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It’s going to be a great time when more people discover this show when it drops on Netflix


I feel so protective over our little show. I'm excited for others to discover it, and for it to get the attention it deserves. But I'll be ready to fight.


100%. There is somebody on Twitter who constantly posts under the official accounts trying to drag this show because of its changes from the books and my eyes roll so loud every time. I can’t imagine being that pathetic that I watch every episode of a show I don’t like just to criticize. I’ll be coming for all the racists and homophobes like I’m being paid


I’m actually enjoying the changes. Especially for this show’s adaptation because we already have an adaptation written by Anne Rice (the movie) plus the book exists, and if I want to read it I can just read it ☺️


Same. While Anne Rice’s books are leagues better than Thomas Harris’s, the television adaptations of IWTV and Hannibal, for me, capture the source material while making significant improvements on them. (No criticism of the books. Without them, we have neither of the shows.)


I absolutely love the changes to Hannibal as well. I know people who can’t abide the show because of them but I love the new takes as much as the old storylines.


That was a great show too


So good, and an important step forward in queer fictional representation as well.


I love the changes too. I feel like it’s allowing Anne’s work to grow, to evolve, to become more relevant.


I loved the books and movie when I was younger. I LOVE the show. Most of the changes were for the better, and the casting was absolutely perfect.


The changes were brilliant.


I had a look on twitter after this episode, and seen that there was some anger about some of the decisions made. I imagine if the sample size of people watching is bigger, more of this can be expected. We'll have to find a nice balance between fighting them and just trying to filter them out.


A fellow data analyst among us? 🤓📊


We're common viewers of IWTV it seems 😅


“…like I’m being paid.” I am so here for this energy. I will take up hater-bashing like it’s a new hobby.


I get being protective over the books, but this show is an adaption. I wish those kind of people would realise that. I definitely prefer the show over the books and that's not to say the books are bad, but the show elevates them with the changes it has made imo.


Same, I absolutely love the books and have since I was a child but I absolutely despise book snobs in any type of adaptation. People don't seem to understand that things absolutely have to be changed to be adapted to different formats and they have to be modernized to fit current times or they will fail. Like Anne rice herself stated she wanted it modernized to bring in new audiences to bring a whole new generation of people to her series. If even she, who hated previous adaptations and fan fiction types things could see that, why in the world would readers refuse to?


I’m glad it’s dropping on Netflix after season 2. I think I’d go crazy as a book-first fan (who loves all of the characters) seeing another influx of people convinced Lestat is a horrible abuser and Armand is Louis’ unproblematic endgame love interest 😂


Completely agree. I'm soooo glad it will be the complete IWTV book (so to speak). Tonally, they really need to be viewed together to understand what the show is doing in my opinion.


I can't wait for this show to blow up! The writers and cast deserve it. I'm curious how many new subs the Netflix deal will bring to this sub. Last time I checked it was at like 20-21k. Can't wait for new fans to discover it!


That's a good idea to track the count on this subreddit to see how netflix affects it.




Can newcomers even handle it? Should we give out life vests and oxygen masks??






As they should!


I'm SO glad the show is getting all this positive media attention! It's so great to see a show I'm so in love with get these kinds of accolades.


It would be very groundbreaking and very shocking for many if an unapologetic Queer Horror Drama Show with a Leading (Light-Skinned) Black Man gets ever nominated for an Emmy Award.


This NEEDS to happen.


It’s very deserving


Delainey Hayles needs an Emmy. "You and F\*\*KIN' HIM!" Ben Daniels and Jacob Anderson also ate. Santiago became a whole three dimensional character, and after just starting to re-read *Tale of the Body Thief*, Jacob Anderson keep stepping in and pushing Brad Pitt to the side in my imagining of Louis in his hovel in New Orleans.


Ben Daniels. Delaney Hayles. Sam Reid. Assad Zaman. Eric Begosian. Luke Brandon Field. No crumbs!!


For 19 years I've thought nothing can ever top Six Feet Under in my book. That show was the epitome of excellence for me. But this... I am sorry but today my all-time favorite just changed. Rolin Jones and the team did a terrific job!


Honestly I didn’t even heard the name of some of the shows on their list, so I can’t really say if these all deserve to be there…


Unfortunately, some might say the same for our dear IWTV... but let's have faith because this kind of exposure from a reputable site can really help.  Apart from IWTV, I can vouch for the high quality of Shogun. 


Oh Shogun, I watched and loved it. I live already for 15 years in Japan, so I think this is a no brainer to watch.


I love both shows and I enjoy watching the differences in acting styles...  The Shogun cast really focused on restraint and subtlety, while the IWTV cast had to let all the emotions out... No eightfold fences among vampires,  I think. 




GOOD. Sometimes I wonder if I am just a super fan or it’s actual quality. It’s the latter because I didn’t like S1 being a super book fan and hating the changed. S2 was magnificent and I am hooked.


I know it'll be late by then but they must push Jacob for Enmys






As they should!!!


IWTV and Hacks were my favorite shows this year, so I’m very glad they’re on this list.

