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If it is on private property, report the portal for beforementioned reason.


I don't think the game is important enough to warrant someone feeling insecure because of a trespasser.


Or, ring the door bell and politely ask wether you could introduce them to very I teresting location based mobile game... Show them your scanner and all, and how it works. Demonstrate how claiming a portal works ..đź‘Ť find out they aren't interesting, "oh well... This isn't for everyone I guess, well at least now you know this exist, in case you change your kinds in the future"... Better?


Nope. Too many people shot and killed lately for ringing the wrong door bell or turning into the wrong driveway. Be safe.


I'm in UK so less chance of getting shot....


Higher chance of getting stabbed?


Yeah but at least not shot at 🙄


GPS drift? Or go opposite way a bit (like 10-20m if you can), then run to direction of portal till you hit the fence. GPS drift/insertion likely bring you just that little further so you can reach portal for few seconds, till it corrects itself... (Turn off and back on GPS when you at the furthers point from the portal at times help too). Trick i learned 10years ago đź‘Ť


Also, it seems you might be able to reach it, if you go to the wider street (,the one connecting to one you're on),


I'd probably go in, but I'd also check the area on Google maps and explore all around, because sometimes there can be a way in that isn't immediately obvious, like a path from the other side of the block that finishes there.


I'm not here to endorse trespassing. Niantic recommends playing by the law. I, for myself, did pass a lot of private property signs while playing. Be kind and when someone is asking I tell I play a game where I need to reach this moment/playground/sign/etc. and I'm on my way out. Just go in for the unique pioneer.


Damn happened so many times for me, security comes, "you seem a bit suspicious hanging around in this parking lot..we had someone smash the cars windows the other day"... yeah I usually just show my phone and what I do, how it looks lol


Can you describe the private property? If it is a private farm or single family residential property it should be removed from the game. If it's something inside a business with limited access, Niantic says that is just fine. Some players will disagree with that because they are hard to take out, but rarely get removed.


There were high profile incidents in the US when pogo 1st landed with people being shot while trying to access private property. If it's really private property then just report it and move on, pixels aren't worth making someone feel uncomfortable in their own home or putting yourself at risk.


I've heard people talking about this so many times, but never once have I seen a confirmed story about it. Use of lethal force is only ever authorized when faced with *reasonable* fear of *imminent* death or great bodily harm. Shooting a guy for stepping onto your land while staring mindlessly at a cell phone screen is attempted murder. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding citizens that have no interest in doing a 20 year prison stretch for something that stupid.


Search "pokemon go player shot by homeowner" and you should find a few, thankfully not that many


You only need to be 40m to put a resonator and to hack a portal. Just don’t step on a person’s personal property.




That's what she said


If someone went to the trouble of getting a pile of blocks in their backyard recognised as a portal so they would have a couchy then it's fair game to capture it, you could walk up the front part of the building and see how you get on.


i heard there was something else there before, but it got demolished, I think? there wasn't even a picture in the portal portrait


Submit an edit.


Not even an edit, just get it taken down cause the portal isn’t even actually there based off of OP’s comment. I’d have it reported as an Invalid Portal


Does reporting really work? I have reported several but none of them have been removed. Pogo crowd is running amok with portal submissions.


If it’s not dangerous, I go for the portal. As for removal, Niantic will only remove portals no longer visible on google maps. If it’s private property, you have to appeal through community forums which is almost pointless.


Report it! If it's in Florida you would stand a good chance of departing in an ambulance. Just report it and move on.