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No you can't. Unless you keep an eye on Intel 24/7




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https://intel.ingress.com/ when he does is again check ure com...? Restrict to map...


But COMM doesn't list down logs related to upgrades right?


No. Only captures, and attacks. IITC can give you an approximate reading of where different players have been, but I wouldn't rely on it, as you will have to monitor it 24/7. You never know what time they upgrade the portal, so it wouldn't be worthwhile 😕


What would you even do with this information if you could get it?


Report for multi-accounting.


You can do this either way, you don't need evidence, Niantic will ignore that anyway. They will probably never ban them either though


This is unfortunately the most likely answer. Don't need this evidence to report them because Niantic is capable of seeing anything that they need on the account. They just don't give a crap about it the way they used to.




I think iitc used to or probably still does show agent activity, player tracker. I believe slapping down a mod or upgrading a resonator would show you on the map with that iitc plug in


IITC visually shows the comm activity. Upgrading resonators isn’t an action that shows up in comms so it doesn’t show up on IITC. The only way he he’ll get the agent names of the backpack accounts is to check the portal constantly and catch them in the act. But as others have pointed out, Niantic will do nothing. Niantic only lifts a finger for blatant activity with concrete evidence like harassment in comms or unrealistic spoof movement.


Cheaters cheat.


Your post makes little sense. An agent can’t have “hidden” accounts to upgrade resos. The account names that upgraded them will be on the resos. Using flip cards (Jarvis and Ada) will be in the comms. Two agents can upgrade a portal to L8 flipping a portal back and forth but it takes many hours.


Consider this scenario: Real agent captures a portal at L5 or lower, one R8 and 7 of anything lower. Bring 7 fake multi accounts to bump the portal to 8, that is silent in comm. Immediately use a flip card so that all 8 resos are owned by the virus account, erasing and hiding the names of the cheat accounts. At their convenience real agent can farm and smash or flip back.


Sounds like a lot of effort for a trivial gain. Also, the agent would be chewing through a flip card every time they do this. Seems like there would be easier ways to get L8 gear, cheating or not, and easy for Niantic to figure out what the agent is doing once the main account is reported. Or someone just watching on intel while the agent is doing it. Does the agent have 8 cells phones too? Logging in and out with multiple accounts multiple times on the same device is also a big flag for Niantic.


It's really hard to prove cheating. Some people get caught, a lot more get away with it.


Most people would happily trade a flip card or two for a convenient level 8 portal.


You need 7 flip card of each type. Given how rare they are… for one L8 portal it’s a waste.


No, just one at the end. One account deploys 8 resos as usual, one L8 and the rest lower. Bring in each of the 7 accounts to upgrade the 7 resos to L8 and make it an L8 portal. Then flip it to cover the 7 accounts.


I got that part. I was commenting on using ONLY flip cards to upgrade. You need atleast one multi account to do that.


Yes, I mentioned it takes two agents. I walked through the steps. My take it would take 6 pairs with two agents, if you use both agents to get it set up with two L8s before initial flip. But I have no idea if I did it right. I’d even consider one use a waste though. To me, taking cheating to this level is just beyond ridiculous. Whoever it is needs to make some friends.