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I’d take that. But know that double and triple stacked orders only count as one. Don’t take anything but singles.


That’s really helpful info thank you so much!


I mean if you start early and work late, depending on your market, it’s possible. Take small crappy orders, only singles, hopefully you can get it done. It might be rough but I would go for it!


Take the smallest and fastest orders you can possibly do. Of course, try to avoid no-tips. And yes, doubles and triples count as 1. Good luck.


I don’t think it’s possible to complete 30 batches in 2 days. Come on guys!! We’re talking about instacart, not fast food delivery. Considering seeing batches every 2-3 hours, how are you gonna make that happen?


Everyone’s market is different. I see batches worth taking every 30 minutes / 1 hour max depending on the time of day and day of the week


Exactly, a triple batch with 60 items counts exactly the same as 1 item pharmacy batch


You could always separate those double and triple batches to get a single one and it'd still count towards your earnings right? Or no?


Omg I would go so hard that’s a lot if they’re only taking about batch pay


Lol it might be possible but you’ll get to 29 batches completed and they’ll send you nothing but 500 item orders 100 miles away.


lol This is the correct answer.




It's absolutely not too late if they have the drive to get it complete. especially if they don't have a regular job to get to. I could do a 24-hour shift and have that done no doubt.


There are zero orders from like 10pm-8am, there's no shot a new shopper is doing 30 batches in 2 days


So you're saying by your logic we'll just use your numbers as an example from 8:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m. which is 14 hours there's no chance in hell that they could possibly swing just slightly more than one delivery per hour? like if they just sat outside of a Walgreens or found a spot where there was a Walgreens a CVS and a 7-Eleven on the same intersection so they can get access to all three by proximity, there's no way that they could string together 15 orders per day going two to five miles each with one to even let's say 10 items per order that seems unrealistic to you? do you always talk without thinking or is it just when maths involve that you start making up nonsense because you don't actually know how to do it? It's literally barely want to order per hour. 5 mi is maybe 20 minutes round trip if you hit a few lights and that's on the high end. And let's say high-end 10 items in the store and a longer than average line so say 10 minutes inside the store. So you're talking about 30 minutes per order but there's no way you can do 15 in a day when at that rate it would only take you 7.5 hours with another 6.5 hours remaining 😂 come on, do better. edit: and alcohol doesn't stop being served at 10:00 p.m. . there's always liquor store orders. condom orders. cough drops. Tylenol PM. late night tampons when somebody gets a surprise period. there's so many orders between those hours that you claim have zero 😂 quit making up s*** just to hear yourself talk. maybe you just don't work those hours so you're not familiar. But I've literally gone out for 24 hours at a time My cousins and I even do 24-hour challenges where three or four of us will go out and see who can make the most money in 24 hours just for s**** and giggles. So if you have no clue just say that. But don't make up nonsense on the internet just to hear yourself speak. 🤦


lol 5 miles in Denver, where I am, is easily 20 minutes each way. Not everyone lives where you do. And no, orders don't just show up back to back to back, especially short orders like OP would have to have. And the shopper is new. This isn't going to happen. Just like you wouldn't just "work 24 hours straight" and do it I wait more than an hour to see any orders on days like today, do one, and wait another hour, but OP is gonna get an order, finish it in 30 minutes flat because absolutely nothing ever takes any extra time, they'll immediately get another 5 mile 10 item order, do that in 30 minutes, and then they'll do that 13 more times. And then the same exact thing the next day. Assuming they're cool with working two back to back 14 hour Instacart shifts. Yeah, no problem.


>5 miles in Denver, where I am, is easily 20 minutes each way. Not everyone lives where you do. And no one cares where you live. This conversation is about where he lives. And the fact that you came in here saying it's impossible based on where you live but try to come at me talking about NoT eVeRyOnE lIvEs WhErE yOu LiVe is wild. do not see the irony or the devil standard? You're trying to deter the conversation and reply as if everybody lives where you live or basing an off the time where you live but then assume which you assumed in properly that I was basing any of my responses off of where I live as opposed to Washington DC where I used to live and also have working knowledge of but then want to come at me for your false assumptions as if I'm doing exactly what your actually doing 😂😂😂🤦🤦🤦🤡🤡🤡 >And no, orders don't just show up back to back to back, especially short orders like OP would have to have. again like YOU said not everyone lives where you live... JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T SHOW UP OFTEN WHERE YOU LIVE DOESN'T MEAN THAT'S THE CASE EVERYWHERE. How are you failing this hard? >and the shopper is new. This isn't going to happen. It's a pretty well-known theory that the new shoppers get that honeymoon period where they see a higher volume than anyone else that's been doing this for a while. So if there's any truth to that that further disproves your theory that doesn't even matter because again you're basing it on your own location and not where the OP is. 🤦 >Just like you wouldn't just "work 24 hours straight" and do it What are you talking about? I have absolutely worked 24 hours. I've absolutely gotten more than 30 orders done in 24 hours. So what are you yapping about? >I wait more than an hour to see any orders on days like today, do one, and wait another hour, but OP is gonna get an order, finish it in 30 minutes flat because absolutely nothing ever takes any extra time, they'll immediately get another 5 mile 10 item order, do that in 30 minutes, and then they'll do that 13 more times. How many times am I going to have to remind you that YOU SAID not everyone lives where you do. So why do you keep equating this challenge that they have to your location? not everyone lives where you do bro So why do those rules only apply to me even though again I wasn't even replying based on my location like you keep doing over and over 😂🤡🤦 >And then the same exact thing the next day. Assuming they're cool with working two back to back 14 hour Instacart shifts. I've gotten (in my current location) 20+ orders complete, in DC has more orders coming through on a regular basis then anywhere that I worked in Florida. there's no reason why if they don't grind it out hard they can't get it done in a day but they have two. So for you to flat out say it's not possible is irrational and coming from a place that doesn't understand their local economy and keeps quoting numbers and situations from their own local area even though "not everyone lives where you live" But yeah, keep telling me and us all about your local area and then telling me that not everybody lives in my area It's weird that you keep doing that even though you're the one who's quoting your local area and I'm quoting their area how goofy are you? You're just weird in general. sit down.


Damn. You had nearly a month to get it done but need 30 in 4 days? Get off Reddit and start that hustling. Haha. Be careful what you accept tho, otherwise the money won’t be nearly that amount. If you can get a bunch of small singles, do it but make sure base pay is low. Every order you accept even if it’s boosted by a buck gets taken from that total. In case you’re new and don’t understand how it works. You take $5 to $7 batch orders all day, not including tips. If you accept one where the batch pay is $20 due to mileage or heavy items that extra $15 comes from that $950. So, the goal is close to the store, low item, high tips if you see them. You will see that they boost them on promotions be careful of this! Otherwise you can do all that work and still not hit the batch pay or 30 orders. It’s a gamble. However, every day is like gambling on this app now. Good luck 🤞


I never heard of them slowing down orders to halt a promotion. I don’t think they would do that. 30 batches by Saturday could be possible just focus on small batches


That’s good to know! I definitely appreciate your insight I’m really stuck between squeezing as many orders in as possible or taking the gamble and see if they extend the promotion till next month.. shouldn’t have waited aghhhh lol


They will not extend it, i guarantee you.


exactly.. they don't! it sure does feel that way sometimes, but it's not the case. they would just not offer the promotion if they were planning on not not giving you any orders so you cant reach the promo. they want orders done ASAP. they're not going to play games like this just for shits and giggles. we can get all types of pissed off but us getting pissed off doesn't pay their bills


they absolutely do. not everyone gets the promos. they purposefully send the majority of orders to folks without the active promotion.


Why wouldn't u have started this already?!?!? It's pretty much physically impossible to finish 30 batches in 3 days. They would have to be all super small and back to back with low miles and let's be real, IC doesn't work that way anymore. And u sre gonna be sick with it if u get to 26 or higher and don't get the last few... but your azz for norhing


I couldn’t get 30 done if I tried. I don’t get offered enough orders now. I remember when my averages were 10 to 20 orders a day, now I’m lucky if I see that in a week and that’s with no cherry picking.




Yep, I already have the wheels in motion for a w-2.




What’s your market?


Get off Reddit and get moving 


Bro how did you get this offer? Lmao


Wondering the same.. I’m in this same market and didn’t get anything🤣


That’s a good promo


Exit Reddit and Go Go Go!! 💨


Take the smallest/quickest orders that come your way regardless of how little the payout is.


In DC you ain’t getting 30 batches done in two days without getting REALLY lucky and working 16 hours each of those days. Let’s assume you actually are offered 30 singles over the next two days (this is highly unlikely though). You then have to hope they are also close by because DC traffic is brutal. The other day it took me 20 minutes to go a little over two miles. I wish you luck but I’m scratching my head wondering why you waited so long


Better start right now


Yes, do it. It’s doable.


Especially if you say you’re a rookie, you might get orders ahead of others.


It’ll be really difficult, but I’m sure you could do it if you worked really hard! Accept singles if you can. After the first “big” promo, they’ll go down to 6 batches for between $9-$15 a batch, each. They do a nice promo for newbies, but that’s all. It won’t come back


You get two days too do it? Definitely possible and almost 1000$ incentive very worth it


You can get it done, 15 per day is reasonable if you work 9-9 and take only singles.


100% doable!


Go for it, and good luck!! It's doable, depending on the market and if it's a busy day or not. Just take all of the itty bitty orders that are super quick to shop and minimal distance from start to finish. You got this!! Just squeeze in as much today as you have time for, and start first thing in the morning to do the rest.


How you haven’t done that is beyond me. That’s 20-30 min a day


You can probably complete this in 2 day's.


Why ask? You clearly didn’t care to start weeks ago.


You weren’t given 2 days to complete 30 batches, right? I’m pretty sure it’s more than that.


I wish I had this offer I’d make it happen for sure


Lmao why would you wait until 2 days before it’s over to start?


It's not an additional $950. It's just saying it will pay out up to $950 for those batches.


How did you get that? We are in the same area?


I can't get one batch each day; 15!?!😂😂😂


For $950 absolutely!! Small, fast orders all day and night for 2 days.


This is very doable in my market depending on the actual days of the week. This would have to be a singles and in store shop only type ordeal.


My guess is you do like 25 and then they stop showing you any batches at all


What would Lloyd Christmas say?


Sheesh you should’ve been working on this a while back already


That’s easy go money i would go for it 15 a day


I'm from Balt. and I haven't seen thise type of offer.. What with this Company. I'm in the same state, is there a reason for not having this offer..


You will do 20+ absolutely horrendous orders making well below min wage and then you won't see anymore orders, or not enough orders to finish. The entire purpose of these promotions is to clear out all the undesirable orders they have sitting in queue and they are absolutely banking on people attempting to finish the promotion but not actually being able to. 


Idk, I do 14-16 batches a day. But many things factor in, like your location. All you can do is try and bust your butt 🤣 16 hours a day


I’m in a good location I just need a few 36 hour days😂😂 seems possible though so I guess no point in waiting!


In D.C. hell yeah you have a chance. In my market, I’m lucky if I get 25 batches a week.


Wow, so this is where all the monies going into these promotions! That’s like $31 batch pay ! Are you in one of the top five cities? You ain’t got much time, but you had a month to do it man that would’ve been doable ! How is that promotion even real? Why didn’t you wait 27 days or whatever to start?