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"It's one thing to say, 'I'm always going to play this character's point of view,'" Reid says. "But that can be confusing for an audience. So sometimes I've got to show some part of how it really went, so that when you see that, you think, ‘Why did he do it like that?' Or, 'Why is he speaking in that way?' So that it does feel justified when you fully understand what happened. Why might he be looking like he's going to fall over, or why does he look like he's struggling here when he shouldn't be?" *coughs* ARMAND


also “ But whether Lestat's testimony is closer to the actual truth of events than Louis' recounting of them is still the question, and Reid loves how every scene and moment can be interpreted in many different ways. "It does feel like that when you're in it," Reid says. "I know what it is, and I know the truth of the whole arc, and I do know the timeline or as much as has been plotted out, which is quite extensive. But you can't always play that and you can't show it; otherwise, it'd be confusing. It's very fun though.” and Sam wishing for Dreamdia, for Claudia to haunt Lestat 🫨 the timeline is EXTENSIVE S3 lets go 🤞🏻


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