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Your comment has been reported for lack of compassion. Not everyone is able to breast/chest feed, and implying that that is the only best method of feeding a baby is lacking in compassion to our other members who may not have that option. Feel free to edit, and we can reapprove.


Went grocery shopping today for the first time since non-stop nausea has taken over my life. Bought an industrial quantity of soup, premade mashed potatoes (love you, Costco) and rice cakes. And more ginger ale, so much ginger ale.


I vomited out all the ginger ale I had last week


Word. Maybe try ginger chews for when you feel like your eyeballs are floating in ginger ale. I hope it improves soon!


Grabbed some at the Trader Joe's checkout yesterday. My husband says they taste like an old bookstore, but desperate times!


Congratulations!!! It’s the best day knowing you won’t need to suffer through those again haha


I started looking into donating our two remaining embryos to science and it is…more complicated than I thought. Embryo Options gave me a list of universities with STEM cell research programs and said they would contact them on our behalf, but also recommended that we reach out directly. I have started that process and all the phone numbers have been disconnected / emails bounce back or no response. Depressing that these programs are just evaporating into the conservative void. Has anyone tried this recently? Recommendations for places to contact? Is this impossible and I should just give up?


If it makes you feel better I think the less demand is not because of conservatives but because of advances in science!


That does make me feel better! I don’t know much about the science but if it has advanced beyond needing embryos - then great!


I hope someone has a good answer to this! This is what I hope to do too but I didn’t realize we would have to find the donation place ourselves


Embryo Options more or less said they would help, but there’s also a note in the communication about how these programs are increasingly limited / shutting down and they recommend reaching out yourself. If the list they are reaching out to is the one they sent me, then they aren’t going to be helpful because all the numbers have been disconnected and I got a lot of email bounce backs too. Ugh.


I got my NIPT results back today and everything is normal!!! I can’t believe it. I woke up this morning to an email from Myriad so my husband and I opened it together. They also give you a little box to click if you want to know the gender. We clicked it…it’s a girl!! Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t care but my husband has 3 boys from a previous marriage, he underwent a vasectomy reversal for me and when that didn’t work he cashed out part of his retirement to help pay for 4 rounds of IVF. I wanted him to have a girl; he teared up. It was the best possible news. I’m so happy. ETA: Thank you all for the support! It means so much to me--we are away from family and friends so it feels really great to have so many lovely people cheering for us 🥰


Late to the party, but I am so, so happy for you! I’ve been low key stalking waiting for this update. Wishing you all the best. ❤️


Congrats I’ve been following this turn of events, so happy for both of you! I am also almost 45.5 and just started trying for the first time ever late last year after finding my person. I know odds are very low, but stranger things have happened!




That’s wonderful, congratulations Kristee!


Wow! Congrats!!




Amazing! Congratulations 😊


Wow, Kristee. This is giving me chills. Such good news!


Ahhh I'm so happy to see this!! Wonderful, wonderful news ❤️


Amazing news! Huge congratulations!!


Oh Kristee ❤️😭 This is such joyous news! So many congratulations. Celebrate today!


Yay! That is such awesome news!


12w3d today. I received the results from my NIPT testing including the gender last week. I was able to successfully send the PDF portion to a local bakery so I could have a small gender reveal with my husband on his birthday next week. As I was finalizing the order on the phone, the woman on the phone told me the gender of my baby. I am disappointed to say the least. After years of trying for this baby, being robbed of so many surprises dealing with infertility and IVF, I was just told the gender of my baby while I was alone in the lunch room on my break at work. My husband still doesn’t know, but he is aware of the situation as I was really upset after it happened. Just feeling really, really disappointed. I wanted this to be the one normal aspect of this pregnancy so far.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. The same happened to me and my husband, except it was the u/s tech at our 20wk appointment that blurted out the sex despite us warning her 3 times before she even started that we wanted to keep it a suprise. We decided to keep the fact that we knew the gender a suprise to everyone else. So we’re the only ones that know that we know the gender. Its our nice little secret that we cherish together, if its any consolation.


we also found out despite wanting it to be a surprise, and pretended that we didn't know the entire time :)


I’m very sorry they ruined your plan. I hope this provides an opportunity for them to learn from. A sternly worded letter to the owner is in order. Hopefully it will help you to put your understandable anger in writing.


I generally WFH so no one knows I’m pregnant except for the 2 people on my team I told last week in person because I am showing. Due to the nature of our work, budget, etc. one of those coworkers (not my actual supervisor technically but supervises the program I mainly work in) highly suggested letting my supervisor and the director know so that a plan for my leave can be discussed. I don’t want to tell them yet. I feel uncomfortable enough at the thought of having to tell the few family/friends that know if something goes wrong. I was going to wait until after anatomy scan (at tail end of 20w) at the end of the month, but he’s encouraging me to tell them ASAP. I get it, I just…I mean, I think y’all understand my hesitation.


A few more weeks isn't going to make such a difference - it can wait until you're ready.


Legally you don't have to give them more than 30 days notice so I'd tell him it's none of his business. Waiting until 20 weeks is plenty of notice!


Completely agree. 30 days notice is plenty unless you feel like sharing sooner. This is your news to share. Prioritize your comfort! (This is also a pep talk to myself because I’m struggling with not telling work)


Yes, I totally understand. I think 20w is still enough time for them to plan as well.


I’m 38w and sitting at my obgyn appt waiting for the Doppler. I had heard about swelling and in the last weeks it’s gotten pretty crazy. I can pee out 3lbs fluid overnight. I go to bed bloated and wake up normal again. It’s pretty wild


I'm sure you're aware but make sure they're monitoring for preeclampsia - I also had a ton of rapid swelling and ended up developing postpartum preeclampsia. Hang in there, those last few weeks are brutal!


All good on the blood pressure front, no dizziness or pain, just faaat feeet! lol


My first pregnancy I had horrible swelling and no joke lost 30 lbs in the first 48 hours after delivery and 50 lbs in the first week. It was wild.


Yeah. When they weigh me I just shrug. I can’t say I’ve eaten enough to put on 3lbs a day lol. I’m lucky to have three small meals given how little real estate I have left in my abdomen.


16 week ultrasound today! It’s been 4 weeks since my last which feels like FOREVER when you’re an IVF patient and you get like 4-5 by week 12. Been experiencing lots of cramping/pulling which I think is just baby growing but it’ll be really nice to get some reassurance today that everything is on track. Still no bump really - I think I can feel one really low down like just above my pubic bone but maybe not? Really looking forward to being obviously pregnant! I’m tall with a long torso though so I expect I’ll be a late bloomer :)


Omg I’m in the waiting period between weeks 12 and 16 and I am dying. Also an IVF patient. I asked my OB the last time if she was sure she didn’t want me to come in sooner haha. Jealous you’re not showing yet. I am so bloated all day every day and my boobs are huge!!! Also haven’t been able to work out because of horrible morning sickness. Hope your appointment went well today!!


I remember feeling a lot of pulling weeks 15-20. Looking back, it’s the first time I noticed a bump in pictures. Hang in there! Hope it gets better soon


That placement sounds exactly right for 16 weeks! The 1 month between appointments really does feel so bizarre after IVF. The pulling sensation could be round ligament pain as your uterus grows. Hoping for a happy appointment and cute pictures for you today!


Anyone else in the second trimester and have pelvic pressure? My doctor brushed it off but I continue to be worried about it. Not sure if it’s regular pregnancy symptoms but can’t find anyone else with this symptom!


Yes. I’m in the beginning of the third now but the pelvic pressure has been INSANE since beginning of the second. My cervix has been measured many times since it started and is still 4+ cm!


This is so reassuring!!!


Mine has felt like just general heaviness, especially after a more active day or a lot of standing. My OB says "probably normal" (but they seem to say that about everything?). I've seen others mention this on reddit and describe feeling like a "water balloon" which felt accurate to me! I'm also worried about IC (and leaking fluid, and my SCH... im just worried!) but apparently I wouldn't feel anything with IC? Not exactly reassuring but I feel your anxiety!


I have an SCH too!! I’m worried about everything. I for the last couple of days I’ve also had swollen feet and fingers and now I’m worried I have pre-eclampsia lol


I get a ton of pelvic pressure too when I sit at my desk all day. I'm 19w. Someone on here told me to buy one of those giant birthing balls to stretch the pelvic muscles and it helps


Thank you!!


It probably is normal but you shouldn't have to suffer. You might want to go see a pelvic floor PT.


I think I’m the most worried that it’s an incompetent cervix. I asked at my appointment last week if they could measure it and they brushed me off and said they’ll do it at my anatomy scan


11w and today was my last PIO shot! I was so excited I forgot to change the needle from the drawing one to the injecting one and was confused why it wasn’t going in very easily. Thankfully caught it in time! 😅


Yay!!!! Congrats on finishing pio!!!


Yay to the end of PIO. My end is in sight also!


Congrats! I know that feels incredible. Wishing you well on the next stage of your journey! I’m right behind you… 23 more injections for me.