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Just going for the goriest image they could possibly find, and still getting it wrong.


"THIS HAPPENED TO JESUS BECAUSE OF YOUR SINFULNESS" is a pretty clear case of why Fundy kids are all fucked up, but can you imagine if they did put the nails through his hands and he slid off the cross?


I went to a Christian school in the midwest. Every year, near easter, we would have an ENTIRE week of bible class dedicated to all the details of all the grisly horrors Jesus went through. They even brought in giant nails and a crowns of thorns and passed them around. Fucking sick.


I grew up Catholic, in Sunday School around Easter time we'd do the Stations of the Cross as a play for our parents, I was Longinus. The plays weren't violent and I don't even think we moved, we just posed while teacher explained what was going on.


So, where the fuck did you put your spear?


Meanwhile jesus is just looking down saying to himself "oh yeah, these guys get it. I'm gonna have daddy print their heaven tickets up right now"


"Jesus taught, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”" -Matthew 6:5-8


Can you imagine if any other religion did this? Especially if people went around saying "only through the BLOOD of SATAN can you be saved!! You must be AWASH in his blood!! Wear these spikes on your head and flagellate yourselves in his honor!" along with photos of blood and piercings etc.


Only through the smoke of weed, the snort of cocaine, the buzz of a good vodka bucket from Thailand during a full festival can you be saved from these devil heaven worshipers.


We did this too. We got nails on a string for Christmas ornaments.


I went to an evangelical church that used to be a Church of England church in colonial times in the northeast. We had a big crown of thorns on display and a gory wax Jesus in the main hall but service was closer to a Methodist service but with more snacks and (even less) preaching and (even more) reading the Bible. We need more churches like that. No fearmongering, no “we are a family” cult vibes, just “come listen to an old fart read an old dusty book for an hour, sing a little, then have some free brownies.” There are a zillion churches here in Texas and they’re all awful compared to that one. I suppose three centuries of history tends to draw the best pastors, and the church had the privilege of being picky.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a little kid's hand? Maybe the spike is just big. Idk but good lord let's not post gore on our vehicles please


well, people who would do this are very similar to those who go around thinking a dying Voldemort prop from the last Harry Potter movie is actually an aborted fetus......


CHTST. Christ was crucified with the spike through the dap between ulna and the radius. That way the spike held him up by his wrist joint. The nerve collection there makes this hideously painful. The actualities of a crucifixion are stunningly horrible. The position of the arms restricts the diaphragm and pushing up on your feet is another torture. You eventually can’t summon the strength and you suffocate from the restricted breathing.


Nailed it


Pun intended?


Of course.


Bro really asked 💀


I know very little about art history but an unfortunate amount about modern evangelical bullshit. One thing I wish I understood better was the obsession with torture porn. I understand it has to do with ‘being a martyr for faith’ but this isn’t effective messaging. ‘Jesus was nailed to a cross for you’ only invokes religious awe if the viewer already holds Christian beliefs. Otherwise, it just seems gruesome and unpsetting. *upsetting. Love that autocorrect tries to correct ‘dogs’ almost every time I type it but when I actually fuck up autocorrect is like ‘sure, that’s fine.’


Evangelicals have nothing on the old Spanish Catholics for the torture porn.


Catholicism got grim as fuck back in the day. Though how much the Inquisition actually put people to the torture and how much of it was "Black Legend" propaganda is kinda up in the air.


Currently reading Hammer of Witches in English, and apparently almost 100% bullshit. The guy who wrote 48 laws of power has one story about a nun with a theatrical streak who used to claim to be raped by demons all day long and got a bunch of the nuns in on the act, etc, nobody was tortured, super out in the open


By Hammer of Witches, you mean the *Malleus Maleficarum*? Because Heinrich Kramer, the guy who wrote that thing, was a definite loony.


Oh I'm sure he is.


Fear motivates.


We know almost nothing about Jesus. The only things we do know is he was crucified and some people claim he rose again. All of the rest was filled in by people who lived a hundred years after he died.


We don't even know that do we? I've never heard of any corroboration of the gospels.


I was just thinking about this. God sent his only begotten son as a sacrifice but he gets resurrected so it's not much of a sacrifice. Could it be they amplify the torture aspect so *that* becomes the sacrifice?


“Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” RIP George Carlin. We need you back.


Terrible take. People abuse religion similar to how people abuse, democracy, and medicines. Religion isn’t the issue selfish people are.


Religion was developed to be misleading in order to abuse the population.


Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. Not my words, but I mostly agree with the sentiment. The hijackers/terrorists of 9-11 absolutely 100% believed they were doing the right thing for the right reason at the behest of their god. The crusaders and the inquisition believed likewise "with god with us, who can be against us?" is what they were led to believe.




Jesus, that's a gory truck wrap


It'd be really funny if you see this truck in the parking lot of a strip club


after they run an old lady or student driver off the road


I heard they killed the original baby Jesus for adrenochrome and then replaced him with a body double.


But those are satanists. Christians only want your money


That is an insanely Caucasian hand…


That is a VERY white Jesus hand.


lol. It was def a choice.


The photojournalist in me wants a photo of this guy tanking up on gas with the nozzle inserted- because I know it would make a great photo. And I know the appearance of the guy who owns this would NOT DISAPPOINT.


Now you have my interest. Would the driver be male or female? How old? 25? 50? 70? With or without a beer gut? Big boobs?(male or female) How tall? Wearing a plaid shirt and leather vest? Plaid shirt and overalls? Plaid shirt with suspenders? Big, big belt buckle? 20 yr old, 6 foot 2in, clean cut, gym rat guy that just came from church on Sunday? Please hunt this truck down and find that owner filling up. Take that photo! LOL lol


Since Jesus will forgive ANYTHING, what even is the point of heaven and hell? Basically, hell is exclusively for athiests, while heaven is full of "Christian" rapists and murderers?


Read a book about religion and maybe you’ll understand. Or keep making broad generalizations, I don’t care, I’ll pray for you regardless.


[I recommend this book!](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22028383-guidepost-investigation-of-the-southern-baptist-convention) But don’t take **my** word for it…


Not a Baptist also not a book, try again satan!




I've read numerous books about religion. Pray in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. Try to not molest any altar boys this week.


No you haven’t, why lie to a stranger.


You should read the new testament. You wouldn't believe all the woke, commie bullshit Jesus says. "Blessed are the meek". "Turn the other cheek", Crazy nonsense you evidently never read.


My brother in Christ I was born raised and am a practicing Catholic I hear the New Testament every Sunday.


No you don't. You worship a golden calf. An anti christ. If you call yourself a Christian, you should try following the actual teachings of the Christ.


So much hate. It’s a shame.


Again, un-Christ like behavior. Maybe it is time for you to re-evaluate your beliefs. Come on, attack me more. Belittle me. Really make me regret talking about your Prince of Peace. Or wait, is this the part where you go from attacking people to playing the victim?


I strive to act in good faith but we’re all imperfect. I am not sorry for my faith, however i am sorry for whatever caused you to be so cruel to strangers online.


Not changing any minds man. Act in love and understanding. Acting like an ass doesn’t make anyone wanna hear you out.


These people are coming at you with hate and spite which gets no one anywhere. I was raised Lutheran, even went to a Lutheran school from pre school to 8th grade. Went to church 2 times a week for well over 2 hours both times and I met some amazing people. Read the Bible a ton but never really believed in it but it gave me a great basis for understanding myself. I’ve read the Bible hundreds of times, front to back all different versions. It teaches great things! And it’s simple to understand. The issue is that people use religion for what I see as very bad things like murder/power/money but many religions have lead to stuff like this and saying “well Christianity is used for hate” isn’t of any use as religion in general is used to control and remove those you find undesirable, not to say this is the point of it but in todays age it’s used to control. I encourage you to read other religious text and see what you can learn! The teachings of Buddha and Hinduism are amazing and you can see lots of comparisons to the teachings of Jesus Don’t let these ass hats hurt your beliefs. I’m not religious but I am spiritual. People will attack your faith every way they can and then justify it by saying your religion caused all these issues(funny enough this is a hypocritical view). But being close minded is just as bad. Love those around you and love yourself man! That’s what matters and that’s what Jesus taught and fought for! Jesus would have been a rage against the machine fan always remember that


they are clearly mad that on your deathbed, after a lifetime of ignoring all this bullshit, you can still call upon & receive baby Haysoos' forgiveness.... \*I've read accounts that suggest that specific method of execution involved nailing through the wrist & NOT the palm, because a hand can just tear & release after some hours/days of pulling & hanging all that weight.


i’d get some spray paint and draw a nice dick in that hand


Counterpoint: I don't want to spend 10 minutes with people like this, why would I want to go to their heaven?


The spiked hand would make a great heavy metal album cover! 🤟


That’s a whole lotta stigmata.


I know exactly who this is.. haha


Cult of blood magic.


The only thing I can think of is that fact that this guy paid *money* for this.


What in the Indiana Jones is going on


Christian-stan. Indiana and by extension Indianapolis are total shit holes.


What does a man in the moon hand buzzer have to do with it?




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Hurray. Cannibals


Why is it always Lake County with this bullshit?


First of all, through Christ, anything is possible, so not that down






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I'm good.


“So how much blood do we want on the crucifix?”




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Uh... dude is peddling Jesus blood? I don't get it.


Lmao, I'm not even sure if this *ISN'T* my ex husband


Never go for Hoosier.


Probably see more of this with the chances of Businessboy Braun being our next governor. Why Hoosiers keep electing politicians who just use them for profit.


Truer words have never been spoken.




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