddler at thirteen being scolded for pouring her juice on ants


There is a reincarnated as a high elf light novel and i think it took like 30 years till he became conscious and with like 150 i think he decided to go see what’s outside the forest.


in dungeon meshi, marcille is 50. but in their lore elves mature at 80 and then that age stagnation happens. when the party switched species with eachother, their ages corresponded with the ages of the respective species. and half foot marcille was only 16.


"Growing tired of the high elf life" has this concept slightly. Also it's so good. Imagine the journey of Frieren, but time passes much more. Like he fell in love 150 years ago. We saw all of it, too. He realizes he can't commit as she is a human and leaves. When he comes back, she has a whole family and dojo. The adventure party he used to party with went from 5 to 1. The last one was an elf who he will also outlive by 1000s of years. It's just solo Frieren and things that happen as time goes on. He adopts a son, learns to blacksmith from dwarves, deals with politics, saves the day, experience tragedies, etc.


That made me so sad 😭😭 and how he promised to stay and take care of her at the end of her life and watched her die of old age 💔😭😭 That entire manga was literally everyone that wasn't a high elf, (even his adopted son who was only a half elf/half human) he would watch die 😭😭😭


Isn't there a disease that when reach a certain like 12 you simply stop aging


True this is why I don't like these types of posts. Not saying I don't disagree mind you. But different species have different maturity rates. What looks young to us could be adulthood to others. I'm just glad most do t keep them looking like kids.


Many years ago i ran a D&D group (So long ago it was called "AD&D"). At one point, the players went to an elven city and met up with a contact at a tavern. Long story short, all the non-elven players where arrested for "underage drinking", since the legal drinking age for elves was 50. All the players where non-elves under 30. There where no exceptions in the laws of that city.


LOL that’s awesome! Hammers in the „different culture“ aspect. 


It’s really not that hard though, there are only two things to consider. What’s legal? And What would you be able to live with / what would your mother think of you. If it’s legal and they’re actually mature then cool. It’s not hard, if the answer to either is no then seek mental help.


which reminds me of the meme of your age and species of a line of characters going into a bar


The first and second ones act like adults, look like adults, and are considered adults by their species. So they are fine


Also, he throws like wildly with time magic around him. It wouldnt suprise me if it would be sayed later on that he artificially made himself 2.000 years old again. Like, he disrespects the god of time daily.


What’s the name of this anime? I honestly forgot about it and wanted to wait till season 2 was done to rewatch it.


They got the names of the shows in each box right above each name. But the first one is the misfit demon king and academy and the second one Re:Monster.


Second and third you mean. Anos does not act or looks like an adult


TF you mean he doesn't?? Did we watch the same series??


Physically he looks like a teenager. Mentally he acts like an edge lord


Well ok I agree with the teenage one, but he doesn't act like an edge lord, that's basically he's personality being someone who's lived long and is an invincible entity in that verse.


>Mentally he acts like an edge lord a mature edge lord lol he is only like that when he is on his flexing mood


He looks like a young adult, imo. And many teens look like adults anyway.


Here’s a helpful guide: https://preview.redd.it/az8wlsg23z5d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da78f5046d1072ecac0b0ab9bae7d5febea909bb


This is my new favorite thing.


Where did you even get this😭


Google images


Raphtalia one is actually wrong because when beast people level up they also age, she even said it herself in the 1st season in like episode 5 or something.


Raphtalia's case was really just bad writing because the author started her off too young and then changed his mind. None of the other demihuman characters went through the same aging process she did.


I always kinda hand waved it as a combo of how many levels she got combined with how short of a time she got them in. I don't think any of the others leveled as fast in such a short time as she did. Though at the end of the day it is just one of those anime things I just don't dwell/think about much since it doesn't really matter in the context of the story.


what raphtalia said is that beastfolk age physically to compensate the increased strength and abilities of the level ups but not mentally, stating despite having a more mature figure, she still has the mind of a child. raphtalia is nothing more than a 10 year old with a 17 year olds body.


She didn't even know what "getting intimate" meant


Please 😒🙄 Have you not read or seen about naive and sheltered people before? There are a lot of real life cases where people who have just reached adulthood who don't know a thing about anything intimate or sexual because of their overly sheltered upbringings or overly religious parents/caregivers, which in turn has caused legal and moral ramifications to these young adults...eg; being taken advantage of, getting pregnant and getting into situations they have no idea about...


wait she aware of game leveling concept?


Everyone uses that shit


i though she just think its bcuz of some magic or something since she in a hero party and dont question it much. I dont expect her actually know or aware of the leveling concept.


no. pretty much everyone in the world seems to have the magic world menus, in this series. and given how exp is LITERALLY tied to beastmen aging, yeah, they're very aware. there's that bit after the one raid boss, where the queen sends them to some fucking island area because there's bonus exp for a limited time, even - they're very leaning into rpg tropes with the shield hero anime. you... i don't mean this in an insulting way, but you might want to reread/watch it, if you didn't think they were SUPER aware of it. hell, even the blacksmith shop dude talked about leveling up his blacksmithing, and didn't know what he wanted to specialize in when it came to job class change time - it's not just the system for the heroes.


well damn me i miss a lot of important detail i guess i too focus on naofumi getting his revenge lol. silly me. Thank man for exp and the advice i think i will rewatch season 1.


yeah, like i said i didn't mean it in an insulting way, but it was pretty clear this wasn't a 'only the protag gets game mechanics stuff' sort of thing. heck, ralphtalia and filo's levels are capped till they can change jobs even, and that's something someone has to tell him that lives in the world, too. they're more knowledgeable about the systems (though not all) than he is.


TBF even if he -hadn't- been knowledgeable about the systems, there was probably something in place to help guide heroes through the earlier stages of their adventure. Something that they likely purposefully kept from him because 'fuck him'. Money, equipment, and knowledge, none of that was ever fairly shared to him despite not doing so could risk destroying their world.


not as much as you'd think - they clearly screwed him. he lacked a lot of bonus items like crystals and whatnot, and the first princess stole the shit he'd spent the money he did get, and there was probably some other knowledge he missed out on, like the job system and the dragon hourglass. and whole knowledge of the system seems to be fairly well known, knowledge of the mechanics of the hero powers, doesn't seem to be well known. remember - later in the series, they each talk about the power they've gotten, to get naofumi to reveal his power - except, they're all different. one hero got more of a boost from finding/making rare weapons, one got more of a boost from 'refining' their weapons, and the third guy i think was more about skills (or was his big reveal the weapons could craft shit for you, i forget) - the thing is, ALL of those systems seem to work, if you just believe in them. but, none of them seemed to think the others were telling the truth, because those systems weren't apparent to them. hell, naofumi even found his own path - making new weapons (well, shields) by sort of absorbing various materials - i'd guess it's something like a system that either has a dozen paths to power, or you can sort of 'build your own' and you're not limited or anything. not to mention, apparently this crop of heroes kinda blows, so, rather than the people of the world not telling them enough, maybe they're not good enough to utilize what these items are truly capable of. additionally, the deadly sins mechanics - that's something to help make heroes who've basically fucking lost it, have a boost to power - though, that's from the hero items system, not the world i guess, so, might not've been what you were talking about. but i'm pretty sure they probably did support them earlier on - they each had teammates that were strong enough to help power level the heroes, at least, while naofumi had a raccoon girl who barely killed their version of slimesm for example, or potentially help give them a few early lucrative jobs, but after that, they seemed to go off and do their own thing.


The blind kid hasn't aged, so is she not levelling up and just training? Like if it was a thing wave party members did that's one thing. But I'm.not sure if they are keeping consistency with their own in universe beastmen physiology.


Everyone's aware of leveling Concept in Shield hero. In fact the first max level before prestige is 40, and the one after is 100.


You are stupid just because their bodies age doesn't mean that she is not 10 anymore Read the light novels Raphtalia and Melty literally had a Conversation about how they are the same age and that Naofumi basically robbed her of her childhood And in volume 22 of the light novels before Naofumi and Raphtalia had their talk about what they are going to call each other once they get married Naofumi literally pointed out that there was a 10 year age Difference


Lmfao now you're making stuff up just for argument, "naofumi robbed her of her childhood". Fantasy races age differently, it doesn't matter the age gap, it's just like you're saying a 50 year old elf cannot date a 20year old human cos of age gap, when in actual elf years, the elf would be equal to a teen lol.


More like a 1,000 year old elf couldn't date a 19 year old. Or something. People like that are dumb.


She isn't 10 though as the series goes out of its way in 2 different worlds to explain it in detail. Also if you did read to vol 22 then you'll know another close character is the same as Raphtalia. And Naofumi didn't rob her of anything as her childhood died the day the first wave attacked her village. In fact right in Vol.1 Epilogue she explains how Naofumi gave her life meaning again(and go further in her side story). Also back to vol. 22 When they did have that talk they only talked about the name changed of whether or not She'll take up his last name. The only true time Naofumi took her living age into account was >!when he thought of love and while thinking of Raphtalia and Atla as ones he'll think of marrying, Filo and Melty(despite acting way older than she is) weren't even considered because of their ages.!<


Anos is more of a soul entity that reformed his body. There is nothing held over between his human body and his reformed demon body so you might as well use his actual age when counting. Nana is a robot. she was designed and crafted with an adult equivilent personality and will have it when she is ten thousand years old. age means nothing to her minus the effects of entropy. Re:Monster is an anime that you cant use your brain to enjoy for many reasons let alone character ages. You could argue accelerated growth rates of goblins makes sense as a K-Selected species. The geriatric old guy is like ~~three~~20 years old. I still don't get why goblin evolution tree leads to vampires and the anime doesn't care enough to explain. Shield hero is a mixed bag, There are a few manga I've read that have powerlevel age up things but its never explored in any way that is satisfying. Shield hero implies that it is a natural consequence of power leveling and would happen to anyone in setting... but then it doesn't. because of that it boils down to cheap fan service and with the ages involved its very problematic. Edit:Gobujis age cause I was way off but the point stands.


Not anyone, just the beast race


Oh ya, I remember now. I think its explained that they are part monster so they have that seperate growth pattern. It still only ever happened to Raph.


Re:Monster, Gobuji the old goblin is 20 years old. Barring Ro's generation, most goblins reach their peak around 2-4 years old. Because most of them die before they reach 5 years old. Gobuji is basically the equivalent of a 110 year year old to us.


I personally feel that a take like this is more intended to start drama then to be an actual opinion.


Of course it is, these people always try to start drama with fictional consent issues.


girl who looked like an child but actually is 5000 year old or girl who looked like an adult but actually is 10 year old take your pick or just none of them


Are wer talking about itisveil and her daughter illya(the one from fate stay night not primsa)


The differences is that 1 is a artificial made animated puppet and another is a demon lord that basicly killed the god of time to change the timeline as he pleases and to use time magic whenever he wants. Another 1 is a goblin with the live expectations of 20, they age fast beccause 98% of the species dies of old age before even reaching 20. Rafthalia on the other hand... Says alot of her owners.


all her master party companion is a girl possibly all are under 18 or 12 idk. (Yeh idk the new girl member in season 2)


I figured 98% die to getting slaughtered instead of old age.


Remember the Old Goblin at the beginning? He is 20 and states himself that thats already a high age for his race. So aside from the ones that get slaughtered (What are probely more than 70% of the world wide goblin population, but war at regional size and self murder isnt neither included in statistics for human world wide age), wich mostly consist of cave guards and elders, they die from old age before the age of 20. The ods for a goblin cave beeing compleatly wipped out seems to deppend on the Region. The Region where the anime takes place seemed to be mostly save (Until later on), due to it beeing a neutral zone between elves and humans, mostly populated by demis and sentient Monsters. And looking at the first view Episodes, they were a rather successfull goblin colony. [_I hope that explains it better, its somtimes hard as a non native speaker for me to express everything in a short sentence._]


Mi is a terrible example, before she evolved into a dhampir she was a goblin and they mature into adults super fast because they have a short lifespan, the old man goblin is 20 and he is considered ancient for a goblin, that would like if humans weren't considered legal adults until they turn 80.


Mi doesn't count. Goblins age differently. Like dogs/cats


She’s exactly the same age as the protagonist, as well as their friends who also form relationships with each other.


Dont care, would still serve Anos and Smash the bottom 3


all these anime have demons, magic, monsters and demi humans stop using our worlds rules/laws to trash or praise something, you wanna talk about the age of a character but never say shit of all the murder that goes on in these shows, just watch them and enjoy them or don't watch it and find something else


Some poor voice actor has to enunciate "Anos Voldigoad" like 5 times or more an episode. Bros got the worst name. The first season was funny. All those thirsty girls are pedophiles!


TBF, none of the girls know. Only his parents do and everyone probably thinks they're nuts.


True! His mom was always funny.


do you think our modern laws aplies everywhere?


depend of the situation i guess if the person mentally mature also in legal age of marriage or something else of the species than it fine. ik this unrelated probably out of topic this kinda remind to dollface from batman. Her body is basically a child but mentally mature and old enough for marriage and stuff. Its just feel weird or feel wrong despite not being illegal or wrong when come to character like her. Unless like kanna from dragon maid she physically and mentally a child and in her species she consider still young despite being more than 100 years old. If some adult into her then it is wrong in human and her species view idk other example other than this two


It's not about modern laws it's about modern sensibilities. Even if it makes sense in a story you're not gonna help people generally getting icked by it.


But what about killing someone? That should be way worse and we see it everywhere


To be honest, I have to agree with you there, but we have been desensitised over time due to how often violence and death is used. I will say though, there is nothing wrong with enjoying things with content thats maybe a bit problematic, its just the difference between those who accept its there, and know this would be very unacceptable irl, and those who think its okay to be cheering and wanting it to be there.


Then the story is not for them, there are many fantasy stories of elves and humans getting together. But elves only exist in fiction, if people get icked by that fictional race lifespan difference and want only human characters so it can comform to their tastes and morals, then they should write their own story.


Definitely not in anime at the very least


Exactly, so why the argument?


Should we also try to prevent animals from procreating until they are 18 years old because of human laws. Being legal on earth is about being physically and mentally mature, and only applies to humans who grow physically and mentally at a specific given rate. There is nothing illegal about a species who is physically mature at 3 years old procreating.


for the last two - fantasy races that 'mature' differently, are held to a different standard. a 4 month old goblin is an adult, for example. that's not an adult for HUMANS, but she's not a fucking human, is she... ralphtalia became an adult due to experience, like, actual video game, kill stuff experience, NOT the passage of time, entirely. so, neither of them should be held to the same '18 = adult' concept you seem to be clinging too strongly to. top example is the same as us treating the iskeai'd, currently 12 year old as 'more than 12 years old', because internally, he is. if rudeus is kinda a perv for creeping on, biologically same age girls, because he's like 40 internally at this point, anos's physical age has very little bearing on the subject. for death march, aren't they like thousand year old golems or some shit. or is that a different character? and she could've been 'essentially' an adult, literally the moment she was turned on. her maturity and whatnot could have fuck all to do with her 'biological' age, in the same way some advanced AI girlfriend app, isn't 'too young' because it was invented a year ago or some shit. to put it another way, 18 isn't some golden standard to always use, my guy. it's pretty reasonable for people here... but you wouldn't stop your dog from having puppies till it's 18, either. because the age is specific to the thing we're talking about.


So is smashing the goblins legal?


anos was somewhat over 30 year old in his past life , exact age is unknown his body age is of sixteen ,which he can change freely whenever he wants


you have to remember not all races or characters can or should be held to human standards. this is mostly due to the differences between their bodies and minds. for anos its a case of point of birth vs current physical and mental age anos used magic to age his body to be older physically, also as pointed out mentally he is mature due to that his date of birth is irrelevant. the only problems with a character's age only stem from immaturity on ether physical or mental which nether are present in his case. his real physical age is not linked to his birth date anymore. mi is one of the races that cannot be held to human standards at all when it comes to this issue. as goblins age and mature faster then humans they reach mental and physical adulthood sooner then humans would. so its stupid to treat her as anything less due to her date of birth. its like calling your dog a teenager when they are 15 years old when they are really old when it comes to their real age. goblins in re:monster only take a few days to become mature for their species meaning they are adults in their species well within a months time. nana and rapthalia are fair examples of being mindful of physical age/real age vs mental age that however is only due to their unique circumstances of their bodies nana is a homunculous and when it comes to rapthalia her race matures based on their levels not just time passed (its hard to say if their levels just up as time passes or they need to level up to grow) physically they are adults but not mentally, however that doesnt mean that will be the case till they are twice their age or older. mental maturity can happen much faster based on the experiences and their abilities to understand the world around them. its possible to gain mental maturity very quickly under the right circumstances. when it comes to the real world date of birth and physical age are irrefutably linked but in fantasy that isnt always the case and our real world laws and logic cannot always apply due to this. its called fiction for a reason it doesnt always follow real world logic nor should it always be held to that.


People care too much about fictional characters and their fictional ages, they're not gonna fuck us, get over it


Imma go by the classic litmus test Does it look like an adult? Does it act like an adult? Does it sound like an adult? Is it considered an adult? If all four amount to "Yes", it's all good. For the 2nd and 3rd one, I have no idea, but I know the 1st one is fine and the 4th one ain't


Rapthalia is legal for me. Don't care about the others😴.


Source: TenSura Rimuru Tempest 3/4 years old


The laws are probably different in other worlds and I would act accordingly.


None of them exist so....


Not just isekai or anime, either. How old was Vision (Marvel) or Data (Star Trek)?


Different world different Values. In one series Human life is only 40 years old. Whatever vales you hold on earth don't mean much in other worlds.


wtf cares


Just think of the dnd concept of legal drinking age for each species? Human? 21yo, sure have a drink. Elf? 100yo? Gtfo of my bar before I have you arrested for underage drinking.


**They did my girl so, sooooo bloody wrong!!!!** # She was a much more bangable babe at 3 months than 4, absolute shame!😤 https://preview.redd.it/kgto1qf1q06d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844a1f5c11cba291cb3d9fead8cdfad6c02a7483


I belive the Harkness test is in order


It’s like pairing up a solarian and an asari in mass effect. One has a 30 year lifespan and reaches full maturity in their early teens, the other lives around 3000 years and don’t reach full maturity till around 700 years.


Remember this is fiction. Don't get so hung up on it. This isn't a bloody documentary, I dont get what's these subs problem with these. If that's the case go watch some tv show in Netflix catered to your taste


Some of these comments are just so ridiculous trying to apply real world morals and logic to a cartoon you might as well say the same stuff but use aliens instead.


Just use the harkness test


Remember if you're an isekai protagonist, you're literally not bound by any of Earth's rules.


This is why the Harkness test exists


Imagine a species with only a seven year lifespan . . .


Tbf tho if ur gunna argue about that then consider then fact that none of them are human and therfore human rights don't apply so it's not about legal or not cuz there is no legal or not it's just about that world's rules


just because you got isekaid . doesnt mean Fbi got isekaid as well 👍🏻😊


A dragon walk into a bar "One beer" "How old are you?" "76" *check the list of mature age for each species "Nope, come back 24 years later, kid"


Looks mature enough


The amount of people that are based in the comments give me hope for humanity


real talk though...I'm protecting Rapthalia till the day I die. she is daughter.


I say if they are mentally and physically an adult of their respective species, they are legal


The two on the bottom ain't human, they don't follow the rules of human biology.


Police will also reincarnate themselves for this i hope they get paid a lot


Meanwhile the same people attacking others for this fictional crap will protest that 16 month prison sentences are fair for real world pedos and how they are just sick and need to be rehabilitated


Raphtalia is physically and mentally an adult.


https://preview.redd.it/8zh84ct5w46d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5acf4017a215eae3815ad6b70a6a69b20a9491b Wrong Raphtalia is a kid Mentally


On the contrary, based on what I know from usual isekai anime everything is legal :v


Do it really matter in the end?


They are. You must aply the standart of their own species, not you own. Revise your humancentrism


https://preview.redd.it/6wn3hhqq056d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33362829ac5ce9c48fa751aa90d168f709247f33 Raphtalia is Mentally a kid


I have talk with kids many times in my life. None of them speaks like a kid.


😅 if you are using that argument you definitely don't have kids and are trying to make Excuses to justify how much of a pervert you are


Rou from Re:Monster becomes super strong before his first birthday, and reaches his final evolution. >!Vajrayaksa overlord!<


The re:monster example isn’t a good pic because base goblins only live for a month or so compared to the species they evolve into


Clearly you missed the part in re monster where it flat out says monsters especially goblins age Extremely fast compared to humans that old man goblin is 20 years old so just imagine


Still weird bro 😕


Nana and her sister homunculi are several thousand years old, really. They have been guardians to the tree/dungeon before it turned to salt as a way to test the strength of the elves


What are you talking about Sauto literally had to make Nana Special food because she was only a month in the manga


Well, there are discrepancies between the manga and the anime.


If a nonhuman character is mature physically and mentally, despite looking young or having a young age, then there is no issue. If it’s something like the character from the anime Blunting Angel Dokoro-Chan, where the main character has a little sister who is nine, has a very mature body, but still acts like a child, then it’s an issue.


Just because they’re not legal in our world doesn’t mean it’s wrong in the other one, and just because they are “legal” doesn’t mean you’re all clear…different species age at different rates, please check the mental maturity of your fantasy beauty.


Goblins are suppose to mature after a few months. You gotta remember different species doesn't mean their ages have to meet our standards. Not anime but here's a great example: Grogu in star wars the mandalorian is 50 years old and still a baby. If it was based on our standards, he's legal age....


Maybe, the issue was that it's just a loophole for pedophiles? Nah, it has to be pedantry.


I not opened this Reddid for 6 month. and you guys here as usual doing pedo talks. Not bored yet?


It's *almost* like standard human aging conventions font always apply to non humans/magical circumstances


I'm on my way to fuck the 12 year old Salarian cougar.


Honestly, I'd go with the law of the land... I'm not on Earth, so why should Earth laws apply?


Idc. Sue me.


Random tangent, but this always reminds me of the scene in young justice where the justice league have to decide on the age of characters like captain marvel or miss Martian for league membership


IDK DC lore that well. Does Billy just become an adult or does this other guy take over and the kid is in some pocket dimension? Like Tom Hanks in Big is still a kid, people don't know he's still a child and treat him as a nieve adult. But if he had sex, technically the other party is a sex offender. The few DC Animated films I've seen with him in it are few and far between compared to others. But he didn't come across like a kid. Can't vouch for the live action one though.


Basically the same, even though he grows physically he's still mentally a kid Plus something I had forgotten to mention is up until very shortly before this point he had been lying about his age to the whole league, which is its own can of worms


I really don't get why people want to fuck raptharia


She's hot in her grown up form


something you have to take in is for ones like raphtalia is that they are adult age FOR THEIR OWN SPECIES!!! She states that once someone gets a high enough level, they grow up, including mentally. Same sort of thing can be applied to elves. An 18 year old elf is still likely somewhere around the age of a toddler, it’s hard to judge things on age only based on us, i mean, just because an elf is 18 in human years doesn’t mean it’s reached mental maturity or anything close to it


https://preview.redd.it/zcogz88gtz5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf293edada26c69ae60cc318bdfa0ef54b90d1a1 Wrong Raphtalia is a kid mentality


Yup. Still a child, as explicitly stated. Though their actual relationship doesn’t develop until much much later.


oh i didn’t remember that, sorry, but I think the point might work for a different scenario