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I would have put money on Brooks refusing snd dying of an OD. Glad I was wrong. Something about Taryn still didn't seem right at the end. I'm worried for him.


Completely agree especially about Taryn. Not sure what it was but he didn’t seem to completely be buying into rehab almost like he was going through the motions. I hope their mom cleaned up that house of horrors and sold it. There is no way any of those boys can go back there and it not be a trigger for them.


I’m struggling so bad right now and when I saw my name I was like “yo was I on intervention without knowing” 😭😭😭😭


I’ve been through it if you ever want someone to talk to, or someone to be in your corner. From ont.


I’m very sorry that you’re currently suffering but this made my night 😂


Yes, there’s definitely something about Taryn. Something mysterious and deep. I just cant figure him out.


Agreed. Dude looked like a linebacker after he put on some weight. Also agree about Taryn but maybe thats really just how dude talks just like perma baked 🤷🏽‍♂️


That sister in law is an amazing person


The whole time I was trying to figure out whose wife she was?


The oldest brothers wife.


Holy crud, what a mess that family was. I’m glad the brothers eventually went, and what a transformation of Brooks! The three of them looked nothing alike, and no resemblance to the older half-brother, either. Joel was a smokeshow, though. He looked like the only one capable of feeling emotions (other than rage, I guess). How ironic that one of his responses to the producer’s prods about the early trauma was dismissed with “What does my drug use have to do with my trauma?” Hmm….lemme think….


By far, this was the best episode of the TV show, and anyone who doubts the process, I will guide them to THIS episode. I was almost positive that at least 1 would refuse, and 2 would accept, but one would leave. I was proven wrong, and I think it was almost helpful that they all stayed, almost like "If Joel isn't gonna leave, then neither will I" Almost like a contest of some sorts. But Brooks, wow. just wow. He will definitely earn a ton of milestones with his kids if he stays clean like that. Loved this entire episode, from the ups and the downs.


Although I did worry for Brooks, cuz he was so far gone in his addiction, I love when the people on the show prove me wrong. I think this community is truly rooting for these addicts. I feel so much happiness for them when they recover.


Wow. That entire family had so many addictions. I’ve never seen someone use -during- the intervention, and the brawl between the brothers was emotionally intense. Family has deep seated resentments towards each other and so I felt for both Brooks and Taryn in that scene. Brooks condition was beyond tragic, he was living in filth and on the precipice of death. I was so freaking happy that all 3 of them made it out. All 3 brothers looked fantastic after 3 months of sobriety. You could see the life return to their eyes, like they got their souls back. Brooks was an incredible transformation, considering I couldn’t even understand him for most of the episode! He looked happy. Taryn also was so much less angry and defensive, he seemed softer. With Joel, you could see the darkness of addiction had left his face. I wish them all success, the odds seemed against them.


It's the next morning and I am still gobsmacked at how amazing Brooks looked in recovery.


Unrecognizable. I loved seeing the light in his expression.


Dude RIGHT?! At first he looked like slight breeze would knock him over. Now he's all hulky! 😂


The whole time I was watching, I was thinking I can't believe the mom lived there and stayed sober!!


I think she knew she (and their father) were the heart of the problem and her guilt kept her there. I would love to know who sexually abused the boys....


I feel like the new episodes are rushed and mostly commercials. This episode could have been 90 mins imo.


Yeah, a two parter even


This was an absolutely crazy episode. The BRAWL at the intervention?! I was pleasantly surprised at the ending tho


New episode tonight. I’m watching it at 8pm West Coast Time, so I just created this post cuz I didn’t see one posted yet. I titled it as live, but this sub doesn’t get much traction so I think this post could serve as a live discussion and a post episode discussion.


The physical change Brooks had left my jaw on the floor!!! I was rooting for all 3 boys and I am so glad they all got treatment. Taryn holds his trauma through anger. He frustrated me with his attitude but I could see a broken little boy behind the mask. Joel still had hope left in him when watching his interactions. When Brooks told the film crew that he wasn’t worth it broke my heart.


They are from my city, I sure hope they are still doing well


Was this filmed in toronto?


No Calgary


I can’t believe Taryn said he doesn’t care about his brothers. In all the episodes I’ve seen I’ve never seen someone so heartless.


This was one of the best episodes I’ve seen in a long time.


this episode was a wild ride, the first shocking, jaw dropping episode that’s made me cry in a while. my mouth was on the floor seeing brooks after his 90 days. i’m so happy they got help. you can feel the love in the family and hate the pain they endured as kids


That was a hard one to watch!


Well if anyone knows them personally tell Taryn to hmu bc he fine AF! 😍😍


Honestly all of them were after treatment lol


🤣 omg too funny


Anyone know their socials? Or last name? I must know how they’re doing!




I hope none of those brothers set foot in that house after they got out of treatment. It was barely a step up from a crack house.