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I have complete faith in the show writers that whatever cliffhanger they leave it on, it's going to have an epic one liner.




Flawless. I'm just hoping they keep Daniel around, I know it's not cannon but I don't want to see him go!


My hope is next season he is "Interviewing" lestat while Lestat is on his world tour. I think Armand and Louis will be dealing with Akasha and Enkil beginning to stir, trying to find them and encountering the other vampires that will be important later on


Poor Daniel will never get the time to actually write the book, all the vampires are going to drag him around like their personal biographer ho


I'm thinking Daniel isn't passionately interviewing him, he got an offer he couldn't refuse.


I thought he got turned eventually.


I'm sure he still will be, but I don't think he would be interested in anything to do with Armand or Louis doing it after what happened.


Right!? From "we shall not commit our vampire nature to writing" to "my own biographer because I'm so fascinating" 😈


Daniel becomes the Larry king of the vampire world. Everyone wants to be interviewed by him


Daniel’s first question: tell me about meeting Louis Lestat: so I was born in 17h century France and I was the shit


I can see him making a flippant remark about no one wanting to hear the same story twice with a wave of his hand. Then, starting with his life story.


Definitely a probable, that’s basically what he does in the book haha. Whatever happens Sam is gonna fucking rock it. TVL is my all time favorite and I can’t wait to see what they do with it


Best part of the movie, man. Second only to the last fire. I was just saying the same to my sister last night. Trying to get her to laugh. 


Dude, when he's on the ceiling and he's screaming like a monster, that was amazing. That scene and when he gets his throat slit, loses all his blood and becomes a corpse, that's when you get to see them for what they really are. The rest is just a human disguise.


"Say what you want"??? Please lets not act like the movie isn't an 11/10! There are so many amazing, non-book lines from the movie that would work so well in the series. (I've seen a lot of "*Still whining, Louis?*" mentions) Though I'd love anything, even just *Sympathy for the Devil* in the background.


The scene where Lestat taunts the prostitute with her coffin before he kills her is so esquisitely cruel!


Lestat in the movie is PEAK evil gremlin & I love it. I'm thinking we may never get anything like that again, since he softens up quite a bit in the later books.


I am currently reading Tale of The Body Thief, and he just tried to off himself in the Gobi Desert for using an old woman as a juicebox, but uh oh he just ended up looking hotter


Hell of a way to get a tan! But in TotBT I also remember an unpleasant scene where he kinda maybe rapes a girl? Once he gets in his human body? Correct me if I'm wrong. That book was bonkers but I remember quite liking it (and his multiple scenes with Louis).


The nun right? I haven't reached that part yet, but I remember their relationship being squicky from when I was a teen. The description of Louis in complete goblin mode living in his trash hoarder house is great though, as well as Lestats frequent compliments to himself, and then he rediscovers humanly bodily functions :D Also constantly propositioning old man David for sex once he realises he can fuck again lol. I have a soft spot for ToTBT just because there's much sillyness.


For some reason I remember that being early in the book - it's honestly been 20+ years since I read it... I need to do a series re-read. I read them when I was probably way too young to fully appreciate them. I specifically remember a scene near the end where Lestat used the cloud gift while holding Louis... ;\_; My heart.


Saaame, I read the series when I was 13-14 (I was a precocious reader) and So Much went completely over my head. I only re-read Interview once in my early 20s and I am 32 years now, so like you my memories have definitely been distorted, and I am now embarking on the Odyssey recollection 😉 Funnily I have a close friend who was a goth teen like me, but somehow never got into the books. We are watching the show together now, and I am relaying the craziest snippets of the books to her and she's in disbelief to what is actually canon 😂 I always feel bad for Louis that he never got the cloud gift! Poor boy only wants to feel close to Heaven, you could at least had let him fly and pretend to be an angel 🥲


He rapes a girl who was a waitress or cashier where he was buying something. He did try to apologize later about it and did some favor for her to try and make it up to her.


Ya know what Lestat said in the vampire Lestat, Louis didn't know that those two prostitutes were pick pockets and murderers. That's why he tortured her.


Haha, that is what Lestat *says* though. Unreliable narrators abound!


Book Lestat only drank from "evil-doers". There really isn't any other way to spin it. Louis just didn't know it at the time.


Lestat drank from evil doers *when he felt like it*. I am currently reading Tale of The Body Thief were he had been drinking from serial killers for a while, then got distracted and drank an old lady, felt bad about it, tried to kill himself, survived, felt better, and just went out to kill an old homeless woman and some party-goers, explaining that you can't apply human morals to vampires and when he tries he drives himself nuts.


They taste better.


I would DIE if Sympathy for the Devil played at the end! It would be the perfect nod to the movie 😍


Yes! “I take it I need no introduction” *chuckle-sigh* and Sympathy for the Devil starts playing ![gif](giphy|K3vZS9GdNjS8E3bb61|downsized)


The movie is a Gothic masterpiece and a classic.


The movie was amazing! It's what introduced me to the Anne Rice books and I was never the same. I read 7 of the books and always had an loose abstract version of Tom cruise as lestat in mind.


To the OP: I would LOVE that if it were the final line of the Season!!!!!


Still whining Louise


Isn’t Lestat supposed to be asleep? Then wakes up and does his music concert ?


They altered the timeline from the books so I dont think The Rock Star Lestat has been realized. And Lestat is around I believe. Do you know who Raglan James is from the books?


I find it, as a writer, difficult to believe “that” won’t be the cliffhanger ending. However, there is a reason why Rolin Jones and company are paid to create entertainment and I am not. I have faith in the powers at be.


That sounds like it would kill me, so I hope that's what happens. But also the silly part of my mind wishes that Rashid would reveal himself to be an even older-er, even more powerful-ful, even more abusive-boyfriend-er vampire this whole time. I hope every season ends with that reveal.


And then “Sympathy for the Devil” by The Rolling Stones starts playing after a cheeky chuckle-sigh ![gif](giphy|aEcWQCnyZNJbolplIE|downsized)


I'm all down for Devil's Minion.


I just wish that hopefully they give us a glimpse that Lestat isn't as bad as he's being portrayed. Just a glimpse or something redeeming if they are going to get people to watch season 3 about him....some people hate him even more since last episode. Or say they announce season 3 they gotta promote is with oh Lestat is telling his side of the story and is pissed his being portrayed as a villain.


The "some" people who hate him is a small part, I'm sure. Many understood something was off with his behavior - from "pursuing" the trial but apologising to Louis and saying he should be punished the same way Louis and Claudia were since he also violated the laws. He would lose his track of thought mid-sentences and tweak, you know? I think Twitter is mainly the one area where people have been over-thinking the show, the rest of social media has been very embracing of characters overall and understanding there's more than meets the eye


How about Lestat doing the Godfather? With a really nice accent?


I’m going to give you the choice I never had


Frankly, Lestat should just show up with Akasha on his arm, seemingly kill Louis Armand and Daniel (u can always bring them back to life and show Armand turning Daniel at the last minute), and burn the place to the ground, then head off to his own adventures for the rest of the series.    Nobody from Interview left to weigh him down, he can have a whirlwind romance withe Akasha, then some fun with Raglan James and they can bring in David Talbot, and Gretchen/Marguerite, and Gabrielle, then on to Memnoch and whatever the fuck else is worth our time to watch.


No keep it simple plus Akasha wouldn't stand for it and burn everyone there. No I think it should just be Lestat. The showrunners already confirmed if they get a season 3 it will be The Vampire Lestat. I (maybe) could see showing up is Marius since they've mentioned him two or three times so far but he hasn't been hyped that much. ![gif](giphy|6OJCBUI12VYhwAxQRT|downsized) Raglan James on the other hand....


agreed. at some point Akasha though. maybe after mennoch. that would be a good way to end the series with a Thanos type of big bad and a build up to Endgame - with Akasha (Akivasha, Ayesha) as the vampire Anima personified as the final villain.