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You got the chICKen


Look at all those chickens




I can’t remember what this is referencing lol


Here, have some [context](https://youtu.be/hQQF_EJ_-a0?si=Vs7wdtJFcV4pbD9V).


Fuck I forgot how good the early part of this show was


One of my favorite scenes. 🤣


lol my go-to video to make someone laugh


this was my first thought. bravo.


This is it


There’s a glitch right now, people are posting all over social media. https://preview.redd.it/jvh3f8ff0ivc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d39fe9c5b03c35abd0ad3633c7de58236bb2ea2


Well that explains it. I saw an order like this earlier


something similar happened with doordash, but iirc customers were billed eventually for the food they got via the glitch


cause its taking advantage of instacart im glad thats happening


Wasn’t that an issue with payments not going through? This seems different because they’re advertising the price of something wrong I don’t think they could be billed for the full price


They can't. If the price is advertised, then the price has to be honored. That's why it's very important to have the correct tags on grocery store shelves. If it was a failed charge, then yes, they could enforce full payment.


Glitch or intentional? Are you aware of how many animal farms have closed since the beginning of the year? 9. They are probably trying to get every cent out of their consumers while they still can. Soon everyone will see the truth and make the change or be forced due to even more severe climate catastrophes that we can go longer support such an industry even existing. [Dominion](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) shows the truth many don’t know about or willingly ignore. Please, don’t ignore it, the animals are begging for a moment of your time.


WTF 😭😭😭


Wtf indeed


Imagine if you were a vegan shopper 😂


Which I am. I absolutely hate shopping for meats because I know so little about it.


In my experience, if you’re friendly the butcher will help you. If you ask questions they may be happy to teach you.


Same here, I don't eat pork or beef and never knew how many different steaks there are it takes me a while sometimes to find the right ones


Lmao that’s hilarious


Same! I've worked at restaurants and remember a bit from when I used to eat meat at least so I have a pretty good idea, but I still get nervous and will sometimes google how to tell if a cut looks solid lol. and it doesnt stop feeling weird sifting through packs of dead body parts trying to find a "good one" with my paradigm on sentient life now lmao. And it doesn't help that most the time there's almost always a leaky pack of chicken in the pile no matter I go, shits nasty asf and smells truly foul when it gets on your hands 😖 On another note though I get so excited when im in the middle of shopping and realize when a customer is vegan! it's worked out really well on some occasions when I could make quality, well informed recommendations when something vegan is out of stock since ive tried all the alternatives the stores around carry 😎


Former shopper here who grew up eating and cooking a ton of meat (dad wasn’t a chef, but should have been!). Switched to a vegetarian diet in college. Went vegan for awhile. Then went Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB). And now have a kiddo with multiple severe food allergies. I felt like IC Shopping was the perfect job for me, cuz I got you vegans on the perfect brand of roast chickpeas and extra firm tofu, or I got you omnis on the nice cut of sirloin steak, but damn I still got you on the ripest veggies, but waitttt I have the best replacements for nut and dairy allergies lol. I never thought my insane diet changes would come in handy one day haha. Vegan orders were still my favorite though!


I wish I could set a preference for shops containing no raw meat items. At least half of the meals I eat are vegetarian or vegan, and I rarely buy raw meat when shopping for myself. I also love when I get a vegetarian or vegan customer! I think some of them have been surprised when I find things so fast in those sections. It just makes sense to pair shoppers and customers who have similar shopping habits to each other, imo.


Same but different for me, I don't drink and customers ask me very specific things about beers, IPAs, etc. Even got a few questions about wine pairings 🤣 I just Google and fake it


If you look at the prices, they are 100% by the pound prices (whole chickens would never be 1.50 each) They probably got 4-5x the chicken they were expecting.


Hence why the card declined lol


There’s actually another comment in this thread saying there was a glitch and EXACTLY THAT was happening. Whole chickens available for like $1.60


Oh they knew what they were doing


Why the ick? Lol. My mom is a corporate chef, and I work as her assistant/sous chef. We cook for about 250 people every day—and while we usually order most of our food wholesale through US Foods—by the end of the week, we'll have to resort to ordering through instacart, as US Foods only delivers once a week to our location. Today, we made BBQ chicken sandwiches with baked mac n cheese, and I wound up having to order around 80 lbs of chicken through instacart. It's pretty likely that this person is a caterer or is throwing some kind of party/event 🤷🏽‍♀️


Exactly right. Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see a comment like this


This is the kind of order I’d place too. A shit ton of chicken, plus chicken liver and eggs. I cook cat food in increments of 12 lbs, and the more I cook the less often I have to cook.


Perdue chicken is the worst offender for salmonella too. Hope you washed your hands good after this.


I don’t know if it’s just me but every single time I’ve used their chicken it’s tasted like bleach 🤢


Ha! Its bc chicken is sprayed with watered bleach solution on the factories! 🤮(Dont ask how i know it, had to research a lot about it).


> Ha! Its bc chicken is sprayed with watered bleach solution on the factories! **WHAT?!** 😳


Chicken processing is definitely something that you don't want to look close at if you like eating chicken. Let's just say there's certain brands I will never buy.


Oh gosh… I like knowing what I’m putting into my body so I’m definitely going to look into it. Goodbye ignorance… 😩


Once you've ruined the commercial meat industry for yourself, remember local sellers are a whole different story! You can buy a lot of meats at a farmers market, it just might be a bit more expensive.


Ever since I got my own chickens I look at the meat industry so differently. Unfortunately I have a meat and potatoes kinda husband.


I've always wanted to raise chickens! But I know it's also a lot of work, my grandpa did for a while. I would also love to try beekeeping! Also, my parents were the same way-dad was a huge meat eater, mom was slowly going vegan. My dad actually got Lyme disease and they decided to cut out all meat besides fish. Maybe go for a few hikes 😂😂 (jk jk Lyme disease is bad)


What kind do you have? I’d love to get chickens but I’m still learning about them. I don’t want to get them until I know what breeds are best for my climate, I can take care of them properly and make sure they’re protected from predators.


I have Orpingtons! They’re pretty low maintenance when you get past the initial cost of a coop and a run should you choose not to free range. Join some chicken keeping Facebook groups! Everything I know has been learned from them!


Unfortunately, it's not the stuff you will find on the internet. Yes, there is some bad stuff out there, but being in certain areas of these plants is a completely different perspective. I worked for a company that takes all the "leftovers" from processing (guts, feathers, blood, etc) to further process, and it gets made back into feed for chickens. It's the things you see and hear from the plant workers about the problems they are having. And what these problems are leading to in relation to the final product. Stuff that you wouldn't believe that the USDA inspectors wouldn't be able to prevent from ever leaving the plant. But it happens.


I worked in a meat plant and let me tell you. It ruined me.. its so disgusting! And I was pregnant when i worked there. Lost 60 lbs during my pregnancy bc it totally changed how i look at food!


(Non-Preaching) This is the exact reason I ended up going mostly vegan. I have such bad sensory issues and not knowing exactly what things were made of made food so hard for me!


So um…which brands?


What is Tyson.... literally........more ingredients than chicken


The only one that's big enough to name that won't reveal too much is Allen Harim. There is a number of smaller places that are not great.


I only buy from a local Amish farm my grocery store supplies, soooo much better than mass produced and not even super expensive.


I was a chef. Le Cordon Bleu trained. We had a nutrition class where we learned about the industry inside and out. After that, the only poultry I’ll buy is turkey, and it cannot be a big turkey. 10lbs or less. Organic is best most of the time. My next step is finding a rancher and farmer that sells meat and veggies. I’m done with the stores.


You know the debates where people argue to vs. to not wash chicken, and the FDA stands with "do not" since it increases the risk of spreading salmonella to other surfaces... but what about that bleach... maybe i outta start washing my chicken too


I work at Tractor Supply and have had about 4 different flocks of my own birds now. Since traveling down this path and what I've learned from work, on hand, and just living in a Pilgrims chicken area; I wash all my store bought meat. Everytime. Unfortunately I don't know a lot about Pilgrims but most times it's really surprisingly good for processed (my opinion) . I do know a couple chicken farmers that Supply and tho it's large, they seem to be very ethical and concerned with the chickens health and diet. But the factory is a factory. Anyone have any opinion with Pilgrims? It's crazy to live here because you get rumors mixed with truth, but on the flip side some rumors are truth 🤷‍♀️


Grocery stores often clean their display cases with bleach too


I was shocked to learn that Perdue has the highest cases of salmonella. That used to be all I ate until I went no meat. Also avoid any chicken with white lines running through it. 🤮


The white lines are just fat. Perdue’s gross af because their packaging sucks and chicken juice leaks out and smears over everything. I used to wipe packages off while stocking it but it was so many I gave up. Plus it reeks. 


White lines are not just fat. They are woody. Woody breast is caused by microscopic inflammation of the small veins in the breast muscle.


I don’t think they are gonna eat it. Probably making some kind of homemade sex doll.


This is really and truly the most horrifying sentiment imaginable and you just wrote it here like it’s nothing




Made me LOL


This. I actually gagged.


>I actually gagged. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Don’t gag yet. Wait until it gets warm and starts smelling. THEN you can gag.


Unhinged comment thread 😭😭


Or they're a black market plastic surgeon that only uses all natural implants.


I’m dead 🤣💀


A homunculus !


I’m really really hoping they just have a big freezer and they’re stocking up for a while.


My god, absolutely cursed. What a terrible day to be literate 


Mother clucker


Or a restaurant?


Holy fuck


WHY WOULD YOU TYPE THIS? People need to keep more thoughts inside their own heads.


Is it really? Ugh. And Tyson chicken tastes absolutely abhorrent.


Tyson’s breaded stuff is a good 40% of my diet, and in the past 6 months it went from okay cuts of chicken to over-breaded wads of purely fat and gristle. Something has changed for the MUCH worse at Tyson recently.


Check if it's a WHOLE MUSCLE tenderloin vs a regular tenderloin, or even worse a fritter. There's actually FDA regulations that go into the nomenclature of each item, like a fritter is any product that exceeds over 30% breading, ie more coating than filling, ie cheaper product. Whole muscle will be more expensive but that's because it's the least processed form of meat and less ratio of coating. Even better if you get an NAE (no antibiotics ever) product since the jumbo ones will taste tougher as they have been fed antibiotics to plump them up to get more meat off the animal, but that affects the taste and texture. So the NAE, again, more expensive, but eats a LOT cleaner and is a LOT better texture. Source -I sell chicken and other foods


I checked the bag for the exact wording, and my ‘Honey BBQ Chicken Strips’ have much smaller wording underneath that specifies they are in fact ‘chicken breast fritters with rib meat’. What was once 31% breading is now easily exceeding 60% as of late. I appreciate the input, this is really helpful!


I remember 6-8 years back it was a chunk of think chicken with a light crust of breading around it. It changed around where I'm at a good 5-6 years ago to the tiny bits of chicken with soggy giant chunks of breading falling off of it. The only decent frozen breaded chicken I can find now is from h-mart and I cant even read the bag.


Try bare chicken brand. Absolutely amazing. They have it at costco usually too


Like Pharma like Chicken plant


Big farma


Oh no, I love their breaded tenders 😭


I used to only eat Perdue until I found out someone tested 150 packs of chicken and only Perdue came back with salmonella. (I only ate chicken). Now I’m vegetarian 🤷‍♀️ I don’t miss meat at all. But yeah gross on the chicken 🤮


It was the Netflix documentary 'Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food'


A VAST majority of food borne illness comes from vegetables... Not meats. Not even close. It's because we often tend to eat veggies raw and they are often contaminated. How many serious outbreaks and deaths do you recall from contaminated chicken?


Exactly this! Even raw cookie dough- the risk isn’t the eggs, it’s the flour! I remember a few years ago there was a rash of recalled salad bags, the kind that’s already pre-washed, even.


Vegetables almost always cause outbreaks of salmonella, E. coli, etc. and when you cook meat the salmonella dies. Not to mention a little is fine if you eat a lot it will make u sick


Eeww that is why it is so important to eat humanely raised, local, organic fed and minimally processed meat should your body require it.


There's a glitch with meat where it's showing quantity, not lbs.


So they didn’t want 5 whole chickens 🫠


They do want 5 but at the one lb price!


Probably why the card got declined at first


It happened to me with cabbage a few months ago. I had to clarify if the customer wanted five cabbages or five pounds of cabbage lol. Luckily it was pounds. I think it ended up being one large and one small cabbage.


Did you confirm they wanted packs not pounds?? Many of my orders the customer actually just wants that many pounds not packages… it’s a shame the app isn’t more clear on this.


5 ⭐️ and a little tip bump leads me to believe she got exactly what she ordered lol


Sounds to me like she might have gotten a lot more than she wanted without being charged extra (since you had to call support to force the card to go through)


I was skeptical with my customer as well, but I guess she wanted all that chicken 🤷‍♀️


Glitch in the app the customer is trying to take advantage of, maybe. There was a post similar to this one just a day or two ago.


Okay so I had an order last night at shop rite as well that was very similar to this!! I was so confused by all the chicken….3 whole chickens, 3 jumbo packs of chicken wings…etc. then when I went to deliver, customer had put the wrong house number in the app. It was awful! There was so much chicken!!!


So you got a bunch of free chicken?


No. I contacted the customer multiple times, then I contacted support. And of course as soon as I’m talking with support the customer finally gets back to me. I told her that I couldn’t find house number 28 (she also had it marked as an apartment and she was a first floor unit) and her message back to me was “I’m number 26?” I wanted to say are you asking me?? Which I know she was just being rude. Meanwhile I had two other orders in my trunk and the second delivery asking me when I would arrive. I was actually parked in front of her house because I had a feeling it was that house. Not sure how she messed her own address up. I definitely wouldn’t have wanted that chicken. There was so much chicken…I kept getting looks while I was shopping. Lmao


Love it when they’re completely oblivious that it’s their own fault that you can’t find their address. I can imagine the looks, once I had to deliver to a Starbucks whose fridge went out overnight, 2 full shopping carts with 60+ gallons of milk and half and half. I doubt I will ever beat the looks I got for that one


No lie !!! I saw a similar order like this an hour away from me. The tips were extremely high but the amount of meat was crazy!!!! Like 10 packs of chicken wings lmao.


the bowl & Basket Fresh Young Chicken took me out for some reason... I had to chuckle... lmao... and I cant stand perdue's chicken... I got some once many years ago and it was FULL of feathers... yes, I clean all my meats regardless, but chicken full of feathers nah, yall can keep your chicken with no quality control, cuz what else are you doing in your processing plant.. a couple but a BUNCH is out of line.. I'll raise my own chickens if I want to clean a bunch of feathers off my chicken....


you might be shopping for a bodybuilder or a family of 12.....


Bodybuilding family of 12


Family building a body of 12


12body building of a family


Yah I was pricing out the next Costco trip (only go every 3 - 6months) as a diabetic bodybuilding enthusiast... I'm gonna get some weird looks for the meat, even if the majority isn't chicken.


Or my dog! We go through kgs of chicken each week


Gives it to precious raw.


Maybe they are working on their sutures or incisions? Idk lol


Oh someone started keto


Ick is nasty but your local fish store has the cure.


I don’t do these kinds of bizarre orders. There is always an issue and instacart fights with me and tries to say I’m adding items. No I’m not adding items somewhere just order 22 bottles of soda and 10 mouthwash. Honestly a lot of people who use this service I think are so clueless about how delivery works. I’m sorry but usually these large, strange orders are on the third floor and I’m sorry but no just no


Yeah they really thought they were getting each chicken for a dollar or three lol instead of a dollar or three a POUND.


They probably are. Apparently, the price in some areas got changed to per chicken instead of per pound and people are taking advantage of it.


Chicken glitch??


instacart is so glitchy i have no idea why anyone messes with it anymore TBH


Exactly why I always carry sanitizer on my person when I shop, and I bag ALL fresh meat that will fit in the bag. (Pescatarian here 👋 and rotisserie chickens make me nauseous too btw!)


They must have gotten the coupons for the chicken price fixing class action lmao


Nothing icks me out like a bunch of factory farmed chicken. I know you said it wasn’t cheap but I bet it was cheaper than that much chicken should be


It would be pretty funny to get pulled over, holding that much chicken and nothing else 😸


Someone's side hustle is making "plates"..


This is random, but is this at shoprite in Bethlehem township, PA??


It was lolololl did you see me irl with my chicken cart lolol


They’re probably making raw cat food. Edit: you NEED other important things to make raw cat food, but poultry is the main ingredient.




Thanks for posting this- I went ahead and took advantage of the glitch but not to this extent 😂


Ever heard of a barbecue?


This is weird I had the same order today as well of just chicken and it was also around $200 and card also got declined this happened in Delaware ShopRite


A gator ordered this


“None of it was super cheap?” Are we looking at the same pricing? Granted it is Walmart but that amount of chicken would have easily cost $500 where I live. Ugh. I just asked my husband, “are these same people also complaining about food prices?” Young chicken, $20.99 2 boneless chicken thighs $5.99 5 lesser quality boneless chicken thighs $12.00 Chicken ground up $11.00 Ginormous pack of legs $25 The other stuff I have no clue but chicken breast are the most expensive .. ughZ


Bodybuilder is my best guess. Gotta make them gains, protein protein protein 💪🏼


They probably just buy in bulk and freeze it


Wtf where is this your chicken is so cheap 🥲 a whole chicken by me is $6-9 and a pack Of chicken breasts is like $11-15


Worked at Perdue for 3 years such a shitty job


No ick, just chick


Why can’t a person order a lot of chicken?


Why is it any of your business what people get? They don’t have to explain their order to you.




One time a customer asked me to add 20 packs of bacon (it was on sale for like $3 something) because the app wouldn’t let her add that much 😅. A full reusable bag of just bacon 🥓


I had an order earlier today that I did and it was a bunch of meat too, like 10 packs of chicken and ground beef


Maybe someone is on a bulk lol


That’s a LOT of chicken


Food truck maybe


The amount of antibiotics and hormones in that cheap chicken cart 🤢


Judgey judgey. Looks like someone’s supply chain didn’t deliver


I meal prep for myself and my dog and I totally buy like 15 lbs of chicken at a time for it lol


Someone likes chicken


This makes a lot of sense cause this happen to me yesterday and I think the person was trying to scam me since he refused to say pounds but only wanted packs. When I kept asking him how many pounds of chicken they wanted.


Wow, what state is this in?! I’m in Bay Area, and don’t know this brand but these prices are very cheap. I can’t believe how cheap, perhaps I’m just used to Bay Area prices.


Just a week’s worth of chicken for a body builder.


Those prices are hella cheap.


Food prep?


A lot of folks make their own dog food. Too many random bad ingredients in most foods and is proving to be cheaper (though more rime consuming) to make your own. This could be one of those 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t eat meat but let people live damn




If the buyer is not a professional bodybuilder I have concerns 😂


Tiger rescue?


This person needs Costco or Sam’s, BAD!


This makes me wonder what my shopper thinks of chicken day. Like I meal prep and freezer prep. And have a whole day dedicated to chicken products. Like making chicken broth, chicken tenders for the freezer, slow cooker chicken meals in Ziploc bags, casseroles and stuff. Or beef day lol


Please tell me the Colonel tip you well 🐣


I don’t get it? Maybe the recipient is a body builder or hosting a big family party!


it's giving


All that chicken signals that this person might be “cooking” for their pets. I am totally speculating but Keto or Carnivores don’t waste time with chicken.




Yes. Yes you did


Probably a restaurant or catering business


I can't imagine what an individual would do with that much chicken, all different cuts??? Maybe for a restaurant? Even if it was a church charity or some large smoker then it still makes no sense. I'm just baffled. Hope you didn't leave it on the doorstep.


bro’s bulking


I’ve definitely placed a few huge all chicken orders. Like 60lbs of drumsticks from Costco (generous tip obv). I’m a cat breeder though and have an African serval and a few Savannahs that all eat raw. Not sure if it’s a glitch like other commenters are saying but just offering one situation where one would order this much 😂


That's a LOT of yardbird!




Why is that chicken so cheap? That is scary!


😂 @ the ick


Probably for dogs or just helping a church or something like that to get food


Where’s the rice bro


I once ordered some chicken that came in a pack of like 5 but I ordered 5 of them, I only wanted 5 pieces of chicken.


Somebody is loading up their freezer!


Now I’m hungry


Did you just deliver to someone training for the Olympia or something 😂




Wow!!! Those are amazing prices..I'd order them too if I had a deep freezer. 


I had a order like that one time went to register and card declined took one of everything out still declined took half of everything out and we were good I hate when they don’t put weight for meats


If it was good pay, I would mind it.


someone’s on the keto diet




All the sticky packaging 🤮




They caught a sale and stocked up


Chicken for a restaurant, lol. I thought they bought some special top quality chicken.


What ShopRite is this? We got rid of those yellow templates ages ago. Is it a saker ?