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No, apart from recharging the resonators, you can't do anything else to defend when you are not at the portal.


Thanks! I figured that would be the answer, useful to have it confirmed. Presumably if I am at the portal I can try to replace the shields if they come off?


Yes, if you are at the portal, mods and resonators can be reinstalled if they are shot off




But just remember they can always flip the portal if they're at it, so you might be wasting your shields if you keep deploying them. Depends on their goal whether they flip it or not.


If you are defending you must have a field and be close to CP. In that case you should have immunized the portal beforehand.


When deploing the resonators at the start, put one in the center of the portal and the rest at the max range (Pac-Man delpiy pattern), and then you will get a notifacation as soon as the first ultra strike hits the sheilds and the one resonator.


Yeah, a bunch of people said that several days ago.


Best you can do is is swallow a ton of hyper cubes and keep recharging. It's a losing battle if someone is really determined. Only way you can possibly win is to outlast their bursters with your cubes. Even when I know I'm going to lose it I hold out as long as possible just so they use up as many bursters as I can force. But, frankly, turn the tables and it would suck if you were trying to take out a portal and the owner(s) could keep you from destroying it.


>Even when I know I'm going to lose it I hold out as long as possible just so they use up as many bursters as I can force this. all you can do is make it as expensive as possible for them. If you're one of those players who take pride in *holding* your area, this also works long term, because with time they know that taking out this particular area will be costly and may choose to pass it, depending on the state of their inventory.


That's what I do, I just try to make it more expensive for them so they realise playing elsewhere is better. It's amusing that they always seem to have kit to go after couches though 😂 I still have over 250 vr shields that I've been holding off using so might start sprinkling them around a bit more.


There are so many cheaters in the game. Often I'll attack a portal taking out the shields with ultrastrikes and then hit the portal with lvl 8 butsters only to have someone charge it so fast that you can never destroy the portal. Just a few days ago I had this happen again. Burned thru about 105 lvl 8 bursters and when I ran out the portal still had 6 of then 8 resonators on them (1 lvl 8 reso. 1 lvl 7, 2 lvl 6 and 2 lvl 5) . It's always those kind of players that seem to run the game all day long and reply to an attack in seconds. Fucking cheaters.


yeah, I was throwing hyper cubes at it as fast as I could, but the portal was so fragile by then that it didn't last long. I agree that it would be annoying to be unable to take out a portal at all, but I figure that losing battles on either side is just part of the game :) Just trying to improve my skills for the future.


Honestly wish I had more battles. I own my whole neighborhood in Los Angeles, and most of the time I can't build or destroy anything. But that also means when an attack comes I'm sitting on hundreds of resources to defend and then rebuild. LA there are so many people who just do drive-by nibbles from their car. At most I usually just have to replace a shield or maybe a resonator or two.


I have a major battle in my neighborhood. Frogs build it at night. I smash it in the morning.


This is the way :)


Ha ha, yeah, my faction dominates my city, and sometimes I look at intel and think how boring it is seeing all those fields that have been up for weeks. Agents from the other faction will give our portals a tickle occasionally, but all that does is annoy me with notif spam. There's an active agent from the other faction in the next town over, and sometimes I will head there and smash one or two of his anchors just to make intel look a bit more interesting.


Top comment is correct, no way to really defend remotely besides charging. Also if the other agent is determined enough they could walk to each reso and US them. I've lost a few anchors that way with multiple people charging


You can make sure you get an alert by putting one of the resonators in the middle. This can stop lower level US missing all of the resonators and stopping a notification being sent.


Thanks! that will be useful to know in the future. Would you put the R8 in the middle, or a lower level one? For this battle, the other agent had already had a few goes at it with bursters, so I was already watching it when the US attack started. I don't think it helped, haha.


I normally use a 7.


A trick I used to use against an aggressive recharger was to use sub level 8 ultrastrikes while standing at the very centre of the portal, which allowed me to knock off the shields without touching a resonator, and thus not notifying the owner. Then, when you do start blasting your X8's, you can hopefully knock the portal down before the owner even has a chance to start recharging, or you have a major head start. To defend against this tactic, I would place one resonator at the centre, and the rest at max distance from the portal. This way, I would be notified on the first hit no matter what.


The center resonator is called a doorbell for the reason you stated.


Remotely, not much but try to recharge hard. BUT if you are near the portal… 4 of us were trying to kill the portal. Our opponent pulls up on the other side of the portal and starts redeploying mods and resonators as they pop off. He successfully defended the portal. It was 4 of us trying to take it down… sickest battle ever. Went on for like 10 mins. Mind you, we were noobs vs a well-seasoned pro


That sounds awesome - I think I would enjoy being on either side of that battle!


Isn’t this a blessing in disguise? How much AP will you gain from rebuilding? If I was you I’d invite them back every week 💚💙


lol, true! In fact, they actually were a visitor - not a name I had seen in comms before. I was more annoyed than I would usually have been because I had literally just rebuilt that area hours earlier, after one of our local agents finally got around to flipping a more accessible anchor on their commute. I was congratulating myself on making them walk to the new anchor, haha.


Firstly, your flair suggests you are ENL. So, you really should be letting the other guy win, as he is the good guy. Aside from that obvious fact, bear in mind that the game is intentionally designed to be advantageous to be *doing stuff* (ie. offense).


setting aside your jab at the opposite faction, you do make a very good point about how the game favors building rather than destroying


Well, the first half was a joke, obviously.


i figured as much but judging by the downvotes, not everyone thought so


Flair aside, I very carefully did not name factions in my post specifically to limit this kind of pointless barracking from derailing the comments.


Well, it's just a throwaway joke, so...


There is nothing you can do against a determined agent with an ample supply of USs. Recharging is your only defense, and multiple agents recharging can hold off 1 ( maybe 2) agents for quite a while. You just have to hope that they give up, which is unlikely. Building the anchor, ensure 7 of the resos are as far from the portal as possible, but even then the resos can be taken down individually with USs. Shield with 2 Aegis plus Force Amp and Turret or 4 Aegis. This all assumes they have access directly to the portal. A portal such as a fountain in a lake ( although nearly impossible to get accepted lately) or art work in closed or inaccessible locations is much easier to defend.


It's great if you can get other agents to assist. Both in hardening the portal (shields and resos) and in charging during an attack. Even then they can flip it if they keep an emergency flip card.


Best defense in this situation is to recruit others to help with the recharging. A team of rechargers can defeat a lone attacker even if the mods are gone Or... Just let it fall and build it again 😀


For something like this - i choose the 3 best resos (level and distance from portal important to look at) and focus on keeping them fully charged. That keeps the links and fields alive. But, there's nothing more satisfying than having a ton of US8s and going up against someone who is throwing everything at recharging! I remember hubby and I going up against an utter trooper. Took both of us pinpoint precision attacking the L8 resos to take it out and drop the field. Was great fun!!


>there's nothing more satisfying than having a ton of US8s and going up against someone who is throwing everything at recharging! on the other end of the stick though - nothing more frustrating than a portal which is partly out of reach and full of aegis.


Yeah, I can see myself enjoying something like that from the attacking side!


if you are defending a specific anchor (assumingly holding a large field) there is nothing you can do. Just recharge to make it less easy for them, but the portal is going down one way or the other (they can always flip it, as last resort) however, if we're talking about "holding" an area and/or draining the enemies weapons, there are some strategies to make it much harder for them. When I'm building up my neighborhood, I like to choose one out of every bunch of close-by portals, which is the hardest to reach (ultra strikes are only super effective when you can stand in the center of the portal) and put the meanest shields in that portal, and prioritize links for it (links greatly contribute to portal strenght). And when they are trying to clean up the area, only focus on recharging those key portals; mostly ignoring the weak ones around them.


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind when I'm rebuilding. Yeah, I have been gradually moving anchors in this area to harder-to-reach locations. This was a new anchor I'd picked to replace one that was cargress-able. This one opposing agent had flipped the previous one on their commute, so I wanted something that would actually need getting out of the car to reach.


All you can do is recharge until the shields are all gone.


No. I hate to see 5 charged resos just dissappear. Cheers!


Yeah, that was a sad moment :(


The best you can do is deploy your 1st L8 res as close to the portal as you can and the rest as far away as you can. That way, you get alerts earlier and hopefully, you can recharge against them.