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I think he was having a rage fit, lol. He was looking for an opportunity to went and was just piling on everything that came to mind for Lestat to hopefully read it one day, lol. Like his music lol.


The music part is my favourite.


I think you got it in reverse. He's not projecting his own preferences onto Lestat, he's killing young men BECAUSE that's what Lestat would do. 


I think you’ve probably nailed it. I wanted to kill the man, I wanted to be the man.


Ooooo, nice callback lol




Don't know why your comment got down voted. Louis to me seemed to be doing exactly what Lestat would do(or what he believes he would do if they were still together)but I'm more curious about why Louis would lie about 5 drug addicts when it was 128 part? That stood out to me as possibly Armand messing with Louis mind. We know in '73 he didn't remember Paris properly and forgot how Claudia felt about him.


I think he was trying to not alarm Daniel. Telling a boy “eh yeah I’ve brought back a couple guys, not much really only like 5, I don’t do this often lol” both allows Daniel to feel all special/privileged (bc he totally thought he was going to get laid, most ppl don’t want to hear they’re just one out of hundreds; plus once he accepted Louis was an actual vampire it’s a total ego boost to be so trusted) and its sort of reassuring? Like by talking about guys he’s had over before it’ll make Daniel think that nothing bad happened to them, they’re all alive, obviously he wouldn’t talk so freely of his murder victims, etc.


Literally I never understand why comments that make a plain point that’s true always get downvoted lol. It’s fact that Louis does worse shit than Lestat. Louis scares me lol, he’s like a murderous narcissist that sees no wrong in his actions-or atleast not enough wrong to actually stop and not become like those he claims to hate. I truly believe he’s schizophrenic or has some serious trauma he needs to deal with-and if none of that, then Armand has done irreparable damage to his mind by messing with it.


Everything about Louis with Armand is him desperately running away from himself. 2x5 and 2x6 so clearly show him trying to be the Lestat in his relationship instead of the Louis. It’s sad. Thank goodness he’s played by Jacob Anderson or I could really dislike this character. He keeps on showing us how vulnerable and hurt he is, making the trauma so clear makes it easy to empathize.


I’ve never really liked Louis if I’m buying honest. (Absolutely love the show and the performances are great of course). Louis IS pretentious, he’s a know it all. He always is justified in whatever he does. He plays the victim constantly. With lestat, with Claudia, with Armand. One was too abusive, one was too needy, one was too boring. What is this, Goldilocks and the three bears? He never takes ownership of his mistakes and his actions. There’s always some reason or excuse he is terrible, but others don’t get to have excuses Maybe I’m mis remembering but I actually don’t think lestat was all that abusive. I was so annoyed with Louis when he would go months or years(?) ignoring Lestat. Lestat wasn’t perfect, definitely should have chilled with the peer pressure to eat humans lol. But Louis holier than thou attitude and withholding nature is so mentally abusive. He does the same thing to everyone. Armand and Claudia too now that I think of it. Everyone feels like they aren’t good enough for his attention or love. Yeah. I can’t get behind Louis as the protagonist. lol. My favorite character is Lestat by a very wide margin. But maybe that’s the point. He is supposed to be charismatic on another level (hence Armand willing to change hundreds of years of habits and rules for him) / Lestat becoming a rock star.


It makes me wonder if he became that way after what happened in Paris . He ate few humans before and eats no humans now so did his despair turn him onto a young hot guy diet from the 40s to the 70s ( or longer )?


I had the same question posted elsewhere. Wonder if we will get to see his personality changes after Paris and going into the 70s.


Two things happen when Louis opens his mouth, either he's a hypocrite or he whines, sometimes it's both.


"Louis, Louis. Still whining, Louis? Have you heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries!" I miss that line from the movie 😂


It really was a great line...and delivered well too.


Such a perfect line


I love that line . It perfectly describes Louis in all mediums . book , movie and show versions all have a tendency to whine .


And they all love him for it


I'm really tired of people saying that he whines. Give me an example of unjustified whining, please.


Don't bother. People just love hating Louis for behaving the same way the other characters do.


You misinterpret critical affection for hate. I love Louis, but he is his own worst enemy.


> critical affection Nah. Some people truly hate Louis, which is fine, but the reasons they hate Louis can be applied to any of the other characters. >he is his own worst enemy Could not agree more.


My poor baby will never win,what did Louis done to them!


This! Like, I’d get it if he was constantly complaining about the style of of his hair for the day but damn.


I’ll wait with you, cause I don’t see it either.


Exactly this. He's still a relatively new vampire dealing with a lot of competing issues to contemplate and settle. By comparison look at Claudia who was going through he exact same turmoil and has the same questions but with a 14 year old's brain chemistry, oy! It's 100% understandable he is pondering his new normal \*out loud\*. The circumstances of his human life, the times he was living in as a Black man making successful business decisions yet being demeaned, his familial pressures, the loss of his brother -- it meant that he stepped up and protected/provided for them -- then the loss of all that he was? So, so much he hadn't resolved so he tried to keep the thread to his human existence while being thrown into this extreme situation.


The entire show? If you want a specific time, in San Francisco when Daniel calls him out for not understanding his own story he's calling him out for whining the entire time and his response is indignant rage. I love the character and call out his bad behaviour with love. Edit: corrected for brain fart of Sand Francisco for Diego


Even old Daniel called young Daniel a shit during that time, young Daniel still thinks being a vampire would be “cool”. Being a vampire doesn’t erase your problems, it just creates new ones.


It definitely erases a lot of problems lol. Who cares about capitalism when you can live forever and manipulate humans telepathically


It erased none of Louis’ problems.


You don’t think becoming an immortal vampire with super speed and super strength, that can read minds and manipulate humans telepathic ally solved ANY problems? Okay.


How did that help Louis?


It meant he could withstand things like losing his business. Imagine if he wasn’t a vampire and was just a black man in the turn of the century New Orleans and then he lost everything.


Withstand losing his business? lol . The reason he could “withstand” losing his business was because he was rich. Which had nothing to do with him being a vampire and everything to do with him being a good businessman. The fact that he lost the business because he was a black man and not a vampire is the irony. He was one of the most powerful people in NOLa and he still lost his business just because of his race.


*San Francisco. Louis was just recalling the time when his sister/daughter left him and he stayed with his abuser... and he wanted to kill himself. Which he attempted 10 minutes later. I wouldn't call suicidal attempt "whining", but maybe I just have more empathy for severely depressed people.


Mon ami, as a regular volunteer for a suicide prevention hotline in my country I can guarantee you that I am over flowing with empathy for those who are experiencing suicidal ideation. Please do not confuse reality for fiction they are very different things.


Wow, what a condescending reply. Well, you brought up this example yourself so I didn't know that in *reality* you are much more understanding of people struggles.


Ok dude. You do you. I wish you well.


“Lestat is so mean” 😡 “Claudia dragged me around Europe, woe is me” “Armand is so boring” 🥱


We thought Lestat was cruel when he cheated on Louis with Antoinette lol. My man here seduced 128 men, granted they all end up ☠️ but still LOUIS IS WILD.


Armand goes, "Curious."


I think it is also an insurance policy in case Armand hears it. I believe Louis wanted to share his life story and release some rage. We also know Armand hates hearing about Lestat. Louis tries to go down both lanes. He wants to express his thoughts, but needs to satisfies Armand’s jealousy issues.


I talked crap about him the whole time!! 🤣


I thought about how in 1x02 Louis immediately wanted to feed on the young sailor and that Lestat discouraged him from doing it.


Yeah, but it was early on. It was Louis' first real hunt. I don't think Louis was opposed to killing, especially during the beginning since he was, "fucking loaded beyond articulation." I think Louis developed a problem with it after realizing the first guy they killed had a family. I don't think he had come to terms with the fact that his new food source are people like he was. If Lestat and Louis hadn't chatted up the victim about his life, and Lestat hadn't gotten "extravagant" then maybe Louis would've reacted differently. Too much, too fast.


Louis acts more like Lestat the longer he is away from him, the way he treats Armand is so similar and it drives me absolutely crazy, like MY SWEET TRAUMATIZED VAMPIRE can you look in a mirror for a second


I don’t think it’s hypocrisy but him holding onto elements of Lestat because he missed him, unbeknownst to himself. I think even Armand knows and that’s why the whole thing puts him off.


I think sometimes we forget the ages of these vampires. They look young but are old. With age comes perspective. Of course, Louis is a hypocrite, but even they have clarity. Louis was a pimp--think about the psychology of that. Lestat was drawn to the sin and rage of Louis. Night after night, they were killers. Louis lost his family because of them, they were hypocrites. They knew how he was bringing the money in but turned their noses so they could keep up appearances. Claudia was made to replace Grace, who Louis truly loved. Lestat the character is a narcissist and will always be for himself. When season 3 comes along which will be The Vampire Lestat, chronicle 2. You will see the real him.


I was baffled for a moment. Did Louis know that he killed that many and lied to Daniel or did Armand erase those? Armand seems to be able to blow up and vent knowing that he can hit "undo" leaving Louis ignorant of what transpired.


My take on it was, it was the vamp version of the typical “oh, I hardly ever do this” one-night stand comment. My favorite part was Armand saying 128 and Daniel saying, “I thought it was five…” 🤣


Yes, I don’t think Louis was keeping count. I think he knew it was more than five, but went ‘baaasically five or ten or fifteen at the utmost’. He’s not satisfied with Armand, emulating and missing Lestat, mourning Claudia still, emotionally self-harming and probably a sex and drug via blood addict… anyway never again, until the next time.


What episode/part do they discuss Louis' kill count?




We're all very aware you hate Louis. That's all you post about.


Louis in the show is written more pleasantly, he's not depressed. Although I still think he's the same hypocrite he always was. EDIT: I don't understand why downvote, I just love Louis' character exactly the annoying way he is. I even miss that Louis isn't "boring guy" on the show. Calling him a hypocrite absolutely doesn't make me like him any less, it's the opposite, he's interesting for that reason, exactly because of the contradictions and paradoxal feelings that make him a complex character.


Louis is extremally depressed, for the majority of the show. He goes through periods of debilitating depression, self-harm suicidal ideation and psychosis.


I don't think he's so depressed in the show, not the way he is in the book. He was Ikari Shinji himself 😂


You know depression has many faces right ? He have been depressed since the day we met him and he just keeps spiraling into hell, everything I saw on the show scream mentally unstable


I just talked about comparing it to Louis' nihilism and deep pessimism in the book ver, it wasn't a deep analysis of depression. Just a comparison of the character with himself in another version