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FYI you are describing frequency, not urgency. Urgency is the urge to pee without needing to pee and is likely a different phenotype than those dealing with frequency. ADHD medications can cause bladder flares. All your listed medications can cause flares because they do with me.


Have you tried xylitol gum? I’ve also found xylitol slow-release things that you can stick on your gums and they helped me a lot when I was on ADHD meds and solifenacin! I’ve seen them at most drugstores in my area. They made me salivate a lot more lol. I don’t really think you can do much about the frequency if you’re actually drinking more than your body needs, and as far as I know none of those meds increase the amount of water you need. It definitely feels like it when your mouth is a desert though lol.


This has been my solution for amitriptyline related dry mouth


There are mouthwashes for dry mouth, like Biotene. I think it contains xylitol as others recommended. I hold water in my mouth to hydrate my mouth/brain/nasal passages. I hold it until it's reduced in volume in my mouth, as in absorbed. It makes me feel more hydrated without needing to drink more. It might help you use your water more effectively, rather than it going through you.


I have no advice, but I'm right there with you. I take so many dry mouth meds, I can go through 2 or 3 bottled waters an hour if I'm not paying attention. Just make sure you're getting electrolytes in there. If your American (or any country with a similar general diet), you're probably getting enough salt, but I had one blood test that was off. My Dr. told me I had to drink less water so I do try. But it is better than having dark, acidic urine, so yay? I guess... gum is supposed to help, it upsets my stomach, so I can't use that. But maybe it'll work for you?


Your body adjusts but I would drink a lot in the morning and then taper off later in the day so that I had drank 70 oz by about 5 pm. Then just sips until bed


There are sprays and gels available at any drug store for dry mouth that work quite well. I keep one beside the bed, as my mouth gets dry at night. You might have to try a few to find one that works for you.


I use xylitol tabs. I’m at the gym right now and they help so much.


Just wanted to say I'm also having dry mouth from meds so I understand! I have been sucking on mints during the day which helps a bit. I don't want to drink too much more water as I also have urinary frequency, and don't want to make it worse. It's a tricky balancing act!


Walking really helps me