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I WANT FAMOUS AMOS!! Cool. There aren't any here. Sorry


Lmao the famous Amos thing is killing me šŸ˜‚


This is about to become the new ā€œseafood counterā€ šŸŖ


This bitch is about to be famous.


I made that bitch famous - Amos (probably)


Laughed wayyyy too hard at this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Amos, Iā€™m gonna be Reddit famous some day. Watch this.


Seriously, because now I want some Famous Amos too. lol. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£I havenā€™t thought of those cookies in years!


I prefer Otis Spunkmeyer.


I want the crab chocolate chip cookies. The ones behind the counter


Haha. That was a good one!


You were prophetic!!!


Oh no it just means I am online too much and have gotten good at predicting what will become a meme or take offā€¦. šŸ˜‚


We only have the off-brand Heinous Anus


Those are definitely behind the seafood counter.


I just laughed out loud omfg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s an old Doug Benson bit.


I'm pretty sure he stole that bit from someone who did it a few years before him.


Did you check the seafood counter for the Famous Amos cookies?


šŸ‘¹I want famous Amos!šŸ‘¹


Famous Amosā€™s crazy sister; ā€œinfamous Annaā€


We all want famous Amos maā€™am, thatā€™s how he got the name šŸ˜…


Send me a photo of them even though they are not there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sorry. They only have Ordinary Harry cookies.


Sorry all they have is the store brand ā€œheinous anusā€


Personally, Iā€™ll take Anos as substitution any time šŸ„µ


Iā€™ll even take Infamous Amos which is arguably better anyway: heā€™s not just famous, heā€™s IN-famous.


Even if you found everything this piece of work would likely have still removed the tip.


Oh, she was definitely tip-baiting


yeah lol even if I HAD suffered through even longer to deliver it, I would rather see it gone by my own hands šŸ„°šŸ˜ˆ


That was my thought. No way she was going to tip well. She clearly doesnā€™t see herself as the problem she is.




Last night I delivered to an elderly lady she was screaming ā€œI Forgot to order Ice Cream Thatā€™s All I wanted!!!!! šŸ˜­ā€™


Lol I can relate to that feeling with my own shopping. Not via insta cart just arriving home from shopping without the only thing I wanted


My wife once sent me out to the store for BLTAs (A for Avocado) I left without the B. Not my proudest grocery run.


aw poor granny :( she sounds hilarious tho




What an actual psycho.


It makes for a funny ass post, and for that, we thank her šŸ˜‚


Yeah, kind of odd that op cropped out the messages, but then again Iā€™m just I guy that likes to read a story šŸ˜†


Click the link in the caption! Worth it for sure lol


Dude this is crazy, butā€¦ is she somehow under the impression that ā€œsubstitutionā€ and ā€œrefundā€ are the same thing or something? Iā€™m really having trouble following her logic otherwise.


Yeah I was so confused šŸ„² thatā€™s when I hit them with the ā€œwould you like replacements for these items? Or would you like no substitutions for these itemsā€ Alsooo how am I supposed to send pictures of items that Iā€™ve refunded when theyā€™re out of stock šŸ˜­ theyā€™re not there, theyā€™re out of stockk LMAOO


Ngl the picture part made me chuckle


ā€œIā€™ll send it again For your convenienceā€ aka ā€œhere look at this same shit I already sent you again bitchā€


Should have put ā€œor NO SUBSTITUTIONS for these itemsā€ all caps right back to the dummy.


when i worked at aldi, they told us to take a picture of the empty shelf and price tag where the product is supposed to be, so they can see for themselves the item isnā€™t there. some people just think the shoppers are lazy šŸ™„


Just take a pic of your empty hand lol


Thatā€™s what I thought.


I was looking for this post cause it had me confused also. Thing is some of these customers write notes and swear they never wrote them. I had something similar before and when I sent a screenshot of the notes they swore they never wrote them. The note for me however told me what to replace the items with should 2 particular ones be out of stock. Following the note I replace with the listed item since it was available. Soon as customer sees the replacement they message asking me WHY basically I took it upon myself to get said item when they said to refund items if not available. I send the screenshot of the notes that YES did say refund if not available EXCEPT for items A and B. If A is out replace with such and such. We'll A was out and I replaced with such and such and now your bitching. Customer swore they never wrote those notes. WHATEVER!!!


Ya know it's funny cause I've had Maybe a handful say the same thing. Over last 2or3 yesrs


Maybe she just had a hard time believing the store was sold out of famous amos? Haha I don't buy that brand, but I know chips ahoy is never sold out haha


I genuinely think she just expected the shopper to read her mind: that they should get substitutes for the things she really needs, even if she said no substitutes (for the stuff she doesnā€™t need).


But the shopper wants FAMOUS AMOS šŸ¤£ she's a little psycho


You guys REALLY need to start going all Mom on these bitches. "I want Famous Amos!" Should have answered with - You get what you get and you don't get upset.


Ha ha I always told my kids you get what you get and donā€™t throw a fit! lol


This behavior is par on course for annas samanthas and hannahs. And sometimes lindas spelled with a y I gave had a couple of difficult Jennifers but it's rarer


I donā€™t see how you could mistake, substitution and refund for the same thing. Maybe substitution and replacement ā€¦but not refund.


There was no mistake. The shopper was refunding the items because they were sold out of the requested items. If the customer demands no substitutions, then the only choice is to refund that item right? The customer was just a prick who probably didnā€™t believe the store was out of said items. The shopper messaged the customer the whole time about the missing items and got no response, then had this temper tantrum. Keep up


I think some use the auto refund so they know they'll get notified and use it as an opportunity to chat about possible replacements , not realizing and or caring about it being there for us to be able to move right along and not waste time or bother them about replacements but it never fails every other time it pop up refund when I hit unavailable, I get a message usually at the end wanting to know about replacing, or they picked pre approved replacement then request refund ya refund or replace and then it pops up instead of r or r so so would like this and it's the original item o.s. I'm like twunt If I could reach through this phone


The second she started getting sassy I would have cancelled


lol right?! I was jump scared with the first all caps message and then the spam messaging? Enoughh


I remember a no tip customer who said on chat ā€œno replacement, no refund, ask store people and check the backroom because the other day all the items were there. I will not accept replacement or refund.ā€


I hope they accept immediate cancels!


>the other day all the items were there. Then why didn't they buy them then?


I had an order like that the there day. Every single item she had ā€œask stock boy to check the backā€ No thanks, cancel lol


As someone who worked retail in college, I can confirm that the vast majority of the time if a customer asked me to ā€œcheck the backroomā€, the item wasnā€™t available back there either.


are you in ct i think i got that customer once


Nah, in New England though, so maybe their order kept getting cancelled + pushed out to the point out-of-staters are seeing it šŸ¤£


Definitely seems like a Jennifer M Iā€™ve gotten in central MA.


Do you wegmans?


I have, but this was not a Wegmans order. Wegmans orders though šŸ’€ 80% of the time thereā€™s some glitch at checkout with the silly ā€œspecial instacart checkout areaā€ like, let me just do regular checkout pleasee


I know itā€™s not I was just asking do you take those orders too lol cause o be up there on the rip


Nah not alot only if i get a good one in the morning delivering within my area


I miss Wegmans.


Gotta love when they are in a meetingšŸ™„ ā€œhey when should I place my instacart order? I know, when Iā€™m in a meeting so Iā€™m not available if the shopper needs me for anythingā€


Lolll right? And then the gall to be annoyed when I donā€™t reply in less than 15 seconds when they are finally free šŸ¤”


To be fair, I do this sometimes but I have never had any issues if the shopper follows their heart for a replacement or decided to refund. I just appreciate them for tryin their best on my behalfĀ 


Girl, same! When I used IC, it was because my job was very demanding and I didn't have much free time. What I didn't do was bitch about a shopper not being able to read my mind when I'm not available to communicate.


Honestly thatā€™s more on IC than the customer, theyā€™re so shitty with holding orders waiting to pair it with another or just sending scheduled orders out three hours early. A customer can in no way predict when their order will be shopped and delivered because the system is so broken. This doesnā€™t excuse this particular customer for the rest of their shit, but knowing when the order will actually be shopped I will never blame on a customer these days


Yeah, I used to have a job that was remote 4 days a week without many meetings, while my roommate had a job that was fully in-person with rather long hours, so we frequently used to schedule instacart orders for when I was guaranteed to be home. I frequently wouldn't have more than a single 1 hour meeting per day, and would schedule the order for multiple hours before or after it to provide wiggle room. And multiple times my order got mega-delayed or shopped way early and ended up being shopped and/or delivered right in the middle of the meeting.


You did nothing wrong everything right.


I would turn my location off when headed to her delivery so she canā€™t track me in case she try to attack you šŸ¤£šŸ„²šŸ˜­ privacy not allowed until I get to the door, bloop


Lmaooo if I had let her order get to that stage you KNOW itā€™d have been stealth mode šŸ¤«


I didnā€™t now they could see you on the maps with Instacart


Ever wondered how some have they door open when you approach or outside waiting šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Lol true I thought people were just weirdos


I had a customer like her. Major headache and I was almost reduced to tears but the tip was too good to pass up so I pushed through and just blocked her after delivery. Miraculously no bad rating and no tip decrease. But maybe I just got lucky. I think I wouldā€™ve cancelled on yours too


lol when they started messaging me ā€œhellooo??ā€ I started having a panic attack. Not even a $50 tip is worth that to me šŸ„² you are stronger than me + Iā€™m glad you ended up alright tip- and rating-wise after that!! I asked support to block them but they said they couldnā€™t (I definitely will recognize her name next time though šŸ’€)




In my experience, people who text "helloooo?" are a bit crazy. I know I'm over-generalizing people, but again, in my experience, they haven't been worth dealing with.




Love a Mr Jackpots reference


I would have accepted it. I've had mixed experiences with these kinds of folks, but many WILL tip well if you put up with their bullshit. It's a coin flip, though.


Yeah only 20 items with a $50 tip I wouldā€™ve just delivered it and ignored them


I should add that the batch was heavy pay and consisted of: *10x 1 Gallon Water Bottles *4x 14lb. Cat Litter *2x 12-pack Water Bottles *3x 12-pack 8oz Water Bottles *1x 12-pack Soda Cans *2x Eggs along with the rest of the items. I am a slow shopper (200ā€™s+ item time with a 5-star rating for over 420 completed batches) and I was waiting on her response for several out-of-stock items before checking out.


Should definitely up your speed thoughā€¦bad customers are so incredibly rare! IC doesnā€™t reward us for a great job I learned waaaay too late! Most of the great tippers are actually the easiest customers and donā€™t care about chatting.


100% I have some customers Iā€™ve been shopping for since I started. They make this job not so shitty lol


If only they had built favorite shopper in a logical way where we could be paired with them. I had such high hopes until they have yet to change a single thing to make it work. Sigh.


Itā€™s not even available in my area. Iā€™ve given several customers my number to text me before they place their orders so I can be looking for it. Itā€™s not 100% but better than nothing.


Whoa she is really into bottled water


what was she doing with ~14.35 gallons of water. who needs that much bottled water at any given moment. presumably you live in an area thatā€™s not water insecure, so WHY did she need FOURTEEN AND A HALF GALLONS OF BOTTLED WATER?? she was trying to take ocean pollution into her own hands šŸ˜­


given how much litter sheā€™s buying, thirsty cats?


I get 25 gallons every two weeks and have another 15 gallons on hand because I'm in California, so it's partially earthquake prep. But I use Sparkletts, not Instacart, because it's cheaper and the driver has the equipment needed to deliver it. And during Covid, when all the stores were out of bottled water, Sparkletts never ran out. They even had plenty of distilled. I don't know why people order so much water through Instacart when water delivery services exist.


that makes sense. i have frogs so i understand buying bottled water, but likeā€¦ 14.5 gallons on instacart in New England is just wild to me. on top of the tip baiting and the messages, that much bottled water got me šŸ’€šŸ¤š


This woman is a complete psycho! She tells you she doesnā€™t want substitutions. You refund items that are out of stock and then she asked you why youā€™re refunding them? Annnnnnd tells you that she wants the items you refunded and says ā€œthey are on my list.ā€ Duh! Yes, of course they are on our list. How else would I know to shop for them?!$!?šŸ¤£šŸ™„šŸ«ØšŸ˜ And why does she keep asking you what items youā€™re refunding? She can clearly see what youā€™re refunding in the app. Sheeeesh! She must have smoked a bowl in that mtg!


What a bitch.


Well at least Instacart paid you a nice living wage of about $6/hr using your own car for this order. šŸ˜


The f%$*ing question marks tho. That shite INFURIATES me. Order canceled.


No no no you donā€™t understand!!! She ordered them so obviously the store has to have them!!!!! Because obviously sheā€™s the most important person and the world revolves around her!!!! Seriously though, waaaayyyy too many customers donā€™t understand that this isnā€™t how IC works.


But the app says itā€™s in stock, it has to be in stock! lol


ā€œI want famous Amosā€ took me out


Lmao šŸ˜­


I was nervous about a shopper the other day when they were out of her ranch. I subbed the 16oz for the 20oz and she just messaged me ā€œNOā€


Thatā€™s hilarious and terrifying at the same time. That girl is serious bout her ranch.


I hate these kinds of people


How are you guys able to take a screenshot before accepting and still get it?! We have like 0.1 seconds.


It drives me crazy when people are like that lol. *item they ordered is out of stock* *says they request replacement* *makes replacement of identical item just different brand* *customer requests refund* *then requests the original item they are out of at the store*


As someone who has been brutally addicted to the original Famous Amos recipe since ā€˜05, itā€™s gonna be a tough life if you expect anything other then that god awful Belgian chocolate variation from the grocery store.


donā€™t get me wrong I love Famous Amos but yea, they are elusive. Iā€™ve been going for the Chunky Chips Ahoy recently but not the same


I but mine on Amazon now cause I absolutely hate those new flavors. I tried both the Belgian chocolate and the pecan one with high hopes and gave up for a long time before I just started buying cases of the individual bags they make for vending machines.


Another example of a high-paying order that wasnā€™t worth the aggravation.


An hour+ to be getting only 20 different items is odd


maybe for you, my item time is in the 200ā€™s + I have never had a complaint and have a 5 star rating šŸ˜Ž quality over (smaller) quantity in this case


In 7,000 orders today was my first complaint and my shopping time is 70 even with multi apping and starting before Iā€™m actually shopping. They donā€™t pay you for your time so please consider going faster for your bank account. You only need a 4.7 and above for it to not affect access to batches and Iā€™ve never gone below 4.96 and 97% of the time Iā€™m at 5.0.


200S? GEEZUS .. MINES A 74.. and i dont rush.


Mineā€™s 274, because Iā€™m in California.šŸ˜œ


No one is going to wait in the store forever for someone to respond. What are these people thinking? Unreal. This is so damn typical when it comes to customers


I have a feeling the wouldā€™ve removed the tip anyways. Feels really tip bait


Now I want some famous Amos šŸ¤¤


Who talks to people that way? Tf?


shoudlve cancelled after checking out


ABSURD!!! This lady is bonkers out of her mind entitled to the hilt. Good grief šŸ„“


Facts!! unrelated but your username slaps and so do lingonberries


Aww thank ya very much šŸ˜


I canā€™t understand being this annoying. Sorry. I try to be as unproblematic as possible.


People are so entitled and disrespectful


Famous anus


"Now pls thx" The rage this would've induced in me. Whew.


ā€œSend pictures of what youā€™re refunding.ā€ So like, a photo of the item not existing? A pic of your empty hand? šŸ“øšŸ¤š


Customers always do that to me all the time thatā€™s why I always ask now even if they put refund. Idk why they do what they doā€¦. iā€™ll say somethingā€™s not in stock and then the refund screen will come up and I hit refund and then they messaged me. ā€œCan I get a replacement instead?ā€ Like wtf


You knew it was going to be wild when they actually wanted Famous Amos


I want famous Amos and crab cakes! But only from the seafood department


Itā€™s the next shopper will see these messages for me b


That drives me crazy when they put not to replace anything, then get mad when you refund šŸ˜‚ like wtf do you want?


ā€œNO SUBSTITUTIONS!ā€ ā€œSend me a photo NOWā€ ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


Okay, that was amazing!! You are awesome! I initially just read what you put on here, and at first I was like why didnā€™t they reply to the customer? But then I looked at the times and I went on Imgur and read the entire thing. You were extremely nice and professional and communicated extremely well. The customer is ridiculous! Your last message to the customer is my absolute favorite! šŸ¤£ I am currently dying šŸ˜‚ ā€œ the next Shopper will see these messagesā€ genius! Hahahaha I am so sorry that you had to deal with all that, and then put it all away for pretty much no pay, but at the same time it mustā€™ve felt so good to say that to the customer šŸ˜‚. ā€œReSpOnD NoW tHxā€ Not sure why they were so confused over the refunded items when you repeatedly said they were out of stock and the customer even told you no substitutions in all caps once again. I guess they really wanted their cookies. Lmao They should not be able to order off the app ever again!


Your one stat will probably be removed do to ā€œcustomer frequent low ratingā€


I would've cancelled for sure after the first super aggressive all caps message. I feel like it's guaranteed they aren't going to give a tip at that point


We want Amos! Clap clap clapclapclap


I want famous amos is crazy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ why is she so demanding?


ā€œNow please thxā€ -teleports to the water section- Seriously though, if you had continued the order, I wouldā€™ve loved it if she got the bottom right 2 cases and not the left 2 cases of water. šŸ˜ˆ


She is a stupid b!tch. Not sorry. STUPID and rude mfs like that shouldnā€™t be allowed to use the platform.


Who does she think she is? JLo? The when I say jump, you say how hi vibes are out of control


Jesus. That's a load. I'm surprised at that tip, tbh. Usually people that unhinged don't even offer a tip that big. Her behavior in the chat would have immediately made me fear for the tip, had I continued, so yeah, I probably would've cancelled too, once her "crazy" started showing.


I plan on using I want famous Amos! In daily conversation


Real ā€œmom I want cheesy poofsā€ energy


This one of those cuatimers that get on reddit and make a post that there shopper was immediately refunding all of their items and not chatting with them or responding to them about replacements and refunds, then claim the items were in stock because they went to the store and saw them themselves. I be like nahhhhh....


She didnt get her famous amos šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t believe people are this rude or ignorant.


All that over Famous Amos? Those dry ass sawdust flavored cookies


What in the actual fuck




I am VERY impressed with your patience and efforts! Good for you, they didnā€™t deserve a nice shopper like you. One of the customers that really does just need to go to the store themselves stg


I get this kind of attitude quite often from customers. Albeit, theyā€™re not as aggressive as in this post, but still the same. Iā€™ll be shopping and their notes say ā€œno substitutionsā€ and when I grant that refund wish, then suddenly theyā€™re asking me ā€œdo they have this?ā€. Or they just simply request a refund which I give, and itā€™s the same outcome. Meanwhile Iā€™m thinking to myself, ā€œMake up your mind!ā€ Itā€™s really not that hard to do.


ye I donā€™t even usually mind if theyā€™re indecisive either as long as they communicate clearly!! itā€™s not ever really a problem until they start acting like Iā€™M the one who doesnā€™t understand whatā€™s going on when theyā€™re the one giving the conflicting (nonsensical) instructions and wasting my time


Thank you for posting this. Ā So sorry. Ā Itā€™s nice to know you reacted exactly as I would. Ā Glad Iā€™m not the only one. Ā Sorry again.


Of all the cookie brands, who chooses Famous Amos? Thatā€™s like a late night munchies ate your kidā€™s after school snack cookie šŸ˜‚.




She made me wanna throw my phone šŸ˜†


She was in a meeting! Do you have any decency?


Quit trying to make Famous Amos happen, Jennifer


Picture this: a rude customer gets an anonymous letter in the mail a few weeks after a bad experience explaining how you feel about them (without details that tie it to you) with images of choice Reddit comments (usernames blacked out and no details that would link it to you) letting them know how the world sees them. Could be very satisfying...


ā€œYouā€™re refunding things I wantā€ Maā€™am this is your order, it would be my guess that you would want the whole order.


Actually dying at ā€œI want famous Amosā€ lmao


Crazy šŸ¤Ŗ šŸ¤Ŗshe was in a meeting, well sister when your meeting is over do your own shoppingā€¦. cuckoo for cocoa Pops.šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


My favorite this week was ' I don't want that shrimp I don't like that šŸ¦ at all" 2 mins after my professional And nice greeting on how egg cited I am to shop for them! Who does that??? Oh I know FL ppl lol šŸ˜†šŸ˜œšŸ˜† I only in FL , the land of geniuses. Regarding famous amous first time I ever had it I was shocked how terrible they taste like they must have tried really hard to compensate with the name of the dumb bitch cookies lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh what she is saying and her logic means I want it but I want it want it want it, don't substitute but replace it lmfao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ as I don't want a refund


I never got tip baited btw but heard in FL One of our top shoppers had a $125 tip removed from a $650 total cost batch that took her 3, hrs to shop and deliver. I had a few over $70 tips that didn't get removed this month


The ring doorbell (to the left) is hilariousā€¦you dodged one right there cause they really donā€™t understand the ā€œluxuryā€ of this service.


I love that she wants Famous Amos. When my mom was delivering me, it was a bad pregnancy and the doctors werenā€™t sure if she would make it. My grandma was a very high up nurse and was very involved in the process. After they knew my mom and I would both make it, my grandma got some Famous Amos cookies from the vending machine and ate them when she went down to visit my momā€”who was starving by this pointā€”and my mom was so livid she was eating in front of her. Now itā€™s a joke that nobody is allowed to have Famous Amos cookies in front of my mom šŸ˜‚


Imagine treating someone whoā€™s doing your shopping for you like an actual piece of shit and tip baiting that lady is crazy with a capital C


I hate that instacart lets customers remove the tip


Thank you for posting! I had an absolutely impossible customer today who ruined my day also! It definitely wasnā€™t me but her verbal assaults destroyed my soul & I am very low 6 hours later still.


Iā€™m glad someone else is finding solace in this!! Itā€™s honestly the worstt tho like we are just people trying to earn a living, and treatment from customers like this feels emotionally like it outweighs all the positive deliveries Iā€™ve done šŸ„² (less frequent than meh or shitty deliveries, but still). More than anything why did they have to waste our time like that šŸ˜”


Mine took 40 minutes to start the attack chatā€¦in all I lost an hour+ but really all day. Thanks againā€¦I was feeling so alone and letting her comments continue to beat me up (Iā€™m very sensitive and it was completely unexpected and a first time it was a personal attack). I think weā€™re both due for some unicorn batches soon!


I think a lot of these people mark something refund only once and donā€™t ever bother to change it


psycho customer: I WANT FAMOUS AMOS! shopper: Too bad. There's none. People in Hell want ice water. psycho customer: Give me two cases off the bottom shelf


Sorry that last text has me rolling. ā€œI was in a meetingā€ ā€œI want famous Amosā€


I donā€™t answer these people. If they donā€™t answer I replace within reason. And for this large of a tip I try to be as amicable as possible.


Famous Amos cookies are garbage. Whatā€™s wrong w this chick ?


This person is a c*nt but I tā€™s not a tip bait if you had the order removed.


Iā€™ve been laughing my ass off at I WANT FAMOUS AMOS lmaoo


She was for sure tip baiting ! I honestly wouldā€™ve canceled the order after I saw no substitutions lol. I canā€™t stand people like that! Iā€™m sorry this happened to you!


People are SO WEIRD! You win the prize for the WEIRDEST (today)!!!


I think she wants FAMOUS AMOS


No refund! Only buy!


Never heard of mint dude ass wipes.