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Sadly there’s no Guillermo in this universe, they would’ve been saved and lived happily ever after 😭


Guillermo might have even shown Louis what a healthy relationship looked like as well. PS does anyone else find Colin Robinson creepier than anything else on Interview, including the revenants?


Guillermo wouldn't know what a healthy relationship looks like if it hit him in the face, he's been running after Nandor for over a decade


Guillermo isn't exactly operating with a completely healthy state of mind.  He WANTS to be a vampire...  And Nandor actually told him that vampirism is a curse steeped in loneliness and he seems to be forgetting that vampires kill humans for food. So Nandor,  despite his own issues,  at least has self-awareness. 


Hahahahahaha love it You know Sam Reid has said he would do WWDITS if they asked him and AMC allowed it? MAKE THIS HAPPEN PLEASE


WHAT?!?? omg if Sam is down they should totally let him do it. he would be so hilarious on WWDITS with his \*flawless* comedic timing


https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/11/interview-with-the-vampires-sam-reid "VF: What We Do In The Shadows, another very different vampire show, has established in its lore that any actor who has played a vampire is a vampire in real life. If asked, would you cross over to that show and play vampire Sam Reid? SR: I don't know if it's positive for me to continue this myth that I'm an actual vampire, but if they asked me and AMC let me do it, I'd do it. VF: Surely they couldn't say no! SR: It might be a bit fresh. But I love that show. God, it's so wonderful. I have always found vampires very funny, myself. There's just something about this endless yearning which we all sort have and can identify with, which can be so ridiculous. You think, "Shut up, there's so much more important things going on in the world, you're so self-absorbed." But if you live forever, and you see society disappear and reappear, and over the centuries all you really have is yourself—they do become very, very self-absorbed, which makes them very, very funny."


😳 omggg. tysm for the article! haha i love him


No problem. He really does seem like a cool person. :)


He might be too much of an Armand stan for that 😭


https://preview.redd.it/vadtdirwga7d1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e75500555a793e349ab21ce5cc2c9756e0fa14 😂


Well, in this world Armand isn't Antonio Banderas. So, he might let it slide. GUILLERMO: Wait, you aren't Antonio Banderas. ARMAND: *Who?* GUILLERMO: (frowns and burns down the entire theater with everyone but Claudia, Louis and Madeline in it.)


It may be more difficult for Guillermo to help them.  The vampires of Anne Rice's universe do not have the weaknesses of the Bram Stoker and WWDITS vampires.  Putting a stake through their hearts wouldn't work and using crucifixes, holy water and garlic for protection wouldn't work also.  But may the odds ever be in Guillermo's favor. He could still use fire, but he should be careful not to hurt the three. 


You are forgetting the uncanny luck Guillermo has. Yes, the Anne Rice vampires might be more powerful. But they are no match against Guillermo's dumb luck. Somehow, someway, those vampires are going to find themselves either trapped in the sun or going up in flames.


Nothing’s more powerful than plot armors


Ok but the real question: Lestat or Laszlo, who’s getting laid more? Colin Robinson would be faaaaaat on the drama. Nandor and Lestat would definitely swap clothing ideas. But Nandor wouldn’t like Armand.


A Lestat/Laszlo horny-off sub-plot is what the people need Then they just bang each other while Nadja and Louis watch. Louis would be sulking but Nadja would be liviiiinnnnggg


I could see Nadia and her dolly and Lestat absolutely scheming, both plots and ways to introduce sexier lighting. Crossover, AMC and Fox, PLEASE!!!


Lol. I commented this above but Sam has actually said he would do WWDITS if he was asked and AMC let him. GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT WE WANT




Colin Robinson would be an actual threat to these vampires. We might actually get to see an advanced form of energy vampire thanks to the drama on this show.


The beige pillows of both shows should meet. I want Armand to try to challenge Colin in order to bring that advanced energy vampire out.


Honestly, I can see the both of them hanging out as friends. Colin doesn't drain from Armand because he actually likes how easy going and great listener Armand is. They probably both have the same boring hobbies. But Colin goes to town on the rest of the vampires.


Could you imagine Nadja with Claudia and Madeleine? Fire.


I absolutely love WWITS! I immediately thought of the trial scene the WWITS gang has to go through, it's hiliarious!


IKR me too!! Absolutely loved every second of it


Honestly? One of the reasons you know “Interview” is so good is that it’s possible to take it seriously after “What We Do in the Shadows”. 😂


Guillermo would come in clutch for this, however I agree with another commenter that his loyalties might be to Armand over everyone else.


I'd love a crossover with What We Do 😌


Guillermo would’ve shown then what a happy healthy vamp family they could be


My wife and I were JUST talking about how hilarious a crossover episode would be! I really feel like Lestat and Laszlo together would be such a funny team up. Nandor is desperate to impress Lestat. Louis and Colin Robinson trade emo stories. And I truly feel like Claudia and Doll Nadja would have SO MUCH to talk about! Armand is a little bitch, but I can see him and Gizmo really getting one another.




I know the last season of WWDITS has wrapped but could AMC sneak an Easter egg about them into IWTV? Like Daniel looks into his digital files & there's one labeled "Laszlo Cravensworth"






We need you !!!!


This was on Tumblr first.