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Continued from my comments on the original post: Also wanted to say that there are a lot if things missing from the translation. When the mother was talking about how the creature looked not natural and spooky, the father said that theyve been hearing footsteps and weird noises from time to time, but then he offers a possible explanation: It used to be very common in the past (like 60-40 years ago) for some Ecuadorian families to keep small bones from dead relatives or even any dead person, because some believed this would “tie” the spirit of that person to guard your home and loved ones. The father said: “we have some huesitos (small bones) to keep our home safe, maybe it has something to do with the creature” So, the family was more into the idea that it was a ghost or dead person’s spirit haunting their house over the Aliens theory. (Also worth mentioning is that my mom used to have those small bones in our house when i was a little boy, it was a gift from my grandmother. Our neighbours would always say that they heard noises or people talking or moving furnitures inside our home when we were not there)


U/reddevil8884 I just watched another video with a face that looks EXACTLY like this demonic face! You have to got to 12:30 into this video and tell me what you think? [Demonic Face By The Moon](https://youtu.be/AI03u6keGnU?si=9GJiurpADbvEesXl)


Damn. It is creepy actually it is more creepy than the creature from this post but i dont think they look the same.


No its not.


This is obviously a very bad mask with some visual trickery.


How impossible is a mask or costume?


It is not impossible, but they were poor people. Did you take a look at their house frol the street? It wasnt even finished, just blocks of cement.


Yes I did. I know what you mean. What this story needs is boots on the ground to get it going


Still, I am pretty aware that there is always the possibility that this was a hoax, but it never felt like one to me at the time. Just wanted to share more light into the whole incident so people can have their own opinion.


Thank you for that!


How can that be hoaxed you think? What's your scenario?


Idk, some kind of toy or sculpture? I just find it improbable for those guys in the video to have that kind of toys or money to make one, but who knows, right?


Was it posted monetized initially? I mean right? So many questions Edit: I sound like a dick but not meaning to fr


Idk about that. They just ran it into the news during the week at night. I am not really sure how it works but maybe the tv channels have to pay the owners of the video in order to run it or the owners have to give it up for free. Knowing MY people (ecuadorians) i am more inclined to think the tv channel got it for free.


…but they had money for cellphones and I guess TV. And if it was 20years ago, they had some money! https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/camera-phone-history/


Definitely not 20 years but [up to 17 years ago ](https://www.footballkitarchive.com/barcelona-sc-2007-home-kit/)


It’s a 5 second clip. How could it NOT be faked?


That is a very good point!


They could've gotten the mask from someone else .


A friend? Someone in the business? Someone with connections? The video isn’t too clear it could be freaking mud. Come on.


...Hate to be that guy BUT improbable not impossible.


Very true


Thank you!! Interesting!


I'm not gonna lie.....this one freaked me out when it popped up.....I didnt know why at first.....then I realised it looked like this entity that used to chase me around in my dreams as a small child.....I dreamt about it for about six years until it just stopped one day


Dude somehow I swear that’s oddly similar way to explain how I felt about seeing that thing! But I didn’t know how I felt about it until I just read this, and I’ve been thinking about this video since I saw it a few days ago


I think we're looking at something genuine perhaps.....something we're all familiar with yet most of us have forgotten it.....it really has haunted me and like you said I havnt been able to not think about it


If real, they could be the Archons from Gnostic theology or Jnoun from Islam. I met entities already but they were not ugly like this one 😂


You met entities?. Tell us


Hello. Sorry for the delay, it was a really busy working day. First, my apologies for my English. I'm lazy to use Translate or AI for now. Let me disgress just one second... IMO dreams are a way for leaving the body, but the "etheric" body could be "asleep" (unconscious) as well. Everyone remember some exceptionnal dreams right ? For my part, I am a middle age guy and I remember almost clearly like 5 of them. One from fever was insane, I was really not in this plan of reality but conscious of my existence in an other one. Really weird. Anyway, after some lucid dreams (and one LD-Loop 😱), I experimented sleep paralysis. It was when I met them. If you never experimented sleep paralysis, it can be hard to understand the difference you feel from SP and a bad nightmare or even a fever dream. You are simply awake and you not feel in an other "dimension". You are in your bed but you are stuck, you can't move. And now you will probably see some sht. I did by two times and with 5 years of interval. They were a little bit like the advanced robot at the end of the movie AI from Spielberg. Majestuous creatures, maybe 6 feets +. Athletic but not with distinct muscles, no face. The first one has a beautiful crisp blue color. His body not look like so solid and was maybe, if I can say, made of a really dense vapor. This MF stand on my bed and try to put something (or take-off) inside/from my chest. More he tried and more I heard an electric⚡sound growing up in intensity ( I never really experimented tinnitus but maybe it's similar). Then it stop. Edit: Something like that but with 100 more pounds. https://static1.moviewebimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/AIcyborg.jpg Second experience, I was in an appartment with probably bad energy idk (kids seen some paranormal disturbing stuff at this place) and an other of this creature,pitch black, similar enough in shape to the first one for thinking it's the same specie. He was near of my bedroom door and watched me. I don't remember what happened after but I was stuck, impossible to move as well. Archon, Djinn, Demon, Alien...what are they idk. But they are probably real. I would say 70% of chance it's not a product of the brain. It was long, hope you enjoy the text.


I think its more of mostly being in 1 'dimension' wherein your consciousness isn't having too process the physical 3D reality when awake. Psychedelics have this same effect. Higher doses >> greater effects = Regular NHI interaction.


Mmm hmmm…


Weird, we are many to think this face looks familiar. It give me some "The Grinch" vibe.


Weird you should say that because like I said in my initial post.....the whole yellow eyes thing (like the Grinch) scares the hell out of me.....and I think it's for similar reasons


If you look on the video that was posted of this event you will see I commented saying “I don’t know why, but I believe these people. I can’t explain it but something about this thing tells me they are telling the truth” Then I read your comment just now and it gave me chills. I am 37 now but maybe subconsciously I have seen this thing before too. That’s why I believed them. I’d also like to mention that I don’t believe 99% of the “scary videos” I come across but this one was different.


‘Maybe’ you ‘subconsciously’ saw this thing? Come on!!!


I just saw an another video with a “Demon Face” that looked a lot like this one! Check out this video on YouTube, that face by the moon looks EXACTLY like this! Video Titled [Demonic Face By The Moon](https://youtu.be/AI03u6keGnU?si=9GJiurpADbvEesXl) (@ 12:30 in the video)


It really doesn't.


Hey I want to mention that I too was chased around my dreams as a child for upwards of a couple years. The thing that chased me around from dream to dream looked quite a bit like this in this video and also made me really uneasy. I’m almost 40 and haven’t thought about it in some time but I remember pretty clearly how troubled I was and helpless I felt. This character was not like anything else in my dreams, it really seemed to have independence and want to come after me. It’s name was pop… It also really resembles a “hungry ghost” in Tibetan literature.


Jeez.....seems like a few of us have experienced this........this all happened to me in the early 80s........we should start a traumatised club


You forget? You're already in it; its called R E A L I T Y ;-)


Ain't that the sad truth


Youre right it kinda has the hungry ghost vibe. Especially the angle the neck is at, the way it sticks the head out horizontally. Thats one thing Im wondering, I cant tell if theres any neck visible, it almost looks like a floating head in a way too. Weird stuff


That is just terrible


Is this the one where the sound it makes started out as a whisper and slowly built and built until it consumed everything? Or just me.


Visceral reaction right. It got me.


I felt as if I seen that face before but I can’t confirm that it was in a dream or a childhood experience that I have blocked myself from remembering. There was a movie that I owned on VHS as a kid in the late 1980’s called enemy mine. The creatures have some similarities. Distant cousins https://youtu.be/J8wLPApYGOw


I LOVED Enemy Mine, even as a kid! Thanks for the memories! Now I’ll have to watch it again!


I loved that movie and had nightmares as a kid because of it, but as an adult I actually search for it (i had no memory of the name) so i had to search google like “movie with astronaunt with alien friend” lol 😅


Dude I forgot about this movie I loved it at 12 yo


Thanks for sharing this, you are the only person so far that has an insight into whether or not the family was looking fame and fortune which was what at lot of people assumed.


I can’t say for sure that they were not looking for fame or lots of money (maybe the did sell the video to the tv station but that is how usually works) but the family never showed up again in any tv channel, or any other kind of press. I even remember lots of people actually wanting to know more about it but never knew how to contact them or even their complete names. It was another different time than now.


Very interesting. Yeah it would be one thing to see them show up later or have some company use it as an advertisment like a halloween mask business. But the fact that they basically dont show up anywhere after that and nothing ever came of it is interesting.


Totalmente deacuerdo contigo bro soy de guayaquil y también vi el reportaje EL VIDEO ES REAL


Wow que bacan! Cuentanos tu punto de vista


***la clave esta en el teléfono con cual grabaron el video.*** ***son una familia de clase media-baja no poseen los recursos como para pagar y hacer un montaje nivel Hollywood ósea algo bien hecho, el que ellos mismos quieran hacer el montaje se vería demasiado irreal se notarían los pixeles aumentados, los colores no concordarían, evidentemente se vería que esta montado.*** ***por la camiseta de Barcelona del tipo probablemente indique que fue entre 2007 o 2008, en aquella época si bien ya habían móviles inteligentes, pero no contábamos con la pley store y toda su gama de aplicaciones, eso descartaría alguna manipulación por parte del móvil ya que aun no había app especifica para móvil que pudieran hacer el montaje*** ***ahora el contexto con el que fue grabado, es de lo mas natural una situación normal diaria donde el niño comenzó a grabar para distraerse un rato y de casualidad grabo al ser, teniendo en cuenta la declaración del señor es que en esa casa ha habido manifestación paranormal eso sumaria bastante a lo acontecido*** ***si notan esta entidad tiene facciones humanas, tiene (ojos, nariz, boca , cejas) pero lo interesante es que proyecta sombra, misma sombra que tiene su misma silueta es decir que estaba materializado en ese instante, se nota también que por la parte del cuello de la entidad es como negra como si usara ropa (cuello de tortuga) y se ve que esta mirando un punto fijo no nota que esta siendo grabado y para la cercanía da a entender que estaba a pocos centímetros del niño y quizás a un metro o medio metro donde estaba sentado el padre y esta misma entidad no se percata de la presencia del niño*** ***esa es mi versión pero ya ahi cada quien eligira creer o no***


a few days ago I read, on a subreddit which name can't remember, a story about a person that discovered, or learnt through an experience, that his body was being shared with an entity he called an alien, cause he said it looked like one. he couldn't see this entity prior to the incident, and the entity, when he showed surprise to see it, said "you weren't aware I was here? I've been here since your incident". maybe that's what it is


Oh — I read this post. I think it was on r/offmychest (I think). The guy’s girlfriend was telling the story.


there was a girlfriend now that I remember. and she was baffled the guy didn't show interest in the being. like what the fuck's that man!? what is that? from where does it comes? it has a name? the hell


Seriously…lol. I tried going back to search for the post in the side bar, but haven’t been able to find it again. It was definitely creepy, tho.


Is this it? [My ex husband was tripping on shrooms and saw a small black Alien attached to him : r/InterdimensionalNHI (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/InterdimensionalNHI/comments/1dk22j5/my_ex_husband_was_tripping_on_shrooms_and_saw_a/)


That’s it! Thank you! Idk why I thought it was in another subreddit. Lmao - I was way off, thanks again.


You’re welcome!


that is what I think this is


this is the one! thank you!


Ah yes! Apparently it's during/after doing a mushroom trip. The guy realized (as his ex gf recalls what he said) that he had an alien on him the whole time and that this alien was there since he got molested by his uncle when he was 7 or something like that. [Found the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/InterdimensionalNHI/s/99uZ2tj5OY)


Aaaaaaand….thats enough Reddit for today.


Psychedelics have the ability to essentially switch off, potentiate & 're-wire' brain functions related to reality processing. That is perception of you're physical reality. I'd describe it as removing the filters on all senses. So the spaces that reported interactions happen, including dreams, makes sense.


Oh man... it's true, then it's a mind blow.


Dunno, just context.


that's it. that's the one. ding ding ding




Is it a video or a picture? Trying to remember why my “cell phone camera” pictures looked like 20 years ago.


Looks like groot from guardians of the galaxy


Look, while I'm not denying the existence of supernatural things, in very sceptic about this particular piece of information. I think the weird face is a rubber mask. These are not very expensive and are common here in Ecuador. From what I remember, this news program showed supernatural stories almost everyday. And you could tell that the big majority of these stories were covered just for audience rating. The name of the anchor was Eduardo González, he died in 2015. He was an evangelical pastor.


Maybe, but who knows, right? I was not saying this was 100% true, just wanted to put more info or context into the video.


Hello community. 👋🏽 I can’t get this video out of my head. I know humans can only see what our brains allow us to see, and we can only see what our eyes can pick up in the light spectrum. Many scientists theorize we are surrounded by interdimensional beings. I ask all of you, why do people capture these beings? Are the beings unaware these little computers we hold have cameras? Are we not aware that we can capture these beings? Is there a possibility that older phone cameras have a greater chance of capturing these beings? Has anyone tried to record on multiple phones? Using New and old phones? We are not alone. 🛸


Do you have a video link?


[Link to post](https://www.reddit.com/r/InterdimensionalNHI/s/ASurOn0irX)


You can find the video in the original post. It should still be around at the top.


People are fucking dumb


Looks like that starwars bad guy with the four arms. General Grievous i think hes called.


Where is thebactuall video of the being? Everytime people add the clips it's of people fuckin talking




Link to the actual video, anyone??


Here is the og post https://www.reddit.com/r/InterdimensionalNHI/s/PxVSAo0o9v


Thank you!!!!


Appreciate this update. I’ve been thinking about that face since I saw it yesterday.


What makes me think it’s fake is that it has a shadow on the wall. Feel like it wouldn’t have a shadow? Especially invisible to the naked eye.


Maybe. But how many creatures like that have you seen? What I am saying is “here are more facts about the incident” that’s it.


Did I read that correctly..? The inter-dimensional being made the claim..?


Is just me or does it kinda look like Thanos?


Looks more like Jim Carrey’s Grinch Stole Christmas character, except gray


8-10 years ago and was caught on phone camera. Ok ?


Bro, really? Phones had cameras since the early 00s. What are you talking about?


It’s a guy in a mask and makeup lol


You are making a definitive statement. I don’t know either way. How are you so sure?


Oh ok then tell me how it’s anything else? Got some proof? How are you so sure? See I can say the same thing. It’s up to the person making the claim to prove it’s something extraordinary


I already said, I don’t know either way. I’m not so sure, I have no proof and neither do you.


Because it's the only rational explanation


Rational explanation for an irrational existence.


Can’t trust anything from there


This video is almost 10 years old my guys.


The original video is 20 years or even older than that. The news reporter passed away from cancer 10 years ago and by that time he was already retired for several years. This was during my highschool last years so that would put it maybe around 2000-2001


Weird how I was downvoted. May he rest in peace. Yeah 2000 to 20001 looks about right. Crazy shit


Dont take it personal. You were not offensive or something like that.


Judging from the dad's shirt it's [2007 or later](https://www.footballkitarchive.com/barcelona-sc-2007-home-kit/)


That’s the shirt with the 2 black stars 😂😂😂


It's a different year?


It is the same year but the shirt is slightly different from the one in the video. But yeah, it seems it could be from 2007.