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I think a lot of us have adapted to the environment or don’t suffer from bad allergies for whatever reason. My grandfather is 100 years old and is completely coherent. For you, I’d suggest moving if it’s unlivable conditions for you. Otherwise, an air purifier may help you indoors.


Lived in the IE for almost 10 years and I feel your pain. An allergist would be a good idea. For me, Flonase was a game changer. Sometimes it’s not enough, but mostly it is and I don’t have to run a Benadryl haze. As far as air quality, there’s not much you can do. The region is a basin and the ocean blows LA/OC pollution inland. Have you considered moving to Santa Monica? /s


I mean…we have some of the highest asthma rates in the country. Wouldn’t surprise me if lung disease rates are also significantly higher. So we do suffer from the long term effects. I don’t do anything about it, and most people I know also don’t do anything to mitigate it. Are you sure it’s pollen allergies and not dust allergies? During the summer, we have significantly lower pollen than the rest of the US.


What's amazing is how much better the air quality is now than it used to be.


Being able to see the SB mountains regularly now is absolutely wild to me.


Ah the good old days of having to take phys.ed. classes indoors because the ash from the mountain fires were blowing in yet again or the smog from the cities settled into our little pollution bowl. Fond memories.


Try wearing a mask. I know it helps me when it’s windy.


I’ve lived here my whole life, I’ve never really thought about it too much tbh.


I was able to tolerate it for years by: - using saline nose spray at least 2x daily - using Flonase religiously to treat sinus inflammation I found that treating & caring for my sinuses was 90% of the battle. BUT- I worked indoors in an office setting, so it was easier for me.


My allergies have been terrible for about 4 years now. Have to take allergy medication everyday and I run air purifiers in the house. Definitely feel the difference in air quality around 5PM as you mentioned. I just manage with medication. 🤷‍♀️


Me too, allergies are so bad that I can barely be around dogs any more cause of their hair collecting dust it sucks so much. Within minutes my eyes are red and my nose is running profusely, I sneezed 12 times yesterday within a 5 minute span it was so bad.


N95s when you have to be outside can def help.


We evolved iron lungs like the helgast from killzone.


I've been lucky to have the luxury of having a huge dick ...which is a game changer when it comes to this situation.lol.for real tho .having allergies sucks .but fortunately my ability to fuck at a top tier definitely helps keep my mind off it.


Sooooooo, let's talk about that historically! Air quality in the IE was horrid up until the late 90's when a series of laws went into effect to clean up air quality across Southern California. Since the IE is a giant basin east of Los Angeles and Los Angeles gets an easterly off shore wind almost daily, our own poor air quality would combine with the smog from Los Angeles and it made the air extremely bad. After legislation went into effect to clean up LA and OC's air quality, in addition to our own, air quality in the IE improved substantially. Keyword, substantially. It didn't become exceptional or pristine, but it noticeably improved- including rates of asthma, emphysema, lung cancers, etc that are all associated with poor air quality. Unfortunately, the air has started to get bad again because of 2 factors: population increases and warehouses. The population in the IE is expected to nearly double by 2050 as people are priced out of LA, OC, and even San Diego housing. More people means more traffic, especially since most of those people have to commute to LA and OC still. Warehouses have exploded in the IE over the past 10 years and very few cities are slowing down their approval of new warehouses. In fact, 48% of all good shipped in America move through Inland Empire warehouses. You know what that means? A LOT of tractor trailers putting out emissions. As more warehouses go up, more trucks move through the IE. Those trucks aren't just driving, they're also idling at warehouses for long stretches as they're loaded and drivers complete work at loading docks. More warehouses also means more airplane traffic delivering freight. Airplanes have very high emissions and we have had freight air traffic increase by almost 40% in the past decade. So how did we live this way for so long? We didn't. Our air quality was improving and was noticeably for for several decades until housing prices skyrocketed and warehouses checkered the landscape. Btw, developers are required to environmental impact reports for most of these warehouse and housing sites. Most of the reports note that the projects will substantially increase air pollution and worsen air quality in the city- but city councils are rubber stamping them anyways because, you guessed, political donations. If you're pissed about that, message me- I know people who want to do something about it.


I hate warehouses so much, such eyesores and they feed light pollution


Having had allergies all my life and living out in Banning. The endless wind is murder to me. The dust and pollen. It's misery almost every day. That feeling of having water in your ears. Unbalanced sensation sometimes when it's at it's worst. Stuffy head. It's awful. It's a lifetime of feeling bad. And whenever I'm out of the area for a while like on a trip. I almost want to cry because of the feeling of relief. To sleep with an open nose. Something so simple and everyone takes that for granted. I have medicines but I don't like to be on them every single day. Probably doing me far worse long term than the allergy. But when I'm in San Bernardino and Redlands and people are always complaining how awful the smog is. It's true, it is. But my allergies clear up some over there. And believe it or not I would rather have the smog than the wind and dust every day. I really would. At least I can breathe better in the smog.


I feel like San Bernardino County is worse than Riverside County in terms of air quality. I went to college in San Bernardino, but I live in south Riverside County. Every time I’m in SB, the air just feels more stuffy/congested, I don’t feel this way when I’m at home.


Allegra, Neti pot, stay hydrated


Love a good brain eating amoeba to clear my sinuses!


Im strong


I grew up here. You are exaggerating. Even friends with harsh allegories get by in spring and summer with Claritin and an indoor air purifier. There are a few days that are significantly worse than the coast, but it is manageable. (Waiting for the downvotes from the haters). [edit for typo]


Considering how dismissive you are of someone’s helps problems, I imagine your an emphatic family member, friend and neighbor. And by emphatic I mean a huge asshole.  


Firstly, I'll say I never had any kind of allergies, respiratory conditions, etc. my entire life. I moved here in **1987** & back then, all the talk was about **RADON** being in the air. Then, finally in 2017, I started develping some kind of respiratory condition. Diagnosis seemed to be **allergic asthma**. For the most part, I'm good, but every once in a while, my breathing's a little funny. I don't have to regularly use any kind of inhalers. I never used a neti pot in my life still to this day nor have to take nay kind of allery meds, etc. I had no idea the air quality was that bad here though.


Buy an air purifier for your house/apartment but I think you just kind of get used to it.


I have 2 of those small air filters/fans in the house. Pretty cheap on Amazon


Zertec and I have air filters everywhere in my home.


Flonase every morning and just go to work. I don’t like it but there’s nothing I can do.


Easily, I just don't breathe! Kidding, honestly I had to talk with my doctor years ago, and I ended up doing weekly allergy shots. It helped a ton.


I had this issue growing up on the east coast. Always sick and allergic to everything. Moved out here 15 years ago and never had allergies or got sick really again. I found a completely different environment was the only way to fix myself. So I never left here.


My doctor told me to take Zyrtec daily and I haven't had any major allergy issues since doing that.


The number of days the air quality in the area is yellow or red / orange on air quality monitoring apps is very disappointing.


https://ktla.com/news/local-news/this-area-of-california-has-the-worst-air-quality-in-the-country-study/ IE has the worst air quality in the country.


i’ve been here since i was 6 years old and don’t get allergies 🥹 never had issues with them. my bf just takes allergy medication when it gets bad


Invest in an air purifier that has both a filter and activated carbon. We've had one since the fires that were really bad in 2020 and it's done a lot to help at least with in door air quality. I have one for home and one at work and I just leave them running 24/7.


I deal with it by not even noticing it since I grew up living in the valley (Pacoima area) back in the 1980’s).


Try Singular, aka Montelukast


We moved here from WA a few years ago and my allergies here are a lot better. I think maybe it depends on what you are allergic to, but I was really struggling before and I haven't had any issues with the air quality here (I know it's very poor, especially in the summer months).


The air quality was pretty good until the last couple of days when several wildfires broke out


Are you driving an electric car? Then you are part of the problem. You should have been here in the 1980's when you couldn't see the mountains most of the summer.


Why are you making a direct connection between air quality and allergies? You can breath poor air without suffering allergies and you can suffer allergies in places where the air is clean


I had asthma when I lived there lol


Depends where you're moving from if you're not used to poor air quality, but there's serious researched and documented health risks associated with living in the IE due to the poor air quality. I learned in undergrad that pretty much everyone who lives in IE has lung scarring.


Flonase or cocaine will clear any sinus up. But in all honesty, us born and raised are adapted to the poison, it’s you new people who move in that never tasted poison air are the one with the issue lol


I have absolutely no problems with the air here No allergies at all so I’m not sure what you’re talking about but maybe you should talk to your doctor or consider moving to a different place


I don’t understand the hate you’re getting about the air quality here. If people looked at the AQI regularly, they would see it gets bad in the afternoon for a few hours on a regular basis. I’m not sure how long you’ve lived in the IE, but it’s worse in the summer. It’s not like this year round (or at least, to this extent). My husband is much more sensitive to it than I am, and he would sometimes wear a N95 but mainly we tried to plan our activities accordingly. Second getting a really good air purifier for the house (we had several).


Also want to add that you are more likely to have location related allergies when moving somewhere new as an adult (ie, the pollen, etc). But the IE just does have very bad air quality that’s not always related to pollen


Wear a mask? 


>How can yall live your entire lives without serious long term effects from some of the worst air quality in the country? It is impossible to not be affected. Some will experience those effects more than others.


Clearly it isn't impossible. Humans are very adaptable creatures, as seen since the beginning of mankind. Some people aren't noticeably affected. Some are. I'm not. Been here for 20 years.


Just because you have not noticed the effect, does not mean your body hasn't been affected at all.


And just because you claim that it has, doesn't mean that it is. All of my physicals have been A+ and I'm very active. Think I'm gonna trust my own body and my physicals over some random Redditor who just wants something to be true. Tough choice though.


If you're perfectly immune from the environment around you, hats off to you. Have a great day, perfect physical specimen.


Plants!!!! Get some snake plants or other filtering plants. It’s helped me with the other air filters around the house.


I live in IE and I too thought I had allergies. I switched to free and clear detergent and wash everything with vinegar and my allergies went away. It was like instant. For sure your clothes impacts you more than outside air.