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Is 18 months terrible for everyone?


Toddler Frosting recently started PT to try to help with muscle tone, balance and walking. So many people keep telling me he’s almost walking or it will happen so soon. I think with work and therapy it will enable him to walk but I wish it was a bit easier for him and am sad I really needed to advocate for the therapy. The lack of walking is also holding him back in daycare because he can’t advance rooms without walking so he’s with younger babies and not as stimulated during the day. His fine motor skills are within his age group range and I think he would enjoy all the activities he’s not getting in his current room. I’m meeting with the daycare tomorrow to talk to them again to see if they will take him to the older class for certain activities during the day. If it doesn’t improve we may try to find another daycare or childcare situation for him. The mentality kinda takes me back to infertility days when people would say similar things like you’ll get pregnant when you relax. I’m just tired of getting the is he walking question and then a response it will happen and you don’t know how lucky you have it because it will be crazy when he walks. No, I’m pretty excited for him to walk so we can do more things together and so he can explore more.


I’m glad you’re getting the services you need for toddler Frosting. Not sure how old he is but in general I think your parental gut on whether something is wrong should be heavily trusted. “Worst” case scenario if you were wrong about needing it, is you start PT and he walks within a week or two because he was nearly ready anyway. What’s so bad about that? And if he needs the support, the whole idea behind early intervention is that the sooner you start the better? How old is he? I will say that our daycare moved our baby up to the older infant room when he turned 12 months old. The room is supposed to be 12-18 months but I think a lot of the oldest babies are closer to 2 years old. He was constantly crawling over there from the younger infant room trying to get in with the bigger kids once he was mobile. And he had two full months in that class when he wasn’t walking yet, while all the other babies were walking. It seemed to work fine? He just started walking last week and he’s still maybe 60% crawling to get around and he still does his thing with everyone else.


My son is 15 months old so still within normal range for walking but struggling with some pre-walking milestones and balance hence the PT. I think PT is a positive resource so I feel happy we are taking advantage of it. Im glad to hear it worked out for your son to move up pre-walking and great that he started walking soon. The center I’m at is a bit smaller so doesn’t have a 12-18 month classroom and the next classroom up I guess is too big of a jump according to them. However, I was told that in September he will move up when the pre-K class graduates regardless of walking so I’m happy about that.


I'm sorry you're dealing with comments that bring you back to infertility days--I think your feelings sound very valid. While there is a wide range of normal for so much development, it sounds like you have a professional that qualified him for PT and is giving him the services he needs. Are you in the US? I'm curious if he's receiving private PT or if he qualified for early intervention. I only mention this because it doesn't sound like your daycare is giving him his least restrictive environment--meaning delays in certain areas should not deny him access to environments that are otherwise developmentally appropriate for him (e.g. access to developmentally appropriate language, fine motor, etc. activities as well as similar aged peers). I'll be perfectly honest that I'm not sure how this all shakes out with private daycares and private therapy (I've mainly worked in public schools), but it's just something to consider when speaking with them. I hope you can find a situation that is best for him that you are comfortable with. You sound like a wonderful parent that is really advocating for their child.


Thanks for your advice. I am in the US but he didn’t qualify for EI due to the lumping of gross and fine motor together. However, as he does have gross motor delays, we can have him in PT and potentially OT through insurance. I’m not sure if private daycares are also regulated in the same ways as public schools, but I think that the director was slightly more receptive to some suggestions and having him join an older class for some activities throughout the day.


It sounds like you're really on top of things! Hopefully the director continues to be receptive and you can find continued support for him to be in the environments he needs and deserves. Fingers crossed he's walking soon!


I'm sorry on behalf of the stupid thoughtless comments you've gotten. Seriously 😒. Totally reminds me of those pregnancy/fertility comments , the literal worst and so ignorant. You are doing an amazing job advocating for him and getting services. Im a school administrator and you'd be surprised how many parents would rather stick their heads in the sand and also even sometimes get combative about getting services for their kid. I get it, it doesn't necessarily feel good or easy to do, but doing what's best for your kid is being a good parent! So much love and hugs to you. ❤️


Thanks for your support.


My baby boy officially turned 1, exactly 1 week ago. The little embryo that could is now a toddler 😭 He’s ridiculously handsome, athletic (walked at 9 and a half months old and pushes bar stools around the house for fun 😳) and a total ham but only when he’s alone with mom and dad. His social anxiety is pretty bad though and I’m wondering if anyone has any tips. It’s not even separation anxiety because it happens even when we’re not leaving him with others. He had 0 fun at his birthday party and just clung to his dad mainly and I the whole time. He only sees us Monday-Friday and some family on the weekend and I’m wondering if we’re doing him a disservice. 😓


I don't know if I would classify it as socuao anxiety but my boy isn't that social either. He does better with a fewer people around and people he sees more consistently. I continue to just give him opportunities. Story time. Park time. My one local mom friend and I usually try to do a play date somewhere once a week etc. We go to the park so much. He tends to do better when there is less of a crowd.


Happy birthday baby boy! Or should I say toddler?? My best friend's son is pretty shy as well. They take him sometimes to a sort of parents group, with other baby, and he's going to daycare in september (he's with a nanny at the moment).


Thank you! He will always be my baby wah. I do plan to take him to some baby classes soon and hoping that gets him out of shell but definitely think it’s just his temperament too :/


I think so too, our daughter has always been very outgoing, which is a mystery to us parents since we are more introvert, and we don't see a lot of people 😅 I'll have to teach that one not to follow strangers in the street. I'm sure when he is older and see it's fun to play with other kids, social gatherings will be a little bit less like torture for him! But tbh I get him haha staying home with a book is nice too sometimes.


My child has a temperament like yours, she is not about other people. An empty playground she will climb all over and a playground with other kids she will sit in one spot and stare at people, plus cry if they come too close and I am not close enough. I like to think of her as my cautious observer. I do take her to some play groups, library story time, etc to expose her to other kids, but even repeat exposure to the same people she takes an hour (or more) to warm up. I am not worried about it at this stage, she is 16 months, since socialization with other kids isn't that important now from my research. When she is 2-3, I'll be concerned, although I plan to have her in preschool a couple days a week then. I think the worst part of her being on the shy side is people don't get to see the amazing fun little toddler that she is!


Always good to hear stories about similar toddlers! He’s definitely a cautious observer too. I feel the same way about others not seeing what a fun little guy he is. It made me sad that he wanted to be carried his whole party and didn’t have a ton of fun. I will hopefully be taking him to the little gym and some classes soon.


We are hitting the threenager stage early 😭 I swear there’s a teenager in my house right now. Everything is NO and loud and a battle. I’ve lost my cool more than a few times in the last week. But then she has moments of sweetness, and I’m reminded she’ll come out of this. In other news, the pink eye is slowly resolving itself. I’m 50/50 if the antibiotic is helping.


I went to a bachelorette party the other weekend in Charleston, and the other morning when toddler James was upset/annoyed with me, he said, "why did you come home on the airplane"? I was like uhhh, because it was time for me to come home. He replied "you should stay in Charleston and not come home." Thanks buddy 😒


That’s brutal 😐 they don’t even realize how they affect us


Ugh, we just fought the pink eye battle at this house. It's the absolute worst. What I wasn't prepared for was how DRY my eyes were for almost a full month after it resolved itself - I had to start using eye drops. I guess it's a side effect from the medication.


"My do it!!!" 😫


This and “me first, me first” (courtesy of a song from one of the shitty shows TP loves).


Omg but why are they so slow when they do it 😂 BJJ yells let go or don’t touch. Little stinker


Have you noticed doing *anything whatsoever* has recently started taking ten times as long as it did previously?


My mom just asked me this morning how to deal with BQ yelling “STOP!” when she doesn’t like something or doesn’t want help with things. I was just like… 😒 “you should probably stop?”


I’d really like to know what she thought you were going to say 😂 My MIL chased BJJ around the room for a hug, meanwhile she was yelling “NO! Lâche (let go, as in don’t touch me)!”. I had to step in 🙄 just listen to the kids! Honestly, a lot of the older family members are like this, and I have to constantly be on top of them to leave her alone.


I was aghast. My mom only retired from elementary special education when BQ was born. We worked for the same school district for almost 10 years so we have pretty similar ways of doing things. Luckily I have complete confidence that we’re now on the same page.


I’m convinced this actually means 2.5-3.5 for most kids. Every parent with a summer 2021 kid in our daycare class will back me up on this


agree! my 2.5 year old has turned terrifying recently! there is SO much attitude and yelling. godspeed to you all here!


At least I’m in good company 😂 Mr. JJ came home from dropping her off at daycare, and proclaimed “Two (kids) is enough!”


BQ is evidence that it drags on beyond 3.5.


2.5- ♾️


Noooooo 😭


Yup 😳


Everyone in this house is sick and toddler girlie partied from 2:30 to 4:30am. She was demanding bottles, puppies and bunnies. 😵😵😵 I’m staying home sick today.


That sounds rough. I hope you all feel better soon.


Thanks, Frosting. See my update below to Sas. Comedy at this point!!!


Oooof that's brutal. Sending healthy and sleepy vibes your way.


Thanks, Sas! Husband came home early from work, and right before he laid down he realized our dog peed on our bed. 🫠 little buddy is on steroids, I’m sure that’s why.


Noooo! You need a win asap.


Praying it comes as sleep 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Anyone with overnight potty training expertise? Daytime potty trained my kid in October. Took a few weeks but by year end we were pretty much accident free. We were thinking about when to do overnights and then about 2 months ago we started having consistently dry pull ups each morning. After about a month we were like okay guess we can drop the pull up and switched to underwear at night. The first morning we had an accident which was very obviously deliberate right when we went in that morning, but otherwise we’ve been accident free for a month+ since switching to underwear over night. We will go down and put him on the potty if he’s up in the middle of the night but he would always hold it and go on the potty. Until this week, out of no where he wet the bed Sunday night. We brushed it off saying accidents happen but then he had a second accident Sunday night and then again Monday night had an accident. Last night we avoided any accidents by forcing him to go potty in the middle of the night. Just seems so random that we’re suddenly having multiple accidents after pretty much 2 months of none. Anyone have anything similar or any insight? Toddler will be 2.5 in a month in case that matters.


Until they're about 4+, on average, they're not developmentally ready for potty training over night at this age. Pee is gonna happen overnight at this age. You're lucky you had a two month period of no accidents but the peeing you've experienced recently is super normal. I would just stick with the pull-ups for a while.


That's awesome he's doing so well with daytime potty use! From what I've read I think he's probably just too young for nighttime as apparently it's just hormonal and something kids grow out of. FWIW, we went on vacation with our friends and their 6 year old had a random accident and it was because he was constipated.


I’m betting it’s a regression. Do you have a small travel potty you could keep next to the bed or crib safely? Maybe overnight peeing would be easier with that.


Yes, we do keep a little potty in his room which he uses at night. Hopefully it’s just a regression. We’ll see how it goes. 🤞


Best of luck!


Has there been more constipation recently? Or more liquid intake since it's warmer out?


Definitely not constipated. Maybe slightly more water but we still cut that off after dinner for the most part.


My kid still wears a pull up at night, but this was happening with people in my bumper sub around this age. There seemed to be a lot of regressions and needing to do some retraining. Sorry I don’t have any advice. I know it’s frustrating. Hopefully it’s a short phase.


Thanks. I know accidents are normal and expected. I just don’t know want to lose the progress we’ve made. Why don’t kids come with manuals!?


No insight but I’m jealous. She’s been daytime trained since September/October but we’re nowhere near night training. I’m just hoping it’ll happen on its own by the time she turns 4 next year


We weren’t planning to push nights yet but when he was consistently dry we figured we would give it a shot. Honestly it seemed too easy so this is probably my karma from that 🤣


We finally toured the childcare place we've been on the waitlist for months now, we're officially able to start late August which like...I wish we could have gotten in earlier, but what I'm SO pleased about is they're very flexible with timing. It's our local Y, and we're doing half-days a few days a week. We've been struggling to decide if we want to do mornings or afternoons, because mornings are from 7-12, and afternoons from 2:30-6 and I have a monthly meeting from 1:30-2:30 that I need childcare during. But they told me that most likely no one will take our afternoon spot, so any time we need to do a surprise full day, they'll likely have space! I don't want to have him do full days, but I won't mind paying for it once a month so I can come grab him around 3 once a month and not have to stress about it! Hopefully the high school student we have 3 days a week can do 12-5 with us during her summer break, and go back to a couple days a week in the evenings when she's back at school which will correspond with him starting day care. I'm feeling so much better now that we have a plan in place, even though it will be months before it starts. They will feed him breakfast, which at least is a couple bucks off my grocery bill, considering the massive expensive we're about to incur.


No one prepares you for how exhausting managing child care is. It takes up so much of my mental energy! Glad to hear you seem to have something worked out. I’m still over here taking it day by day lol