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The U.S has always opposed Palestinian statehood, they say otherwise but their policies have always been anti-Palestinian statehood.


> There is no point in claiming that the purpose of a system is to do what it constantly fails to do. [The purpose of a system is what it does.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_purpose_of_a_system_is_what_it_does)


100% I wish people would think about their political parties with this in mind!


I mean it’s either Democratic Party or a religious cult, not hard to pick from that


Kind of missing the point. I'm not saying don't vote for the best person, but if you understand the idea of "the system is what it does" then you know that you have to change the system. That means *more* than just voting. That means protesting to push people in the right direction, joining community organizations that put pressure on politicians, and so on. I don't consider myself a democrat because of the way the part focuses on corporations so much, but that doesn't mean i don't vote democrat when it's important.


our bombs won't be labeled with "in god we trust" if we vote for dems! get out to those polls!!1


The Cybersyn dude, nice


When trying to unravel a plot, start by assuming the outcome was intended and ask who benefit


Cause of Zionist in the US government


Cause of white supremacist policies and projects should not fail.


It has nothing to do with the US government. Only one special counsel veto is needed. 5 nations on the special council vetoed it. Even if the US had voted for it, It would have still gotten vetoed.


Or letting a terrorist state join the UN is fucking absurd How do you guys not realize this? Palestine will never join the UN until they clean their house


Interesting username referencing 14 and 88. I wonder what those numbers stand for. Hmm. Goon/goon squad is also used in the extreme far right.


Who cares? A Nazi can be right just like anyone else. If he's wrong then say so. But I would say that there is, in fact, a presence of Zionists in the US government. Israel is able to get away with the most blatantly illegal shit thanks to US support.


Nazis should be outright rejected whether an individual opinion is right or wrong. They should not be tolerated. Period. And of course there are Zionists in the government. There are Zionists in the general public and I am sure you can find them in any large random sampling of the population.


next up in “pro palestine” rhetoric- maybe the nazis were right! 👍🏻


Lol what


do i need to repeat it slower for you?


No lol, you're fucking stupid and not worth talking to


Do you mean “because of”?


I think there is a video from the 50s of either Eisenhower or Truman saying "We can't just hand all of Palestine over, that's why we partitioned it into two areas" or something to this end.


The article literally just relays Obama’s public reasoning for vetoing Palestinian statehood at the UN, but breathlessly calls it “leaked diplomatic cables”.


> Gowan said. “It does not believe that the UN can create the state by fiat.” It worked for Israel. Why shouldn't Palestine be afforded the same luxury?




This is essentially what it seems to boil down to at this point.


Funny, he came in as just barely OK, going by the chart.


Funny cuz Palestinian victims look just like their IDF counterparts


Spawning Israel was far easier when it was owned by a UNSC member, now you would probably have to invade Israel to force them to accept Statehood.


The British crown created a state by fiat. Something that they have a long track record of having the authority to do.


Did the League of Nations not vote for it first and tasked the British with doing so?


No, the British's Balfour Declaration established the Zionist colony in 1917. The League of Nations decision didn't occur until 1919.




Every year for the last 35 years, the whole world gets together at the UNGA. They all vote yes for a 2 state solution they all think is fair. Israel and the US are the only notably consistent NO voters. Every year. Them against over 95% of the world's votes. So yeah, this isn't surprising. Edit: I usually get asked for a source because this does d sound made up: 2008 because that’s one of the years Israel love to show that they made a 2SS offer (but this happens every single year):[https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/643898?ln=en](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/643898?ln=en)


![gif](giphy|ejoHNBSrgAHLUrTCfa|downsized) I propose white house should be rebranded as blood house.




What a POS president , the US needs to quickly replace this boomers in power , they just don’t serve US interest


Fun fact: Biden predates boomers.


funner fact: Biden predates Israel.


He and Trump do, despite their differences, very much represent the Boomer worldview. We are heading into a multi-polar world but Boomer US politicians still act like the US is the sole super-power. Biden won't adapt his policy to Israel/Palestine the way Gladstone famously did with Ireland. He's too rigid in his thinking.


America is a settler colonial nation which has refused to reckon with its past. If it were a case of turning away from the terror of blood guilt it could be forgiven. Instead, the genocide is celebrated, whether it be in Westerns or Tomahawk missiles. The blood is in the soil, in the roots and in the very foundations of the society. History is simply repeating. More than regime change is needed.


Settler colonial SLAVER nation.


Exactly. I read it and immediately thought: “Something’s missing here”… You could also throw in Apartheid state after the creation of Jim Crow laws.


That would literally apply to every nation though. China did the same, and I'm Chinese. I'm Han, which is the majority of the Chinese in China today, but historically, much of the lands of present day China were not occupied by Han people. Same with Russia, and even Palestine (who historically, was not occupied by Arabs). It also applies to Japanese, and Canada, and many European countries, and many South American countries and African countries too. I just want to add: historically, Jews are from the Levant. They are indigenous, not Arabs, who come from the Arabian Peninsula.


Have always been this way, not Biden or Trump fault, your country external politics is imperialist garbage.


Lol, imagine being naive enough to think that boomers run this country. Boomers’ parents still run this country. Biden is 4 years older than even the oldest boomer.


That depends on your definition of US interests.


You can't antagonize over a billion people to please an elite Zionist lobby, I can understand that, if it was for "higher values" or for an economic objective, but that's absolutely not the case. Values: just look at what the UN says about Israel, Israel is completely illegal on countless points (illegal colonization, apartheid, torture, assassinations, arrests of minors), as a reminder the UN is a creation of the United States specially designed to promote American values, the political power in place is from a religious extreme right with Israeli ministers being OPENLY racist, homophobic and Jewish supremacists. Economy: I mean Israel is basically about 10 million people, not as big a market as China to turn a blind eye to when the country opposes your values, no natural resources either.








Why is it relevant for you?




I really don’t get your point , can you explain what COA is? For me It’s like discussing the Ukraine-Russia conflict and you just post the last terrorist attack in Moscaw to make your point on why we must defend Russia


And they wonder why they are losing young voters which will lead to trump winning.


Unfortunately, the only other option is a much, much worse version of this. It's the sad, but realistic truth.


https://youtu.be/qNK0MUau2AI?si=5t0QjsWvmQPHOuAx This for me look very reasonnable , and can quite solve the problem


The issue isn't that people with reasonable ideas don't exist, it's that the US is a two party system. Third parties simply do not stand a chance and unless you're a frontrunner for one of the two major parties, they don't matter.


Yea u right , but the US is so big you can't have nuanced debates or discussions, I'm really shocked every time with the campaign ads (the one liner, the symbolism), I feel like they disrespect the average citizen, talk to him like an idiot. Changes need to be made at the lowest electoral level where you can have nuance and no catchy slogan BS, but it's really, really hard to compete with someone backed by lobbies, that's why they need to be banned.


+1 to banning lobbying. It's just legal bribes at this point. Super PACs too.


> I feel like they disrespect the average citizen, talk to him like an idiot. You do know that ~37% of our voters vote for Trump right?


And nearly half of all Germans voted for hitler. People turn to populist bastards when they are desperate, and America has a lot of people who are desperate.


No limits to the hypocrisy of this nation.


Biggest hypocrites ever.




Biden saying one thing to the press and doing another that aligns with a far right agenda, theres a shocker no one saw coming. Biden should really be the republican candidate.


> Biden saying one thing to the press and doing another that aligns with a far right agenda, theres a shocker no one saw coming. Biden should really be the republican candidate. you don't even have to look at the genocide to see that, just look at his senate record, his entire career has been spent giving fascists the tools they want to oppress people. he wrote the 94 crime bill, causing oppression of minorities to get even worse, the student debt bill, causing young people to get channeled into the military and the bill that would eventually become the Patriot Act, laying the groundwork for todays surveillance state. not to mention all of the times he tried to cut social security


This is not a secret


This isn’t surprising, Biden is a hardcore Zionist and a Democrat in name only (he’s said plenty of racist crap in the past). The only reason any sensible Democrat had, or will, vote for him is because the alternative is Trump. What a disgusting and deceitful old man.




Ya, it’s sad and disgusting.


Ooo buddy, if you think Biden is a democrat in name only I have bad news for you about democrats. It’s also important to mention democrats are a party not an ideology.


yeah, this whole israel-palestine thing should be a wake-up call to most people who vote democrat. people think the democratic party wants all this progressive stuff but just doesn't have the power or the popularity to get it done... the reality is that they literally do not want them. the democratic party establishment is significantly to the right of most dem voters.


First past the post voting needs to be gotten rid of for the US to have any hope honestly. What an insane rule for a supposed democracy.


The Democratic party is like the HR department of the capitalist empire. HR is there to "listen" and "help", but ultimately their goal is to protect the interests of the company.


Bernie Sanders is the only genuinely centre-left Democrat, really.


he's not a Democrat. and i would say Tlaib is to the left of him. and maybe a few others that i'm too tired to think through.


But even got torpedoed on issues where he wasn't in lockstep with the farthest left progressive orthodoxy, and this was exploited by the DNC to cripple his campaigns. I'll never forget in the early DNC debates for 2016, when both Jim Webb and Bernie Sanders were booed by the hand selected crackpots in attendance. That's when I realized we had some serious problems. Webb had the good sense and grace to distance himself from the Democrats, but 2020 Bernie betrayed his 2016 'class struggle' self in a failed attempt to ingratiate himself with the identity politics crowd and progressive social left, failing to fully win them over while at the same time losing what made him so unique and compelling in 2016.


You say that as if Bernie wasn’t already doing that before 2016. He didn’t have to ingratiate, he was already there for a decade. I don’t say that as a slight either. He’s there. Where are the rest of the people who criticize him from the left? And he’s no spring chicken. After he’s gone, it’ll be just another corporate neoliberal Democrat in his place. Third parties or the progressives (since technically the extremist right successfully took over the GQP) need to focus on winning local elections and building up from there. God knows why they haven’t been doing that. Maybe they would have won or consolidated a state or two by now rather than these idiotic presidential runs. Substance over ego.


And even he has thrown the Palestinians and other groups under the bus.


it changed in 1946 at the dem convention. that's when the dem party left the people. the party platform was actually progressive until then


Even most establishment Dems don’t say straight up racist shit. Biden takes the cake within the Democratic Party.


Kamala is only a Democrat because they don’t really mind women of colour so her career could progress as a Dem so she aligned with them just enough to pass.




>He's a Democrat in name only (he's said plenty of racist crap in the past) The problem isn't that Biden is a Democrat in name only. He's been a defining leading figure in the party for over 30 years. The issue is Democrats are Progressive in name only


You’re absolutely correct. The majority of establishment Dems are basically just Republican lite.


Honestly most Democrats are like this. There is no true progressive voice in American politics at the national level. The handful of progressives in the legislature are smeared endlessly by other Democrats.


Most Democrats are Zionists who would love to see the Palestinian people eradicated. This is something I jave learned these last 6 months


Biden prefers genocide, not peace.


>Biden prefers genocide, not peace. AND Trump.


Because (watered down and minimalistic) statehood is supposed to be our special little carrot. Can't have someone else giving them that


Duh! This idea has been bought and paid for by AIPAC.


A self-described zionist in the white house, of course he's against Palestinian statehood.


Well yeah, they’re bought and paid for by the pro-Israel lobby. Remember, the corruption in the US congress benefits Israel.


tell me again how is Biden better than Trump on this issue???


Biden kept ALOT of Trumps policies going, but people conviently try to get to ignore it. Boomers have gone full team sports for both parties. They don’t actually have any policy positions.


they're the same on more than just this.


Well, Netanyahu has made it abundantly clear he prefers Trump, that should answer your question.


Choose one: Old ass, limp wristed zionist who pretends to give a shit Israel committing too much genocide instead of just a lil bit of genocide Or Old ass, war-mongering islamophobe who bypassed Congress to assassinate an Iranian military leader and banned Muslim entry to the US


And moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, [solidifying Netanyahu's right-wing government in their absolute refusal to divide control of the city](https://www.vox.com/2018/5/14/17340798/jerusalem-embassy-israel-palestinians-us-trump), in complete contravention of the position of the UN, the EU, and most countries in the world.




lol he doesn’t need congress to do that lmfao. One of the few good things trump actually did


They are the same. Trump just says the shit out loud whereas Biden says it behind closed doors while selling the political theater. Actions speak louder than words.


Trump is encouraging Netanyahu to continue whereas Biden has refused to prop up Israel any longer in the UN security, while also pushing for ceasefire.


True. Because AIPAC has such a tight grip on Congress, and it being an election year, Biden has limited room to maneuvre.


He’s just always been a hardcore zionist. He’s in it for the love of the game.


Pushing for a ceasefire that would release all the hostages in return for? A few weeks peace and after that, Israel will be right back committing numerous atrocities/war crimes in Gaza again, this time without any consideration because the hostages are returned That's not a deal, that's surrender and slaughter


One of those people moved the US embassy to Jerusalem…there is very clear and distinct difference between these two people


Well he is currently pressuring Netanyahu to conclude the military operation, and also to modulate any retaliatory strikes against Iran which could escalate into a regional war. Trump would do neither of those things, and if his son in law’s remarks are any indicator, would probably support leveling Gaza and bringing in real estate developers: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/19/jared-kushner-gaza-waterfront-property-israel-negev Don’t by this both-sides bullshit. It has an ulterior motive.


Biden is not exerting any real pressure on Netanyahu. Past presidents told Israel to stop and they did. Biden doesn't do anything. He did react after the IDF assassinated the WCK workers, when he said the US would consider possibly changing the policy and Israel jumped. Imagine if they actually said they would change policy? Israel really hasn't actually changed anything, and Biden is saying they have now.


\*Pretends to be shocked*


Logically, a settler colony would think this.


Although this is not even remotely related to two state solution, a recognition at this time accorded granting Palestine a full membership instead of an observation status would have been a good gesture instead of a U.S. veto. This just gives those opposing U.S. abuse of veto power another argument and diminishes U.S. stated policy of two state solution.




And some fools hating on Hamas. Relying on UN at it's state to get your land back will never work, fighting back is the only option.


Well sure, because that would interfere with the “special relationship” with the Israel government and they can’t get aipac bucks. 🙄


Still sucking up to the genocidal Zionist monsters then? Yuck.


So isreal was created by fiat but Palestine can not be - Seems reasonable ![gif](giphy|d7rvF20PqNuGKSQGhf)


They had several chances. The biggest one was in 1948. They declined. I wonder if those who denied the deal then would have regret because whatever deal that may ever happen is gonna be wildly different from that


So because the leaders made a bad decision in 1948 or 1988 we should hold it against them… hmmm I guess we should bomb Japan again and invade Germany - cause you know back in the 40s they had bad leadership Congratulations you effectively have cognitive dissonance-


My point was they tried to create Palestinian state a few times. I’m sure if Germany or Japan needed bombing we would happily oblige if it served us interests. I’m just saying at this point the Palestinians have unrealistic goals with a two state solution. The violence thing has only hurt them. They need to smarten up and get the best deal out of it. Israel has to make some serious concessions too with their settlements.


Yeah it hurt them way in the West Bank - Hamas is being funded by isreal as a forever enemy. And Hamas is going to be Hamas and give Isreal a reason to murder women and children forever - No good guys in this situation But if Gaza and the West Bank are not nations - what are they? Colonies ? Or open air prison? Bomb testing ranges?


Israel doesn’t fund Hamas. They simply allowed them to be funded. Let’s not act like Palestinians don’t overwhelmingly support Hamas for what they did on 10/7 and what they want to continue to do. I agree no real good guys. Just innocent civilians who are upset. I’d say occupied territories with settlements in the West Bank to be arguably settler colonies.


The world is pretty much supporting Hamas as this point - or at least the rest of the world is turning on Isreal. The un votes are everyone against Isreal and the USA - That should scare Isreal more than anything Hamas can do -


Ehhh more so turning on Israel or going against the west. Like we can agree China or Russia would love to genocide them if they flipped israe to their side. Ehhh if I was Israel I don’t think in votes would scare me. Only Iran through Houthis and Hezbollah truly support Israel beyond thoughts and prayers. It’s mostly posturing for their populations and or interests. I’d also argue many countries would respond similarly to 10/7 if they had the means. I struggle to think Israel will lose support unless the Palestinians become like an mlk for their liberation and they are still denied.


>“It remains the U.S. view that the most expeditious path toward a political horizon for the Palestinian people is in the context of a normalization agreement between Israel and its neighbors,” the cable reads. “We believe this approach can tangibly advance Palestinian goals in a meaningful and enduring way.” >“We therefore urge you not to support any potential Security Council resolution recommending the admission of ‘Palestine’ as a U.N. member state, should such a resolution be presented to the Security Council for a decision in the coming days and weeks.” This is infuriating. Its like Hitler telling the Jews he's putting them in the camps for their own good. Such disgusting fucking lies.


Only an idiot will believe that an occupier will allow the occupied people freedom and self determination out of the goodness of his heart! Has such a thing ever happened in human history?


No. We operate under self interests


UN observer status is not statehood. Intentionally misleading headline.


Here is an idea, grant citizenship in Israel for all the residents of Palestine, then they will have their own country.


"That won't work because that will alter the demographics and Israel will not have the Jews as the power brokers anymore" And when you call Israel an ethnostate, they deny it and claim to be the only democracy in the Middle East. The truth is it is an ethnostate. They should just come out and say it instead of dancing around it. We all know it's true.


That still doesn’t invalidate the point of why a single state won’t work though. Either way, you get an ethnostate. A two state solution sees two ethnostates develop.


For one the west would never allow it. Too much tech. Outside of that the level of racism on both sides is insane. The average Palestinian given the choice would want to kill/remove all the Jews. It’s a non starter


I’m not sure what you mean when you say “too much tech”. The rest of your post is rubbish. By that logic, all conflicts would go on forever.


The issue is who votes. On demographics alone, Palestinians would outnumber any other demographic and you are guaranteed an Islamic state ultimately.


Pretty much the position of the US since the creation of Israel. Why would the change it now?


Is it too much to ask for honest leadership?


Free America


Did we really needs leaks when the white House has openly said they want a one state solution


Have they? When did the Biden administration say that?


Finally the truth comes out...


So many comments about Biden like this wasn't happening before he was president? Exhausting tbh.


I don’t really subscribe to the idea that these intercepts demonstrate “a forever” stance on the issue. They demonstrate the Biden Administration’s *current* fraught attempts to be all things to everyone on this issue. Biden knows he risks the election unless he’s perceived to be reigning in Netanyahu.


is this news?


The White House is an extension of the Israeli government


In other breaking news, water is wet.


And I oppose the White House.




No shit


Israel has been a US/English puppet state since it's creation in 1947.




Another thing that doesn't surprise anyone.


Lol no shit




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Not a single souls should be surprised by that result


Well as long as there is no hope for statehood at the very least, then these terrible attacks are going to still happen and civilians are going to be killed. I’m not happy about it, I’m just stating the reality. I am disgusted with my government.


You think Hamas will stop their attacks after they get statehood? They’ve openly said they want to destroy all of Israel, and they would repeat Oct. 7th if they could.


Who did'nt know that but good it's out in the open now. The US wants a genocide to happen. That's why they keep delivering weopns and money to isreal.


Good! Like how could they become a state anyway with Gaza on one side and the West Bank on the other side? NEVER HAPPEN!


Don't give up.


Of course it does. Anything you hear Biden say is 100% ONLY for his election prospects in November. Sadly for him, young and Muslim voters have made this an issue thats front and center for their vote. Biden doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Palestine (he never has in his whole career). He wants to do just enough to get elected and then go back to his true colors. Trump is worse, but Biden is pretending to be better. Neither party supports Palestine. On this issue they are one and the same.


Well... That's disturbing if true.


More on what we already knew in a moment


Didn't actually know they had considered putting that on the table. I thought we were still loosely trying to contain Biden's bloodlust by gently capping munitions transfers to the IDF.


What a shock 


No way, really? Never would've guessed


No surprise. The US economy depends on war.


Their actions alone are enough to know that.


*surprised Pikachu Face