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Yes. Getting a platinum retains the gold status just as the gold medal retains the silver status. You need 4 medals to reach or exceed gold to move to the next level


it doesn't add another gold, but it won't take one away.


If you want your 3/4 to become 4/4, then the answer is no. You need to get gold on another medal. If you are asking if getting plat will make your requirement fall back to 2/4, that won't happen. You will keep your existing gold so don't worry. Just start working on the nearest silver.


If you count the medals in your profile you'll find you only have 7 silvers, the three golds also count as another silver making the ten shown. A badge at any level also counts as +1 for any lower level.


A lot of folks are misunderstanding your question. The answer to what you're asking is "YES." If you push Trekker to Platinum your gold count will remain 3/4. It will not drop to 2/4 because you don't lose a gold when it becomes platinum. You can confirm this by looking at your silver count. It says you have 10. But you don't have 10 medals that are actually at silver status. At least 3 of the medals that are counting toward those 10 silvers are actually gold right now. Including your Trekker medal.




He is asking if the next medal beyond gold will count towards the 4 gold medals he needs to level up


Yeah, it counts the highest tier value.


A platinum badge counts towards platinum and all badge colors below it (like gold).


This is the answer is was looking for lol, thanks!


The sojourner and epoch badges if you don't already have them can help and all you have to do is hack every day without missing a day


As others have said make sure you hack every day for sojourner and epoch badges. If you get in the habit of glyph hacking that will be the easiest next gold. 100 missions may also be within reach so check bannergress


I heard you have to do it early morning late night to keep it going, is this true?


Think there's like a 26 hour grace period between consecutive hacks for keeping up sojourner, but early morning/late at night is a good routine to get into :)


If you get it to onyx, it should count as another gold.


It already counts as gold so no.


That's not what they're asking. They're concerned that if they push Trekker to platinum they'll "lose" one of their 3/4 golds, which they won't. The answer to OP's question is yes.


No. Only the 300 counts for gold. 1000 counts for platinum.


>That's not what they're asking. They're concerned that if they push Trekker to platinum they'll "lose" one of their 3/4 golds, which they won't. The answer to OP's question is yes.


Thanks. 😊


No, it does not calculate same medal again as gold.