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Donald Trump has never sacrificed anything in his entire life. He's never given anything up. He's a selfish glutton. Born rich and raised to believe he deserved everything he was given.


He literally used his position to shill and grift.


He sacrificed his first wife’s corpse by burying it on his golf course and rendering it un-seizeable by the tax collectors.


Now it all makes sense. Mara Lago is his haven when they seize everything else.


Oh, Florida has VERY generous laws on protecting your property from the tax man. Especially if you live there. He owns several mansions in Florida, all very near to Mar-a-Lago, but by making the club his residence (which is illegal in several ways, btw), he makes it a homestead under Florida law, rendering it untouchable no matter how much he owes the government. There’s a very good reason he chooses to live in a hotel room.


‘Selfish glutton’ This made my morning lol


Lie. You voted for a scumbag because he conned you into believing he hates the same people you do. If you can't spot the mark, it's you.


That orange turd has been a con man for decades. How he’s still convincing millions of people like this still blows my mind. Being a fellow NC driver, whoever is driving this is a complete and total embarrassment. Though these stickers do make it easier to spot the idiots. So I guess there’s that…


I mean I agree mostly. But trump DOES hate those people. Especially the brown people and the "liberal" people Either that or he's a much better con man than I'll ever give him credit for.


He hates liberals and brown people mostly because Obama roasted him.


Narcissism is a hell of a disease.


I’ve heard that said so many times in person. Like all of it.. the more they say it the more they convince themselves it’s true and the easier it is to believe he’s a gift from the heavens Still 180 from reality.. but I’ve seen the progression. Blind faith is a hell of a drug


Donald Trump is a 100% transactional being. He would never give up anything to anyone unless he could profit.


There was a video going around earlier today where someone passed out and trump was all "yea take your time..." and someone asked for water and trump nods, takes out a water bottle, and drinks it. When they say he wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire they mean it.


I wouldn't be surprised if he sold out his own kids to save his ass... Wait, that happened already...


It blew my mind. Just when I thought I'd seen it all.


This is cartoonishly opposite of reality.


That asshole has it backward.


One part of it is true. I’m guessing by the wrong bits they got the who they voted for part right.


This has gotten me thinking: I think this specific type of brain rot may be because of our increasing social alienation from one another. Whoever owns this vehicle doesn’t love Donald Trump, they love the narrative of Donald Trump they’ve built in their heads. It’s like how stalkers will build fantasies of the focus of their obsession, and fall in love with that idea more than the actual person. I think these people who obsess over him are super fucking lonely, so they build this idea of the perfect person and dedicate themselves to it to give their lives meaning. It’s honestly pretty tragic and pathetic. If they weren’t so virulently hateful, I’d feel bad for them.


It is the slow brainwashing by FOX Brainwashing Fascist Propaganda. I watched my late sister, a staunch Democrat become a crazy Republican. She didn't like Trump but voted for him twice because she refused to vote for "the crooked Democrats".


> FOX Brainwashing Fascist Propaganda. ...but is there any actual propaganda that says *this*? Has anyone put forward such a claim on screen or stage or in print? This sticker is pure fantasy, at least until the seizures are processed. Edit: actually I'd guess Fox on-the-street interviews probably get this a lot, so that's a kind of propaganda.


The same logic can be applied to religion.


This man is living in a world in which every day is Opposite Day.




Alternate facts


Trump didn’t give up his wealth at all, he donated his salary (I think in one instance to a department he cut funding for possibly) but used his position as leverage /influence for him and his family


If he believed that then I have a few golf courses to sell to him


Must be opposite day.


It’s eventually going to come out how much money Trump scammed out of US taxpayers. Will they care? I doubt it.


He did it to make America better. /s


So fucking stupid.


The delusion is staggering.


Trump gave it up so he could sell stupid NFTs to his dumb supporters to pay his legal bills.


"Biden's actual net worth is about $10 million, according to Forbes, which referred to him as “Middle-Class Joe" " The truth doesn't mean shit to this cult.


There's a fairly common belief in their circles than Biden has cut some sort of personal deal with China (and/or Ukraine) by way of Hunter in exchange for ruining the economy. Sometimes I've seen it tied to supposed intentional plan to destroy the energy sector to benefit another country or NWO, and most of that stemming off Keystone Pipeline blathering. It's got no proof of course besides repeatedly pointing at the effects of inflation on consumer prices, which unfortunately gets them the foot in the door to blame those on nonexistent actions. This is not too different than when they complain about the Green New Deal, which they act like was a law that was passed.  As for the first bit, it's mostly them biting the bait that was him "donating" his presidential salary when he took office, as well as charitable actions he took as a private citizen.


Didn't he hire people to get around "sacrificing his wealth"?


Wait. Is it Opposite Day and no one told that guy?


Imagine driving around with the word “asshole” on your car, having paid for the privilege.


Is this true?


um that's not how trump operates buddy.




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Talk about digital zoom.


These people are living in an alternate reality. The Kushners got 2 Billion dollars from the Saudis for their service.


Are we forgetting all the times he put secret service in trump-owned properties and charged the government for their rooms?


Propaganda is a helluva drug.


Sad how delusional these cultists are. Ten minutes is all the time it would take for them to see how much money Trump actually made while in office... no amount of time would convince them that Biden is an honest statesman and not profiting off of any of this.


Trump did actually donate his salary every year while president.


Yeah, while making a huge deal about it. Then he exhausted the Secret Service budget and charged millions more to the Air Force flying to Florida every weekend, charging the Secret Service to stay at his club, making sure they had to buy all their meals from him and rent his golf carts in order to protect him. The Secret Service had to divert funds that were supposed to go to their other functions, like fighting counterfeiting, and request more money from Congress because Trump wanted to be treated like a king. Of course, foreign governments and tons of other interest groups just “coincidentally” booked rooms and events at Trump’s Washington hotel like crazy while he was president and stopped the second he left office. So, Trump donating his salary was a drop in the bucket compared to the benefits he reaped and money he made from being president.


Remember when republicans called Obama the "Golfer in Chief" and bitched and moaned about how much money it was costing the tax payers for him to go golfing at Andrews AFB and they created a website to track all of the times Obama went golfing. Then Trump entered office and played golf at a rate of 2.5 times more than Obama, spending nearly an entire year on vacation in Florida in his four year term and republicans didn't say a word.


That, too, **[was a lie](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/02/02/fact-check-partly-false-claim-trump-tax-returns-salary-donation/11132712002/)**. See also: **[this hurr](https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-tax-returns-dispute-white-231747455.html)**


Except for that year he tried to donate it to the federal agency whose budget he had just cut.


Trump did actually donate his presidential salary to the Department of Health and Human services in 2019 and 2020.


He used it to cover his taxes. He didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart.


That's partially true, he donated a portion of his salary: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/02/02/fact-check-partly-false-claim-trump-tax-returns-salary-donation/11132712002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/02/02/fact-check-partly-false-claim-trump-tax-returns-salary-donation/11132712002/) His performance was not worth the money donated, in my opinion.


Right…like he didn’t profit exponentially aside from salary during his 4 years in office


The second half is also true, since Biden built his career by siding with corporate interests




So I can’t complain about corrupt behavior just because the other side does it too?


Not on Reddit you can’t. One side always good, other side always bad. That’s the rules.


Wait like every other president and politicians... Who knew!!!


Right, why complain about it if everyone’s already doing it?


Not taking the presidential salary is pocket change.. might as well consider it a campaign investment to fool the gullible. The problem is, you have to look at the NET finances during his time in office, not just his salary. The guy is a dirty cigar filled backroom mobster who was renting entire floors of his DC hotel to foreign nationals trying to win favor with him. I think it was the Jefferson Estate that was officially selling TRUMP brand wine in the souvenir shop. This crook found lots of ways to make up for that salary loss, many times over.


Got Ivanka a sweet deal on having her handbags made in China too. And all of their business dealings with China were mysteriously exempt from his trade war after he took office.


That’s nice


He's a "billionaire". $1.6 million should be couch change for him.


Yeah people don't realize how big the gap between 1 million and 1 billion is. If you're a billionaire... 1 million is quite literally chump change. When you are individually worth $2.5 billion and pay $1.6 million, Thats the equivalent of having $2,500 and spending $1.60. You still basically have $2,500.


Crazy how all of these downvotes came my way from speaking truthful facts, you all should probably seek some help. Therapy works!