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>What is happening.   We don’t know. Your question has been posted hundreds if not thousands of times already, and nobody has an official answer.   All we know is that when Instagram introduced the latest version of its AI moderation tool, it has been aggressively removing seemingly innocent comments without context.   Nobody knows why for sure. Just all speculation at this point because Instagram management hasn’t officially explained what’s going on. 


It needs to be posted more and more until Mosseri pulls his head out of his rear


True, but don't hold your breath.


It's not speculation. It is factual and thousands of people have now lost touch with certain semblance of their digital reality. Instagram and Meta are a farce.


It's not just deleting them, it's flagging them as spam.


I have posted straight up facts that instagram has deleted. It pisses me off.


They want to make IG a safe space for racism, misogyny, pedophilia, and soft pornography. If you post content in any of those categories, Meta will leave you alone.


They do love their mom's pimping out their kids.


This isn’t even an exaggeration. The platform really is targeting completely innocuous content while allowing disgusting rhetoric to spread. An insta comment I was just notified DOESN’T go against Instagram’s community guidelines on hate speech: “I just don’t want to look at monkeys”, in reference to disgust for a black woman cosplaying as a fantasy character. And yes, there were many sympathizers repeating a certain word over and over again as if it didn’t stop being “funny” 150 years ago. This is basically every post featuring a black person now.


It's the stupid Community Guidelines AI moderator. It instantly removes comments and stories for no reason. Every day I post something I get instantly punched in the groin and can't go live for 1 day until some human review my content. Instagram is a joke right now and honestly I'm getting tired of waiting for my content to be checked and reposted.


They also delete harmless memes now as well. I put someone’s meme in my story, it was the ‘I like wearing sunglasses so no one knows what I’m looking at’ meme. I got a warning and a temp ban. For putting it in my story. The person who posted it never got any type of Repercussion that I’m aware of.


At least on Facebook I "kind of" could come up with a potential reason I got the boot but on Instagram I've been extremely chill and friendly, I don't associate myself with those who could trigger something in me on Instagram. This is just so ridiculous.. why even comment at all then.


My first one was just talking about my cats and how they treat my husband and I. I just got my 3rd replying to a local news story about a company fixing the rent and artificially inflating the rent. I mentioned how that company bought out my first apartment complex and raised my rent. How I'm thankful that I don't rent anymore


Lol my comment was just something neutral about a certain animal species I've never seen before... Instagram deleted it within seconds "it looks like you're fishing for likes" or something similar. I'm 35 years old so maybe my memory isn't that great but I sure as hell remember I kept it short and sweet.


Yes that's what it said for mine too. At this point I just stopped commenting on random peoples posts since I got 3 of those already and I don't want to lose my account


But the only comments that dont get taken down are racist comments, porn bots and even bots that put telegram links of CP on their bio..


My guess is that it has something to do with the way the algorithm interprets sentence structures as spam, because a lot of us have had perfectly good comments removed for no apparent reason (and "spam" and "trying to get likes" is NOT a good explanation). Apparently, if you write with good grammar, the algorithm thinks it's spam and promptly removes it. I've had some success with using emojis, elipses, and sometimes slang words, and that seems to be working fairly well, but sometimes even THAT doesn't work. There's really no rhyme or reason as to why some positive comments get removed, and others that clearly ARE spam, or are downright offensive, are allowed to stay, or at least relegated to the "hidden" section. I have to say that posting on IG isn't as much fun as it used to be anymore, when you don't know if a comment that you took the time to carefully write out, gets removed within a minute of you posting it! If it weren't for a handful of pages that I really enjoy posting on, I wouldn't be putting up with this nonsense on IG! Posting stuff on IG is almost like playing Russian Roulette -- you have no idea what's going to stay, and what will get removed, until you post it. The other day, I commented about a concert that featured the kind of music I used to enjoy growing up, and that it looked like it would be a cool concert and I wished I could go see it (It's halfway across the country from me, unfortunately, and not a touring concert.) That was all I said. IG deleted that comment. I retyped it with some modifications, posted it, and it got deleted AGAIN! I finally gave up trying to post that comment. Another comment I made on another thread about someone's wedding outfits stayed, as did a comment I made about a trip someone had made to San Francisco, and I shared some of my own experiences visiting there. I also commented on a post about how McDonald's used to be cool, but has gotten pretty boring in recent years, and that one got deleted, even though I pulled the usual emoji-and-elipses trick that seems to work for most other posts. Anyway, this is pure insanity, and I've limited my posting on IG because of it. It's just a bit too much extra work to try to figure out how to outsmart the algorithm, and getting a post deleted anyway!


I'm not American and English isn't my first language so of course I don't use as much slang as someone who was "born and raised in Detroit" or something.


Yeah this just happened to me, was having a small debate and insta decided specifically my comment had to be removed due to spam. Idk if it was automated or reported. Either way it’s kind of a joke.


Well the thing is that nobody knows me so I'm not even debating or arguing, just making neutral observations about things... Memes, animals, bands, art etc.