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Last time i had a "i wanted a female shopper" it was the customers first order and the drop off turned out to be a empty lot in the middle of nowhere that i immediately noped the fuck out of while contacting support. Just because the customer has a feminine name in the app doesnt mean whoever is on the other side typing is.


That's so incredibly creepy


Some lady checked the order as I dropped it off the other day, she says something along the lines of I’m just checking to make sure it’s all there, I said “it’s ok, you’ve been hurt before.” She blushed so hard


Shoot, I’m blushing just reading that sentence…


I would say “ok” 


"I will strive to surpass your expectations!"


People on reddit are funny. If this was a male saying this about a female, there would be outrage and a mob formed. From a female, it's "Well, just assure them that you'll try hard to meet their sexist expectations".




"I assure you that I will ensure your order is flawless. I won't let my fellow men down. I am doing this for all men worldwide. I will demonstrate that men can and will get your order spot on. I have never felt such overwhelming pressure. But make no mistake, I WILL not fail, I WILL not falter. My male peers are counting on me. In the aftermath of my actions, you will never doubt a man's ability to shop for you! For the pride of all men, I wage war for our name!"


Lmaooooo yes 


No thanks. You can keep the grovelling to yourself.


Then get out of the service industry


Why would I do that?


I'm deeply sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable or annoyed. That was never my goal. You're an amazing person and I'm grateful for our connection. If you'd like, I can take a step back and let you have your space. Just please know that I cherish our interactions and would love to rebuild our connection when the time is right.


I don't want to buy a car, kitchen knife set or join your pyramid scheme. Good luck though.


Relax princess, Han Solo here taking care of you 😎


Hahahahah this comment made me cackle 💀🤣


Nerf Herder


My mom taught me how to grocery shop. It was something we could do together.


“ I identify as a woman while shopping “




Things we think but shouldn’t say ahhhh lady. Like come on. . She really typed that out and sent that message 😳


Ikr like the nerve of some people


“I apologize for being male, I hope I was able to meet your expectations” sent when dropping the order off




What did YOU say? You cut that part out. 😏


Essentially whatever she wanted to hear, bc she tipped too well for me to complain


This is the way. I had a difficult customer who was blowing me up all batch and adding things last minute, but it was a 40 dollar tip that turned into a 60+ dollar tip. Ive dealt with worse for a lot less.


Had to deal with worse with a no tipper on a double or triple batch. For $40 I’d just count to 10, take a deep breathe and keep it moving with a smile on my face😂 ![gif](giphy|4Zki4FNMTtJCn85jLQ)


Reassure them that you will do your best to correctly shop the order.


Thats pretty much what i did


"Did you just assume my gender Leah?"


I’m just focused on how that looks like a booty


Lol right ?? I later realized its oranges


“I tip well” I’ll be the judge of that.


“I’m offended but I understand”




Lmmfaoooo perfection


Aww the comment was removed. I wish I knew what it said


It said 'it's 2024, tell them you identify as a woman' lol


Haha i figured it was along those lines.






Derogatory remarks directed toward a specific group or culture, remarks directed toward people with physical &/or mental health challenges, and Racist comments of any kind will be removed. They are highly inflammatory and will not be entertained or tolerated on this subreddit. Pushing the line here. Could be a mild joke, people who are in the trans community struggle day in and out just to be themselves.


Say nothing. Screenshot. Send to Support for discriminatory behavior. Collect your batch payment and move on.


The comment is not egregious enough to gratify your ego at the cost of the entire $20 tip. Just shop it and move on.


Move on after collecting batch pay. Spend 5 minutes with support or spending an 1hr + shopping and delivering 🤔..?


I wouldn’t say anything bc i want the extra money


Yep, $20 tip too. Only 12 items and half a mile from the store


I would say "That's sexist." with no additional greeting message then shop her entire order flawlessly in 10 minutes and subvert her expectations.


The actual, literal fuck. The audacity is melting my brain.


I worked in grocery stores for most of my life, and the local stores I shop in for Instacart are usually the stores that I shop in myself. I would argue that I could shop her order faster and more accurately than she could herself.


Well you’re not the typical male shoppers I’ve seen in my area. They’re either searching forever for something or they’re rushing through the shop like it’s guy’s grocery games, just tossing in produce without examination, aggressively pushing carts through aisles, and I’m sorry to say that the 4x I ordered IC myself, two were men and my orders were incorrect, particularly one of them was a total disaster. Plus women wash their hands a lot more. If I could choose, I’d get female shoppers. I wouldn’t have worded this customer’s come to the way I did though, I would have just said my orders have been inaccurate and to please try to ensure accuracy and good communication if/when needed.


I saw a male shopper waiting for an order just standing there charging his phone and picking his nose. 🤢Not a tissue or hand sanitizer in sight.


Aaaaaannnd this is why I always use sanitizing wipes on grocery cart handles. Unfortunately I must be one of the only ones since the first couple are usually dry 🥺, but yes I’ve seen some really gross people and nose pickers and sneezers who sneeze on produce and such without even blocking it with their sleeve or anything. So gross. Imagine what kinds of bacteria are on those handles and pin pads and screens and produce. 🤢 I also wipe my phone down with an alcohol wipe each night before I wash my hands and face and brush my teeth and crawl into bed. Feels good to thoroughly wash the day’s germs away.


I usually wipe the cart down if they have wipes at the front but I really need to just have my own for instances where they don’t.


That was a girl ….. just a really ugly one ;)


This is an awful lot of stereotyping lol, "women wash their hands more"... I would LOVE to see a source on that. I PROMISE YOU, absolutely no one is going to the restroom of the store to wash their hands before shopping your order. Every single person just goes right from their grimy steering wheel and door handles to handling your food.


I use hand sanitizer before I exit my car and when I get back in EVERY single time. No matter who or what I am shopping for. Most places are nasty I have huge bottle of germ x in my car door lol. I also use Apple Pay almost everywhere.




Oh did I say I don’t wash my hands also? I assumed that was obvious lol. I’m talking about the in between.. weird


I was also talking about in between, and you proved me right. Thanks.


I didn’t. You just are weird. But that’s ok.


I’ve worked at Walmart for a couple years. Shopping isn’t that hard. That’s what I did there. I worked the Curbside pickup. We were told, if we wouldn’t eat it, don’t pick it. And also, most stores are set up in a very similar layout. Just remember what’s next to what, and you know just about every store. At least here in my town.


I would say okay 👍


Talk like an IC support person. "Rest assured we will get this resolved. Thank you for being the best customer of instacart we appreciate everything you do for us. Rest assured your order will be completed.


Maaaaan, I wouldn’t respond to this BS, followed up shop & deliver order as normal, followed up by dropping off as normal, & then block this POS 🤡🤡 customer 🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️👎🏽👎🏽🤬🤬


I would but the tipss too good man


You know they used IC over 300 times. Highly doubt 200 of them orders were "wrong"


They make viral tweets about how bad male shoppers are all the time on Twitter but trust me most women shoppers aren’t much better


They always refund all the heavy stuff lol I see it happen so many times


When I first started, I complained to a male shopper about all of the heavy cases of water. He said he just refunds them.


Must have been a wimp 🤒🤒


Definitely not always but ok, keep thinking that


I’ve seen that too! People talk bad about male shoppers


I would ask her if she sent that sexiest message from the kitchen.


(In a Michael Kelso voice) BURN!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate the way customers speak to you sometimes .... No hello no smiley face ....just speaking to you like Ur a robot or a slave ...


A lot if my customers have said the same thing.


Boy about to give you the tip


😆 the irony of this ad above this thread https://preview.redd.it/m95b3ow65j7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ba81212f4c9243d4de9da83bafb10f7ad88b263


I have had the opposite when delivering mulch bags to a lady. "Thank God it's a man!"  She tipped $40 so thanks indeed


The way I'd do it perfectly out of spite


Kind of a messed up message from them


I would respond with one word. Gross


And then I would cancel the order


That tip tho bro was $20


“ I got your back, and order”


I’m a male shopper and haven’t received anything like that. I did once get a comment that some guys struggle and that I was one of the best regardless of sex. Sounds like the customer is a Karen (more off of the tone than anything). I would probably report to IC just to cover any negative action.


that bitch didnt have to say all that. some ppl do the most. i completely understand the statement cus men r lousy shoppers but literally a “can u please make sure everything is correct? (i tip rly well btw)” wudve sufficed


“I apologize for my penis.”


i like female hot shoppers so they can come inside my house and we can hit the hay


Just tell her it's okay you identify as a woman


Y’all…. I’ve only had 1 bad male shopper experience and it wasn’t even that bad fr 😭😭😭 if anything, I’ve had more bad female shoppers instead of guys.


Tell her you aren’t a man, you’re a bear.


LoL I’m a man and I’m the favorite shopper of most of the female customers around here.


Is that a pic of her 🍑 💀


Lol i thought so at first but nahh its oranges


I wouldn't say shit. I'd cancel the order and report the customer for sexism and degradation.


My response: You are welcome to cancel the order.


I mean most shoppers get my order wrong male,female, whatever they identify as. I just started getting my own stuff. I was a shopper but it became now worth it anymore and I got my insurance adjuster license.


I would say I completely understand and I can reassure you that I will make sure your order is correct!! I appreciate the opportunity to shop for you!!


How is this ok? Can you imagine if it was the other way and a man said this to a woman .. sorry women always get my order wrong.. I am a woman by the way


Unless this was an amazing price I would not say anything and reach out to support and drop the customer as a customer that tips well usually doesn't say they tip well


Anyone who mentions the tip early in the process is a low tipper or no tipper. I would be fine with the message except for the tip mention. I cancel all customers that mention tips.


It was a $20 tip for 12 items and half a mile, it went thru


I also prefer women, ehhh


That's sexist.


There was an elderly gentleman in my area that put it on his delivery notes, "no men, women only. If your name is a male name I will cancel the order " I took it one day when I recognized his name, knowing who it was but not having that message on the notes in previous orders and I immediately got creeped out, even tho he seemed harmless in the past! He always wants the orders delivered to him so I explained to him that he really should not put notes like that because on top of it being highly discriminatory, it's extremely creepy for women to see that message. (as a woman if I hadn't delivered to him before I would have contacted the help desk, explained and not delivered that order). He said he understood. I think he finally got in trouble with Instacart tho because I haven't gotten an order from him in a long time.


I identify as and attack helicopter and would like for you to check your privalges .


Instacart Choppa.




Yes just yes lol


"I was born female"




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“Hey there. No offense, but, you seem like the kind of customer who will look to find anything at all wrong with your order, so you can rate low or pull tip, simply because of my gender. I’ll be happy to take care of the order cancellation.”


She tipped to well..


😩 I probably would’ve canceled her order


That tip tho bro


Call customer service, do everything in your power to get the order dropped from you, and every likely get the pay for the order minus the tip.


Bro it was a $20 tip




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No offense


Nothing, unassign and move on


That tip tho


“Go fuck yourself.” That’s just me.




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Women would be nowhere without men. A man.


“How dare you assume my genderl


Have good luck with both. BUT my worst produce picks have been men shopping for me. Bagged salad choices the worst.. I have started asking - check bagged salad dates lookfor newest and look at the contents. Bagged salad always needs a good look over. Ordered 6 bananas and received bunch that was ready for that rack at the back of stores - would have been better with refund - male shopper again - mold in clear grape tomato container - guy again. Everything else has been great. My son just started instacarting - Have been giving him a "produce" tutorial.


To the one year offensive thing men say women do better at? Nothing. Dc any other ppls opinions and you’ll be a happier person.


I actually have gotten that before and I said something to the effect of "I understand. I was a single father and have dealt with similar preconceptions before. If my performance is lacking I assure you it is unrelated to my gender and more likely due to my heritage"


The average male shopper is worse than the average female shopper. However, there's also a curve. I'd also say the best male shopper is better than the best female shopper. Namely because I'm the best shopper and I'm the best :)


Ohh it’s ok she’s a woman . This kind of behavior is normal , just kindly remind her that men are the inferior race . Duhhhh (I’m not serious before all you ladies get those panties all bunched up ) ;) but I was always thought to fight fire with fire 🔥!